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Warlord 5

Page 12

by Chen Ran

  In a trance, it was as if someone was calling out to him.

  Zero suddenly felt that his body was very heavy, and the invader was also very heavy. His cold body no longer had the energy to catch the invader, so he could only let it fall to the ground. Very quickly, Zero slid down Yimir's limbs to the ground. As the limb pulled away from him, Zero could clearly hear the sound of the thing rubbing against his flesh.

  Then he heard a call.

  Zero —

  It was as if someone was calling his name, and the voice seemed to come from somewhere very far away, before it feebly entered his ears. Zero reflexively opened his eyes. First he saw the floor tiles that were dyed red by his own blood, then he saw three figures rushing over.

  In the blink of an eye, three figures approached. They were Feng and a few others.

  They did not leave.

  "Idiot …" He didn't even have the strength to speak, though his voice was barely louder than a mosquito's.

  His body trembled slightly as he saw Su carry him. Su immediately tore off his tactical suit, revealing a large portion of his snow-white skin. Su wanted to use the tactical suit to press onto Zero's wound, but when he saw the huge hole in Zero's abdomen, he didn't know where his hand was going to fall to.

  Hot tears welled from the corners of his eyes and fell like pearls on Zero's cold face. Su didn't cry, she only used all her might to cover Zero's wound with the remnants of the tactical suit, and tried to do all she knew for a first aid.

  His vision gradually blurred, and before he slipped into the darkness, he vaguely heard Feng's roar.

  In Zero's impression, Feng had always been a sloppy person, shouting angrily like this. This was the first time. Zero suddenly felt that in this cruel era, it was great to have a few friends who would be sad for your death!

  Death quietly descended at this moment. The moment Su Yun closed her eyes, Su felt his heartbeat beat slower and slower, until at the very end, her heart had stopped beating.

  He was dead.

  Is he dead?

  He asked himself.

  Maybe, Yimir's attacks were fatal and accurate. With such a degree of damage to his body, Zero could not think of any reason why he could survive.

  But why did his thoughts not disappear yet?

  When the question popped into Zero's mind, he opened his eyes.

  He found himself floating in the air.

  This was a quiet world, the edges of which were shrouded in darkness. However, the darkness did not make Zero feel flustered. Instead, it was a kind of tranquility. Suddenly, Zero remembered that someone once said: Death is the ultimate sleep. It allows you to let go of all you have to do, all you need to do is rest in peace.

  Death, though black, is at the same time peaceful. In its arms, he could finally let go of the burden on his body.

  But are you willing?

  A voice suddenly resounded in Zero's mind.

  Zero wanted to find the source of the voice, but he found that his body was completely out of control. His body remained motionless, as though he was lying in water, floating in the endless void.

  However, the darkness in his eyes was gradually suffused with light.

  He closed his eyes as the light began to dim, as if it were falling into the light.

  When he opened his eyes again, Zero was stunned.

  He appeared at Z7.

  Time seemed to have returned to two years ago, as Zero stood on the Z7 base's work platform. He saw many familiar faces, including Zog, Old Jack, Lea, and Hans. As well as the zero from two years ago!

  Just like how the story was replayed, Old Jack announced the crime of Hans. As Rita was infected with the virus, he had to be exiled outside the wilderness.

  He had heard it said that when a man dies, he will see his life anew. Was this the case now?

  It was a question with no answer.

  Very quickly, Rita suddenly grabbed Zog's gun when he was being escorted away. The muzzle of the gun pointed towards the zero from two years ago, but Rita looked at him at this moment: "You haven't paid me back what you owe, are you planning to die now?"

  Zero's expression finally changed.

  A strong light came on again, and when Zero had adapted to the light, he found himself in the wilderness.

  It was a wasteland, and the dead bodies of the city lay still in the wilderness. Zero stood in front of a dilapidated building, surrounded by hundreds of names. Amongst the soldiers, Zero saw a head of short blonde hair.

  Soren looked at Ling Qi in shock.

  What was he looking at?

  At this time, Zero felt that his hands were heavy, and so he lowered his head and saw Lea.

  Lea's neck was dripping blood, she used a weak voice to say to Zero: "Didn't you want me to revive? But after I come back to life, how am I supposed to face this world where you're dead? "

  Zero jumped as if he had been struck in the chest by a sledgehammer.

  The scene spun away again, and the darkness gently enveloped him once more.

  Zero was no longer floating in the air. He stood in the darkness with his head lowered.

  "Who is it?" He suddenly shouted, "Why are you making fun of me like this?"

  Zero raised his head, anger burning in his right eye: "I'm already dead, can't you even calm me down after I die?"

  The darkness was filled with the echoes of zero voices until someone said, "You're not dead, if you don't want to give up."

  For a moment, Zero had the illusion that he was talking to himself. The voice belonged to him. He even touched his lips to make sure he hadn't spoken.

  "Hello, I'm Agladis."

  In the darkness, a golden light shone. Within the halo of light, someone was walking towards the zero point. As he approached, Zero looked at the face in disbelief.

  In Zero's eyes, there was a face that was exactly the same as his!

  "Who are you?" Zero said almost dreamily, "Why do you have my face?"

  "Face?" The man who called herself Agladis, but had the same appearance as Su Moyu shook her head and said, "It's not appropriate to say that, I'm not the only one who looks the same as you. Even your emotions, memories, and even your genes are no different from yours. The only difference is, I'm the future you. Or perhaps, when you grow up, you and I will meet at a certain point in the future, and there will be no more differences. "

  "I don't understand?" "No," Zero replied honestly.

  Agladis shrugged her shoulders and laughed, "It doesn't matter if you don't know. I can give you a detailed explanation. But before that, you have to answer my question. Zero, do you still want to live? "

  "Are you a god? As long as I say yes, I can revive? " Zero frowned.

  Agladis shook his head and said, "You are really stupid. Like I said, you're not dead yet. But if you want to die, as long as your master's consciousness disappears, your body will also die. Listen, even though that big guy's attack hurt you a lot. Of course, if placed on other people, even if they wanted to live, they wouldn't be able to defy the laws of physics. But you are different. The moment I was attacked, I used energy to protect your heart and brain and cut off contact with other organs. In other words, if you want to live, I can use energy to regenerate those organs for you and connect them to your brain and heart, and then you'll be alive again. "

  "Is that so? It sounds good, but … " Zero asked himself, "How good is it to live? Keep fighting, get stronger, and wait to die again in what battle? In that case, what's the difference between dying early and dying late? "

  Chapter 342 - Awakening! Radiant Knight (IV)

  Zero was not a saint. Although he possessed power that ordinary people did not, he had also seen a wonderful world that ordinary people did not know about. However, the more he knew, the more confused he felt. His initial confusion stemmed from his strength and evolution. He still remembered the time when Asgard joined the new recruit training camp, when Zero found out that he actually possessed a golden right eye that was known as the "divine object",
he was terrified of power.

  Continuously evolving to gain more and stronger abilities and strength. However, what would he obtain at the end of this path? At that time, could he still be considered human? Or to put it more simply, at that time, was zero or was it zero?

  That was the first time he had ever been confused about his own path.

  And now, it was his second time.

  If one were to place their life or death on the lives of the ordinary people of the old era, perhaps no one would be willing to give up such an opportunity to be reborn. However, after experiencing the changes in the new era, this was the first time that he was at a loss for survival.

  Was survival truly better than death?

  Not necessarily.

  The living meant that they had to carry more things with them. While alive, Zero did not realize this, perhaps instinctively, or perhaps because he was avoiding certain questions on his own. But this time, when he could choose death, Zero was tired. Live, fight nonstop. With the same kind, with the other races, the path of evolution meant endless slaughter. Even if he could eventually sit on the supreme throne, the journey would be filled with blood and corpses.

  The quality of killing was not lacking at all. Zero's gun never hesitated when needed. However, would such a lifestyle lead to a happy life?

  Confusion. The more he thought about it, the more confused he became.

  "Alive." Agladis, who had the same face as Su Moyu, said, "Why does life have to struggle so hard to survive, no matter how difficult the environment is? Have you ever thought about this question? "

  After pondering for a moment, he spat out two words, "Instinct."

  "Yes, instinct. The instinct of life is to survive. It is the deepest imprint in life, in genes, which carries on the life from beginning to end. " Agladis casually waved her hand, and light appeared in the air. Many shadows flashed in the light. There are animals, there are humans, there are different races of life, they or they leave countless traces of life on this planet: "But zero, is survival really so simple? "I don't think so. Wouldn't it be too sad if you lived to live?"

  Su Yun's words seemed to have touched a soft spot in his heart.

  "Zero, do you have faith?" Agladis asked again.

  This question was something that Zero was familiar with. He had asked him the same question back in the Asgard. Now, Zero was still the same answer: "No, I don't believe in any gods."

  "God?" Agladis shook her head: "The object of faith isn't necessarily a god, it can be a type of faith. More often than not, it is the meaning or reason for being alive! "

  He opened his eyes wide and looked seriously at the man with the same face as him for the first time.

  Agladis was like a teacher, but also like a knowledgeable scholar. With a wave of his hand, the scene within the blob of light changed once again. There were two deer in the light, a mother and a child. They lived freely on the prairie, and the scene was so beautiful that the setting sun made the prairie glow. However, as night fell, death also quietly arrived.

  In the darkness, a lion leaped out of the grass and lunged at the fawn.

  Male lion, the overlord of the prairie. Whenever she saw this beast, the doe would turn and run. Its speed and stamina were enough to shake off a hungry lion. However, it chose to face the lion, and the lion eventually bit off its throat.

  As she died, clear liquid dripped from the doe's kind eyes. In the depths of his pupils, the silhouette of a young deer was reflected. Although it was dead, the lion that had eaten its fill would no longer attack the young deer. It would exchange its own death for the child's chance of survival.

  The scene ended.

  "Zero, tell me, why did that great mother do this?" Agladis asked softly.

  After a moment of silence, Su Bai replied, "For the continuation of my life!"

  "You're right." Agladis nodded: "The continuation of life, this is the most basic belief that animals and even humans have. To let one's descendants live, even if it meant risking their own lives, was one of the good qualities of life. But the meaning of life goes far beyond that, in a difficult environment. For example, in this new era, it might be difficult for one person to survive, but a group of people could. Do you know what that is? "

  Without waiting for a reply, Agladis answered in his place, "It's a matter of mutual assistance, a matter of shared effort, and also a matter of ties."

  "Interpersonal ties, companions and companions, mothers and children, young and old... Zero, life is not for oneself many times. More, for other things we care about, or care about us. It was because of these people that he couldn't give up so easily. Just like you, can you give them up so easily? "

  Following Agladis's words, another scene appeared before Su Yun's eyes. In the screen, it was the figures of Su and the others fighting. They charged towards Yimir again and again. Although there was no sound at all on the screen, but from their expressions, Zero could hear their shouts.

  "Why are they desperately attacking a life form that has no chance of winning at all?" Agladis said softly, "It's also for the sake of tying up, zero. For the sake of the bond between you and them, for the sake of not letting your death become meaningless! This is the greatness of human beings, or all life. Because of attachment, no matter how weak one's life was, one would still have the courage to challenge the existence of the pyramid. Just as the doe charged at the lion even though she knew she was going to die. So zero, do you still choose to die? If so, I respect your choice. "

  After he finished speaking, Agladis took a step back, and quietly waited for Ling'er's decision.


  Zero tried his best to recall when he had obtained a companion. Without a doubt, that was the Asgard. But was that really the case?


  He remembered two years ago when he woke up from his slumber. On the road to Silver Tree City, that hearty man shouted to himself: "We are companions!"

  After leaving Z7, the girl who gave up everything for him!

  When Claude schemed against her, she was the female swordsman who came to her rescue out of his expectations!

  When he headed towards the north, he met a strong child with long silver hair who had followed him the entire way!

  He suddenly realized that he had all kinds of companions from a long time ago. It was because of them that he was able to make it to this point. And after coming to Asgard, Zero met even more people.

  Feng, Ma Pei, Jonah, Johnny, Agatha! It even made him disgusted at first, but in the end, he was determined to leave Berrien behind to defend against the strong enemy.

  Countless faces flashed through Zero's mind. Finally, he heard a voice.

  "Remember my taste? As long as you remember me, I won't really die. "

  were Agatha's last words.

  Death meant leaving everything behind, but it also meant forgetting. But can I forget everything? Or am I willing to forget them? Can I really forget those adorable people?

  "No, if survival itself was a battle." Su Ling clenched her fists tightly, raised her head and roared at Agladis: "Then I'm definitely not willing to be a deserter. Instinct or distraction. Agladis, let me go back! "

  In his right eye, a raging golden flame had appeared out of nowhere!

  Chapter 343 - Awakening! Radiant Knight (V)

  A clear cry came from above Jodtenheim. Both of Su's hands gripped her heavy sword tightly as her slender legs pushed off the ground. In exchange for a huge push, she shot towards Yimir like a cannonball.

  Wave after wave of energy flames began to flow through the heavy sword. The speed of the light flames became faster and faster. In the end, they were just like a flame that continuously surged out while wrapping the giant alloy sword!

  Carrying such an energy flame, Su unleashed a strong slash. The gigantic sword broke through the air, and the energy sword wind galloped like a wild horse escaping its restraints, striking straight at Yimir who looked like a demon god.

  "Just how many more tries
do you guys have to try before you know that this is a futile fight!" On the throne, Lilith screamed. At the same time, under the control of her thoughts, Yimir raised her gigantic hand and struck towards Su with her palm.

  The Demon God's huge palm opened up with its five fingers, and smashed onto Su's huge sword like a mountain.

  Su immediately trembled, from her nose, mouth and even from her eyes, a few lines of blood spurted out. However, she was determined to maintain her slashing stance. The energy flames on her sword continued to expand, attempting to slash apart Yimir's huge palm. Unfortunately, the difference in strength between the two was too enormous. Yimir was already not an opponent that could be defeated simply by relying on his willpower and anger. After a moment of stalemate, Su and his sword were pressed to the ground by the demon god's palm!

  Yimir's long arm pushed Su directly into a five story tall building, causing the dark red building to instantly collapse and crack. The ground shook and several tons of dust and shattered rocks exploded around Yimir's hand. But when it kept its palm, the ground suddenly caved in, the material substance crumbled to dust under Yimir's Tenth Order strength, the floor formed a round pit that was a hundred metres wide, as though it had experienced the arrival of a meteorite.

  At the center of round pit, Su laid flat on the ground. Her right hand gripped the greatsword tightly as she stared into the distance with unfocused eyes.

  In vain?

  Lilith's voice sounded out in Su's mind.

  "Maybe." Su's eyes gradually focused, as she struggled to get up from the ground. Her movements were extremely difficult, and every slight movement caused her to unconsciously cough up a small mouthful of tainted blood. It was evident that her injuries were not light.

  As a matter of fact, berserkers were not very good at defense, so it was fortunate that Su did not die on the spot when they received the full force of the tenth step of Yimir's attack. Even so, she still tried her best to stand up. Su looked at Lilith and used a voice that she could only hear herself saying, "No matter how futile it is, as long as I do not die, I will still cut it down time and time again!"


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