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His Perfect Mate [Nehalem Pack 6] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 7

by AJ Jarrett

  “Hey, asshole.” Jake turned in the direction of Holden’s voice. “Maybe you should go after your mate now that the cat’s out of the bag.”

  “More like wolf,” Seth said in a sleepy tone.

  “Shut the fuck up.” Jake heard a muffled grunt. “Jake, go after him. He’s been hurt before and you need to show him how love should be. And I don’t want that little shit getting caught by his old pack.”

  Crap! Jake never thought of that. He hopped up and headed in the direction his mate had left. Most of the trees were bare and the moonlight rained down around him, but he still found it rather hard to locate his mate. He stopped walking and listened. A few snapping twigs and heavy breathing had him turning to the left. He let his feet carry him closer to his mate.

  In the distance he made out a silhouette of a person sitting on the ground. The sound of soft sobbing met his ears.

  Jake felt like a complete dick for causing his mate pain. He didn’t laugh to be cruel. He was just so overwhelmed with happiness he couldn’t fight back a fit of the giggles. It had nothing to do with Carl not knowing they were mates.

  Easing carefully over the rough terrain of the forest floor he stepped closer to his mate. As he got nearer Carl looked up.

  “What do you want?” Carl’s voice hitched as he glared at Jake.

  “I came to check on you.” Jake sat down next to Carl on the cold hard ground. “And to apologize.” He reached for Carl’s hand and breathed a sigh of relief when the man didn’t pull away. “I wasn’t laughing at you. I was just so excited that you knew the truth and that you were having a dream about me.”

  “How can you be happy about that? You have a loser with a crush on you.” Carl belittled himself.

  “Hey.” Jake squeezed Carl’s hand tight. He didn’t like to hear his mate talk down about himself. “You’re not a loser. You didn’t even know that mates existed until I told you a few hours ago. So you shouldn’t beat yourself up over that.”

  “I should have realized then that we were mates.” Carl tried to tug his hand free but Jake refused to let go. “But instead of listening to you and letting what you said sink in I flew off the handle and got mad at you.” Carl let his head fall forward to rest on his raised knees.

  Jake scooted closer and turned to where he could wrap his arms around Carl. The position was awkward but he wanted the man to know that he wasn’t alone. That he would always be there for him, good times and bad.

  “You’re under a lot of stress right now. Your brother has been kidnapped by your psycho alpha and you still need to heal from the time you spent with that monster.” Carl never elaborated on what exactly happened to him while in the care of his alpha but Jake had a pretty good idea. He also didn’t want to get confirmation from Carl or he’d run straight to Tobias’s house and kill the man as he slept, inevitably putting them all at risk.

  “I know but I still feel stupid. Yes my brother had been taken by a man who loves to inflict pain on others and it’s eating me up inside that I can’t save him but I still should have figured it out.” Carl sat silent for a few minutes then turned to face him. “I also never had a dream like that before. The touch, smell, and feel of your body were so vivid and real. I couldn’t control myself and I’m not sorry for biting you.” Carl turned his attention toward the darkened woods. “It was like I felt something snap into place inside me.” He grabbed his chest.

  He used his fingers to slowly turn Carl to face him again. “That’s because we are mates.” Jake slowly leaned forward, giving Carl time to stop him but he didn’t. Jake lightly brushed his lips over Carl’s and reveled in the soft fullness. A groan seeped past his lips and he moved even closer, crushing Carl to his chest.

  Carl twined his arms around his neck. His mate kissed with such timidness that made Jake hunger to show him what it meant to be loved properly by one’s mate. He didn’t want Carl to be shy or fearful that he’d embarrass himself. They would both make mistakes and at times stumble and fall. But he needed Carl to know he’d never leave him.

  They kissed for a while longer and Jake could feel his cock swell to painful proportions. Jake wiggled his ass where he sat on the ground trying to find a comfortable spot. Carl still sat clinging to him. Jake had to think the man was just as uncomfortable as he was.

  He placed one more light kiss to Carl’s swollen lips then moved back. “Would you be okay with lying back on the ground? My legs are killing me.”

  “Sure.” Carl moved so that Jake could lie down first then he snuggled close once Jake got situated.

  The atmosphere seemed so romantic as they snuggled close under the stars. They were sharing their mating with nature. Something that pleased Jake’s wolf. The longer they lay there Jake started to wonder what exactly took part in Carl’s dream. He lightly combed his fingers through Carl’s hair. “So if you don’t mind me asking what happened in your dream that had you biting me?” He wanted to facepalm himself. Could there have been a less suave way to ask that?

  “In my dream you told me you would never hurt me.” Carl didn’t seem to mind Jake’s bluntness. “Then you told me how beautiful I was and to never hide from you.”

  Jake had to agree with his dream self. So far it sounded like stuff he would say.

  “Then we were both naked laying on what felt like fluffy clouds.” Carl propped up on his elbow and gazed down at him. “Then we made love. You were so gentle and caring. I couldn’t believe someone was cherishing me so kindly.”

  “Oh, baby.” He guided Carl back to lie on his chest. “I wasn’t in your dream so I can’t say with one-hundred-percent certainty that it will be exactly like that but I’ll spend the rest of my life trying my damndest to give you that.”

  Carl placed a finger over Jake’s lips. “You already have.”

  Jake rolled over on top of Carl. The hunger in his mate’s eyes spoke to his soul and his wolf demanded he give his mate pleasure. He had never been with another man before but his instincts took over. It was as if his body knew how to please its mate.

  He kissed Carl until he was gasping for air then slowly worked his way down his mate’s body. Through the layers of clothes Carl wore Jake could still feel his mate’s bones where they stuck out to pronounce from his body. Once they rescued Casper, Jake was going to make sure both the brothers received the care they needed and all the food they could ever want. Both brothers were in desperate need of gaining some weight. It wasn’t healthy to be so thin.

  Carl’s body trembled and his breathing picked up the lower Jake went. He shoved up the material that hung over Carl’s stomach and kissed the heated skin. Carl’s abdomen quivered as Jake tongued his navel. Jake sat back on his knees and fumbled with the fastening on Carl’s jeans. Finally he was able to free the snap and parted the zipper. He glanced up to see Carl staring back at him. Carl chewed on his lower lip and Jake could see the uncertainty playing across his face.

  “I promise I won’t hurt you,” Jake reassured. “I just want to see you.”

  Carl gave a jerky nod and Jake pulled back the rough denim. His mate’s cock pushed at the waistband of his briefs and Jake could smell his arousal where it damped the material. Jake dipped down and inhaled the wild scent of Carl’s pre-cum. He sucked around the coarse fabric trying to take in all Carl’s tangy goodness.

  A low, steady growl began deep in his chest and Jake’s fingernails started to grow. He used the tip of his forefinger to slice the briefs down the center. Carl’s cock lay heavy against his hip. The moonlight hit the reddened skin and Jake traced each and every thick vein with his eyes. He needed a taste.

  Before Carl could protest, he leaned down and swallowed down his mate’s velvety hardness. Carl cried out and his hands went to grip Jake around the ears. The action caused a bite of pain to make his eyes water but he didn’t stop. He licked, sucked, and nibbled along Carl’s shaft. He filed away every detail to memory.

  “Jake!” Carl cried. “Please.” His mate didn’t say another word as Jake took Carl�
�s full length down the back of his throat. He swallowed around the thickness, letting his throat muscle massage Carl’s cock.

  Jake carefully clasped Carl’s balls in his hands. The small orbs were drawn up tight, signaling that Carl was close. Jake sped up his movements and used his free hand to jack the excess length that didn’t fit into his mouth. Spit ran down Carl’s shaft and Jake used that to ease the friction.

  “Jake,” Carl said on a long moan as his salty juices filled Jake’s mouth.

  He gulped down Carl’s cum as it pumped into his mouth. It had a bitter saltiness combined with a sweetness that Jake would always hunger for.

  Carl’s cock started to grow soft and he let the shaft slip from between his lips. Now that his mate was taken care of he needed to find his relief and soon.

  Jake sat up and unfastened his jeans with a finesse he himself didn’t know he possessed. He yanked them down his thighs and started to pump his hand from root to tip. The feel of Carl’s hands on his bare skin had his eyes clenching tight. His teeth dropped down to pierce his bottom and he let go of his control. He jerked up on Carl’s shirt and angled his cock at his mate’s stomach. Cum sprung free from his cock to land in strips over Carl’s exposed flesh. The sounds of Carl moaning made his wolf rise to the surface.

  Once the last rope of seed left his body Jake fell forward and buried his face into Carl’s neck. He sniffed the sweaty skin, gave one lick, and then struck. His teeth sliced through the tender flesh and muscle like a hot knife through butter. Carl’s claws dug into his back, tearing through his shirt.

  His heart rate started to calm and he let go of the grip he had on Carl. He placed a kiss to the red, angry mark then sat up. Carl’s eyes were only at half-mast and a lazy grin pulled his lips up.

  “Mine,” Jake said in a garbled tone. His teeth had yet to recede and his mouth felt full.

  “And you, mine,” Carl said in a sleepy tone.

  A smile broke out across his face and he dropped down to cover his mate’s half-naked body. He ran his fingers down over Carl’s face and his mate started to giggle. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?” he couldn’t help but ask.

  “I think so.” Carl’s eyes darted between his. “This feels right.”

  “It does.” Jake kissed Carl lightly on the lips then moved off his mate. They used Carl’s torn underwear to wipe away Jake’s release from their bodies then fixed their clothes and made the journey back to the campsite. He knew if the sun were up his friends would be able to see the silly grin on his face and he never felt so grateful for the cover of darkness.

  Once Carl was in the sleeping bag, Jake climbed in behind him. He cuddled close to Carl’s back and wrapped his arm around his waist. Jake couldn’t wait until they got Casper back and disposed of their alpha. Once those things were accomplished they’d be free to start their lives together.

  Chapter Nine

  Later that morning before the sun rose in the sky they were up and continuing their hike toward where Casper was being held. Seth took the lead with Holden at his back. Jake brought up the rear and took advantage of checking out Carl’s rear end as he walked in front of him. Every now and again his fingers would itch to just have one little touch but he would clench his fist to resist the urge.

  Carl had lived a less-than-perfect life for the past three years. His alpha took advantage of him and used him in ways no young man should have to endure. Jake felt mighty lucky that Carl had opened up to him at all. The time they spent together last night had been perfect. Carl had been so accepting of his touch and Jake couldn’t wait to do it all over again.

  About two hours into their hike Seth stopped and they had a snack. Carl walked over to him and Jake couldn’t fight the grin that lit his face. His mate’s eyelids still looked heavy and his cheeks had an adorable rosy tint to them. Jake imagined that was how Carl would look like every morning when he woke up.

  “I can’t wait until this is all over,” Carl said. He crossed his arms over his chest and his eyes darted around like he was afraid someone was watching him. “It’s only been a day but I know what Tobias and his men are capable of. He’d do anything to get back at me for leaving and I’m scared Casper is paying the price for my disobedience.”

  “Carl, you can’t think like that.” Jake pulled Carl into his arms. “What has happened isn’t yours or Casper’s fault. I truly believe if you were still there Tobias would still be doing those awful things to both of you. You did the right thing by escaping.”

  “Thanks for saying that, Jake. But I just made things worse.” Carl pulled out of Jake’s embrace and turned away from him.

  Jake stared at Carl as he stood facing the trees. His shoulders were hunched over and his head hung low. Jake would give anything to make Carl happy and if it meant tearing down Tobias’s house to make that happen then so help him, he would do it.

  “If you never left that house of horrors you would never have met your mate.” Jake looked over his shoulder at the sound of Seth’s voice. “You can stand there and pity yourself or be grateful for what you’ve gotten out of this.” An evil grin turned up the corners of Seth’s lips. “Then get angry. Get so fucking pissed off you see red. We’re going to need that anger to help get your brother back. Don’t be the victim anymore.”

  Jake glanced back at his mate. Carl’s jaw was clenched tight and his eyes were narrowed as if he were indeed ready to fight. Seth’s words must have done the trick. His mate’s nostrils began to flare as he took deep rapid breaths.

  “You okay?” He stepped up close to Carl.

  It took a moment before Carl acknowledged he was even there. With a start he jerked his eyes toward Jake. “I will be. Seth’s right. I can’t let myself be the victim anymore. It’s my turn to make Tobias suffer.”

  Damn! Jake wasn’t sure if he was turned on or frightened of this new side to his mate. Seth said the things Carl needed to hear and his mate took them to heart. But either way if things got too dangerous he had full intentions of tying his mate to the nearest tree to keep him out of harm’s way.

  “Carl.” Seth waved for him to come to him. “Come draw me a layout of Tobias’s house.” Carl nodded then headed toward him.

  “Your little mate is kind of scary when he wants be,” Holden said in a low voice.

  “Yeah, tell me about it,” he said to Holden but never took his eyes off of Carl. “But it’s for the best. He needs to be strong for his brother.”

  “I agree.” Holden chuckled. “But I have to say I’m more surprised that Seth said what he did. He’s more of the strong, silent type but damn if he isn’t in full fighting mode. If I were Tobias I’d be afraid.”

  “That bastard should be.” Jake’s fingers began to tingle as his nails lengthened. “If I get the chance I fully intend to rip out his fucking throat.”

  “Calm down, Jake.” Holden reached out to touch his shoulder but a menacing growl from Carl had him jerking his hand away. “Jeez, Carl. We’re just friends.” Holden held his hands up in the air. “Fuck kind of, your mate is scary. I think Tobias should be scared of him not us.”

  “Maybe you’re right.” Carl’s eyes glowed an eerie blue as he stared over at him. The milky whites swirled with the frosty shade of blue to form a color that Jake would always associate with his mate. “But I hope he doesn’t get the chance. I want him dead so Carl doesn’t have to lay eyes on him again.”

  Once Carl and Seth were done constructing a map of the house and outer-lying property they started back on their way. Jake was pleased when Carl slowed his pace and took his hand in his. No words were spoken as they walked side by side. The comfortable silence spoke volumes on how at ease Carl was with him.

  “There it is,” Seth whispered two hours later.

  They stood hidden behind some trees staring down at Tobias’s house. The white two-story structure seemed out of place. It looked like the houses Jake had seen in neighborhoods in the suburbs. The paint looked fresh and no dirt or debris clung to the house or the sur
rounding yard. The lawn was bare of flowers and the trees of leaves but it had a nice, manicured appearance. Just by looking at it no one would suspect what took place behind closed doors.

  “Talk about fancy,” Holden said.

  “He always said an alpha should live like a king,” Carl said bitterly. “And have everything he so deserves.” The grip on Jake’s hand tightened and he tried his best with the gloves covering their hands to caress his thumb over Carl’s knuckles.

  “Don’t let him win, baby,” Jake whispered into Carl’s ear. “When this is all over we can burn it to the ground. It won’t erase the past but it will definitely take away the reminder of what has happened here.”

  Carl looked at him with eyes he could tell were fighting back tears. He could respect the fact that Carl didn’t want to shed any more tears over this man and what he had done but Jake would also understand if he did cry.

  “Get down,” Seth said in a harsh whisper and they all dropped to the ground.

  A tall, thin man carrying a duffle bag climbed out of a truck and walked toward the house. He knocked once then a man with shoulder-length black hair opened the door.

  “The one who answered the door is Anton. He’s Tobias’s next-in-command,” Carl informed them.

  Jake kept his gaze on the house. They lay on the ground for a good twenty minutes but nothing else happened.

  “Hey, guys, over here.” Seth stayed on his belly and scooted back until he was out of view of the house. Jake, Carl, and Holden did the same. “Here’s the plan. I’m going to circle around to the back of the property to see what’s going on at the back of the house. Jake and Carl, you guys stay here and Holden move to the area between here and where I’ll be. No matter what no one moves from position, got it?” Jake nodded his agreement. “Good. When night falls we take the house. Carl, are you sure it’s just Tobias and Anton that live in the house?”

  “Yes. Anton was the only pack member besides Casper and me allowed to.”


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