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The Princess of Chaos

Page 15

by Candice M. Wright

I catch Boner behind me and keep my eye on him in case he approaches. I never liked him as a kid, going out of my way to avoid the man who always looked at me just a little too long. I can see his creep factor hasn't diminished over the years I’ve been absent.

  He’s arguing with one of the girls who served us earlier. I can't see what he’s saying as his back is facing me, but whatever it is has her shaking her head adamantly. When she tries to walk off, he grabs her arm and spins her around, finally putting his face and, more importantly, his mouth in view of the mirror. As I watch him, my skin heats, making me so fucking thankful I can read lips.

  “You will do it, Legs, or I’ll have you sold off and shipped out before you can blink.”

  I see her glance over at me before she answers. “Please don’t make me do this.”

  I can’t hear her tone but I can tell by her face she’s begging him to reconsider.

  She winces as his grip gets harder. I refuse to sit here and let this shit happen when I see him slip something into the front pocket of her tiny Daisy Dukes. The move was so smooth that if I wasn't watching them so closely, I would have missed it.

  “Slip it in her drink. It will loosen her up and have the little slut showing her real colors,” he tells her, shocking me. When will I learn that this place is filled with snakes?

  “Viper will kill you if you lay a hand on her,” Legs warns him, still trying to talk him out of his foolhardy plan. What a fucking idiot. He’s talking about drugging an old lady, for fuck’s sake. Not just any old lady, but the president’s.

  “Oh, he might want to go a few rounds in the ring with me but he’s a pussy and I can take him. Besides, what's he gonna do? Take on everyone that runs a train on her? Because that’s what’s going to happen. You're going to get her ready, then I’m going to get a little taste of the Carnage whore before tossing her to the boys. Viper can do what he wants. The important thing is that he'll be done with her. Nobody wants used up pussy for an old lady,” he informs her, making her flush. What a fucking tool. Okay, game face on, Megan. I see Kaz over in the corner talking to one of the other prospects. He does a scan of the room, eyes taking me in before continuing on. I can’t afford to react right now and give anything away, so I carry on twirling the straw in my drink and wait.

  I don't have to wait long before Legs approaches me and sits on the empty barstool next to mine. I wait until Boner gets distracted with one of his club brothers before taking a risk and turning towards her.

  “We don't have much time so listen carefully.”

  “You can talk?” She blushes, I guess thinking she’s being rude but that shit really doesn't matter right now.

  “Only to people I trust. I know what he wants you to do and I know you don't want to do it. We need to play along so you are going to have to go along with whatever I do, okay?” She nods, not bothering to deny anything, making me respect her even more.

  “Pretend to slip me the drug and I’ll drink it down. We will ham it up a little before heading over to Kaz so I can fill him in. You need to take the lead with Boner, tell him you’ll warm me up or something, and to meet us at the cabin away from the brothers that are supportive of Viper. Shit—” I stop talking as Boner looks over before turning back to whoever calls his name.

  “Gotta do this now. Please trust me, Legs, I won't let him hurt you,” I promise. She looks at me for a second before offering me a slow nod, then slips into her role of distracting me for effect. She points over my shoulder, making me turn but I can see in the mirror that she is pretending to slip that shit in my drink. Most importantly, I see Boner clock the movement in the mirror too and watch an evil smile curl up his face.

  I turn back and adopt a confused face before shrugging. I toss the straw aside and drink down the full glass of rum and coke. It burns going down, making my eyes water a little. I never was much of a drinker to begin with and that shit is going to go straight to my head, but at least that will lend to my credibility.

  We make idle chit chat for a little while until she gives me another nod, letting me know that I would have been feeling the effects by now. Thanks to Boner’s earlier comments, I know it’s meant to loosen me up and get me feeling frisky. Well, here goes nothing. I lean over and fake laugh at her like she said something funny and tuck her hair behind her ear. Her face flushes from the contact. It dawns on me that I might not be into girls but that doesn’t mean Legs isn't. I look down and see that her nipples have pebbled and her breathing has picked up a little. A little rush of power runs through me.

  I’m not gonna lie. It's a heady feeling having this effect on someone and my body doesn't seem to care if that person has a dick or a pair of boobs.

  I take her hand in mine and drag her over to the little dance floor, which puts us a little closer to Kaz. I slide my hands to her hips and she lifts her arms over my shoulders, entwining her fingers behind my neck. We dance and grind against one another, me following her movements as she can hear the beat. I see her eyes flick behind us and her steps falter for a second, making me assume Boner is there. I don't think about my next move, I just react and slide my fingers into her hair and tug her lips down to mine. The shock makes her freeze for a second before she responds, surprising me this time by sliding her tongue between my lips and playfully tangling it with mine. It’s not my first time kissing a girl. Even if I generally prefer the throw-down-smack-your-ass roughness of a man, there is something sensual and seductive about a woman's touch. After all, nobody knows a woman's body better than a woman herself.

  Her lips pull from mine as she’s tugged slightly by Boner. I can’t see what he’s saying from this angle so I can only hope she keeps her cool and tells him what I told her to.

  He scowls at her but eventually nods and walks back to the two guys he was talking to before.

  She turns back to me and gives me a playful wink, letting me know she did her part and now it’s my turn. I spot Kaz frowning at me. I pull on Legs’s hand, leading her over to him with an exaggerated sway of my hips. I know everyone’s eyes are on us so we have to play this part and do it well. I stop in front of Kaz and look up at him. Legs steps behind me and grips my hips before dipping her head and kissing my neck, her hair blocking the view of my face from everyone else. Clever girl.

  “What the fuck are you doing, Megan?” he asks, confused and with just a hint of arousal on his face. Well, crap. I wiggle my finger at him in a come-hither motion, making him bend down. As soon as he is close enough, I place my lips against his ear and tell him what’s going on as quickly as I can.

  His body becomes more and more tense. By the time I’m finished, he’s literally vibrating with rage.

  “I’m going to fucking kill him.” Seething, he tries to take a step around me but I yank on his leather cut and halt his movements.

  "No, don't do that. I need you to let us take the lead here. Too many people won’t believe the deaf girl who could have been mistaken and the club whore who has no power inside this club against a brother. Aside from that, Boner kept saying ‘we.’ Not I. I would really like to know who the ‘we’ is. If I can find out that would be great."

  He frowns at me, not happy at all. "Don't ask me to let you put yourself in danger. That is not going to happen. I'm going to call your men and let them deal with your ass.”

  "Please, Kaz." I reach for his arm again and give it a squeeze. “It’s important, and you know it. Viper needs to know who he can trust. His own brothers are plotting against him, he needs to know who. I'm okay. I have the upper hand here. All I need you to do is storm out after we leave so they don't try and stop us. Make a scene or yell that the pres can deal with my slutty ass, whatever you think will work, but come straight to our apartment because I guarantee Boner won't be far behind. I need you, Kaz. Please trust that I can do this. I won't let myself get hurt, I swear."

  He looks at me hard. I know what I'm asking goes against everything he believes in. Kaz is one of the good guys. He has more integrity than most of the men he
re. I sigh in relief when he gives me a small nod.

  "Okay, do it now, Megan. I don't think I can hold myself back much longer."

  I lean up, kiss his cheek and thank him before grabbing Legs’s hand again and with a giggle, we run towards the entrance. Nobody tries to stop us but I feel every pair of eyes in that room on me as I leave. Some give a gentle caress, a look of appreciation, but some definitely have a malevolent vibe so strong I feel it pushing down against my shoulders, making me feel violated just being in the same space.

  We burst through the doors and keep running in case anyone tries to stop us. I suck in lungfuls of air, trying to fight off the dizziness that wants to take over as the adrenaline rushes over me.

  I fumble with my key card and let us in. I flick on the lamp, knowing it will cast a glow through the thin curtains. I open my mouth to speak when Legs steps forward and kisses me again, hard, her tongue dueling against mine as she rubs herself against my thigh. I kiss her back briefly before pulling away with a sigh and sitting her on the bed.

  "Okay, talk to me, Legs, and don't leave anything out.

  "Boner is an asshole. He wants Viper out of here and fancies himself as the new president of Chaos. I don't know how or why because he isn't even next in line, but he can't see past his own ego. He thinks you make Viper weak and he is willing to exploit that to its full potential.”

  The door opens, making Legs jump. It’s just Kaz, with a look of anger on his face.

  "Boner is all riled up. He’ll be here any minute so what the fuck is your play here?"

  "Do you have another prospect or two nearby that you trust with your life or, more importantly, mine?"

  He nods.

  “Good. Text them and tell them to come here. Tell them to come in the back window and not make a sound. Any chance you can record what's about to go down?"

  He finishes sending his texts before looking back up at me.

  "Yeah, I can, but what the fuck exactly do you think I'm going to be recording, Megan? There is no fucking chance I'm letting that guy put his hands on you. I'll carve out his heart before that ever happens."

  "You know, if I hadn’t already reached my biker quota, I would add you to my boom-boom team in a heartbeat. You are the fucking bomb, Kaz. But no. When it comes to Boner making his move, you can take him down by any means necessary.”

  Kaz’s grin turns feral. I spin to face Legs who is staring at Kaz like he just hung the moon.

  "Go and open the window in the back bedroom on the left and then come back. It’s time for the grand finale," I prompt her with a reassuring smile.

  She takes a deep breath, straightens her shoulders, and does as I ask.

  "You trust her?" Kaz asks me.

  "Yeah. I think Boner has some kind of hold over her but she fought hard against him. I need to find out what's going on there but it’s going to have to wait."

  Legs comes out and three prospects fall in line behind her. Kaz gives them a quick rundown and they turn from curious to fuming in a nanosecond. Damn, I really like this new wave of prospects. These guys have all the makings to turn the Chaos Demons into a formidable club.

  Kaz whips his head around, towards the window, so I know they heard something. Right, showtime. I wave the guys out of sight and whip my T-shirt over my head, leaving me in my shorts and lacy bra.

  “Take some clothes off, lovely,” I tell Legs in what I hope is a soothing voice. “We need to make this as convincing as possible.” She doesn't need telling twice, stripping down to a tiny red G-string as I climb onto the bed and recline against the pillows.

  "Straddle my waist." She does so without question, climbing onto the bed and sitting across my hips. I can feel the heat of her body seeping through the denim of my shorts and smell the scent of her arousal in the air.

  "I'm sorry, it’s just, you are so fucking sexy," she remarks, dipping her head to suck one of my nipples through the lace of my bra. My body arches up of its own accord just as I see the door open behind her. I close my eyes into slits and make my body go limp.

  “Good girl, Legs. That shit always works like a dream,” Boner praises, looking down at me. I suspect it isn’t the first time he has done this to someone. I have to fight the urge to lash out at him on behalf of whoever he hurt but I can’t give myself away right now.

  “I don't want any part of this, Boner. I did what you wanted. Now let me get out of here. I won't say anything,” Legs says, not looking away from me so I can see her speak.

  “Oh, I know you won't. You see, I filmed you rubbing yourself all over her back at the bar. I even caught you slipping her the drug so I’ll just let Viper know it was you who set her up. This worked out better than I thought.” He pulls her off me, holding her arm tight so she can't go.

  “You see, I have all I need to let Viper know that you set her up and had Carnage come in and gang fuck his girl. He’ll have you labeled a traitor and start a war with those sorry assholes. I’ll offer to take care of you for him so he can concentrate on getting rid of Carnage, then when his back is turned, I will burn his throne to the ground. Don’t worry, I have a buyer all lined up for you.” He licks her cheek, making her recoil.

  “He will never believe that. Viper is far smarter than you, not to mention Carnage is her family. You might not know what loyalty is, but they do. They would never do that to their sister and you are a fucking fool if you think differently. I have nothing left to fear. If you’re planning on selling me anyway, what's stopping me from walking out of here right now and coming clean to Viper?”

  “You’ll never make it past Fender and Mac.” He grins but there is nothing funny about his words.

  “They want to play with the Carnage bitch themselves but while they’re waiting, they want a little appetizer. By the time they're finished with you, you won't be able to walk or speak.”

  His head turns towards the door with a frown. Keeping hold of Legs, he stomps towards it, yanking it open to show Fender and Mac with guns pointed at their heads by two of the prospects from the other room.

  The prospects must have climbed back out of the window and snuck up on them.

  “What the fuck?” Boner shoves Legs aside, ready to draw his own gun, but finds Kaz’s pressed against the back of his skull.

  The prospects move the others into the room as Legs struggles into her clothes.

  “I’ll have your prospect patch for this,” Boner spits at Kaz before he catches me watching him from the corner of his eye.

  When he turns to face me fully, I climb from the bed and saunter towards him.

  “You set me up?” he asks, shocked.

  “I know. Ironic, huh?”

  He stares at me wide-eyed.

  “Oh yeah, I speak too. I know all kinds of awesome tricks like that. See, that's your problem, Boner. All you see is a girl who, in your eyes, is the weaker species. Not only that, this one is defective, right? Did you forget I can read your lips?”

  He curses, confirming that he had indeed forgotten.

  “Tut, tut. You’ve been underestimating me for years, Boner, and look where it got us.”

  “What, with you held hostage as a biker sex toy?” he snaps at me.

  I reach over and toss him the box of tissues off the nightstand.

  “You have a little bullshit on your lip there, Boner. I’ve seen the way you watch me, how you adjust yourself whenever I walk by.” I run my hands over my ribs and cup my lace covered breasts.

  “You've been doing that shit long before I ever got these. No, you are jealous as fuck that the president you deem unworthy of the crown gets to slide his dick into something you can only dream about touching. How fucking pathetic do you have to be to drug a girl just to score some pussy?” I step up close to him, ignoring Kaz’s protests, and suck my finger into my mouth, watching as Boner’s pupils dilate. While he’s watching my hand, he misses me lifting my leg until my knee connects with his dick.

  “That was for Legs,” I spit at him as he folds in on himself
and collapses on the floor. I pull back my booted foot and kick him in the face as hard as I can, feeling a sick sense of pride when his nose explodes in a burst of red.

  “And that one’s for me. I can't let Viper, Zero, and Grim have all the fun now, can I?” As if summoned, my avenging angels in leather cuts slam open the room’s door and stream in, guns pointed at the now prone figure on the floor.

  “What the fuck is going on?” Viper asks, making me laugh.

  “Hey, honey, welcome back. I got you a gift.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  After dealing with a fire some asshole set at the garage, the last thing I expect is a text from Kaz telling me there was an emergency back home involving Megan.

  Expected or not, Grim, Zero, and I tore out of there like the hounds of hell were chasing us.

  Never in a million years did I think I would find Megan half-naked, surrounded by a bunch of club members, a stripper, and Boner bleeding on the bedroom floor.

  “What the fuck is going on?” I yell.

  “Hey, honey, welcome back. I got you a gift.” I look from her near-naked chest to Legs sitting quietly on the bed behind her.

  “What kind of present, exactly?” The words come out deceptively calm as I struggle to bury my swirling rage. Every man tenses at my tone but of course it’s wasted on Megan.

  “Boner here decided he wanted a little taste of what his president has been sampling. Only thing is, I wasn't interested when I was twelve and I’m still not interested ten years later.”

  Knowing he had been after her when she was just a child signs his death warrant even if he hadn't pulled whatever this shit is tonight.

  “And everyone else?” I gesture around the room at the bodies filling it. Kaz starts to speak but I raise my hand for him to shut up, keeping my eyes on Megan. She might not give me all the information when I want it but she never lies to me.

  “Dumb and dumber over there wanted to be passengers on the train Boner decided to run on me.”

  Looks like Fender and Mac will need graves next to Boner.


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