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Stanton Series Box Set: Stanton Series (Box Set)

Page 93

by T L Swan

  He puts his head on an angle and slowly cracks his neck and I smile on the inside. I will never tire of that.

  “Here she is,” he announces and the men all turn to face me.

  “Hello,” I smile meekly.

  My eyes flick around the group. Ben smiles warmly and Adrian winks in our special we-know-a-secret wink. He bought this whole outfit for me on one of our shopping trips.

  “And this is my beautiful Natasha.” Joshua smiles as he holds his hand out for me and I feel myself melt. I take his hand and hold my breath as I walk down the bottom three steps. He gently kisses my cheek and puts his arm around me protectively. Oh crap, I feel like the freak from the show on display—everyone’s eyes are on us.

  The men all smile and start to shake my hand and introduce themselves: Markus, Andrew, Ricardo.

  Then I get to a familiar face. “Carson.” He smiles as he takes my hand and shakes it.

  Oh shit, I smile nervously. “I remember.” What I don’t remember is him being so good- looking last time.

  He looks uncomfortable. “Sorry about last time we met,” he murmurs.

  Oh god, he had to bring that up. “Me too, forgive my rudeness,” I mutter as my eyes flick to Joshua.

  Joshua eyes are locked onto me and he smiles warmly in appreciation.

  “Let me get you a drink, presh.” Joshua leads me over to the bar where a jug of frozen margarita sits. What I really want to do is pick up the whole jug and scull it while it pours all over my face and down over my clothes. Abbie comes laughing out of the kitchen with Cameron and Birgetta and they walk over to us at the bar. Trust her not to be intimidated by this situation and I instantly feel some of my nerves dissipate. Cameron runs his hand up my arm to my shoulder and smiles warmly. “You look beautiful tonight, Tash,” he says gently and I smile. Since Cam and I had that talk we have definitely turned a corner.

  Abbie screws her face up and hits him on the arm. “Why didn’t you tell me I look beautiful, dipshit?” she whispers so the others can’t hear.

  He looks at her and replies flatly: “You look beautiful Abbie.” “It doesn’t count now. You have to say it when you see me, asshole.”

  He rolls his eyes at Joshua who seems amused by the banter between the idiots and he passes us our margaritas.

  A low whistle sounds and I look instinctively up at the staircase.

  “Hello yellow,” Carson whispers loudly and the boys snicker.

  Bridget is slowly coming down the stairs wearing a short bright-yellow dress and white short boots and white clutch. Her long honey hair is out and blow-dried from our salon appointment this morning, and she is literally glowing. I don’t think I have ever seen her look so good. My eyes immediately flick to Ben whose eyes are glued to her. He smiles softly as she walks down the stairs.

  Carson rushes to the bottom of the stairs and holds out his hand to her. She nervously smiles and takes it. He does an exaggerated bow and kisses the back of her hand.

  “You are the most divine creature I have ever seen. Who are you?” he purrs.

  Bridget smiles nervously. “My name is Bridget,” she whispers as the whole room looks on.

  “Well Bridget,” Carson purrs. “You are my date for the night. I am not letting you out of my sight.”

  She giggles nervously, unsure what to say.

  My eyes widen and flick to Ben. He stands stock-still, glaring at Carson, his jaw ticking in anger.

  Hmm, this night just got very interesting.

  Chapter 8

  Joshua and I approach the double front doors of the white three-storey mansion, the venue for the pussy party. What in the hell goes on at this place to earn it that name? Bridget and Abbie were in the car in front of us with Cameron and Carson and have already gone in. Adrian and a few of the other boys are in cars behind us. Security guards are lined up along the huge circular driveway in front of the house and are greeting everyone by their first name. Are they bodyguards for the people inside? Crap, I am so out of my depth here.

  “See you in there,” Ben says as he sees someone he knows across the lawn.

  “OK, Joshua replies.

  Ben walks over and shakes the burly security guard’s hand and they both laugh out loud at something that is said.

  Large white paper lanterns line the pathway and the sound of dance music echoes from around the back of the house.

  Joshua looks down at me. “What?” He smirks.

  “Nothing,” I reply as I try to act casual and swallow my fear.

  “We can leave anytime you want,” he says as his eyes stay forward on the crowd.

  I nod. “Ok.”

  “Don’t tell anyone anything,” he whispers.

  I frown.

  “This place is the gossip capital of the world. Anything you say can and will be used against you.”

  My horrified eyes meet his.

  He smirks and bends to kiss me gently on the cheek. “Just so you know, this is the life I don’t want anymore.”

  I bite my bottom lip and nod.

  “It is you who wanted to come here, remember?” he murmurs.

  I nod again.

  His eyes hold mine as he senses my trepidation. “I would rather be at home with you in your pyjamas,” he whispers.

  I smirk. “What is it with you and my granny PJs Stanton?” I reply.

  Raising his eyebrows he shakes his head. “I have no idea actually.” His hand runs gently down to my behind and he smirks as he winks.

  We walk through the doors and are passed glasses of champagne by a woman walking around with a circular silver tray. We follow the crowd through the house. Loud dance music thumps through the space and Joshua grabs my hand and leads me through the crowd to the backyard. As people move to the side to let us through I notice them all do a double take at Joshua and then me, then instantly say something to whoever they are standing with. I glance down at myself to check all my bits are tucked into this skimpy outfit. This is uncomfortable… god. We walk out another set of double doors to the huge backyard and the resort pool and my eyes fly around nervously. I see the girls across the pool and a wave of relief hits me and I go to walk off but Joshua keeps hold of my hand.

  “Don’t go anywhere. I want to introduce you to some people.”

  “Ah, ok.” I swallow my nerves again. You have got to be kidding. I don’t want to meet anyone. I want to binge drink until I forget why I am here.

  Joshua leads me around the pool by the hand and, unlike inside the house where people were pretending to be polite, people are now just blatantly staring. Beautiful women in next to nothing and men who look like they stepped off a modelling shoot are interested in me—what’s wrong with this picture?

  “Hi Stan,” the girls all remark as he keeps walking with my hand in a death grip.

  He nods.

  “Hello Stan.”

  He nods and smiles in return, fuck. These women are all gorgeous. Why did I want to come here? Oh my god… and this is the pussy on demand that Cameron was talking about. I’m so screwed!

  We walk towards a group of men and they all turn. “Stan, you made it out, old boy,” one man says in a throaty voice, and handshakes happen all around.

  Like Joshua’s prized pig I am then introduced to about 100 people. The men are all very interested, maybe too interested, and the women are just downright catty and look me up and down and then exchange looks. I finally can’t take anymore and pull out of Joshua’s grip. He frowns in question.

  “I am just going over here with the girls.” I smile.

  He nods. “Don’t go anywhere I can’t see you presh.”

  I frown. “Am I under investigation or something?”

  “No, I know what these people are like and I don’t want you to have to put up with it.”

  “Joshua, just do what you normally do here and I will hang with the girls. I don’t want to listen to boy talk all night,” I reply.

  He bends as he gently holds my jaw and kisses me tenderly and I smile.
  “Ok, my Lamborghini?” I ask as I smile into his kiss, a little relieved that we are still the same.

  He smiles and rubs his hand down my hip and around to my behind but then his eyes catch something over my shoulder and he slowly drops his hand from my behind and takes my hand in his.

  I turn immediately to see who is there.

  Shit, the model. What’s her name again? I have seen her in photographs with Joshua on numerous occasions. She is wearing a skin-coloured tight dress and perfectly matching stilettos and has a figure to die for. Her long thick layered caramel hair hangs effortlessly around her shoulders. She’s beautiful.

  “Hello Stan,” she murmurs with a trace of a hopeful smile on her face.

  Joshua seems uncomfortable. “Hello Mills,” he replies.

  Crap, Heidi Mills. Oh how cute, fucking nicknames. I want to vomit in my mouth.

  Her eyes flick to me. “Hello.” She smiles.

  Joshua interjects. “Mills, this is Natasha, my fiancée.”

  Her face drops as her eyes flick between us and I see an emotion I know too well. Pain, this woman is in love with my Lamborghini.

  She forces out a smile. “Congratulations,” she whispers.

  Joshua grimaces, knowing how uncomfortable this situation is. “How have you been?” he asks her.

  She smiles again. “You know me, always happy.” She fakes a smile as she lies through her teeth.

  Why do I feel pity for these women?

  He nods. “That’s good.”

  Her eyes flick to me again. “How long have you two been together?”

  I go to speak but Joshua cuts me off. “Natasha and I went out seven years ago and have just recently reconnected.”

  She swallows the lump in her throat and nods and I can see her thinking… that was Joshua’s way of telling her that I am the girl in his tattoo and, yes, I was his first love from Australia. I slowly go to pull my hand out of Joshua’s and he grips me hard. He wants me to stay.

  “May I?” She grabs my hand to look at my ring and her face falls again when she sees the huge rock.

  “It’s a beautiful ring,” she murmurs.

  “Thank you.” I smile.

  “Did you pick it Joshua?” she asks as her eyes flick to him.

  He smiles sarcastically. “Fuck off Mills, that’s none of your business.”

  My heart drops in pity for her. Joshua obviously doesn’t want to play nice and is tired of this conversation.

  Joshua then leans down and kisses me again gently on the lips. “We are heading over here Mills. Catch you later.” He then pulls my arm out of the socket as he walks me over to the girls.

  “How long did you date her?” I ask as I am pulled along.

  “We never dated,” he snaps.

  “I’ve seen photographs of you together at functions.”

  “We are friends,” he replies as we get to the group.

  “Friends with benefits?” I ask.

  He scratches his head in frustration but doesn’t answer my question. We arrive at the girls and Abbie and Bridget smile and kiss me on arrival. Joshua stands still across the group from me with his dominant stance in full play, legs wide, one hand in his pocket and Corona beer in his other hand. My eyes flick to Heidi on the other side of the pool. She now stands with six other beautiful women and they are deep in conversation. What was his relationship with her? How well do they know each other? That stupid insecure feeling sinks in. Stop it.

  The dance music starts to blare from the DJ inside and the lights get dimmed and the space is lit up only from the lanterns and party lights. This is some frigging party with recognisable super models and actors everywhere. The prerequisite to gain entry must be to pass a cool and beautiful persons test. There are two bars in the backyard making cocktails and waiters walking around with trays of tequila shots. Joshua has two when the tray goes past us. I have never been anywhere quite like this—it’s just like in the movies. I know the girls want Joshua to buzz off so we can do some serious fan girl gossiping. I keep seeing them widen their eyes at each other when they see something they want to talk about.

  “Joshua, go and hang with your friends baby. I will stay just here with the girls.”

  His eyes hold mine as he does an internal risk assessment.

  “I’m fine. I have to get used to all this if we are going to stay here. Let me figure this out by myself; you have nothing to worry about. I will come and find you in an hour or so.,” I say.

  He nods and his eyes flick to Abbie. “Don’t leave Natasha or Bridget alone.”

  She smiles and clicks his bottle with her glass. “Ok boss.”

  He smirks at her idiocy. I think Abbie is growing on him.

  “Natasha and I can look after ourselves,” Bridget announces, annoyed at his suggestion.

  He puts his arm around her shoulder. “I know Didge. These people just aren’t wired like you two, that’s all.”

  “And I am?” Abbie asks, affronted.

  Joshua smirks. “Yes Abbie, everyone here is wired just like you. I know you will be ok here.”

  Bridget narrows her eyes at me in annoyance. “Go away Joshua, you’re just cramping our style now,” I whisper, horrified.

  He kisses me gently on the lips as he smirks. “Over to the wall there—do you see the two men?” He points to the high rendered wall around the back of the huge backyard and to two men in suits lingering on the outskirts.

  I frown. “Yes.”

  “They are your guards for the night.”

  I frown. “Where’s Ben and the boys?” I ask as my eyes flick around.

  “Ben attends these parties by my side as a friend. He is not working when he is out with me.”

  Bridget’s and my eyes meet across the group.

  “Why is that?” I ask flatly.

  “Because in the past I have needed a guard I can trust to party with so Ben just accompanies me as a friend and if I need him he steps in, but if you want anything, go to the boys at the back.”

  Hmm, that was code for I take Ben to my strip joints and he has seen me have sex with a copious number of women so he gets special treatment. I skull the rest of my champagne. I did not like that answer one little bit.

  “Don’t get drunk,” Joshua reprimands me.

  “Listen fun cop, go away!” I snap. He’s really beginning to piss me off now.

  “I will be over with the boys.” He points across the party to a group of men all laughing loudly and I nod.

  “Ok, god, I get the point!” I reply, exasperated, and he finally disappears through the crowd.

  “Oh my fuck,” Bridget gasps as soon as he is out of hearing distance.

  “I know, right,” I answer.

  “It’s like the parties you read about in magazines,” says Abbie as she grabs my arm.

  “Did you see that Andrew Menzies is here? He’s really short in real life.”

  My eyes flick around. “No, where?” He is an actor who has just recently become a hot property of Tinseltown and he is in about five of the leading movies at the moment.

  “What do you make of the Ben comment?” Bridget asks me as we wait for our cocktails ten minutes later.

  “That he goes to strip joints with Joshua and is part of this social clique,” I reply flatly.

  “Hmm, that’s how I took it too,” she replies.

  “Who is the girl talking to Joshua?” Abbie whispers as the waiter hands over our margaritas.

  We all turn to see Joshua over near the boys talking to a blonde and my eyes narrow. I swig my drink without tasting it. Fuck. We are now standing over near the bar under a large tree lit up with fairy lights and have moved from our position that Joshua left us in.

  Ben walks over to us. “Are you girls ok? Can I get you a drink?”

  Bridget narrows her eyes. “I don’t want anything from you Ben,” she snaps.

  Abbie smiles into her drink and I wince at Didge. Oh shit, she’s getting all bitchy now.

  He glares
at her. “Well that’s good because I was only offering drinks,” he snaps. “Anything wasn’t on the table.”

  She fakes a smile and Abbie giggles.

  “Witty,” she murmurs and I drop my head to hide my smile.

  I stand still, watching Joshua as he talks to the girl, and then Cameron and two other girls join them and he says something and the girls all burst into laughter. What’s so fucking funny? Joshua’s eyes keep flicking back to the space where we were as he tries to locate me. Oh I’m watching alright Mr Funny Guy, don’t bother looking for me.

  “How often do you guys come to these parties?” Abbie asks Ben.

  He shrugs. “We used to come most weekends before we went to Australia.”

  “Beeeeennnnny.” A girl with huge boobs and beautiful black long hair calls from across the pool.

  He nervously looks her way. “Hey Hen,” he replies and she does an exaggerated wiggle on the spot with her hands above her head. Obviously she is one of his girls and is excited to see him out.

  This time it is Bridget who sculls her drink without tasting it. If looks could kill Ben would be dead on the floor.

  “I will be over here if you need me,” Ben replies.

  “I won’t be needing you Ben,” Bridget snaps angrily.

  He glares at her again and we all wither a little under his glare. “Fine,” he snaps.

  “Fine,” Bridget replies and he storms off.

  “I hate fucking pussy parties,” Bridget whispers angrily as she sculls the last of her margarita.

  “Me too,” I whisper into my drink as I keep watching Joshua and his harem. A group of men approach us and start to talk to Abbs and they all introduce each other, but still my eyes don’t leave Joshua. Bridget’s eyes follow mine.

  “Stuff this,” Bridget whispers with her eyes on Joshua as Abbie talks to the men. “What’s he doing?”


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