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Owned by a Sinner

Page 11

by A G Henderson

  “Huh, at least the world isn’t ending. You’re still a fucking asshole.”

  I flashed my teeth, leaving it up to him to decide whether it was a smile or a snarl. “Never forget it. You’ll live longer.” My attention shifted to Tex. He deserved to know this before the word went around to everyone else. “One more thing. I’m calling off the hunt for Rebel.”

  He shook his head, attention returning to the pool table, tossing his words over his shoulder. “About damn time.”

  The corner of my lip twitched. Business complete, I turned and left without another word.

  CHAPTER 12 - Caitlin

  “Don’t stop,” I begged, head rolling loosely from side to side. “Please don’t stop.”

  “Wouldn’t even dream of it, Red.” Creed’s rough hands worked their magic, teasing and kneading the stiff, tight muscles of my neck and shoulders into submission.

  For someone who mostly used his hands for violent purposes, it was unreal how good he was at giving massages that turned my body to mush. I felt the tightness falling away one piece at a time, and I sighed contentedly as he continued to explore my skin, the coconut oil on his hands making for an easy, sensual glide. The room also smelled like a tropical island, which was a nice bonus.

  I was sitting on the edge of our bed, naked and bracketed by his bare legs, my feet dangling above the floor while he paid special attention to the most tender areas all over my body. A dream like month had passed, and the evidence of my brother’s mistreatment had long since faded, but there were always fresh marks on my body now. Creed’s marks. But the way they got there would bring a flush to my face in public whenever I thought of them or touched one reverently.

  Creed swept my hair to one side, hand running over the hickey on my neck. That one, along with the fingerprints barely visible around my wrists, were from last night. He had pinned my arms above me and sucked on my neck, fucking me so hard the bed rocked back and forth into the wall and several loud catcalls and whistles had echoed into the room.

  The memory made me smile even as my body heated beneath that recollection and his constant attentions.

  I expected it to be more difficult, living with a revolving door of Sinners. They were all remarkably easy to get along with though. Most of the time, they seemed more like a bunch of forever young misfits than honest to God outlaws, at least until someone got out of line.

  Creed had asked me a while back if I wanted to stay somewhere else, and I had no doubt that if I’d said yes, he would’ve bought a house and moved us into it at the drop of a hat. For a man so determined to own me, especially when we were in bed, it was constantly surprising how easily he agreed to my slightest wims. But I hadn’t said yes. The lack of privacy was easier and easier to ignore the more I realized that the Sinners were really a family. One I was slowly but surely being invited into.

  After that night at the lake, it was hard enough to try and maintain some distance. Now? It was impossible.

  I was hopelessly, irreversibly in love and moments like this only served to make it worse.

  His single minded attention to my body bordered on worship. I glanced back at him over my shoulder and his gray eyes were filled with emotion I couldn’t put a name to. All the while, his hands worked their way patiently down my back.

  Obviously, I knew what I wanted to name that look. But I also knew that I loved my fantasies, and I couldn’t shake the worry that I was creating one without trying to. Assigning a meaning that wasn’t there, simply because I wanted it to be.

  “Today’s the day,” he said softly, rubbing slow circles into the base of my spine and around my hips.

  “I wish you would just tell me already,” I huffed, only exaggerating my reaction somewhat.

  He had a surprise planned for tonight. He had let me know as much a week ago, about the same time he casually announced that the Sinners and their subsequent chapters were forbidden from hunting Rebel.

  As if that news alone hadn’t been worth a round of fireworks going off in my chest and the subsequent weight falling from my shoulders.

  Whatever the surprise was, Creed had been content to spoon me until late in the afternoon, only getting up to bring food back for both of us. I didn’t have a guess as to what he was up to. Although, from some of the reactions I’d been observing around the house, the rest of the Sinners were in on it. Not even Lizzy would spill the beans when I tried to bribe her with chocolate chip waffles.

  He chuckled, the sound low and dark, seeping into my bones as easily as his touch. “It’s like you don’t understand the meaning of the word, ‘surprise.’”

  “Selective vocabulary.” I sucked in a sharp breath when his hands swept up my sides to cup my sensitive breasts, nipples already stiff peaks. “I only understand words of my choosing.”

  “Is that right?” He played with the soft mounds. Lifting. Squeezing. Teasing.

  “Yep.” My voice came out on a soft exhale as I started to squirm. “It’s a thing. Look it up.”

  “I’ll take your word for it.” His hand skimmed down my front, my stomach tensing in anticipation. The tips of his fingers hit my curls when he paused. “Unless you want me to stop and look it up now.”

  Quiet laughter shook me. “Devious bastard.”

  His fingers walked a bit lower, applying the slightest pressure to my clit. “So I shouldn’t stop?”

  I put my fingers on his thighs, nails digging in. “Don’t you fucking dare.”

  Creed put his teeth on my shoulder and growled against my skin. His whole hand slid between my legs, cuppy my wet pussy possessively. “Mine.”

  I tilted my hips into his grip. “Yours.”

  He spread his fingers, gently parting my slick folds. “Always so wet and ready for me. I could stuff you with every inch of my cock right now.” His fingertip dipped into my entrance and my body tried its best to keep him there. I whimpered when he pulled free, the sudden absence much too soon.

  “Don’t worry, you know I’m not going to leave you like this.” His legs disappeared from my field of view and the mattress shifted before he was climbing off the bed. I hungrily took in his sculpted body and the thick cock hanging between his legs as he knelt in front of me. “I’ve always loved a late breakfast. Lay back baby.”

  My back hit the sheets and I watched him crawl between my thighs, throwing my legs over his shoulders. Creed stared down at my center, consuming me with a look before he even dipped his head. The flat of his tongue covered my pussy in one long lick that left my heels digging into his back. He captured my eyes with his as he licked his lips and slowly pulled his tongue back into his mouth. “Can never get enough of your taste.”

  God. This man.

  He had eaten me out dozens of times already, on every surface in this room and more than a few outside of it. It never got old or any less devastating. Not once had he treated it like a chore. No, he always feasted at my pussy like he was savoring a five star meal and today was no exception.

  His eyes closed and he squeezed my thighs as he leaned in, tongue lashing at my flesh, coaxing more juices to flood my channel and his mouth. Creed lapped at me, doing his best to take in every drop. The vision of him between my legs, all hard muscles and imposing tattoos, lips and jaw glistening in the light, was worth everything that had happened and more.

  His warm breath fanned over my folds as his tongue circled my clit, pressing down. Reflexively, my thighs tensed, closing around his head and I swear I felt his lips forming a smile as he made his way back towards my entrance.

  Creed’s hands moved from on top of my thighs to my stomach, the dark lines on his skin standing out starkly against my paleness.

  He hummed happily, the vibration hitting me deep inside and his tongue followed the path, folding over and dipping into my tight hole. I threw my head back as he plunged it inside of me again and again, eyes not even half focused on the ceiling.

  My heart was galloping in my chest, pumping an overload of pleasure to the rest of my body.
I already knew I wasn’t going to last long. That was before I noticed one of his hands disappearing beneath the edge of the bed and the way the muscles in his shoulder started jumping.

  Is he…?

  Creed grunted, tongue fucking me faster, his other arm speeding up as well.

  He was.

  My cheeks heated. Fuck, that’s hot. Knowing that he was stroking himself while he ate my pussy pressed all the right buttons for me.

  The hand still on my stomach lowered to my clit and I whispered my encouragement, heels digging into him again as I raised myself up. He pressed down, giving me exactly what I needed as his tongue continued its assault. That delicious pressure set me off with a bang, and I yelped, every muscle in my body locking down tight on my bones and the man between my legs.

  He continued to eat me noisily, dragging out the wave of my orgasm before he surged up from my between my thighs, cock heavy and swollen, fist stroking so fast it was a blur.

  I watched in a daze, trembling from my own release, as his abs contracted and the first spurt of hot seed lashed from the head of his cock to land on my stomach. He roared fiercely, muscles in his arms tensing while he continued to paint my skin with his blistering load, marking me all over again. When the last eruption shot from him he sighed and collapsed on top of me, catching himself on his forearms while we both recovered our breath.

  Creed smiled down at me before claiming my lips in a sugary sweet kiss made even more thrilling by the musky taste of my own essence. Our tongues rolled together languidly, savoring the moment. Eventually, our mouths came apart with a wet pop and he shook his head, eyes crinkling at the corners. “That was…”

  “The hottest fucking thing ever?” I offered, enjoying his weight on me.

  He nodded, rolling us over until I was on top of him, sweat soaked hair hanging down into my face. “That about covers it.” His hand delicately brushed the hair aside before cupping my jaw. I ducked my head as that emotion I wasn’t brave enough to name showed up in his eyes.

  Creed sighed deeply, hugging me close but he didn’t push. Which was worse, in a way. That simple understanding of when to force something and when to leave it only reinforced my silly fantasy.

  We lingered like that for a while, relaxing in companionable silence, neither of us in any hurry to move. But I knew if one of us didn’t, we would never make it out of bed so I tapped him on the chest and stood, backing away while facing him so that I could watch his abs flex when he lifted himself up into a sitting position.

  What? His body was perfect. Can’t blame a girl for enjoying the view every chance she got.

  “What do I need to wear for tonight?” His closet was full of women’s clothes now. My clothes. Although I didn’t actually get to pick that many of them. Him choosing what I wore had become a habit. At least he had surprisingly good taste. That said, there were times I had to put my foot down.

  No matter how he felt about it, I did need at least a few pairs of bras and underwear to avoid living like a complete heathen.

  His eyes were bright with excitement. I imagined if he was anyone else, he would be rubbing his hands together mischievously now that his little surprise was coming together.

  “Something comfortable,” he said. “There’s no dress code.”

  I hummed my assent, heading for the shower. Before I closed the door, I turned back and pointed at him. “Stay.”

  I heard his loud laughter through the door as I shut it, turning the lock. It wouldn’t actually keep him out if he wanted in, but I knew better than to leave it open. If he looked in and found me naked and soapy, he was joining me.

  Fun as that sounded, we had places to be.


  Roughly an hour or so later, I was heading down the stairs in a fitted pair of blue jeans and a red blouse. For the first time all day, I noticed how quiet the clubhouse was.

  When I reached the first floor, I looked around for any sign of life but the place was empty. Kane and Saze weren’t hogging the tv. Lizzy wasn’t in Tex’s lap, both of them perched in their favorite rocking chair. No Tanner on his phone. No Sylvia meditating out on the deck. “Where is everyone?”

  Creed came down the stairs behind me. He looked so good in his black boots, dark jeans and black button up, sleeves rolled to his elbows, that it quite frankly should’ve been illegal.

  “No idea.” He put his hand on my back, steering me towards the door. Subtlety was not his strong suit. That couldn’t have been a more clear evasion tactic if he had tried. “Put this on.”

  He passed me what was clearly a blindfold, the silk so soft I expected it to melt right through my fingers.


  “I know.” He placed his hands over mine, folding my fingers over the material. “This is something I’ll never ask you to do again. But right now, I need you to trust me.”

  For a moment, I chewed on my lip, unable to not think of the last time I’d been blindfolded.

  Then I reminded myself that this was Creed I was dealing with.

  He owned me, but he had never taken anything from me I hadn’t been willing to give. Was I really going to doubt him now? When he looked out for my care and safety like it was his full time job?

  Before I could second guess myself, I wrapped the material around my head. Darkness engulfed my world as I tied it off in the back. The sudden loss of one of the most vital senses made my heart race and my breath came quicker. Then Creed was there, pulling me against him, hand stroking through my hair.

  “I’m right here. You hear me?” He took my hand in his, interlocking our fingers. “You’re safe. I’m not going anywhere.”

  I nodded, not trusting my suddenly dry voice.

  The sound of keys jingled and the door creaked open. Creed carefully led me out into the hot, muggy night and I recognized the path we took as heading for the driveway. Another door opened, his scent flooding my nose. I knew we were getting in his old, black pickup, the bench seats comfortably worn, before he even lifted me into it and strapped me in, softly closing the door back. The vehicle rocked as he got in on the other side and sealed us in, starting the engine before taking my hand in his again. He gave mine a reassuring squeeze.

  “Still right here. You good?”

  I focused on the warm comfort of his skin against mine. The familiar calluses on his fingers. The current that always passed through both of us when we were skin to skin. “I’m good,” I said softly. “But I would like to take this off sooner rather than later.”

  “We don’t have a long ride.”

  Sure enough, it seemed like no time at all passed between him putting us in motion and coming to a complete stop, engine idling before cutting off. He came around to help me down and out. I strained my ears, searching for hints but there was nothing other than the sounds of passing traffic and distant sirens.

  Somewhere close to the city then?

  Creed continued to lead the way, keeping me glued to his side. I only recognized we had stepped inside a building when the other noises disappeared. I sniffed at the air, picking up something familiar, but I couldn’t place it. I was summarily distracted by the feeling of him lifting me up onto a round seat, tall enough that my legs dangled.

  His hands went around to the back of my head, untying the silk and pulling it away completely before he shifted to stand on my right.

  I blinked several times as my eyes adjusted to the dim lighting, the only source of brightness coming from a decorative light right above me. My brows bunched as I spotted the rows upon rows of liquors stacked across from me. Why are we at a bar?

  I looked down. Only then did my eyes fall to the official looking papers laid out carefully on the mahogany bar top.

  “What is this?” I asked, scanning it quickly, ignoring all the unnecessary verbiage as I took in the bolded words and felt my breath freeze into a solid inside my chest.

  Transfer of Ownership.

  “Creed?” I drew out his name, trying not to hyperventilate.

bsp; He pushed a pen into my hand. “Sign it.” My mouth opened and he cut me off. “Now. Then I’ll explain.”

  This was one time where that bossy tone wasn’t going to work. “I can’t sign this,” I cried, hands waving. “You can’t just give me a business. That’s insane.”

  His expression turned fierce, eyes bright, monster lurking along the edges. “The only thing that’s insane is how much I love you, Caitlin. And I can do whatever I damn well please so don’t give me any bullshit excuses. Your whole face lights up every time you talked about running that spot in Virginia. As soon as you sign that dotted line, you’ll have a place to run that’s all yours. No one will be able to take it from you.”


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