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False Blood

Page 2

by Tamara White

  “Emerald, you can open your eyes, sweetheart,” Dad coaxes me, the sound of a chair scraping across the floor as he takes a seat opposite me. He pulls the item from my lap as I open my eyes.

  I blink rapidly before I’m able to see clearly, but my eyes are still watering when I look at Dad. In his lap, is my purple gym bag stuffed with ten protein bars, four bottles of water and what looks like close to ten thousand dollars.

  “Dad? What’s all this stuff for?” I ask, as I raise my eyebrows confused.

  He sighs, rubbing his head, looking down at the contents in his lap. It’s as if he’s sending me away but why would he do that? “I’m sorry, Emmy, please don’t hate me for this. I’ve been holding onto this secret for a long, long time.

  “You aren’t my daughter, you’re my niece,” he admits. He lifts his head to look into my eyes. I try to understand what he is saying, I hear the words but my mind isn’t listening.

  “How?” I ask robotically. This shouldn’t be possible. A ringing fills my ears and I almost miss his next words.

  “You know the story of my older brother being killed by the pack for treason? Well, that was a lie.” He takes a deep breath, looking me in the eyes before continuing his story. “Axel was always a soft-hearted wolf, and when he met your mother, it was love at first sight. Our parents were furious as a mating had already been arranged with another pack’s princess.”

  “He was clearly in love, so our parents gave him the benefit of the doubt, telling him to bring his girlfriend around for us to meet. Things would have gone a lot better if his girlfriend wasn’t a vampire,” he pauses to take a breath as I try to hold back my shock.

  As a werewolf, vampires are our natural enemies, so to date one? This Axel dude was crazy!

  “Anyway, I’m sure you can imagine how well that went down. My parents tried to kill her, I admit I may have helped. Axel defended her, and when it was clear we couldn’t reason with him, they took off together.

  “Years passed without hearing from Axel. My parents never gave up their quest to find them. They hunted any and all vampire covens they came across until eventually the vampires got smart. They started hiding any evidence that they existed. My parents weren’t happy, almost starting a full-blown war with their hatred for them. Then one day, they found one of their hidden covens, that hid Axel’s mate and soul-tie. Our parents kidnapped his mate, intending to use her as a way to get Axel to come back home and renounce the vampires but they discovered something unexpected. Sierra was pregnant with Axel’s child.

  “They were so horrified, that they took her to a hidden lab, me tagging along to protect them. Only a few of our pack knew what was going on with Axel so it was up to me to keep our Alpha safe. Once we were hidden away at the old healer’s lab, they ripped the baby from her womb, stabbing it in the heart as Sierra watched. She passed out from the murder of her daughter and blood loss. She was thrown on the coven’s doorstep barely alive as a warning of what happened when we mixed species. The only reason they left her alive was so they could suffer, knowing their baby was dead.”

  Oh… My… God… How could someone be capable of that?! It’s one thing to kill some dangerous beast but to kill an innocent baby? That’s just wrong!

  “My parents tasked me with burning down the lab they had used and destroying all evidence of the monster their own child had created. Out of curiosity, I had wanted to see this thing my brother and his mate had made. Expecting to see a mutated hybrid, instead I saw a beautiful baby girl, lying dead on a gurney with a knife through her tiny heart.

  “I reached out to pull the knife from her chest and when I did, she cried out, her wounds healing instantly. That baby was you, Emmy. I can only assume that the reason you healed was because of your mother's blood entering your bloodstream through your wounds,” he offers me a nervous smile on his face. “You opened your eyes, and stared up at me with the innocence that only a baby has, but your eyes were blood red. My parents’ voices in my head told me to kill you, take care of the threat to our future. My heart, however, told me you were innocent. Just guilty because of who your parents were. Besides, I don’t think I could have killed you if I had tried,” he grins, awe in his eyes.

  “I took you from that lab, and we went into hiding for two years. When I met my mate, I told her you were my daughter from a union with a human. It was a reasonable lie, because you looked so much like me at the time, so she agreed to help raise you.

  “We stayed hidden for another year before we went back to my parents’ pack. Josephine introduced you as her daughter, and no one suspected otherwise until your fifth birthday when your features started changing.”

  I’m stuck in a state of shock. This is impossible. If what he’s saying is true, I’m not a werewolf or half breed, but actually some kind of cross breed. What does that mean for me now? Did my eyes turn red in the fight? Is that why Dad brought me back here? That’s the only thing I can think of. Vampires’ eyes turn red when angry so, maybe during the fight, my beast somehow made them change? Otherwise, why would he bring me back here and keep my eyes closed? “Did you bring me back because of my eyes? Did they turn red in the fight? Is that what this is about?” I ask, gesturing to the bag and all this confession time. Why else would he tell me this story?

  He nods sadly, “Yeah, sweetheart, I’m sorry but you have to leave. Xander will have told the council by now and they’ll be coming for you. The only safe place for you now, is with your real parents. Their coven is in the city, hiding under a church, of all things. I’m pretty sure it’s the same one your mother was taken from,” he utters, horrified. I don’t blame him. How could someone live in the same place they were kidnapped from?

  “Won’t they just kill a werewolf coming into their territory?” I ask, starting to get terrified. I’ve never been away from my pack or our land, what if I can’t hack it? What if I get lost? What if I never see him again? This is too much.

  “Oh, Emmy, I’m so sorry I’m doing this to you. I had hoped our packs prejudices would have settled down by now, but my parents did a number on us. They made it so much worse than it should’ve been. As for your parents, I have something that will let them know who you are. This picture was in Sierra’s pocket when she was taken,” he says as he pulls out a picture from the front pocket of my bag, showing me.

  It’s a picture of who I can only assume are my biological parents. The man looks so much like my own father that it has me wondering if they’re twins. Midnight dark hair, bright green eyes, a full jaw and a lean build.

  The woman looks like a princess. Beautiful, blonde hair curled around her face, soft, pink lips, and eyes like jewels. Not just any jewels, emeralds.

  She’s cradling her obviously pregnant stomach and smiling so brightly. It makes her face shine with love. I tear up, thinking about the parents I’ve never met. They look so happy in this photo, I can just imagine how much they would have hurt when they lost me.

  “Look on the back.” Dad prompts me to turn the photo over.

  I cover my mouth with a sob as I read the back. Someone had written ‘Our daughter’ in beautiful cursive script. Below it, is a list of names. Michelle, Farra, Josie, Emerald.

  Emerald is circled multiple times as if it was the main choice. It must have been the name my real parents were thinking about giving me.

  Dad clears his throat, obviously choked up. I can’t imagine what he’s gone through, keeping my identity secret from me and the others in the pack to protect me. I’m so hurt that he would keep it hidden but grateful he’s given me the life I’ve had.

  He reaches out giving my hand a gentle squeeze, “When I saw they had decided on your name, I named you in the hopes that the day they met you, they would appreciate it. I never meant for so much time to pass before you met them,” he says with remorse.

  “Now, we don’t have much time left. I’m going to write down exactly where they live, so you can get there. I can’t go with you. I have to stay here and do some damage control. I
t should take you a couple of days at least to get there if you stop along the way. Hopefully, this is enough money to get you a hotel room each night.” He looks through the bag as if second guessing the amount of cash he put in there. “We’re going to the shed on the edge of pack property where you’ll take your car. You should ditch it after the first hotel, but knowing you as I do, I know you won’t get rid of it. You can be unbelievably stubborn, when you want to be.”

  He leans back into his chair, rubbing his eyes, exhaustion taking over. This conversation has aged him, I can see the worry eating away at him. I imagine he never thought he would have to tell me and get rid of me all at the same time. He stands up, handing me the bag, “Alright, you have ten minutes to pack. Make it less if you can, I don’t know how long Xander will take to inform the council.”

  Adrenaline surging through my body, I leap out of my chair, hurrying to get to my room and fill it with as many things as I could possibly need. Shoes, I only grab two pair of joggers and a pair of flip flops. If I need more, I’ll buy some cheap-ass ones. Clothes, however, I grab my favourites and leave the rest. Though my favourites are a lot more than I expected. They fill the duffel bag and a backpack that I had in my room.

  “Emmy, hurry up!” Dad calls up the stairs.

  I tip my shit out on the bed, placing the food, and cash in the backpack. I shove my clothes and shoes in the duffel bag, adding a few photos of me and Dad, which were on my dresser, along with the picture of my biological parents. Throwing the back pack on and lifting the duffel bag on my shoulder, I take one last look at my room.

  The place where I hid from the pack, where Dad and I would read, and the one place that made me feel safe. Now, I’m off into the unknown world, with humans and vampires. I only hope I’m strong enough to handle this. What happens if they try to kill me before they even know who I am? That would majorly suck balls!

  Making my way sadly down the stairs, I think about all the fun times I’ve had here. It’s like a movie of my life is playing, showing me all the moments I’ve spent in the house. Times when Dad and I would sit at the kitchen table doing my homework. Days when Brendan and I had no training so we would stay in playing video games. Watching my step-mom and Brendan baking. It’s all fresh as I say goodbye to my home.

  Dad grabs my duffel bag from me, taking my hand and leading me through the forest at a quick jog. We make it to the car on the edge of our lands and I can’t help but smile at seeing my ‘baby’. The car Dad bought for me to learn to drive.

  When I first saw the beat-up rust bucket, I was outraged he wanted me to learn in something that was obviously fifty years old. He pointed out that if I wanted to make it better, then it was my job to give it the love and care it needed.

  Now she’s a beautiful navy blue, fully restored 1969 Boss Mustang. She’s my baby, not the rust bucket that refused to run. Dad was super lucky he found me an engine because the old one was beyond useable. Now, she purrs.

  “I see by the smile on your face, you’re happy I brought ‘your baby’, out here? Figured you wouldn’t leave without her,” he winks, shoving my duffel onto the backseat, whilst I put my backpack on the passenger side.

  Straightening, I stare at him, sad to leave. He may not be my biological father but he’s the only one I know. How am I supposed to leave him behind to deal with the fallout from the pack?

  “Don’t you dare cry, Emmy. If you do, then I will. It’s so much worse seeing a man cry,” he playfully scolds me.

  I laugh, hugging him fiercely. He can always make me laugh. Anytime the world felt like it was drowning me, he was there bringing me back up for air.

  “I’m going to miss you so much. What are you going to do? How are you going to explain why I left?” I ask, terrified for him.

  He shrugs, looking off into the trees, “I don’t know. The truth seems like the only option, which is why I’m sending you to your parents. If the pack knows you’re a hybrid, then you’re going to need all the protection you can get.

  “The covens have become extremely powerful since the attacks my parents led ceased. I just hope the vampires are more understanding of wolves being in their coven, than we are of vampires. Though, since they haven’t killed your father yet, I’m hoping they will give you a chance. Just please promise me you’ll stay safe?” he begs, squeezing me tightly.

  “Are you sure I shouldn’t stay?” I ask hopefully.

  “Sorry, honey, but you can’t. They’ll kill you. As it is, Jeremy already questions why you’re still living with me rather than mated off to one of the Alpha’s sons. He’ll be first in line to extinguish any threat to the pack. You have to go. If you don’t think you’re safe with your parents, then you leave. Do you understand me? You get out of there and run for the rest of your life. I know it’s not the most ideal situation, but I can’t stand the thought of you trapped and experimented on. Don’t let them keep you against your will,” he begs me.

  So much pain flashes through his eyes that I know I will do what it takes to honor his wishes. Though I don’t see how I can stop from being experimented on regardless. I’m some weird cross between species, of course people are going to want to know more.

  “I promise, I’ll do what I can to be safe. I love you, Dad,” I tell him, tears pricking my eyes. “How can I contact you? Will you be safe after telling them everything? I don’t want anything to happen to you,” I cry, tears falling down my face.

  “Nothing will happen to me. My dominance is by far the strongest in the pack, you know that. Only yours could rival mine. As for how you can contact me, here, take this,” he says, handing me a letter marked for Axel and Sierra Ryder. There’s a number written on the back. “Give this to your parents. I have a burner phone hidden away in case of emergencies which I’ll turn on after you leave. Don’t open the letter, it’s for your parents, though knowing Axel, he’ll let you read it once he has anyway. That’s my burner number,” he points to the number in the corner.

  “I’m sorry I never told you before now, Emmy. Life was just going so smoothly that I didn’t want to tell you and ruin things. One more thing, don’t shift until you get to Axel and Sierra. If the humans see you, they will kill you,” he says, referring to my wolf’s form.

  “I understand,” I nod. My beast has always terrified me, so I doubt I’ll be shifting regardless of where I am.

  “Oh, and Emmy?” I look up into his eyes, waiting. “Stay away from any injured humans. It may be nothing, but you’ve never revealed your eyes like that before now, which makes me believe your vampire side is getting stronger. Soon you’re going to need to feed, and you don’t want to be in a populated area when that need rises,” he says solemnly.

  I nod, disgusted at the thought of drinking blood. It hadn’t even entered my mind that I would need to feed the vampire side of me.

  Climbing into the driver’s side, I start the car, dreading the moment I will actually drive away from the only home I’ve ever known. I have a rough idea about where to go, but I will have to figure it all out when I rest for the night.

  Dad leans into my window, “Wait. Here take this,” he says thrusting a business card into my hand. “It’s someone I met a couple of years back, his name’s Talon. He owes me a favour, and if you get into trouble, call him, tell him he owes me, then where you are. He’ll come as quick as he can.”

  “Who is he?” I ask, studying the elegant name scrawled on the card.

  “Someone I trust to return the favour he owes me,” is all he says. It must be some secret. After all, he’s dropped a huge bomb on me today, so why can’t he tell me who this guy is?

  Dad looks over his shoulder, sensing the pack getting closer, “Go, Emmy, go now before it’s too late,” he urges me, as he backs away from the car.

  I rev the engine and speed off down the dirt road towards the highway, without a second glance. A howl echoes around the forest. My dad is mourning my loss, just as I mourn his. A tear falls and I leave it, knowing it won’t be the last tear that
falls on my journey.

  I have a long drive to get to Missouri from Nevada. I just hope he stays safe. If something were to happen to my Dad because of me, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.

  Finally, after three long days of driving I see the “Missouri Welcomes You” sign. I sigh with relief, happy that I have finally made it. The first day I drove, only stopping to relieve myself and get gas. I arrived in Albuquerque and pulled into the first cheap motel with a vacancy sign. The kid at the desk didn’t even look at me when I handed over the cash for the room. Well, I guess that’s what you get when you turn up at midnight.

  I slept on and off all night, my mind kept wondering back to Dad and the pack. I couldn’t help but worry about what would happen to him once he told them about me. The next night, I stopped in Oklahoma so I could go for a run to burn off the excess energy. I know Dad said not to shift, but it was exhilarating being in the forest, running without fear of another wolf seeing me.

  After that, I wandered through town and picked up a burner cell like Dad’s. I didn’t want the pack tracking me if I had to call. I programmed both Dad and Talon’s numbers into the phone and then set Talon’s to speed dial, just in case I did actually need to use it.

  Then it was onto the last part of my journey, which seemed to go much quicker than the rest of the trip. I didn’t take my father’s advice about ditching the car, though. I couldn’t. It’s a keepsake that belongs to me. Screw anyone else if they try to take her away from me.

  Driving through town, the midday sun highlights the massive buildings surrounding me as I drive. Missouri is amazing! So full of life! The hustle and bustle as humans go about their daily routine. No one would know the city is home to a coven of vampires. I glance down at the map in my lap at the circle around Night Street Church. According to the internet, it was abandoned twenty-one years ago after a massacre had taken place and a woman’s body was found ripped to shreds. When the police attended the scene, the bodies were gone and blood remained marking the steps to the church. Multiple witnesses say they heard growls and fighting, though it was never proven. People thought a pack of dogs had attacked, but I now know the truth. That was the night my grandparents and their followers raided the vampire coven, kidnapped my mother and tried to kill me.


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