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Onyx Dragons- Amber

Page 17

by Starla Night

  "You're not an idiot, honey. Michael—"

  "Yes." Jackie held up her hand, cutting her mom off. "Michael refuses to visit because he swore that you dosed his food. I said he was being oversensitive. It was the holidays and everything's coated in 'cinnamon scent' so anything could have set him off. When all along he was right and you lied to me."

  "I never lied to you. I put nothing into his food."

  "He's allergic to cinnamon, Mom. We told you so many times."

  "Remember when she sent the gingersnap cookies with the note for you to share with Michael?" Nicole asked.

  "Shut up, Nicole," Jackie snapped.

  Nicole whitened. She bolted to her feet and hurried out of the tense dining room.

  Jackie turned on her mom. "You let me believe for two years that my husband has no reason to avoid our family, but on at least two occasions you've tried to murder him."

  "Because he's trying to take you away from our family. Men like him, Jackie, are selfish. I could always see—"

  "That he would get a promotion? That I would want to be with him?"

  "That you would end up abandoned, alone, in a city far from your family with no one to help you!" Mom pleaded with Jackie to understand. "You would be miserable on the East Coast, Jackie. I had to rescue you."

  Jackie jumped to her feet. "How dare you?"

  Mom stood and grabbed her. "I dared because I love you!"

  Amber muffled a sob.

  Everyone stopped and stared at her.

  The ground tilted under Darcy's feet. He pulled her into his arms. "Amber?"

  Tears flowed down her cheeks. "That's so beautiful."

  "What is?"

  Amber wiped the tears. "My mother wasn't allowed to be with her dragonlets. The lengths you will go to keep your children close are inspiring." She sucked in a deep, shaky breath. "I want to be a part of your family."

  Mom rested on her heels. "Well, of course you do. Family is my top priority."

  Amber nodded, her jaw muscles working.

  Darcy pressed her to his shoulder. Gratitude and relief flowed into him. He wanted his loved ones to love each other. "You forgive my mom for pranking your food?"

  "Absolutely, Darcy."

  "Well, I don't," Jackie spat.

  Mom put her hands on her hips. "If Amber forgives my little prank, then why can't you?"

  "Because she's a dragon! Who doesn't even know my husband! She's crazypants!" Jackie whirled from the table and stormed up the stairs.

  "Jackie!" Mom followed her. "Jackie, wait!"

  An upper bedroom door slammed.

  Darcy and Amber stood alone at the table with the remains of the dinner.

  Amber looked down at her skirt. "I'm not wearing pants, crazy or otherwise."

  Laughter bubbled in his chest. He could never stay angry with anyone for long. As hurt as he was by his mom's behavior, he was more than willing to be distracted by the beautiful dragon who earned his eternal devotion by forgiving and moving on.

  Darcy leaned over Amber, resting on hand on each side, hemming her to the table. "In Britain, pants mean panties."

  "Well, my panties aren't crazy either. You know that, Darcy. You were there when I put them on."

  He nuzzled her, kissing her neck. "Thanks for reminding me."

  "You're welcome." Little goosebumps covered her skin. She fisted his collar. "You're teasing."

  "I hope I'm convincing you to let me be there when you put on tomorrow's panties, too."

  "Okay, Darcy."

  He loved how easy she made his life and tugged her to the front door.

  Jackie crossed their path, an overnight bag slung across her hunched shoulders, a determined look on her face. She didn't pause to say goodbye.

  Mom ran down the stairs. "Jackie, just listen to—Darcy! You're leaving me, too?"

  He grinned and squeezed Amber. "I'm seeing Amber home."


  "So we can have sex," Amber told her.

  Her mouth opened and she blinked. "What?"

  "I said—"

  "She heard!" Darcy waltzed Amber out the front door. Jackie's car pulled away, and his mom looked like she couldn't decide whether to tear away after Jackie crying or berate him for Amber's blunt honesty. "Goodnight, Mom."

  "Darcy, I disapprove of this irresponsible behavior."

  "It was a dragon wedding ritual."

  "Yes, but—"

  "Thank you for the lovely dinner," Amber told her as Darcy drew her into his arms.

  "It wasn't for you! You weren't supposed to be here."

  Darcy's patience wore thin. "Mom..."

  She balled her fists. "Darcy, ever since you got engaged to this woman, you've become so disrespectful."

  "I'll see you tomorrow when I help with the favors," Amber said, rising them into the air.

  "We don't want you!"

  "Okay, Mom, I'll just let Amber carry me away," he called, messing with her.

  Her face changed to fear. "No! Come back!"

  "Keep going," Darcy told Amber, and she kept rising, leaving his mom far below.

  If his mom behaved like a child then he would treat her that way.

  Darcy needed his family to love Amber. She wanted to join a family so badly and all his had done was fight and tear each other apart. He needed a solution.

  Or else.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Amber flew Darcy back to her lair.

  He was quiet and troubled, which was unlike him. She hugged him tighter as she lowered to a landing. "Things are going well."

  He sagged against her, all six delicious feet and extra inches. "You're more than I deserve."

  "Yes. Reward me."

  He leaned back, a devilish twinkle in his beautiful eyes. "What do you have in mind?"

  She nipped his lips with a playful kiss. He caught her and deepened the kiss, parting her lips and teasing her tongue.

  Silvery rain pattered against the overhead leaves and soaked them.

  He didn't seem to notice as the rain penetrated his clothing and slicked his hair to his head, but Amber pulled him inside her lair, peeled off their clothes, and drew him a warm bath. After it filled, they submerged and relaxed against the warm stone. Moonlight drenched the flickering rain shadows. It was peaceful and calming, two things that would ease the stress Darcy had mentioned his mother suffering.

  "Perhaps I should invite your mother here," she mused.

  "No." Darcy rolled over and hemmed her in, an elbow on either side of her face, and his long, lean length floating over her. "This is our sanctuary."

  She filled with delicious throbbing warmth. "Can I have my reward?"

  He enveloped her in a tender, hard kiss that pulled her breath from her body and sizzled heat in her veins. Her heart thudded, her breasts tightened, and her feminine core ached for his possession. He teased her with slippery caresses. His long arousal slid along her thigh.

  She turned in his arms and presented herself for his claim.

  He covered her, squeezing her breasts and rolling the nipples, his teeth tugging her sensitive lobe. "Did you want to try face-to-face?"

  "I want you now, Darcy." She rubbed her buttocks against his torso.

  "Yes, ma'am." He speared her with his hard cock.

  Passion enflamed her. Their bodies united in a delicious rhythm of warm, wet possession. Darcy commanded her, filling her with pleasure and leaving her with breathless need and then pounding back in with such intensity she couldn't think. Delirious enchantment soaked her soul. And then she imploded with sweet release, crashing, moaning, spent and vulnerable with him.

  He kissed her forehead, his own release shuddering through him. "You're so beautiful."

  "So are you."

  His grin quirked and the twinkle returned to his eyes. "Well, thank you."

  She disentangled. "Men don't enjoy being called beautiful."

  "You can call me anything." He kissed her fingertips.

  "Anything but teasing."

  "Well, I can't help my sense of humor, but I hope you know I'm serious with you."

  She kissed his lips. "I know."

  He teased another lock of hair from her damp tangle, and she removed her pins, giving in to the bath. He snagged her pine-scented soap and sudsed her passion-spent body, then massaged tea tree shampoo and conditioner into her hair and relaxed her thoroughly. He rinsed her, wrapped her in a fluffy beige towel, and carried her to her bed.

  He touched her choker drying by the bedside, and then joined her in the bed, and cuddled. "Thanks for trying so hard with my mom."

  "Family is important to me, too."

  "Have you talked to your brothers?"

  "A little." She kissed his knuckle. "They're worried I'll hurt you."

  "Hurt you? Do you want me to talk to Mal?"

  "Mal's supportive, mostly. Maybe Pyro. He hasn't always seen my best side."

  "I'll take care of it." He snuggled her close and tucked her head under his chin, resting her on his chest like a powerful male protecting a small female.

  The lump grew in her throat. His every action telegraphed his care. That she could trust him. He trusted her. In time, his breath turned to quiet snores, and she rested a protective arm over him.

  He had tried more than once now to have sex with her in the human way and she had denied him. Why? What was her resistance? She had no resistance to snuggling.

  Sex with Darcy was so intense. She struggled to keep her heart in her chest when he took her from behind in human form. What would happen if they coupled face-to-face?

  It was better to keep facing away from Darcy.

  Just in case.

  Amber forced herself to quiet her thoughts and accompany Darcy into sleep, but in the morning, she was still mulling.

  He tugged on his shirt and grimaced at the sleeve, holding up the damp spot. "Still wet."

  "Okay, hold still." She made a little fire and blew. The fire licked his wrist.

  He yelped, jumped in surprise, and clutched his arm to his chest. "You flamed me!"

  She snapped her mouth shut, cutting off the flame.

  His eyes were round with shock and he held his breath.

  Horror filled her. "I'm so sorry."

  He laughed with a high-pitched edge. "That scared me."

  Her heart dropped. She'd scared him. Darcy had told her over and over he wasn't scared, that he had faith in her control, and the first time she'd showed, the truth came out.

  She scared him.

  The truth lanced her chest.

  His laughter stopped. He cleared his throat. "Amber?"

  She forced her words through the agony. "I'm sorry, Darcy."

  "You startled me. Hey. It's okay. I'm not hurt."

  She didn't know what to say.

  He tipped up her chin. "Look at me."

  She gripped his hand, using more of her strength than usual. "Stop."

  He winced. "Amber."

  "Now you know." She dropped his hand and walked to the landing pad.

  "Now I know what?" He shook his fingers, following her. "Hey, that kind of hurt."

  "Now you know I can hurt you."

  "I always knew you could hurt me. Anyone can hurt anyone. I'm not afraid, you just startled me. I never thought about how you could turn yourself into a blow dryer with no warning."

  "But now you thought of it, so now it's over."

  "Now what's over? Amber, hey. You're not making any sense." He caught her at the door to her landing pad, reached out, and then forced himself to curl his fingers into a fist. "Please stop and talk to me."

  "There's nothing left to say."

  He laughed incredulously. "There's a lot left to say. Can I?" He pulled her into his arms, urging her to melt, to yield. "You startled me, yes, and this is a sensitive area for you. I'm sorry I didn't react better. Please give me a warning before you unleash the flames. I'm too used to humans."

  Her throat pinched. She swallowed. "I'm a dragon."

  "I know, I know. I forget."

  The hurt lanced deeper. Pyro had been right. Her brothers had been right.

  "I mean, I don't forget," Darcy corrected, "I'm just not used to you using your powers around me because you're always so repressed. I like you as a dragon, and I want to get used to your dragon powers, which means you should use them more around me, and then it will become normal, and I'll react like a man."

  "You shrieked."

  "Please erase that sound from your mind." He brushed the hair from her forehead and kissed her as though kissing away the memories. "From now on, I only emit manly yells in the deepest, most masculine register."

  She couldn't help a snort. Darcy knew just what to say to ease her dark fears.

  "You aren't ready to break up?"

  "Break up!" He turned her to face him. "No, there's no reason to break up. You can toast our marshmallows, light our birthday candles, and remove the fog from windshields. This is a great perk. There's no downside."

  His kind words seeped into her chest.

  He held out his sleeve. "Will you dry my wet sleeves?"

  "Tell me if it hurts."


  She took a deep breath.

  He tensed, but his gaze held hers like he was committing to get seared with a brand.

  She blew a tiny flame.

  He rotated his sleeve, switching one for the other, and then lowered the sleeve to get closer and rubbed his hands over the crackling warmth. She'd controlled her flames her whole life and hadn't feared lighting him on fire by accident until he'd jumped, frightening both of them. Now, his trust rebuilt her fragile confidence.

  A little.

  She dried his suit and dropped him off at his house before continuing to work. In her mind, she dwelled on the incident. The fear in his eyes, the tone in his voice, how he'd leaped away from her. She never wanted him to run away from her again.

  Amber landed in the middle of a new gauntlet.

  Her eldest brother was waiting in her office, accusatory, and doubtful.

  "Amber." Mal slammed his fists on her desk. "Did you advise Jasper to pursue a human female with a knife?"

  "Yes. Is there a problem?"

  "With a knife? You told him to take a knife?"

  "For self-protection." Her voice wobbled. The recent interaction with Darcy still affected her. "Is he okay?"

  "He's in jail. Other humans contacted the police." Mal scrubbed his face. "This is the worst timing. He's supposed to be acquiring feathered down for our next launch, not rotting in a cell."

  "I'm sorry. He said our work was very similar, so maybe I could do his job for the day."

  "No, no. We need your next quarter forecast for tomorrow's meeting."


  Her door flew open. The dragon inspectors swanned in with empty mugs. They headed for her espresso machine.

  "Here's the real CEO," Serpentine said as Ulexite pulled several shots for himself and then moved on to his companions.

  Mal growled. "What do you want?"

  "Chrysoberyl wants to talk to the true leader." Serpentine clicked the wall screen.

  "Amber." Chrysoberyl's skin looked extra oiled and his silver-limned teeth shone. "When will you admit that you're better than your brothers and join me?"

  Amber stood. "I'm not and never will be the Onyx Corporation CEO."

  "You hold the money." He sniffed. "You are in charge."

  Hot anger flowed through her veins like lava edged with lightning.

  She was already on edge from her interaction with Darcy. The dragon inspectors used up her entire bag and Graphite opened a new one of her dwindling supply. Now, Chrysoberyl went too far.

  Her hair crackled.

  Mal clapped his broad hand on her shoulder, stopping her transformation cold. "What do you want, Chrysoberyl? Or should I call you the lesser Carnelian?"

  He gritted his teeth. "Watch who you insult, low caste."

  "Since I am your boss, address me as 'sir'."

  "Amber." C
hrysoberyl held back his snarl. "Now that your irresponsible brother Jasper is incarcerated, you must teach me the budget. I'll come to you."


  "But I need the true figures provided by a female who understands them."

  "Tell me what date range you want and I'll give it to you."

  "You and I should work together. As I am an aristocrat worthy of your illustrious self, you can enjoy freedom from the lesser males and recessive beings who surround you."

  "I work at work."

  "Then we may dine together afterward. You will see we belong together."

  "Tonight I'm making wedding favors."

  Chrysoberyl's teeth elongated into fangs. "You're not marrying a human. Not after you've received an offer from me, an attractive aristocrat male dragon."

  She didn't reply.

  "Amber, invite me down. You'll see what you've been missing. Invite me."


  "You and me, Amber, can do so much more. Declare martial law and take over industry. No one will challenge you for leadership. We can rule Earth together."

  "No, thank you." She closed the connection and turned to the dragon inspectors staring at her in shock. "Now, get out of my office."

  "You dare to prefer a human to Chrysoberyl Carnelian? An aristocrat?" Serpentine choked.

  "It's a ploy," Ulexite murmured behind his hand to Graphite. "To keep her brother as the CEO. She's determined to make us question her sanity."

  "We mustn't let her know it's working."

  They nodded wisely, slurped the last of their coffees, and turned to pull new shots, slashing into a fresh bag.

  Serpentine gestured for the bag. "Pass me more of that delightfully harsh coffee."

  Ulexite handed it over. "Only the true CEO would enjoy such a prestigious flavor."

  "Jasper got that for me," Amber protested. "Drink someone else's."

  "But yours is the tastiest." Serpentine made the drinks for the trio using an excessive amount of ground beans, and then sailed out of her office calling over his shoulder, "We'll be back for a refill!"

  She flexed her fingers. The nails prickled the surface. Just once she wanted to go on a rampage like her brothers.

  Mal stopped her. "It's just coffee."

  "I've barely gotten to drink any. I'm running low because of them."

  "Consider it the cost of the inspection. They spend so much time refilling their mugs in your office it gets them out of mine."


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