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His Perfect Mate [Nehalem Pack 6] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 2

by AJ Jarrett

  “Well then, I guess you’re coming with.” Holden pulled him into a hug and Jake went willingly. Seth sat on the couch glaring up at him and Jake couldn’t help but grin in response.

  They made plans to leave the next morning. Holden asked him again if he really wanted to go and Jake reassured his friend this was exactly what he needed. It gave him a purpose, plus it was something he decided on his own. It was his choice to go and he couldn’t wait to head out at daybreak. All he needed to do now was explain to his brothers and Devon that he would be leaving for a few days. Devon was his boss and new alpha and he didn’t think the man would have an issue with him taking time off, but his brothers would be a different story.

  Chapter Two

  When Jake got home that night Josh was still there. Jake and Cole lived with the Carsten pack but Josh had chosen to live with his mate Jensen in Silver Creek where Jensen had a house. His brothers and their mates were sitting on the couch watching a movie. He could hear their laughter as he came through the back door.

  “Great you’re still here,” Jake said as he came into the living room.

  “Yeah, little brother twisted my arm until I stayed.” Josh must have read something on his face because he grabbed the remote and paused the movie. “What’s up?”

  “Nothing, you being here just saves me from having to call you.” He took a seat on the coffee table. “I’m going to be leaving for a few days.”

  “Where are you going?” Cole asked.

  “Away with Holden.”

  “Oh,” Cole said real slow then started to smile like a fool. “I get it.” He nudged Jake in the knee.

  “What is wrong with you people?” Jake asked his little brother. “Just because Holden and I spend time together doesn’t mean we’re sleeping together. Jeez.” He blew out an annoyed breath. It would seem everyone pegged them for being a couple.

  “I just assumed.” Cole looked to his mate Josef then to Josh. “I think we all assumed that you two were dating.”

  “Well, we’re not.” He slapped his hands on his thighs. “But back to what I was saying. I’ll be gone for a few days. Holden is going to visit a friend Seth and I’m tagging along.” When Cole made a sound of surprise Jake narrowed his eyes at his brother. “And, no, they are not dating either.” Or so he thought.

  “So where are you going and what will you be doing while you’re there?” Josh asked.

  Josh had been born mere seconds before him and it irritated Jake that his brother treated him like a small child in need of constant parenting. Jake didn’t need to answer to anyone. He could come and go as he pleased. But out of respect he would tell his brothers where he’d be unlike Josh had done a few months back. Jake didn’t want to make anyone worry about him.

  “Clawson. It’s a small town in Vermont.” He looked to Josh. “Seth invited him for a visit.” Jake held back the part about the two stray wolves on Seth’s property. No need to make his brothers worry because then they would try and talk him out of going.

  “That explains why Holden’s going but why are you?” Josh sat forward and pointed a finger at Jake’s chest.

  “Not that it’s any of your business, Brother,” Jake sneered at Josh. “But I want to go. I need some time on my own. It seemed to work wonders for you.” It was a low blow but of all people Josh should understand him wanting to get away for a bit.

  “Come on, you two.” Cole interjected before Josh could say anything in his defense. “Jake, I think it’d be good for you to get away and have some time to yourself.” Cole shifted to look at Josh. “You agree to, don’t you, Josh?” With a tight nod Josh gave his approval, not that Jake needed it.

  “Okay then.” Jake stood up. “I’m going to go talk to Devon and let him know I’ll need a few days off work.”

  Jake left the room without saying another word and headed for Devon’s office. Yellow light seeped out from underneath the door and he could hear Devon’s chair rolling back and forth across the hardwood flooring. He knocked once and waited.

  “Come in.”

  Jake pushed the door open and stepped inside. “You got a minute?”

  “Of course.” Devon put his pen down and smiled up at him. “What can I do for ya?”

  “I wanted to see if it would be okay for me to take a few days off work?” He took a seat in the chair in front of Devon’s desk.

  “Sure, where you off to?” Devon asked him.

  “I’m going to go out of town with Holden and his friend Seth.” He quickly explained how he just wanted to get out of the house, hell, away from his brothers for just a little while.

  Devon understood and said he could relate. He had two brothers of his own that put him through the wringer on a daily basis.

  “Hey, Jake.”

  Jake stopped at the door and turned to look back at Devon. “Yeah?”

  “If you need anything don’t hesitate to call me.”

  Jake smiled and appreciated the offer from his new alpha. “Will do, boss.” When he stepped out of the office he wasn’t surprised to see his twin leaning against the opposite wall. “Josh, what are you doing out here?” He shut the door behind him.

  “Waiting for you.” Josh pushed away from the wall and came to stand before him. “Are you sure it’s safe going out of town with two men you barely know?”

  Jake wanted to roll his eyes. “Yes, Josh, I do. I’m not helpless. I can take care of myself. I don’t need you to hold my hand anymore.”

  Josh flinched at his words. “I never said you did, Brother. I just worry is all. After what I did, taking off like that, I don’t blame you for being standoffish with me but I want you to know that I love you and I’d die if anything ever happened to you or Cole.” Josh’s voice started to crack and Jake could see tears well up in his brother’s eyes.

  “Josh, stop thinking that I’m upset or trying to find ways to punish you.” He lightly punched Josh in the arm. “It hurt when you left but I get it and I don’t blame you. But you have to understand that now it’s my turn to go and do a little self-discovery without you. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

  After a few moments of silence Josh nodded his head and wiped at his cheeks. “I do.”

  “Great!” Jake pulled his brother in for a hug then started for the stairs. “I need to go pack and get ready for tomorrow. I’ll call you when I get back.”

  “Jake,” Josh called out. He turned around and raised an eyebrow. “I’m here if you need anything, just call me, okay.”

  Jake nodded his head and smiled down at his brother then headed for his room. He started pulling out clothes and laying them out on his bed. Seth hadn’t said how long they’d be gone so he thought it best to only pack a few days’ worth. He’d probably be in his wolf form a good chunk of the time and he didn’t really want to have to lug around a ton of crap he might not need.

  Once he finished packing he took a quick shower then climbed into bed. He tossed and turned but couldn’t get comfortable. Excitement like he never felt before kept him awake. He couldn’t wait to leave in the morning. Something about this trip had his body surging with energy.

  * * * *

  Beep, beep, beep.

  Jake rolled to the side and slammed his hand down on his alarm clock. The sound was like nails on a chalkboard screeching in his ears. He climbed out of bed and went to go to the bathroom. He washed his face and brushed his teeth then got dressed.

  The house was quiet as he left his room. The sun had yet to rise so he hadn’t expected to see anyone as he left the house. Jake walked out the front door and took a deep breath of the chilly morning air. The sun was just coming up over the trees and lighting the front yard. Frost glistened on the blades of grass that had started to turn yellow with the changing of the seasons.

  Jake stood on the front porch with his backpack over his shoulders and his hands jammed into his pockets waiting for Holden and Seth. They had planned to leave at seven that morning and it was a few minutes before that. But Jake was eager to
leave and didn’t mind braving the cold morning as he waited.

  A large black Jeep came up the long driveway and Jake took the steps down to the sidewalk. When the Jeep stopped moving the passenger window came down.

  “You ready?” Holden asked.

  “As I’ll ever be.” He pulled open the door handle and hopped into the back seat. “Seth.” He nodded a hello to the man.

  “Jake,” Seth said in not too friendly of a tone.

  “So.” Holden pulled Jake’s attention from Seth back to him. “What did your brothers say? Did they freak out on you?”

  Seth turned around in the drive then headed down the road toward the interstate. Every once in a while he’d catch Seth staring at him in the rearview mirror.

  “Nah, not really. Even though I told them it wasn’t a romantic getaway with you, I think Cole’s still hoping.”

  “Him and Skyler both.” Holden chuckled. “But seriously are they okay with you leaving?” Jake could hear the concern in his friend’s voice.

  He shrugged. “I guess so. I think even if I was going away for a romantic weekend with you they’d still be worried about me. I’m starting to think they think I can’t function on my own or some shit.”

  “Maybe they just worry because they’re your family and that’s what family does,” Seth said in a soft voice, never taking his eyes from the road.

  “Maybe.” Jake turned and focused his attention out the side window. What Seth said was true and Jake was fortunate to have a family that cared about him, but sometimes it could be too much. In Jake’s opinion his brothers went overboard with the worrying.

  The drive carried on in silence for about an hour until Holden got restless and turned on the radio. Jake took off his jacket and propped it against the window to rest his head on. It seemed like the perfect time to catch a few extra winks.

  A little over five hours later they came to the Clawson city limits and Seth drove through the small town until nothing but trees surrounded them. After a little more driving Seth hit his blinker and turned down a dirt-beaten path. The foliage had turned from vibrant greens to rust-colored oranges and brown. As the Jeep drove past leaves blew into the air, scattering in all different directions.

  The road was so bumpy that Jake had to keep grabbing the side handle to keep from falling over. Finally Seth turned down a narrow road and Jake could see a log cabin in the distance. It reminded him of the cabin his father, he, and his brothers would stay at when they’d go hunting while in human form. His father believed every man needed to know how to handle a rifle.

  “Home sweet home,” Seth said as he pulled the Jeep up to the side of the house. He turned off the engine and climbed out and Jake and Holden followed suit.

  “It’s nice, Seth,” Holden complimented. “Has a rustic welcoming appeal to it. All I need is a beer and lip full of chewing tobacco and I’d be right at home here.” Seth started to laugh and Jake turned around, thinking he was hearing things. The hard lines of Seth’s face loosened when he smiled and Jake thought it was a good look for the man.

  “I say we get you two unpacked and have some lunch then go looking for my uninvited guest.” Seth opened his front door and they filed into the house behind him. “There’s no telling what they’ve been up to since I’ve been gone.”

  Jake dropped his bag in an empty chair. “What are you so worried about? I think there’s enough animals on this land for you to share,” Jake said more as an afterthought. He didn’t mean for it to come out sounding judgmental but he didn’t see what the harm was if these two young wolves lived on Seth’s property. He was only one man. It wasn’t like he used up every square inch of the land all at once. Jake couldn’t grasp why the man couldn’t share with the less fortunate.

  “Because, I’ve been worried about them, you prick.” Seth spun around and stormed toward him. “You didn’t see them. They look so young and sickly that I hated having to leave to come ask for help.” He pointed a finger into Jake’s chest. Jake swatted it away. “You don’t know me and don’t pretend you know what I’m thinking. Got it?”

  Jake narrowed his eyes and took a tiny step forward until he bumped chests with Seth. A growl seeped past his lips.

  “Cool it, you two.” Holden pushed between them. “We’re all on the same side here.”

  Jake pulled his steely gaze from Seth to look at Holden. He nodded his head. “You’re right, Holden. I’m sorry, Seth. I didn’t mean to offend you like that.”

  “It’s okay.” Seth ran a hand down his face and Jake could see the tension cording his muscles. “Like I said I’m not good with people and I didn’t mean to give the impression that I didn’t care about these young men. I’m just not comfortable having them here. I feel responsible for them and that’s a feeling I don’t like having.”

  “Understandable,” Jake said.

  Jake walked around taking in his surroundings. The cabin only had two bedrooms which meant Jake and Holden had to share a room. Not a big deal. The bed was a queen and had plenty of room for them both. It might be a little close for comfort but nothing that bothered either of them. They both had siblings and were used to sharing.

  Once they had their stuff put away they headed out to the kitchen. The kitchen wasn’t very big and with three grown men in there it was a little crowded. Jake took a seat at the small table so that he wasn’t in the way and watched as Seth and Holden made lunch. Seth prepared the soup while Holden made some grilled cheese sandwiches.

  As he waited for Seth and Holden to finish lunch Jake felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He took it out and saw Cole’s name flash across the screen. He opened the message and smiled.

  Did you make it there okay???

  Of course, Jake typed back.

  Cool. If you need anything just call me, okay?

  I will.

  Talk to you soon, Jake. Love you!!!!

  I love you too. Jake added a smiley face at the end of the message. Ever since Cole started dating Josef he’d been more open with his affection and Jake liked it. It made him feel good to know someone loved him. Subconsciously he knew his dad and his brothers cared for him but it never hurt to hear someone express those feelings out loud.

  He quickly put his phone away when Seth brought over the bowls of chicken soup. Holden followed behind him with a platter of sandwiches. His stomach growled loudly and he moved a hand over his belly in hopes of masking the sound. He grabbed up a sandwich and soaked it in his soup then took a bite. His stomach sighed in relief to have substances filling it.

  As he sat there and ate, Jake kept glancing looks at Seth. Something about the other man told Jake to keep his guard up. He didn’t think the man was a threat to him but his father had taught him to keep his eyes and ears open at all times. A threat could come from anywhere or anyone when he least expected it.

  Chapter Three

  A few hours later Seth led them through the woods toward where he spotted the young wolves that had been squatting on his land. The sun hid behind the clouds and the temperature began to drop. Jake took out his gloves and pulled them on.

  “About how much further?” he asked.

  “Ten maybe fifteen more minutes,” Seth answered. The man kept trudging forward.

  “As long as we get there before dark we’re good,” Holden chimed in. “If we approach these wolves in the dark it might look suspicious and they might go into attack mode.”

  “It’s survival mode, Holden,” Seth corrected as he turned around to face his friend. In that instant Jake saw something flash before the other man’s eyes but Jake wasn’t quite sure what it was, fear or understanding.

  As they made their way up a small embankment there was a break in the trees. Sitting in the center of a small clearing was a little cabin that looked like it had seen better days.

  “That’s it,” Seth whispered.

  “I can’t smell anything but the smoke coming from their chimney.” Holden pointed to the roof.

  Jake took a deep breath and pulle
d on every wolf instinct in him to try and make out a scent. His eyes watered from the brisk, cold air. Just as he filled his lungs for a second time a man stepped out of the house. The sweet aroma of freshly baked bread and honey fanned under his nose. His eyes fell shut as the smell took control of his body and his dick twitched in his pants.

  Shaking off his arousal, Jake opened his eyes. The young man wore a pair of blue jeans that were covered in dirt and grime and had holes in the knees. His flannel shirt hung loose around his body, buttoned clear up to his neck, and a vest jacket over that.

  Jake shifted to get a better look at the man’s face. Even with the distance separating them Jake could see the light blue of the man’s eyes. They almost looked milky white with a swirl of blue bleeding through it. The man’s skin was pale with deep, dark circles under both eyes. Jake watched as the man straightened from staking the wood that had fallen from the pile and his shaggy brown hair fell across his face. The layers lay in different lengths as if he had cut his hair himself and done a terrible job at it.

  Mine! a voice inside his head screamed. Jake straightened and made to stand up.

  “What are you doing?” Holden hissed in a low voice. He grabbed Jake by the arm and yanked him back down to the ground.

  Holden’s tight grip on his arm shook him from his trance. He turned to look at Holden. “He’s mine.”

  “What?” Holden mouthed. His jaw went slack.

  “He’s my mate.” He tried to get up but Holden refused to let go of his arm.

  “If you go over there spouting off that you’re his mate he might freak out.” Seth leaned closer to whisper.

  Jake stared hard at Seth. No one was going to keep him from his mate. A low growl bubbled up his chest and his lips pulled back as he snarled at Seth.

  The sound of something thudding to the ground had all three of them jerking their heads back toward the small cabin.

  “Who’s out there?” the man shouted.

  Jake tried to stand up but Holden still had a death grip on his hand. “Let go of me.” His voice came out garbled. His canines had lengthened from his gums and his lips and cheeks were puffed out.


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