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A Kiss on Kaidava

Page 10

by S. J. Sanders

  Just as she scurried out of the restaurant, with snarls and curses following after her from the staff, a strong hand gripped her shoulder and yanked her into a corner.

  “What did you do?” Lerix snapped.

  “N… nothing,” Cara gasped. She was pretty sure she was on the edge of hyperventilating. Or it might be due to how tightly he was squeezing her. She wasn’t certain. “Just had a tiny accident.”

  Lerix sighed in her ear, his hand stroking in a soothing manner down her back.

  “Do not just disappear on me like that again,” he growled.

  “Sorry,” she mumbled into his chest.

  After a while, she felt Lerix stiffen and he leaned forward slightly to whisper in her ear.

  “They are coming out of the restaurant now.” She was about to turn and look when his arms banded tightly around her and he hissed in her ear.

  “Don’t be so obvious,” he said in a low voice. “You don’t want to look like you are desperately searching for him.” His hand trailed from her shoulder down her back.

  “Let’s give them a bit of a performance. He will see how easily he too can be replaced. Follow my lead.”

  Lerix drew her against him and dragged his nose against her cheek and down the length of her neck, his hands skating over her back as if he were exploring her. Cara wasn’t sure how much was pretense and how much was real when she leaned into his embrace, his smoky-sweet scent flooding her nose for the first time. She whimpered, and Lerix growled, shifting her closer, molding her to his body.

  “Cara?” Ben’s voice cut through the fog that had settled into her mind.

  With a show of great reluctance, Cara pulled out of Lerix’s arms. His arms tightened briefly but then loosened as if only then remembering the whole purpose of their charade. Cara allowed herself a moment to wonder if just maybe he was interested beyond the stipulations of their agreement.

  Cara sighed and turned to Ben, forcing a look of surprise on her face. This wasn’t the time to analyze whatever might be happening between her and Lerix.

  She took a closer look at the couple. Ben looked perfectly groomed as always, although there seemed to be a bit of unusual stress around his eyes, but the Kadesh female was almost immaculate and had an air of possessiveness to her. Cara couldn’t help feeling a bit inferior in comparison.

  “Ben? Isn’t this a surprise. I thought you were in Orug,” she said dispassionately.

  “Benjamin, who is this?” the female purred at his side, her yellow eyes sparking with ire.

  Ben cleared his throat. “Mahuura, this is Cara. Cara this is Mahuura, she’s my… uh—”

  “I am his mate,” the female said sharply through gritted teeth.

  Ben fidgeted but then seemed to notice the large Kadesh male standing behind her. He paled slightly but thrust out his chin.

  “Who is that?”

  Cara forced out a helpless laugh. “Oh, I’m sorry. Where are my manners? This is my companion, Lerix.”

  Ben’s jaw dropped. “You signed up for the Mate Index?”

  “No, but that’s not a bad idea,” Cara said with a thoughtful air. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Lerix wink at her.

  Her ex was now frowning in confusion as Mahuura wound herself tighter around him, if that was possible. He seemed to make a small move to protest, but she tightened her tail around him in a rather impressive subduing manner. Ben responded instantly to what Cara could only guess was a warning as he wrapped his arm around the female and hugged her close, dropping a kiss on her head before speaking again.

  “I don’t understand. How did you get off Earth, Cara?”

  “Well, you know, that’s an interesting story, but Lerix promised to take me to the beach so we’re going to go spend a few hours enjoying it. Of course, if you’re that interested, you are both free to join us.”

  Mahuura opened her mouth to object but Ben seemed relieved to be given the opening.

  “Yes, I think it would be important to get the relevant details, in case anyone asks,” he said. His eyes darted quickly to his mate, and Cara suspected that statement was largely for her benefit and withheld a snicker.

  Lerix wrapped his arms around her from behind and nestled his chin against her hair in an obvious possessive display, probably to throw off the other female.

  “I am sure Mahuura has much she needs to get done to prepare for their mating ceremony. It is, after all, something that all Kadesh females look forward to and can be quite the busy affair. I am surprised that her family and friends have let her go anywhere with such planning that needs to be done.”

  The female flushed.

  “What you say is true. There is much that needs to be done, and my family and friends have been comming me for days now wondering when we are going to begin preparing for our mating ceremony.” She gave Ben a dubious look. “I am not sure how comfortable I am with Ben out of my sight for so long. You know how females can get, and I fear that my bonding pheromones haven’t had enough time to get established yet.”

  Cara watched Lerix grin at her in such a benevolent manner she could almost herself believe that he was the very spirit of charity. If she didn’t already know him, anyway.

  “Worry nothing of it. Usually brothers would keep your male in line while you shop and spend time with your friends and kin. Since I see none nearby, I will be happy to assume responsibility for your male while he is with us for the next couple of hours.”

  The female relaxed and smiled in such a way that Cara felt a pang of… something for the female. When not anxious about Ben, the female seemed quite sweet—and quite young. Cara narrowed her eyes on Ben when no one was paying attention.

  “Oh, that would be such a weight off my spirit. If you are certain you do not mind. Thank you.”

  “I could do no less,” he schmoozed. Cara worked hard not to roll her eyes at the way he was laying it on thick. “It seems you have a fine catch here, and as a Kadesh male I could do no less than offer aid.”

  Mahuura nodded eagerly, her youthful smile lighting up her face.


  Lerix smiled with practiced ease, engaging her confidence as she leaned forward and whispered, “I can see instantly that you are a good pair. It must have been very hard waiting for his pheromones to diminish from her, but it will clearly be worth the wait for you since you are already bonding exceptionally well.”

  He felt his smile falter a bit. He hadn’t realized that his bonding processes were already visible to others. They’d been maintaining a good ruse, and most everyone was under the impression that he was waiting to bond to her until the pheromones of the other male properly diminished, but if Mahuura was commenting on signs of bonding, he was in big trouble.

  Panic momentarily overwhelmed him at the thought of bonding himself to her, regardless of whether or not they were ever intimate, and Cara rejecting him in favor of returning to her life on Earth with Ben.

  Mahuura continued speaking as if she didn’t even notice his disquiet.

  “I confess I was a bit concerned when Ben called out to her, but seeing you with her is a big relief for me. I know you won’t let your female get away any more than I will let my male,” she said with a playful wink.

  Lerix grinned down at the female. She was small for a Kadesh female, only a little taller than Cara, and seemed to possess the winsome innocence of a female on her first hunt season. Females went on their first hunt when they reached their twenty-third revolution, after a great ceremony celebrating their entrance into adulthood as mature females ready to take mates. She had that same exuberance of females he had known at that age before he left Kaidava.

  She fished her comm out of her bag with a happy flourish and resumed speaking in normal volume for the benefit of the humans with them.

  “Well, since that is settled, I am going to comm my relatives to meet me. I will see you on Kafi Beach in… two hours?”

  Lerix nodded with a pleased grin. His eyes slid over to Cara, who was watching him w
ith curiosity. “Two hours will be perfect.”

  “Wonderful!” Mahuura said as she draped herself over Ben as she kissed him. “I will be back, my love.”

  Ben nodded, but Lerix wanted to laugh at the strained look on the male’s face. The male had gotten much more than he bargained for when he decided to set aside Cara to enjoy the comforts of a Kadesh female. There was no such thing as one night of pleasure with them when they were on the hunt.

  Chapter 14

  Lerix scowled as he stretched out on the sand next to Cara, getting as far away from Ben as he could manage while still making it blatantly clear that he would be an obstacle if the smaller male attempted to speak to her. Cara sat comfortably in her lightweight white dress, the tiny pink flowers printed on it bringing out the soft pink hues of her skin. She looked beautiful to Lerix. Unlike Ben, he could spend hours by her side.

  He attempted to observe just what appeal the male held for Cara. He did not discriminate against his size or weak features. Lerix had been around enough beings of different sizes and features to have appreciation for the diversity of life in the universe. No, it wasn’t that the human male was of a smaller, weaker species than a Kadesh male. Lerix didn’t like him on a personal level.

  He recognized that Ben was a sneaky, manipulative creature. Lerix should know. On a typical day he often was one himself. Every glance was calculating, his words dishonest and ingratiating. But what he could not forgive was that this male betrayed Cara. The Kadesh were not a romantic species, and love was built over time through their bonds, but no worthy Kadesh would forsake their mate.

  Lerix did not want the male anywhere near his female. She may not have been his mate, but his bonding to her made him all the more protective of the tender-hearted female. He wanted nothing more than to hide Cara away where the male could not attempt to influence or further hurt her.

  The only reason he did not—that he ignored every instinct screaming at him to ensnare his female the Kadesh way and bond him to her for the rest of their lives and beyond—was because he firmly believed in free will. He would never risk bonding if there was a chance of his female may someday walk away from him, leaving him broken and incomplete.

  It had to be her choice.

  So, he sat on Kafi Beach and glared at the human male propped on the beach mat beside them, the tightly woven material protecting them from the worst of the fine sand. Lerix had stripped off his tunic, not only to keep cool on the hot beach and enjoy the feeling of the sun on his scales, but also knowing that his form appeared larger and more intimidating to the other male. He could smell the anxiety radiating off the human. Lerix curled his lip at the distinct odor of sweat mingling with the other scents coming off the male.

  Unlike Cara’s lightweight clothes that she seemed to wisely have brought with the knowledge of a hot, humid climate in mind, Ben was dressed inappropriately in elegant but stiff clothes. Lerix shook his head at the foolish choice of attire. The neatly pressed dark blue shirt and black vest looked like misery to wear. Kaidava didn’t even sell clothing like that even in its most formal fashions.

  Lerix narrowed his eyes in an obvious threat at Ben when he leaned forward to brush his hand against Cara’s knee. To his relief, she recoiled from the male’s touch. Smart female. Lerix really didn’t wish to dismember anyone on the beach.

  “Cara, I really am glad to see you,” Ben said in a low voice.

  Lerix resisted snorting with disdain. The male obviously thought Lerix couldn’t hear him, apparently unaware of how good Kadesh hearing was, and Lerix wasn’t of mind to correct this misconception just yet.

  “Really?” Cara said slowly. “Sorry if it’s a bit hard to believe, but you did dump me pretty easily, and you seemed quite happy to be wrapped up with Mahuura.”

  Ben frantically shook his head.

  “No, please believe me. I never would have left you for her. She did something to me and after that, it was like I was under her spell. She told me she’ll never let me go. I’m trapped, Cara. Please, you have to help me.”

  Cara tilted her head. “Just how did she trick you?”

  Ben paled beneath his tan. “Please don’t be mad. I swear it was only this one time, but she seduced me into her bed. We did the deed—you know, had sex—and when it was over, there was just something addicting about being around her. I couldn’t say no when she demanded that I stay here on Kaidava with her. She said that I was her mate now and she threatened me if I tried to dishonor her,” he said.

  “So, since we were apart you took the opportunity to fuck her, thinking to just wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am on her, and then couldn’t get out of it?” she surmised bluntly, making the male blush.

  “I’m sorry,” he croaked, his eyes shifting in a way that made Lerix bare his fangs in irritation. Anyone could see that the only thing the male was sorry for was getting caught.

  “It was just the one time, I swear,” he pled.

  “He is lying,” Lerix growled at her side, glaring fiercely at the human before he solemnly met Cara’s eyes.

  “You know what I say is true. Viri explained it to you. If he was ever loyal to you, your pheromones would have been present on him and he never would have fell victim to a Kadesh female. Your scent, as lovely as it is, would have repelled her.”

  Cara nodded her head, her lips pinched as her eyes slowly hardened.

  Lerix knew she hadn’t wanted to think of it, but now that she was hearing the words out of Ben’s mouth admitting that he willingly went into the bed of Mahuura, she couldn’t shut out the knowledge any longer.

  Ben shuffled uncomfortably. Good. Let the male be shamed.

  “Cara, I do love you, baby,” Ben wheedled.

  Lerix huffed in irritation. His female wasn’t a baby. She wasn’t helpless or malleable, as this male obviously desired her to be.

  “I admit I made some… mistakes. But they were nothing. Just harmless one-night-stands. I always came back home to you, didn’t I?”

  “Ben, you didn’t bother coming home at night for weeks before you left for this trip. Are you trying to tell me you weren’t cheating on me all that time?”

  The male had the grace to flush.

  “I admit I went a bit overboard lately. I had some intriguing opportunities that I couldn’t pass up. You must understand—with our wedding coming up I just need a bit of distraction. But I didn’t love any of them. I love you. Please take me home, baby, my Carabear.”


  Cara couldn’t believe that he had the gall to say that to her. To claim that he loved her and beg her to take him back to Earth. Was he delusional? At her side Lerix was growling audibly, though low enough in his throat that it hadn’t yet begun to truly alarm Ben.

  She was surprised that she didn’t feel the urge to break down and cry now that the moment came. Perhaps she shouldn’t be. Although she’d shied away from thinking about it, she had plenty of time to face the truth of the matter. She’d merely been waiting for him to confirm her suspicions. Now, she couldn’t bear to waste a single tear on him.

  “Ben, you’re an idiot,” she snapped. “As far as I’m concerned, you’re getting exactly what you deserve. The only one I feel sorry for is Mahuura, being saddled with your lying, cheating ass.”

  Lerix chuckled at her side as Ben gaped at her wide-eyed.

  “Oh, do not be concerned for the Kadesh female. As Ben said, he is addicted to her scent.” Lerix grinned maliciously at him. “Kadesh are armed with special pheromones that, once we initiate a bond through a sexual exchange, keep our mates in a constant state where they need to be near us. Supposedly it is an evolutionary trait of our species designed to allow us to breed easily with our mates. They can’t go more than a few hours before they need to be near their Kadesh mate and exposed to their pheromones. Of course, it affects the Kadesh the same way, that need to be with their mate. It doesn’t last more than a few years before the effects begin to level out, but it is quite powerful from what I understand.

“In any case, no Kadesh female will go near him after that point. Even if he tried to copulate with another, they will smell Mahuura on him and know he is mated to her. Nor will he be successful in finding an offworlder female, since few unmated females of other species approach Kaidava. His likelihood of ever being able to leave the planet once they are mated is minimal without help,” he said, his grin widening as Ben’s panic seemed to increase with every word.

  Ben fell in the sand in front of her, the shining pink particles clinging to his dark pants as his hands gripped her wrists with painful urgency.

  “Please don’t leave me here! I beg you. I can change—I swear I can.”

  He clung tighter, his eyes suddenly gleaming with desperation.

  “Cara, you know Mother will do anything to get me back home, and she won’t be happy if you return without me. I don’t want to stay on Kaidava. I just want to go home.” Spittle flew from his mouth and a petulant look settled over his features.

  Cara didn’t know how she never saw her fiancé as the spoiled child he was. His mother was always his ace card. Whenever something wasn’t going right, Ben ran to his mother. How many arguments had she lost? How many times had she capitulated under the weight of his mother’s anger? The woman was formidable and coddled her only child. She gave him everything he wanted, and Cara had willfully ignored it.

  Ben’s grip tightened with his tantrum and Cara twisted her wrists against the bruising pressure.

  “Ben, let go. You’re hurting me.”

  The sudden angry snarl at her side made the fine hairs at the back of her neck stand on end.

  “Let go of my female,” Lerix said, each word ground out through gritted each.

  Ben’s perfect playboy features went white as a sheet and Cara heard a drizzling sound. Her eyes strayed downward and widened when she saw the large soaked patch at his crotch, streaking down his thighs onto the sand.

  Lerix had literally scared the piss out of him.


  Lerix wanted to kill the male for daring to touch his female with such force. Her delicate wrists were too easy to bruise and break. If that male left so much as a mark on her, he would have to set aside his promise to Mahuura and slaughter the male on the spot. He bared all of his sharp teeth with a vicious sneer and slowly lifted his tail, protracting the lethal blade from its tip. Something deep within his instinctual nature was delighted when terror flooded the features of the human.


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