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Blessed Moon: The King's Seer

Page 19

by L. S Bethel

  Yoon carefully considered her offer.

  “Yes.” The two stared at one another, they’re hatred for each other clear.

  “Give me the name.”

  “You give me your word my daughter and I will not be implicated?”


  “Kyril.” The word made her heart drop. His smiling face and kind words every time she interacted with him flashed in her mind. All his support, all his advice, had been nothing but a ruse. She almost didn't want to expose him not knowing how Kang-Dae would react. She wished she didn't know. As she thought more about it, she realized how deep this might go. What else had he done? What else had he had his hand in? All those times he was being helpful, how often was he just setting them up for his own malicious intents. She thought back to the attack on Amir and his men. Had that been him as well? Had he been the one responsible for the thefts, the contaminated food, all of it? All this time she's been trying to convince herself Kang-Dae was the enemy, but the real enemy wore the mask of an ally.

  Chapter Fifty-One

  Kang-Dae had been waiting on Serenity’s return for a while. His anxiety was getting the best of him and he feared he would lose the nerve to go through with his decision to confess everything to her. He was about to search her out just as Serenity entered. A frown slowly came on his face as he took in her dark expression. “What is it?” She went to sit at the table asking him to join her. There was a feeling of dread that began to settle in his stomach.

  When she started speaking about poisoning and conspiracy his dread slowly turned to anger. The fact that someone would dare to try and manipulate him in such a vile way made him sick. His distorted memories and misplaced anger suddenly made sense. “I will find who is responsible,” he swore to her.

  “I already know,” she said softly. He had not expected that. The sad look in her eyes was telling him he was not going to like what she had to say. She opened her mouth and closed it several times as if she were afraid to even speak. Finally, she took a breath and forced it out. “Kyril.” Kang-Dae was sure that he had just heard her wrong. He was sure of it.

  “Who?” He asked trying to focus so he could hear her correctly. She spoke as if it hurt her to repeat it. When she did, he realized he had heard her right. He shook his head. “No, you are mistaken.” Kyril had been in his life since he was a child. He’d watched him at his father’s side, always being there for him, serving him, advising him. It was why his father had made him a member despite some hesitation from others. His father had trusted him up until his death and had always advised him to do the same.

  “I'm so sorry, sweetie, but it's true.”

  “You're wrong,” he said firmly. She just didn't realize the kind of person Kyril was. He was always someone Kang-Dae could count on. Every time the council tried to overrule him or put him down it was always Kyril who stood behind him.

  “Kang-Dae, I know you don’t want to believe it-,” He jumped up causing his chair to fall back with a loud clack. She visibly flinched. “How? How do you know this?” She was quiet. “Tell me!” He shouted moving forward. She scrambled away genuine fear in her eyes. Kang-Dae stepped back.

  “Why are you afraid of me?” He asked completely baffled by her reaction. He would never hurt her, but she behaved like she was terrified, like he would attack her. Even now she stared at him with a fearful expression. He took a step toward her and she took a step back instinctively. He reached out to touch her, and his eyes moved toward the scratches on his arm. The scratches looked to be defensive marks, as if someone had done it to him. Her face was in his head staring at him with the same fearful expression. He was holding his hands on her throat as she tried to frantically get him to stop. The hurt and terrified look in her eyes as he squeezed the life from her was too much. His eyes teared up and he came back from what he knew was a memory from his missing days. Horrified over his actions he stumbled backward, away from her.

  Serenity knew the moment he remembered what he'd done. The horror in his face, the way he backed away from her as if he were afraid he'd do it again, it hurt her to see it. “It's alright,” she tried to assure him, but he kept moving away.

  “How could I-,” he started staring at his hands.

  “It wasn't you,” she tried to tell him, but he didn't appear to hear her.

  “I hurt you. I almos-,” he started over his words unable to finish. Seeing him spinning out of control Serenity quickly overcame her initial panic and took his face in her hands.

  “I'm okay. We’re fine. It wasn't your fault. It was all Kyril. He wanted you to kill me. He used the toxin to turn you against me. You weren't in control of yourself,” she explained.

  “Forgive me,” he begged, his eyes desperate. “Please. I am so sorry.” She wiped at his tears.

  “There's nothing to forgive. I know you would never hurt me. I know that.” He was still so disturbed by the memory of his deed he couldn't stop asking for forgiveness. “It’s Kyril I want retribution from, not you,” she told him. Remembering the cause of his terrible sin seemed to bring him back to his senses. What was unimaginable guilt and sadness change to realization and outrage. She watched a rage build up in him. Kang-Dae pulled away from her and stormed out clearly on a mission. Not wanting him to be alone she quickly followed after him.

  Chapter Fifty-Two

  Kang-Dae’s mind was focused on one thing. He marched through the halls of the palace searching for his target. Serenity may have been behind, him but he did not notice. His target stood with his back to him speaking to Amir and Yu. The other two could see him coming and their eyes became wide as he appeared, giving Kyril only a two-second warning before Kang-Dae came up behind him, forced him to face him, and punched him hard in the face. The other councilmen exclaimed. Amir tried to restrain him, but Jung-Soo was quick to pull the man back.

  “Why?!” Kang-Dae roared. Kyril didn’t answer, still trying to recover from the blow he received. “How could you do this to me? How?!” Kyril stared up at him unmoving. He appeared to be contemplating his next move.

  “My King I do-,”

  “Do you want your last moments to be filled with more lies.” realizing the severity of the situation Kyril wiped his bleeding lip with the back of his hand and pull himself up. To Kang-Dae, it was like witnessing a transformation. The once supportive and kind man he'd known his whole life appeared before him now cold and unremorseful.

  “How can you not know?” His change in tone and personality threw Kang-Dae. “My people are strong. We are meant to be leaders. Instead, we are forced to bow to you as if you are superior. Your great grandfather took control of us as if it was his right!” He raged. “When Katsuo invaded I saw an opportunity to undo a great wrong. I waited years for this chance. Lowering myself so that you and your father would trust me, allowing me to lead you exactly where I wanted you.”

  Kang-Dae felt a stab in his heart from every word that fell from his mouth. “Lei Wei wasn’t enough but Katsuo will be. I wish I could be there to see him wipe you all out.” Kang-Dae balked at the realization that it was Kyril who was responsible for losing so many to the warlord. “Unfortunately, I failed at disposing of your seer. It seemed no matter what I tried she survived.”

  “You were working with Amin,” Kang-Dae realized. Kyril shrugged. He turned those malevolent eyes to Serenity. Kang-Dae wanted to gouge them out for even attempting to look at her.

  “I am sorry my dear. I have nothing against you personally. I just couldn’t have you discovering the truth. Also, I knew taking you from him would hurt him more than any wound I could inflict.”

  “You will die for this,” Kang-Dae swore.

  “I die proudly knowing I did everything I could to bring down the Xianian hold over my land.”

  Kang-Dae stepped closer to him. “You truly have no remorse?” he asked, a small part of him hoping to see a glimpse of the man he'd always known.

  “My only regret is that I won’t be around to watch this city fall and personal
ly see you and all these greedy fools put down like the dogs you are,” Kang-Dae charged at his once most trusted advisor. He could think of nothing except making him pay for every evil deed with his bare hands. He was so consumed with his anger, he didn’t see Kyril pull out the dagger. He barely had time to catch Kyril’s hands stopping the tip a mere few inches from his stomach. He struggled with him. The older man was strong, perhaps even stronger than him. Kang-Dae’s arms shook as he tried to keep the dagger from penetrating him, but he was slowly losing his hold. He couldn’t keep this up much longer. Taking a chance, he started pushing Kyril’s arms to the side. Just as Kang-Dae’s hold weakened Kyril plowed forward, only managing to slash Kang-Dae’s side. Kang-Dae didn’t dwell on the pain of the sharp blade hitting his skin. He took advantage of Kyril’s loss of balance to turn and slam his elbow into Kyril’s stomach. Grunting Kyril stumbled back. Kang-Dae spun around and kicked him right in the chest. The older man went flying, landing in a heap on the floor, the dagger falling from his hands. Kang-Dae stalked toward him scooping up the dagger. Kyril was coughing, spitting out small amounts of blood. He stared up at Kang-Dae, defiantly raising his head.

  “I curse you and this whole forsaken country. My spirit will haunt these walls for all eternity. You will never know peace, nor happiness again.” Kang-Dae slammed the dagger down. Kang-Dae could hear Serenity’s shocked gasp from behind him.

  Kyril opened his eyes. He turned to look at the dagger embed in the floor an inch from him. “Lock him away. Tomorrow have him taken back to his true home.” Kyril looked at him, confusion in his eyes. “Then tear him limb from limb so he can be buried all over the country he loved so much.”

  A speck of fear entered Kyril’s gaze, but he soon began to chuckle, then laugh. The guards grabbed him and hauled him away. His maniacal laughter echoing behind them.

  Chapter Fifty-Three

  Witnessing Kyril’s confession and hearing Kang-Dae sentence him to death was hard for Serenity. Not because the man hadn't earned his death, but because she had known how much it pained Kang-Dae. Kang-Dae had been so heartbroken by Kyril’s betrayal. She tried to be there for him as best as she could but there was so little she could do to comfort him. His whole world had been shaken, and she couldn’t fix it for him. She took comfort in the fact that Kyril would no longer be around to manipulate anyone else. She could be a little more at ease about her leaving knowing he was no longer lurking around. She only had Yoon to worry about, but she already had plans for him. For now, she could use him.

  Serenity ticked off another day on her makeshift calendar. 20 days until the next blessed moon. She needed to get to work on her exit strategy. For that, she'd need more allies.

  Amoli had come by to bring her a new dress. “I need your help,” Serenity said.

  “Of course, my Queen.”

  “You can't repeat this to anyone not even the King do you understand?” Uncertainty came upon her face, but she nodded nonetheless proving to Serenity that her trust in her loyalty was not misplaced.

  “I'm going home.” Confusion spread on her pretty face.

  “But I thought you could not.”

  “It wasn't the right day,” she explained.

  “Will the King-.”

  “He can't know.”

  “Why?” Amoli asked becoming even more baffled.

  “Because he would try to stop me,” Serenity told her.

  Amoli shook her head. “He would help as he did before,” she said confidently.

  “He knew about it Amoli. He knew it was the wrong day.” Amoli grew quiet. She started to shake her head in denial. “It's true. He never wanted me to leave so he tried to make me think I couldn't.”

  “He must have had a reason,” she said asserted.

  “I know he has feelings for me, and those feelings made him try to protect me, but it's not right.” Amoli looked like she wanted to argue but clearly could come up with no explanations as to why he had done what he did.

  “Will you help me?” She asked once more. Now that Amoli knew what was at stake she hesitated. Serenity knew it was a hard thing she was asking, but she needed her friend. Amoli looked her in the eyes.

  “Yes, my Queen.”

  Serenity pulled the woman into a hug grateful to have her.


  Satori sat alone in his room reflecting. He had been doing a lot of reflecting lately, especially since Kyril’s death. Knowing of his many betrayals, and how easily he and many others had been manipulated by him disturbed him. Satori never would have thought he'd be a traitor. He’s always looked down on the man because of his origins but he never truly questioned his loyalty to the King. For the first time, Satori began to wonder about the virtue of the council. He always thought they were needed to help keep the King on the right path but perhaps the opposite was true. First, Amin, now Kyril. Were they all just greedy and spiteful men out for themselves, believing they were right and better? He thought he did what he had done for his people but now he wasn't so sure. Kyril was able to foresee Satori’s abandonment of Amir that day, almost leading to the young man’s death and many of their soldiers. His pride and self-righteousness had been used against him and his country. Satori was rethinking a lot of things now. What he saw as trouble now seemed necessary. Maybe he had been wrong about the Queen and her role in their kingdom. If not for her, who knows what would have become of them. He wondered over his own actions and feelings. Was he just like them? Did he deserve to be a man with power? How had he used it? Was he as honorable as he thought? Had eight years on the council warped his senses and made him forget what his true duty was? It hurt to think about. How long before he crossed the line like the others and brought disgrace to his family and his name? Had he already done so?


  Jae-Hwa lay on her bed locked away in her room. She’d denied entry to all servants and her father as well. The news about Kyril had put her in a state of shock. She had been so desperate to be queen, she’d allowed herself to be used by such a man, a traitor. His goal had never been about protecting the country from an unworthy ruler, it had been to cause the King’s downfall, and she had helped him. The nauseous feeling in her stomach intensified. She watched as the man she thought she would love forever was tormented by their manipulations and had thought it was fine as long as it got her the crown. How could she ever have thought she was worthy to be a queen? She had almost helped in the destruction of her country because she yearned for a title that had never been hers in the first place. Jae-Hwa had hoped this would cause a realization in her father. She had pleaded with him to join her in returning home. This palace brought out the worst in them both. If they had any chance of repentance and living decent lives they could not stay. He’d dismissed her, telling her that despite Kyril’s evil intention, he had made a way for them. She didn’t know what he was speaking of, so she gave up. Regardless of what he did, she would be leaving this life behind.

  Chapter Fifty-Four

  Amoli stood next to Arezoo, watching nervously as her Queen stared down Councilman Yoon. She’d been more than surprised when her Queen admitted the man would be a part of her plan. The man’s hatred of her was well known, but maybe that was why she decided to use him. No one would want her gone more than him.

  “What exactly do you need from me?” Yoon scowled.

  “I want you to push your daughter’s trip home back a couple of days,” Serenity told him.


  “Because I’m going to accompany her as Queen to see her off and visit a part of the kingdom I’ve never seen before. On the way, we’ll make a detour.”

  “The King would never let you go alone,” Yoon pointed out.

  “I will handle him. You just make the arrangements.”

  “I will not leave my daughter alone with you,” he spoke indignantly. “I will go as well,”

  “Whatever you like,” she said sarcastically.

  “If this is some kind of trick-,” he warned.

you want me gone or not? I told you, once this is over, I’ll be out of your way forever.”

  “You would truly give up your position, your throne?” he asked in disbelief.

  “Don’t worry about my reason, just do your part,” she told him. Yoon narrowed his eyes at her before he nodded stiffly. He turned and left.

  “Is it wise to trust him with this?” Arezoo questioned and Amoli agreed.

  “For once Yoon actually has a use.” To say that Serenity had been more than a little shocked when she heard Jae-Hwa was leaving the palace was an understatement. She hadn’t seen the woman in days. She was sure hell would have had to freeze over for her to give up her notions of being queen. But Serenity saw an opportunity. The path to Yenoa would take them right past the lake. Now that she had a genuine excuse to leave, they could enact their plan without fear of suspicion. It was why she hadn’t turned Yoon in.


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