Liberalism Unmasked

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Liberalism Unmasked Page 39

by Richard Houck

  Taxation and firearm bans are further examples. Taxing personal income means depriving a person of their labor. It means stealing their time and effort. Property taxes create a state of feudalism. The theft of time and property are advocated by the Left, which “democratically” grants the State the power to imprison a man or to execute him if he resists. Firearm restrictions fall within the same frame: if you do not comply with the will of those who voted against you, they will have the State come and give you a choice of prison or execution. Every time a Liberal votes for another tax, another restriction, another needless law, he is saying that if you do not comply, he will gladly have the State force you to submit to his will. Under no circumstances should a system like this be allowed to exist. For the logical conclusion of wanting to take away property or rights of a person, is to have that desire enforced through violence.

  The call for amnesty, mass migration, and open borders, should not be viewed as Liberal expressing their opinions on immigration, but rather as Liberals betraying their desire for our dispossession. This should be viewed as their almost open planning of a hostile invasion, a coup, and our eventual genocide. The stakes are far higher than what they would have you believe: this is not about “immigration policy,” this is about whether or not we continue to exist as a race of people.

  Nobody censors the far Left. They are able to freely espouse views that would lead to our demise as a people. It’s time we not only give the Left a taste of their own medicine, but force fed them the entire bottle. If they are going to openly press for our demise with such insolence, they should be treated as the hostile invasive species that they are.

  The Left has been abundantly clear that they will cheer our death as a victory, simply because we have the wrong political views (or in many cases the wrong skin color). They are fighting to destroy everything we have ever held dear. They do nothing but destroy and tear down. We are fighting to preserve everything that is good and beautiful in this world. They bring chaos and destruction. As the men against time, we fight for order and clarity.

  After the American Revolution, thousands of those who remained loyal to the King were given a choice; they didn’t have to go home to England, but they couldn’t stay here. As the remaining British soldiers were leaving American cities, many Loyalists went back with them. Many others went to live in Canada, as they were no longer welcome in the United States after they had demonstrated where their loyalty truly lay.637 Our forefathers recognized the truth of this simple fact: that those who wish to subvert an order, because they fundamentally do not agree with it, will continue with their subversion until they are removed or disenfranchised. But the entire Liberal platform is one of subversion and oppression.

  Throughout history there have been certain groups that build civilizations and certain groups that destroy them. It is well within our rights to expel everybody and anybody that works towards the destruction of our civilization and the demise of our people. We will not know peace until we do so.

  The people who are burning our civilization, the criminal lunatics that seek our demise — they have names. They have jobs. They have families. They have addresses. They should know their days of impunity are coming to an end. In truth, they should be afraid of the Right. They have been attacking our kind for years, generations even. Comeuppance is due. If I were them, I wouldn’t be so worried about “white privilege”; I would be far more concerned about looming white Imperium.


  I was, and still am, a simple man. Once upon a time I was not all that interested in politics. Certainly not interested enough to dedicate so much time to writing a treatise on the subject. I have simple interests. I like to ride my road bicycle on the wooded trail near my home, an old railroad line turned into a bicycle path, then stay out to watch the sunsets from the same spot. I like to spend time with my family; it’s not a big family, but they are my only connection to the past. And I like to spend time with the few close friends I have, the majority of whom I’ve known most of my life.

  It wasn’t that I had changed; it was the world around me that was changing. I watched it happen in Europe rather abruptly, with the States following suit. The change was not for the better. We moved away from our proud traditions and long-held ideals. The further we moved from them, the closer we moved towards something dark and horrifying. Something hardly recognizable. No place I wanted to call home.

  Tradition is not the worship of ashes but the preservation of fire. — Gustav Mahler

  I have been made political by the time in which I live. I’m more of a radical traditionalist, searching for the truth as if it were some high relic of a bygone era. The ideas I have written in this book are merely the logical conclusions to which I have arrived after thoroughly examining the evidence, after the countless hours I have spent trying to find my way out of the postmodern maze. And I find that, after writing a political critique and treatise, I am still not interested in politics. I’m interested in something far grander. I am thinking toward our future as a people, toward what we could become.

  I am interested in ending the hopeless nihilism and impersonal atomization that is so prevalent among our people. I am interested in moving beyond this era and working towards building a lasting legacy for ourselves and our posterity. Something that will live on far beyond our years.

  I’ve grown weary of our consumerist, materialistic, deracinated, preplanned obsolescence, our asphalt culture, in which we pave over everything in order to make way for the next box and chain stores, the next hollow sub-division rented by hollow people. Instead of every city beginning to look the same, I would love a culture that favored small businesses and master craftsman again, and helped them thrive. I’ve grown tired of conspicuous consumerism and empty materialism that has been replacing our traditional values — this “lifestyle” which encourages our people not to aspire to be more, but to have more.

  I dream of an architectural revival. A revenge of Classicalism. An American Renaissance. And a return to aesthetics. Where we once again build cities to last for generations, cities magnificent for their beauty, rather than their size, which even in ruin and remnants would surpass all others.

  I am weary of the foodstuffs and prolefeed. The media trash that keeps being piled higher. The bread and circuses. We have become so decadent we seem no longer even to mind our own enslavement and dispossession. How soon we have forgotten “that man does not live on bread alone”!

  I am interested in finding the way back to our roots.

  Everyone needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in where nature may heal and cheer and give strength to body and soul alike. — John Muir, 1869

  We are being wildly dispossessed in our own homeland. Imagine being homesick for a place that no longer exists: I’ve come across few thoughts to be as depressing as this. Eventually the desire to return home, to our roots, will beckon. If we do not act now, we will have nowhere to turn when it does.

  Revitalizing our nation means recovering the inner strength and spirit of the American people. The greatness of this nation lies within each of us. Through our own struggle, diligence, endurance, and defiance, will we rise again. If there was ever a greater torch to take up than in the fight for our history, our civilization, and our people, I have yet to find it.

  So take care of yourself. Take care of your family, your community, your culture, your neighbors, your environment, and the creatures we share this planet with. It is all connected. I don’t know how exactly, but I know we are all born of the same stars, and wander under the same sun.

  Be radical, have principles, be absolute, be that which the bourgeoisie calls an extremist: give yourself without counting or calculating, don’t accept what they call “the reality of life” and act in such a way that you won’t be accepted by that kind of “life,” never abandon the principle of struggle.638

  This is beyond Left and Right. This is about good and evil. Those seeking our destruction, and those of
us fighting for survival. Many Liberals might be decent people in some ways. They seem to want to help animals, protect the environment, and help people, things I can appreciate. However, the policies which they favor are so destructive, so harmful, so massively insane, it becomes hard to see any good at all in them. They are causing the genocidal rape of young girls and women all over Europe, they are extorting us via taxation, they are fighting to take away our rights, they are causing tens of thousands of lives to be lost through open border policies, destroying social capital, turning our homelands into trash heaps, and spitting in the face of the matchless heritage of the West. The say they want to help those down on their luck, the homeless — yet the Arab and African migrants they welcome set fire to homeless people in train stations. They support animal welfare — yet the migrants they welcome torture and dismember small kittens, snap the necks of swans, and cook dogs alive in our homelands.639 640 The followers of Liberalism are nothing but useful idiots, willing apparatchiks, to the internationalists and the globalists, who are men without any redeeming characteristics whatsoever. In a way, I feel bad for them. They have been infected and corrupted by a foreign ideology, a mind-virus. They have lost their way.

  I don’t think anything could be written more accurately describing the current metapolitical and cultural divide than what was said already in 1776:

  When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

  We are the guardians of the weak, the defenseless, the small; we are the custodians of nature. We should act as such. Children and women are being raped. Animals abused, bred to have muscular dystrophy and subjected to horrific experiments, living out a miserable existence in small cages. All of this, including the barbaric practice of Kosher and Halal slaughter, have no place in the West. It must all be expelled, and with haste.

  While the Left continues to attack my virtues, and to defame me as some hate-filled monster, I ask simply: is it hateful that I want to restore a sense of calm and inner peace to my fellow men? Is it xenophobic if I want to end mass migration in order to ensure the safety of my people? Is it bigoted if I want Americans to feel a sense of pride and purpose in their lives? Is it vile of me to want humanity to live more harmoniously with nature? To want to end animal mills, factory farming, trapping, along with the reckless, wasteful, and barbaric animal testing? Am I a “science denier” because I see the horrors of a vivisection which produces no justifiable results? That I see the practice as barbaric sadism hiding under the guise of “education, science, and progress”?

  Is it sexist of me to see the rape rates increasing and to want to hold those responsible accountable for their crimes? And I ask, is it hateful to want to expel the Judeo-Liberal-Marxist decadence, filth, and degeneracy which deteriorates the values that built this nation? Is it hateful of me to notice the misery brought on by Liberalism, and to want to see it vanquished, in all the masks it wears?

  If those things make me a xenophobic, bigoted, ignorant, barbaric, sexists, hate-filled monster, then I will gladly accept the honor of those charges on behalf of my people.

  And even if the Left is correct, even if my people are all racist, drunken, ignorant, and white trash — they are still my people. I still love them and I will still fight for them. I’m not as concerned with what they are today. But what I know they can become tomorrow.

  I dream of what we could achieve if we were not wasting our time staving off Liberal assaults and barbarian hordes. The stars could have been ours had they not held us back at every turn. The Left has been given long arrears to make good. And now, long overdue, with our eyes level and straight, we will take back everything that is rightfully ours.

  This is our great war. Before us lies one of two paths and one of two paths alone: either our extinction — or the dawn of a magnificent era. The Occident isn’t going to save itself. It will need our bravery. Our people need us, now more than ever. This new era of nationalism we embark upon entails perhaps the greatest struggle that has ever been undertaken. This is a rescue mission. They are trying to take everything from us, everything we have ever held dear. We must decide if we are going to continue heaping up our own funeral pyre, or if we are going to emblazon the world with this flame. As night falls upon us, we must always remember, only those who step into the darkness will see the stars.

  Our nations are worth the sacrifice. Our civilization is worth fighting for. Our people are worth any struggle. Because in the end, they will be our greatest legacy.

  In the end, it was this simple realization which led me to sit down and to write the book that the reader is now concluding. I could not sit idly by any longer and watch the flames of my people’s spirit being smothered by rootless politicians, deracinated masses, an insolent press, and maniacal Leftists. I really didn’t know what to do. This country and the West as a whole needed another awaking, like that which was once brought by the Renaissance and the Age of Enlightenment.

  I thought a long time about every great revolution the world has known. But I kept looking in all the wrong places. I was too focused on the specifics, thinking about the individual incitements, and who played what role in overthrowing whom. I needed to step back and look at the grand scheme. Every great revolution started much earlier.

  The American Revolution did not start because the king taxed paper products; it did not start by tossing tea into a harbor; nor was is started with that rifle shot at North Bridge. The American Revolution started many years before, when those who would later become the fearless Revolutionaries first read the works of Locke, Voltaire, and Rousseau. As with every revolution, it started with one man’s dream for a better world. A vision written down, followed by an appeal to heaven.

  These are the steps I have chosen to follow in. Nothing could be more humbling and more bracing, than to be standing on this hallowed ground with those who came before me. There could be no higher honor, or greater privilege, than the opportunity to struggle for my people. For our own people will always be the most precious possession we have. I have no doubt that these are the times that try men’s souls. It is ours now to prove ourselves. We are the children of men who looked longingly into the heavens and dreamed of something greater. We are the men among the ruins. The men against time.

  We are the last of a dying breed — or perhaps, the first of a new one.

  Technical Appendix: The Cure for Liberalism

  There is no known cure. Treatment may help.

  Experimental treatments involving high-altitude rotorcraft therapy proved wildly successful for a brief period circa 1973.641 642

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