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Page 20

by Belle Aurora

  Mabel looked down her nose at her sheet. “Sit down, fool. I can’t hear.”

  “Oh, sorry. Did you miss that?” As he sat, he leaned into her, and uttered, “He said Mabel’s a ho.”

  The entire table chuckled, even the little woman he was ribbing . But he put his arm around her and squeezed. “I wish you were my grandma, Mabel. I’d take you out every weekend for a nice steak dinner.”

  He was ridiculous.

  And I was a fool if I thought I would be able to exit this arrangement unscathed.


  Connor gasped, “No way.” He marked off another number.

  The small Polish woman next to Mabel let out a little happy sound, and Connor stood up, peering over at her sheet. She tried to pull it away but he’d already seen. “Ah, fuck.” He sat and crossed his arms over his chest. “I got Agata hot on my heels.” She glared at him and he shook a finger at her. “Sneaky, sneaky. You can’t hide from me. I see you. I see all.”


  An excited but choked sound left Connor, and he stood with his sheet, a slow grin stretching at his lips. “Bingo.” The entire table grumbled but Connor held his sheet high, waving it around and he yelled, “Bingo!” He looked down at me and the raw exhilaration on his face was something I would never forget. His thrilled laughter filled the room and, in his signature move of excitement, he bit the tip of his tongue. “Oh my God, I’m the winner!” He leaned across Mabel and crowed, “Eat shit, Agata!”

  The small Polish woman threw her marker down and it flew off the table.

  I watched Connor run up to the caller, handing him his sheet. Once it was checked, he handed Connor some bills and Connor ran back to the table, grinning. “Well, it’s been fun, ladies, but I gotta jet. We got an early one tomorrow.”

  To my absolute surprise, he handed each woman at our small table a hundred dollar bill in exchange for a kiss. Agata flat out refused but he slid her a bill anyway with a victorious grin. Of course, she took it. I quietly noticed he gave two to Mabel before leaning down and throwing his arms around her. “I love you, Mabel.”

  She patted his cheek, accepting the onslaught of kisses he bestowed upon her. “You come visit now, you hear?” When I stood to join him, Mabel took my hand in her frail one. “You look after my Connor, sweetheart.”

  “I will,” I told her with a mannerly smile.

  Connor put his arm around me. “She already does, Mabel. Emmy’s the best.”

  We said goodbye to our new friends and when we made it back to my room, Connor stilled at the door. As I kicked off my shoes, I twisted back to look at him. “Come inside.”

  But he shook his head. “I can’t.”

  My brow knitted. “Why not?”

  His answer was simple. “I’m horny. And you’re sore.”


  I smiled at his thoughtfulness. “Come in. Please?”

  Connor came in, closing the door behind him, and when he came to me, rubbing his hands up and down my arms, he mock-sighed. “I know the sex was bomb, baby, but you’re not ready for another fucking. Not yet.”

  I rolled my eyes and reached for his belt. “I know that.”

  When I managed to undo his belt, he looked down at me, perplexed. “What are you up to, teeny thing?”

  “You didn’t let me the other night, and I’ve never done it before, but—” I popped the button on his jeans and lowered the zipper. “—I’d really like to give you a blowjob.” My cheeks flushing with discomfiture, I whispered, “If that’s okay?”

  Connor blinked at me a moment before he reached down in a panic, struggling with his jeans. He hopped, trying to pull them off over his shoes and when that didn’t work, I watched him fall to the floor with a thud.

  A solid bubble of laughter climbed my throat. “Are you okay?”

  By the time he got his jeans off and came to sit on the edge of the bed in his boxer briefs, he was flushed and panting. “Yep.” And then he grinned. “I would very much like for you to blow me now.”

  Um, okay. I don’t think I thought this through. I mean, where do I start? I gazed down at his crotch with a frown and, putting a hand to my lips, I made a thoughtful sound before looking up at him with a cringe and a shrug. “Help.”

  The expression that crossed Connor’s features was so warm, so tender, that I silently wondered what I had done to warrant it.

  His smile was subdued. “Don’t be scared. I’ll guide you. Remember? This is a safe zone. No judgment.”

  I nodded and moved to kneel. When I was comfortably settled in the vee of his legs, I reached up to take off my glasses, but Connor stopped me with a swift hand. “Leave ‘em on.” When I turned my questioning gaze on him, he shrugged. “What? They’re hot.”

  Whatever did it for him, I guess.

  I kept them on.

  My fingertips played at the waistband of his boxers and he helped me, lifting himself off the bed so I could pull them down a little, just under his erection. Without prompting, I wrapped my fingers around the solid length, and that was as far as I knew what to do.

  “I want you to jerk it for me, baby.” When I did, he put his hand over mine. “It’s okay. You can hold it tighter.” Using his hand, he showed me how he wanted it and when I took over, his lips parted. “Yeah, just like that.” He leaned back, bracing himself on his elbows, closing his eyes. “That’s it. You got it.”

  I did that a while and when I shuffled closer on my knees, he opened his eyes and spoke low. “Kiss my cock.”

  Holding him firmly in my grasp, I lowered my head to the shaft and held it to my mouth, gently running the tip along my lips. His light shudder made me feel as powerful as I’d ever been. His sigh was impatient. “I need to feel your mouth, baby.” His eyes met mine. “Suck me.”

  Taking the tip into my mouth, I was surprised to find the taste was clean and not at all what I expected. I sucked gently and watched his eyes roll into the back of his head with a low groan. “Yes.”

  I continued to suck on his shaft, taking only a small length into my mouth, and when he spoke, he sounded desperate. “More. I need more.”

  I took a tiny bit more of him into my mouth.

  He sounded amused then uttered, “I’ve seen you yell. I know how big that mouth is.” I scowled at the dig and he grinned. ”Open up for me, Emmy. Please. You’re killing me here.”

  Good, I thought. Now you know how I feel every time you want to play.

  Slowly, I took more of him, only stopping when I felt I was going to gag. When I started the up-down motion, Connor hissed, “Ah, fuck. Yeah. Take it, baby.”

  His words were all the encouragement I needed. I continued what I was doing and when he sat up and put his hands to my cheeks, my eyes widened in surprise. He gently thrust into my mouth, gradually getting faster and faster, and I didn’t know how it felt for him but to me, it felt great. I hummed low in my throat, and Connor looked down at me with complete admiration.

  The next time he thrust into my mouth, I took more of him, sucking hard on the way up, and his hips bucked. “Jesus, baby.”

  I did this over and over, and when Connor closed his eyes and muttered, “Oh shit,” I knew what was coming.

  He was coming.

  He looked down at me through his hooded gaze. “Come in your mouth?”

  I thought about it.

  I suppose it was only fair. After all, I had come in his.

  Nodding around his length, I realized he didn’t expect that response because he grinned then panted out, “You’re amazing.”

  I sucked and sucked, and even though my jaw was a little sore, I didn’t stop. When his eyes fluttered, his mouth parted and his stomach tightened, he spoke quietly. “Here it comes, baby.”

  A moment later, I felt it. Connor growled low in his throat and warm spurts of saltiness hit my tongue. I was so shocked by the taste that I held it in my mouth. It wasn’t bad, not exactly, just not as palatable as I assumed i
t would be. I mean, I had tasted myself on Connor’s lips, and I did not taste as… strong.

  Connor fell back onto the bed, and as he did, he slipped out of my mouth. A moment later, he lifted his head and looked over at me through squinted eyes. “Are you okay?”

  I nodded, my mouth full.

  “Did you not…?” His entire body shook with laughter. “You didn’t swallow, did you?”

  I shook my head, my cheeks puffed.

  He laughed openly then settled on me, clearly amused. “It’s okay. You can spit it out, baby.”

  I smacked his thigh as I stood and he chuckled, watching me head to the bathroom. The jerk.

  So much for a no judgment zone.

  I spat the salty white goop into the sink then rinsed my mouth out before using mouthwash. I walked back to my room, and my heart clenched when I noticed him dressing.

  Again, not something I was allowed to get upset over, so I walked over to him and surprised him by wrapping my arms around his middle and resting my head on his chest. It took a moment but he returned the embrace, his arms snaking around me. His feather-light touch on my back, he asked, “You good?”

  I nodded into him. “Yeah.”

  “Was it terrible?” he asked, and I could hear his disquiet.

  I peered up at him, smiling, “Not so much that I wouldn’t want to do it again.” Then I admitted softly, “I liked how it made me feel.”

  Connor’s body shook with silent laughter. “I liked how it made me feel.” He gently pried my arms off him then raised my hands to his mouth, kissing my knuckles. “It’s 4:00 a.m., baby. We gotta be up in a couple of hours.”

  I was sure I looked as miserable as I sounded. “I know.”

  He took a step back then another. “See you in a few.” Before he left, he professed, “I had fun tonight.”

  My smile was genuine. “So did I.”

  And then he was gone.

  No matter what I did, I couldn’t keep my eyes open on the bus.

  I slept the entire way to Vegas.

  Chapter Twenty



  The strangest thing happened this afternoon and no matter how hard I thought about the entire mishap, I couldn’t make sense of it.

  It was our last night in Vegas. The guys didn’t have a show but were spending the day doing promo. I’d been to so many of those in the past couple months that I knew I wasn’t needed so, instead, I went shopping with The Vixens. The moment I returned, I packed some of the things I bought and took my big case up to the suite so it could be loaded onto the bus.

  Just as I went to put a load of clothes into the dryer, Connor cornered me in the laundry room. He pushed his back against the door so nobody would interrupt us, popped the gum in his mouth and announced, “Be at your room around eight.”


  I made an apologetic face. “I won’t be there.”


  I began to fold the dry T-shirts. “Noah’s taking me somewhere tonight.”

  Connor’s brow furrowed. “Where?”

  My shoulders jerked. “I don’t know. It’s a secret.”

  His brows arched. “It’s a secret?”

  I looked up to find him wearing an expression I couldn’t read. “That’s what he said.”

  Why did I feel like Connor was mad at me?

  I smiled weakly. “Sorry. Next time, okay?”

  “Yeah. Sure.” That should’ve been that.

  Then why was he was frowning?

  Also, why wasn’t he leaving?

  I wasn’t prepared for what he said next. “You know whatever this is with Noah isn’t a date, right?”

  My hands stilled and, slowly, I turned to face him.

  “Noah. Tonight.” He chewed his gum. “It’s not a date.”

  My brow lowered. “I never said it was.”

  Connor folded his arms across his chest. “Good.”

  This was the first time Connor had said something that genuinely hurt me and not only had it hurt on a personal level but he’d done it on purpose.

  My heart was suddenly beating faster. I folded the clothes faster and a little more animatedly. “Because why would anyone want to date me, right?” Connor straightened and I huffed out a humorless laugh. “It’s okay, Connor. I know I’m not one of the beautiful people.”

  He looked a little perplexed. “Beautiful people?”

  “Yeah. Models, celebrities, influencers. You should know,” I told him as I picked up the folded clothes. “You’re one of them.”

  I didn’t mean for it to come out sounding like an insult but he’d hurt me and I was bitter.

  Connor sighed, putting his head back against the door. “Look, all I’m saying is—”

  But I didn’t want to hear it.

  “I know what you’re saying. I get it. Now, step aside.” Staring down at me, I could tell he didn’t want to but he did and before I left the laundry, I smiled tightly. “I guess I should thank you.”

  He looked uncomfortable and his voice was barely there. “For what?”

  Keep it together, Emmy.

  My very soul was wounded.

  I spoke quietly. “For your standards being so low. For throwing me a bone. After all, I’d still be a virgin if it weren’t for you.” My eyes locked onto his. “And like you pretty much just pointed out, who’d want to fuck me?”

  It was the first time I’d cussed like that. I should’ve known it would be Connor to push me to it.

  “Emmy.” He took a tentative step toward me and held out his hand to me. I curved around it, finding the door handle and letting myself out.

  As I put the clothes onto the kitchen counter for the guys to sort through, Noah came out of his room and when he saw me, he beamed. “Ready for tonight?”

  From the corner of my eye, I saw Connor step out of the laundry and lean against the doorframe, watching us.

  My cheeks were flushed from the minor confrontation but I forced out a laugh. “I don’t even know where we’re going.”

  “It’s a surprise.” Noah clicked his fingers then pointed at me. “Hey, you have a nice dress to wear, right?”

  What? Why?

  Now that I’d been spending time with The Vixens, my wardrobe had grown and I found myself buying things I never would have owned a year ago. “I do.”

  “Nice.” Noah stepped toward me, putting both his hands onto my shoulders and squeezing the delicate skin there. “Be ready by six.”

  Why I did it, even I wasn’t sure. After hearing what Connor said, maybe I craved the affection.

  I snaked my arms around Noah’s waist and pressed my face into his chest, breathing him in, pressing my glasses harshly into my own face. There was no reluctance when his arms slid down from my shoulders and around, hugging me tightly. “You okay?”

  I nodded into his chest.

  He rubbed my back. “We’re gonna have a good night.”

  I nodded a second time and when I felt a little like crying, I gripped the back of his shirt, pushing my face deeper into his firm body.

  He chuckled and pressed his lips to the top of my head. He spoke against my hair. “Don’t be scared. You’re gonna love it. I promise.”

  It was only when I heard Connor’s door slamming that I looked up.

  His arms still enveloping me, Noah griped, “What’s his problem?”

  I was his problem.

  “No idea,” was all I could whisper.

  Later that night when we had returned, Noah walked me up to my room and I was grinning like a damned fool. We reached my door and he smiled tenderly. “Did you like it?”

  Mamma Mia, the musical. There were no words but I did my best. “I loved it.”

  “I’m glad,” he said with a nod. “I sometimes forget that you don’t have many people to do things with. I wanted to do something for you and you love ABBA, so….”

  Oh God, that was sweet. “Noah,”
I dipped my chin. “You didn’t have to do that. I’m your employee.”

  “You’re my friend too,” he stated as he took a step closer and, for a split second, I thought he might kiss me. Noah’s lips descended and he pressed them to my temple before pulling me into a hug. I closed my eyes and folded my arms around his large frame. “I know I might seem like I’m not always around but you can talk to me, okay?” He put his fingers under my chin and lifted gently, forcing me to look up at him. “You don’t have to but the offer’s there, Emmy. Always.”


  I’d definitely fallen in love with the wrong band member.

  My heart was so fond of this man. Leaning my cheek against his hand, I spoke softly but sincerely, “Thank you.” I looked up at him. “I had a great night.”

  Smiling, he rubbed my back. “Get some sleep, babe. We leave at seven.”

  I made a noise of pure misery and he laughed.

  Noah waited till I had the key in my door before he started to walk away. I waved him off and stepped inside the dark room, shutting the door behind me with a big, dumb smile on my face.

  The nightstand lamp turned on. “How was your night?”

  A yelp escaped me as I grasped at my chest. Connor sat on the edge of my bed and I immediately got angry. “Are you crazy? Noah could’ve seen you.” Confusion swept over me and I asked slowly, “How did you get into my room, Connor?”

  From his jeans pocket, he pulled out a key card and held it up. “We keep a spare to your room just in case.”

  Oh, right. I knew that.

  When I took a step back, my butt hit the wall and I gently wrapped my arms around myself. Doing my best to avoid his gaze, I asked, “Why are you here?”

  “Because,” was all he said.

  I didn’t speak. Neither did Connor. The silence was so thick it felt invasive.

  A long moment passed before Connor spoke again. “Because I don’t feel right.”

  The second he said it, I was moving toward him, a frown marring my face. “Are you okay?”


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