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The Princess of Chaos

Page 26

by Candice M. Wright

  Viper’s movements speed up, the feel of my eyes on him bringing him closer to the edge. He reaches between us and rubs my clit, making me arch up into Grim’s mouth.

  “Oh, yes. Harder,” I beg.

  Viper complies, thrusting into me harder and faster than before. Grim mimics him, speeding up his own movements of his hand gliding up and down his cock.

  So many things I want to see, to watch but my brain feels overstimulated and a wave of pain moves through my head.

  I close my eyes, not wanting to ruin the moment and gasp again as Grim bites down on my nipple.

  Viper picks that instant to pinch my clit as he plants himself inside me and comes, making my own orgasm wash over me, my headache forgotten.

  “I love you both,” I manage to mutter before I fall asleep.

  Hands-on my body wake me a little while later but these hands aren’t exploring. They are coaxing, trying to pull me from my slumber peacefully.

  “No… go away. I’m comfy,” I grumble before a large hand slaps my ass, making my eyes shoot open.

  I glare at Viper, who is grinning down at me without remorse.

  “Zero is bringing the cage over.” He frowns at the word cage—what my bikers hatefully call cars on account of feeling trapped inside them.

  I roll my eyes at him. “It’s a car and you have no idea what it’s like to be trapped,” I tell him, making him halt. “What, too soon?” I shrug awkwardly. “If I don’t joke about it I’ll go insane, Viper. The things you guys had to do for me, I can’t—” I’m cut off by his lips on mine, soft and sweet.

  “I’d do anything for you Megan, we all would. Besides, you would do it for us if the situation had been reversed.”

  My shoulders slump at his words. Of course, he’s right but it doesn’t mean I have to like it. “Fine. You’re right. I swear from here on out if you ever find yourself both randomly deaf and blind I will change your tampons for you every month.” I smile sweetly, making him shake his head in exasperation.

  I get what he’s saying, I do. But it’s going to take time for me to deal with everything that’s happened to me lately.

  Just then the door swings open and Zero walks in.

  “Fuck, I forgot how pretty you are,” I tell him, making him stop and look at me with wide eyes.

  “You can see?” he asks, sweeping me up into his arms and spinning me around before I can answer.

  “Urgh, gonna puke,” I groan, making him lay off the spinning.

  “Shit, sorry.”

  I get dizzier far easier since my attack and still tire quickly.

  “I’ll forgive you if you do that thing I like with your tongue later,” I suggest with a smile, trying to lighten the mood. I’m afraid if I start crying now, I’ll never stop.

  “You’ve got yourself a deal there, Raven,” he agrees, making my facade crack.

  “Hey, what’s wrong? Are you hurting?” I shake my head and then wince. That shit hurts too if I shake it too rigorously. Apparently, having your skull cracked open like a hard-boiled egg takes it out of you.

  “I’m fine. I just missed my nickname that’s all.”

  “It’s not a nickname, sweetheart. A raven is who you are. Fearless and strong even when shrouded in black.”

  I nod my head, gently this time, at his double meaning. I didn’t feel strong, not at all but I’m standing here now, so that has to count for something.

  “Come on, get dressed. We can argue over how awesome you are later. We have somewhere we have to be.”

  “What? Where?” I rarely leave the apartment anymore.

  “Luna’s in labor and she’s asking for you.”

  I rush into the hospital room, shoving through the wall of leather and testosterone and make my way over to the frazzled blonde on the bed.

  “Megan,” she cries out, tears springing to her eyes, shocking the shit out of me.

  I wrap my arms around her and hold on tight as she cries against my shoulder for a second before pulling back and resting my forehead against hers while she calms herself down.

  With a shuddering breath, she looks up at me and blinks before slapping my arm.

  “Hey, what’s that for?” I yell at the crazy lady.

  “You can see and you didn’t tell me,” she wails.

  “It’s new. It literally just came back,” I tell her.

  “What, as you were walking in here? Because anything else is unacceptable,” she scolds me.

  “Well, no, I mean I was going to but then Viper stuck his dick in me and I forgot,” I answer with a shrug.

  “No, Megan, I warned you about the perils of magic peen. They make you lose your mind. I swear one day you’re just walking along merrily and then next thing you know, there’s a bun in your oven.” She shudders and sniffs. “I’m baking a freaking human for god’s sake. What am I doing? I’m going to fuck this up.

  “I can’t do this Megan. I don’t know how to be a mother. Fuck, I don’t even really remember my own. I need to try harder to be better but what if I mess my kid up so bad they grow up to be a serial killer or something?” she babbles, making me snort.

  I look around the room and see my guys followed me in and are standing on the left looking amused while Luna’s guys are gathered over by the window. Their expressions range from panic to pride.

  Any beef and hostility between the two clubs have been put aside over the last few months. The two clubs might never be the best of friends but they are allies and any remaining hostilities have been forgotten at the sight of the pregnant woman softly sobbing before us.

  “If your kid grows up to be a serial killer then they will be the best goddamn serial killer this country has ever seen.”

  She looks at me in shock for a moment before laughing, gripping her belly hard when a contraction takes hold of her. When it passes, she waits for me to continue.

  “You have a room full of fathers in here,” I remind her, pointing behind me at Halo, Orion, and Gage. “And a corridor out there lined with uncles. Nothing is going to happen to this kid, I promise. Even without all that you are forgetting one very important thing.”

  She stares at me with a pensive look on her face.

  “You are Luna fucking Cartwright, badass bitch owner of a group of mercenaries and the reigning Queen of Carnage. You have got this. You are fierce, loving, and loyal to a fault. So your white picket fence is topped with barbed wire, who cares?” I shrug nonchalantly.

  “The kid has three dads. I think they will know that their mama thinks outside the box. Don’t try and make yourself smaller to fit someone else’s ideal. Be exactly who you are, the woman they love, the queen the club respects, and the mama who will go to battle for her kiddo.”

  She takes my hand as another tear escapes her. I think of my mother and all she endured to protect me and feel nothing but proud that I have her strength in my blood.

  “I got this,” Luna repeats my words before looking out over the room, her eyes falling on Zero, Grim, and Viper.

  “I’m sorry. These hormones are freaking killing me. One minute I’m an emotional wreck and the next I’m horny as fuck. Those are the only emotions I feel anymore.”

  I laugh as she looks at her guys, her eyes trailing over them seductively.

  “And I’m back to horny,” she mutters, making me shake my head with a smile.

  “You might want to pop that kid out first.”

  She scowls at me, pissed that I have the audacity to get between her and her biker sandwich. “I just need a little dicking.” She pouts. “Just the tip, really.”

  “Shut it, whorzilla. Baby out then cock in.” I put my hands on my hips as she gives me an evil look.

  “It’s probably for the best. You really don’t want to see your brother’s colossal cock.” Oh, you bitch. I gag before smiling sweetly at her.

  “You’ll need his colossal cock after that baby’s stretched you out.” I run away when she flings the pillow at me. Orion decides to step in then before I fling it b
ack. He wraps his arms around me and hugs me tight.

  I hold on to him, my mind always settles when he and Diesel are close by. I freaking love having brothers.

  “Thank you for visiting me even though I was pretty fucking boring.” He snorts at that, placing a kiss on my forehead.

  He lets me go and signs slowly, making tears prick the back of my eyes. I missed you.

  “You learned to sign,” I choke out, overcome with emotion that he would do that for me.

  “Of course I did. You’re my sister but it’s not just me, all of the guys are learning. Oz and Ziggy have been teaching us. We can’t let the Chaos boys outdo us, now can we?” he teases.

  My guys have been learning how to sign so they could try and sign against my palm. It was hard going and more than a little frustrating but it also solidified just how much I love them.

  “How you feeling?” he asks me.

  “I’m okay now. I’m sorry I’ve been such a pain in the ass. I just… it was a lot to deal with you know?”

  He nods in understanding. “You don’t need to apologize. I’m fucking awed by your strength. I don’t think I could have handled it for a day let alone months. Just don’t overdo it too soon now, okay?”

  “I won’t, I promise. I’ll wait outside with the guys. We can talk some more later. I’ll come back after we grab Conner from school. Right now, it’s time to become a daddy,” I tell him just as the doctor walks in with her clipboard. She startles a little when she looks up and finds herself surrounded by bikers but she relaxes when I offer her a smile.

  “Okay, Luna. I need to see how far dilated you are. Anyone who isn’t supposed to be here needs to leave.” I can’t see the doctor speak but thankfully, Luna signs for me, so I indicate for the guys to head out.

  I give Gage and Halo a quick hug before turning back to Orion. He lifts his hands and signs for me. I stare at his hands before turning to face Luna who is attempting to look innocent while fighting back her laughter.

  “Now that’s just mean,” I tell her when she can’t hold back her laughter any longer.

  “What?” Orion looks to Luna before facing me again. I see the moment it dawns on him what she’s laughing at. He straightens up and crosses his arms over his chest. “I didn’t sign ‘take care, I’ll see you soon’ did I?” he asks, cursing.

  “No.” I snort. “You just told me you like to take it up the ass.”

  His eyes widen in horror before he turns back to Luna. I can’t see what he’s saying but whatever it is makes the doctor blush. I take that as my cue to leave and head out into the corridor, the lighthearted moment disappearing as the three Chaos members find ourselves surrounded by Carnage.

  “Back off guys. We are here because Luna wanted us to be. This isn’t a dick measuring contest to see whose is bigger.” I gag again, a look of disdain on my face, I’m sure. “Although apparently, Orion wins that title and it was more than I ever wanted or needed to know about my own brother.”

  The tension eases with my words and I catch some smiles. I spot Diesel and run towards him. He opens his arms so I fling myself into them and hold him tightly.

  I went years not knowing they were out there. It only took me moments after meeting them for me to realize that I could never go back to that.

  “You can see?” he questions when he sets me down again.

  “So everyone keeps telling me.” I laugh.

  “Damn, I’m so happy for you.”

  “I’m pretty happy for me too.” I look over at all the guys waiting around for Luna to deliver the next generation of Carnage, spying my guys talking to Rebel and Lucky.

  “You did it, you know?” Diesel tells me when I turn back to face him.

  “Did what?”

  “United two MCs. I mean, I still think they’re assholes who aren’t good enough for my little sister but I guess you could have done worse,” he grumbles.

  I look at my guys and think about how they have washed me, dressed me, and heck even took me to the bathroom without even flinching.

  “They’re perfect.”

  He fake gags. “I think I just threw up in my mouth.”

  I laugh at him and give him a shove.

  “They’re far from perfect.” He shakes his head but smiles and dips his head closer. “But they’re perfect for you.” He kisses me on the cheek before walking over to give Grim shit. He just can’t help himself.

  Oz and Zig collapse into chairs opposite me.

  “Yes, I can see, before you ask,” I tell them with a huge smile.

  “Thank the lord. Nobody should miss out on all this awesomeness.” Oz indicates his rather large body making me throw my head back and laugh.

  I sober for a minute, taking in their handsome features. “Thank you.”

  They know what I’m talking about. Nobody else has asked about the gun I used to shoot Wanda. It hasn’t come up yet, so I’ve kept it to myself.

  “It wasn’t enough.” Zig shakes his head angrily.

  “I’m here, aren’t I? Trust me. It was enough.” They both look at me for a moment before nodding their heads to accept my thanks.

  A large body sits down next to me, pressing a hard thigh against mine. I look up into Grim’s handsome face and grin, staring at him boldly just because I can.

  “I’ll never get tired of looking at you,” I breathe out reverently.

  “Trust me, Raven, I know the feeling.” He slips his fingers through mine before turning to face Oz and Zig, a look of apprehension crossing his features that has me frowning. When his leg starts to bounce up and down I start to worry until he blurts out what’s bothering him.

  “I want you guys to help me find my sister,” he tells Oz and Zig.

  “Why us?” Zig asks him curiously.

  “I’ve exhausted every other avenue but I won’t give up, I can’t. I hear you guys specialize in this kind of thing.” When they don’t speak Grim carries on. “What would you do if it was your sister?” he implores.

  “Everything within my power,” Oz answers him honestly.

  “You find anything that might help, a place to start?” Zig asks, slipping into work mode. I watch Grim’s face tenderly, knowing how hard it was for him to ask them for help.

  “Only a name. A big-time arms dealer who calls himself Gemini. He’s the person who I think has my sister, but the guy is like a fucking ghost—” He cuts off when I squeeze his fingers so tight, I must be close to snapping them.

  “Jesus fuck, Megan. You’ve gone white as a sheet. I knew this was too much too soon. Let’s get you home.” He shifts to stand but I grip him hard.

  “What is your sister’s name?” I don’t know what my voice sounds like, but I have Grim, Oz, and Zig’s full attention now.

  “Why, what’s going on?”

  “What is your sister’s name?” I repeat with gritted teeth.

  “Vida. Vida Roberts.”

  “Viddy.” The words rush from my mouth in a breath of air. I haven’t seen her in forever. She had some trouble and went into hiding only leaving Wyatt untraceable emails to let him know she’s okay.

  “What the fuck? Viddy? Your Viddy is my Vida? No, that can’t be. It has to be a coincidence, unless— wait, do you know who Gemini is? You know where he has my sister?” he asks in disbelief, drawing the attention of the rest of the guys in the waiting room.

  “Viddy isn’t with Gemini, Grim.” I swallow and drop the bomb.

  “Viddy is Gemini.”

  “Well, fuck.”

  The End… kind of.

  Viddy's story is coming soon in the spin-off Novel Ricochet. Book three in the Underestimated Series will continue with Reign of Kings.

  Sneak Peek: The Queen of Carnage

  Want to see where it all began?

  Read Luna’s story in The Queen of Carnage Book One in The Underestimated Series.

  The Queen of Carnage

  By Candice Wright

  My grandpa always told me there were times in our lives where we sho
uld stand and fight and there were times when we should run and hide. Running when you knew the odds were stacked against you didn’t make you a coward, it makes you smart. This is one of those times.

  I’m wearing little silver ballet flats and a knee-length navy blue sundress with spaghetti straps. Although the dress does amazing things for my legs, it doesn’t give off a particularly intimidating vibe. Not that a five-foot woman with white-blonde hair in crazy ringlets and blue eyes that are a touch too big for her face could ever really be described as intimidating. Badass maybe, but not intimidating. The hulking biker chasing after me certainly doesn’t seem to find me intimidating in any way.

  The gorgeous huskie beside me is keeping pace despite the pain he must be feeling from the swift kick to the ribs he received earlier. A kick which ultimately led to my current predicament.

  Let me back up a bit. My name is Luna Cartwright. I’m twenty-eight years old and I was born to two awesome parents, James and Kate, who were the very definition of hippies. Now, before you laugh at my name, you should know I have two older brothers named Ziggy and Cosmic. Yep, you read that right, Ziggy and Cosmic. I happen to love my name, largely because I know it could have been so much worse.

  The five of us lived in a tiny town in Ireland, just outside Dublin, up until the summer I turned eight. That’s when both of my parents were killed in a car accident, leaving my brothers and myself in the custody of my wonderful, yet slightly insane, grandpa.

  Gramps was a retired Vietnam War vet who lived on a farm deep in the wilderness of Tennessee. My mother had left home as soon as she could get her student visa and study abroad, which is how she met my father. But me? Well, I loved it here. We were taught to hunt and shoot and tend the farm and I was treated just like one of the boys. In fact, the only girly thing I owned until I was about seventeen was a box of tampons. When I was eighteen, my brothers enlisted, so I decided to move closer to the city. That’s where my love of all things girly came from. Seeing shop windows filled with everything from beautiful dresses and intricately designed underwear to soft fluffy throws and pretty trinkets meant my little studio apartment had looked like the center page of a women’s magazine. But it was also how my business got started. I began to make custom gift baskets as presents for my friends and family—baskets full of goodies for moms-to-be or bottles, blankets, and bibs for baby showers.


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