Book Read Free

Teaching Him

Page 6

by Dillon Hunter

He kisses me before I have a chance to answer, which is probably for the best since all I can think about right now is how much I want him to keep touching me.

  But just as I’m about to start begging, he stops and breaks away. “No, beautiful,” he sighs. “Tempting as it is—and fuck, it’s so tempting—we need to give your body a little more time to recover from last night. As much as I like being rough with you, I don’t ever want to hurt you.”

  I know he’s right, but I can’t help but feel a little twinge of disappointment. Still, he’s making it sound like he will eventually want to do more of this with me at some point, right?

  That is sort of what he said, isn’t it?

  “You’re not hurting me,” I say. It’s mostly true, at least. “If you really want to, I can—”

  “No, baby,” he shakes his head then silences me with a kiss. “But don’t worry. I’ll still give you what you need once you’ve had a chance to rest a little more.” His eyes roam up and down my body and I wonder for a moment if he’ll change his mind, but he sticks to his word and tosses the covers aside.

  “Where are you going?” I ask, shivering as the cool air hits my naked body. “I thought you said you wanted to rest a little more…”

  Okay, maybe it sounds a little needy, but I don’t care. I’m not ready for this to end yet. And if it takes a little begging to get him back into bed, then I’m okay with that.

  “You need to rest a little more,” he says. “But I need a shower. And then, if you think you can tear yourself away from your urgent study session,” he pauses, tossing me a wink, “we can think of something else to do today.”

  “Together?” I ask, still trying to wrap my slow morning brain around everything he’s just said.

  “Preferably together, yes.” He laughs, then his face suddenly turns serious. “Unless, of course, you really do need to go. I don’t want you to feel like you need to do anything with me.”

  Was he crazy? Did he not get that I’ve literally been fantasizing about this since… well, since the beginning of the year, at least.

  “Together is good,” I say. “Great, I mean. But, um…”

  He quirks an eyebrow as he waits for me to finish. I feel my cheeks flush at what I’m about to ask him. In the space of just a couple days, I’ve gone from being practically a virgin to some kind of sex addict.

  But I seriously can’t get enough of him.

  “I was just wondering,” I continue, “if maybe you, um… might want some company? In the shower, I mean?”

  Oh, God.

  That definitely hadn’t come out as sexy as I had planned.

  But the way he’s looking at me now? Yeah, mission accomplished.

  And just to be sure, I can see his hard cock throb in anticipation.

  “Absolutely killing me,” he murmurs, a wide smile spreading across his lips. “And I’m loving it.”

  His words make me smile, too. Because for all my uncertainties about what we’re doing or what it all means, there’s one thing I’m sure of.

  I’m loving it, too.

  Chapter Eleven


  I know I’m not thinking rationally. I know I’m taking unnecessary risks by going out in public with Colton.

  We’re at a park on the edge of town, far enough from campus that we hopefully won’t be bothered. Still, it’s not like we’re in a big city where we can get lost in the crowd. We’ve already turned a few heads as we’ve walked along the wooded paths, holding hands and kissing.

  But when I look over at him and see the way he’s looking back at me—green eyes bright with the promise of what we’re going to do when we’re alone again?

  Yeah, I can’t be bothered to care about what anyone else might think. Or about the consequences for getting caught like this with one of my students.

  “Can I ask you a question?” Colton pulls me from my thoughts as I look over at him. We’re down by the water, just a little stream that runs through the park, but it really does feel like paradise. “You don’t have to answer, though, if you don’t want to.”

  I quirk an eyebrow, wondering what’s on his mind. “You know you can ask me anything, babe. If it’s something I can help with, I will.”

  He nods, but I can tell from the look in his eyes that he’s suddenly nervous. He nibbles at his lip as we stop walking, then looks out over the water before finally continuing.

  “Why me?” he asks, finally looking back at me. “Why now? Why risk it all… for me?”

  “I think that’s actually three questions,” I say, trying—and failing—to lighten the mood a little. I clear my throat. “But seriously, I, ah… I don’t know if I have a very good answer for you.”

  “That’s okay,” he says, forcing a tight smile. “I didn’t really expect that you’d—”

  “Wait,” I interrupt. “Just because I don’t have a very good answer doesn’t mean I won’t still try.” I squeeze his hand and take a deep breath, hoping that I don’t mess this up. I’ve never had this sort of talk with any of the guys I’ve casually slept with over the years, but… Colton is more than just a one night stand or a fuck buddy. He makes me feel things that honestly scare me a little if I’m being completely honest. But it’s for that same reason that he deserves some kind of answer now. “I knew there was something special about you from the first time I laid eyes on you,” I say. “I normally have a very strict personal policy against even thinking about getting involved with one of my students, for obvious reasons.”

  He nods, a genuine smile spreading across his lips now. “That’s understandable. For what it’s worth, I’ve never looked at one of my professors before as… well, you know… hot.”

  I laugh. “Hot, hm? I’ve never even looked at myself that way, to be honest. But I’ll take the compliment, thanks.” I lean over to give him a quick kiss on the forehead, glad the initial awkward tension between us has passed. “You’re different from anyone I’ve ever met before, though,” I continue. “Not just because you’re hot and sexy and beautiful—which you definitely are—but because… I don’t know. This is the part I’m not sure if I can explain. I’m drawn to you, though. I know that for sure. And the more time I spend with you, the more time I want to spend with you. That’s a new feeling for me.”

  “It’s a new one for me, too,” he says, resting his head against my shoulder as he looks out at the water again.

  The silence stretches out for a few moments, but I can tell he has something else to say. I wait, wanting to give him as much time and space as he needs. These feelings aren’t easy for me to talk about, so I know it has to be twice as hard for a man his age who doesn’t have many life experiences to compare it to.

  “When you say you want to spend time with me,” he begins, speaking slowly and deliberately as if he’s weighing each word before it comes out. “Does that mean you want… something more? More than what we’ve been doing so far?”

  He looks up at me again, his pretty green eyes filled with so much uncertainty that I instinctively want to set his mind at ease, to tell him everything he wants to hear and that everything will be okay.

  How do I promise all of that, though, when this is uncharted territory for both of us?

  I do want more, but I also wonder what more means to him. It may have been a while since I was twenty-one, but I still remember what it was like. Hormones and feelings run hot and cold. Something that feels irresistible today might feel suffocating tomorrow.

  I don’t want to be the one to hold him back if he decides that what he really wants is more of something—or someone—else.

  “What I can promise you right now is that I’m not going anywhere,” I say. “You still have a lot of fun times ahead of you, though, and I don’t want to hold you back from any of them. So… let’s keep doing what we’re doing for a while. There’s no rush, right?”

  I can tell from his expression that he isn’t totally satisfied with my answer, but I honestly would rather have him be disappointed that we’re
taking things slowly than feel trapped because we’ve rushed into something that he hasn’t spent more time thinking about.

  “But you’re… happy?” He asks. “With how things have been going, I mean?”

  “Definitely happy,” I say without hesitating. “And just so we’re clear, I’m completely open to whatever the future brings for us. Like I said, I’m not going anywhere.”

  He nods, his smile returning. “Okay. That makes me feel better. I can live with taking things slowly as long as there’s potential.”

  “There’s always potential, babe.”

  I give him another kiss, glad that he’s smiling again. I want to make him happy.

  And even though I’ve just finished saying we’re going to take things slowly, I already know that I want him to be happy with me.



  Chapter Twelve


  It’s Sunday night and I’m feeling way too emotional standing here in my dorm parking lot. I’ve just spent the best weekend of my life with Nick, and I’ll even see him again in about twelve hours when I’m in his class again, but I still can’t help feeling sad as I watch him drive away.

  I know.

  It’s ridiculous.

  But I wish that we didn’t have to go our separate ways at the end of the night. I wish that I could go and crawl back into his big, warm bed next to him instead of the too-small, uncomfortable mattress that’s waiting for me upstairs.

  At least I’ll have Brian to keep me company tonight but… it’s not the same.

  Not even close, if I’m being honest.

  Brian is a great friend and a pretty good roommate, but Nick…

  He’s all I can think of. He’s all I want to think of.

  I sigh. No point in making myself miserable tonight. My body could probably use the break, truthfully. Pretty sure my dick is actually chafed from the marathon workout it received over the past couple of days.

  And my ass… yeah, damn.

  Still, sex with Nick is worth every bit of the discomfort that I’ll likely be feeling for at least another day or two.

  I walk back into my dorm building, trying to clear my mind as I trudge up the stairs. Trying not to notice how much like a prison this place feels now, with its bare cement walls and gross, stained carpet.

  “Hey,” I say, giving Brian a little wave as I walk into our room and head straight for my bed.

  It isn’t until I’ve actually flopped down onto the thin mattress and closed my eyes for a moment that I realize Brian still hasn’t responded.

  I open my eyes again, propping myself up on an elbow as I look back across the room where he’s still standing.

  Now that I’m not completely absorbed in my thoughts, I notice all the little details I missed when I first walked in.

  Like the fact that he’s not smiling.

  At all.

  And that he has his arms folded across his chest as he stares me down.

  “Um…” I want to look away but I’m pinned by his hard expression. “What’s up? Everything okay?”

  “No.” Brian shakes his head. “Everything isn’t okay. Have you lost your mind? Have you just completely gone crazy?”

  I don’t like the way he’s looking at me, and I really don’t like the way he’s talking to me right now but I’m tired and I don’t want to fight about… whatever this is. I try to keep my voice calm and steady as I reply.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I begin. “And I don’t know what your problem is right now, but I’d really like it if you—”

  “Colton, I saw you out there with him,” Brian interrupts with an angry, exasperated hand gesture. “I saw him drop you off and kiss you right out there in the parking lot. Right in front of everyone!”

  Okay. Now I really am starting to get pissed off.

  “What? Were you spying on me?” I ask. “Why do you even care? It’s none of your business what I do or who I see.”

  His mouth opens and closes, but no words come out. He stares at me with a mixture of surprise and anger flashing across his features. When he finally does speak again, his voice is low and shaky.

  “First of all,” he huffs out a short breath, “I was worried about you this weekend. You didn’t tell me you were going to spend the whole entire time with your professor. But whatever. You’re here now and you’re okay, so I can get over that. But you need to realize how bad it looks for you to flaunt your… whatever it is that you’ve got going on with this guy. He’s old enough to be your dad, Colton. Jesus, what would you do if your actual dad found out? How would you explain that you’re dating one of your professors?”

  “Well, he isn’t going to find out,” I snap, waving a dismissive hand. “And I think you’re blowing this way out of proportion. You were the one who was so insistent that I get drunk and get laid a couple of weeks ago, right? Now you suddenly don’t like it when I follow your advice?”

  “This has nothing to do with getting laid, and you know that.” He shakes his head. “People are going to start talking about you. You’re going to have a reputation as the guy who will suck his professor’s dick for a good grade. It will get around. Is that what you want?”

  I’m so angry that I scramble to my feet, ready to launch myself at Brian just to get him to shut up. Of course I don’t do that, mostly because I know he’ll kick my ass if I try.

  Still, I feel like he’s blind-siding me with all of this pent-up anger and I hate it. I hate the way he’s making me feel. I hate that he’s trying to make me justify my relationship with Nick.

  I hate that I care what he thinks, or what someone else might think.

  But I also know he has a point. Especially about my parents finding out.

  I’ve been so caught up spending time with Nick that I haven’t actually thought through what a real relationship with him might look like.

  I wonder if he’s spent any time thinking about the things Brian has brought up. Maybe that’s why Nick has been so insistent that we take things slowly.

  “What people think of me doesn’t really matter,” I say, wanting it to be completely true. “I like Nick. I like spending time with him. He makes me feel… special. Better than anyone else ever has before. What’s so wrong about that?”

  I blink hard, trying to keep the tears that are welling up in my eyes from spilling over. I don’t need to embarrass myself in front of Brian. Not on top of everything else.

  His expression softens a little. “There isn’t anything wrong with wanting someone to treat you nice,” he says. “Everyone wants that. But you need to be honest with yourself about what this is, Colton. You’re not talking about dating some random guy our age. Your professor has already lived this part of his life. He’s got a career. He’s thinking about things like mortgage payments and retirement accounts.” Brian pauses, then sighs. “What do you honestly think he wants you around for? How much time do you guys spend actually talking?” He pauses again, but I’m not about to answer that question. “You’re just a piece of ass to him, Colton. Can’t you see that? And do you really think he’s going to give a damn when your reputation gets ruined because of it?”

  “That’s not how it is,” I say, but even I can hear the uncertainty in my tone. I know it isn’t like that between Nick and me—at least, I’m almost sure—but without Nick here to defend himself or reassure me, it’s hard to think of a good comeback for everything Brian has just said. “Nick wouldn’t do that. He’s not like that. You… you don’t know him like I do.”

  God, I sound pathetic.

  And I can tell from the way Brian is looking at me that he thinks so, too.

  Thankfully, though, he doesn’t say anything else. He just shakes his head, grabs a few things from his desk, and walks out the door.

  My shoulders slump and I sit back down on the corner of my bed, finally able to let my guard down now that I’m alone.

  I pull my phone from my pocket, wanting to call Nick, needing to h
ear his voice, to get some kind of reassurance that Brian was wrong.

  But I can’t make myself dial the number.

  I can’t make myself ask the hard questions that need to be asked. Not right now.

  Not while I’m still afraid of what the answer might be.

  Chapter Thirteen


  My house is too quiet. Too empty, even though I’m still surrounded by all the things I’ve always had.

  I hate to admit that I’ve already fallen so hard for Colton that I miss his voice and his laughter and just… his presence.

  Just having him near makes me feel better. He calms my nerves and makes me feel at peace.

  And then, of course, there’s the sex.

  Jesus, I haven’t fucked like that since I was a teenager—and even then, I’m pretty sure I never experienced anything or anyone quite like Colton.

  I can’t help but smile just thinking about him.

  No matter how many times I’ve told him—and myself—that we should take things slowly, there’s no denying what I really want.

  I want him here.


  With me.


  I reach for my phone, ready to call him and tell him I’m on my way to pick him back up, but a knock on my door stops me.

  My smile widens. It has to be Colton. He’s here to surprise me. He’s here to tell me he wants to spend the night, or the week, or forever with me—just like I want him to.

  I cross the room and open the door, ready to take him into my arms.

  And then I freeze.

  My eyebrows knit together as my brain tries to make sense of the situation.

  The young man standing in my doorway is Colton’s age, but he definitely isn’t Colton. He looks familiar, though.

  For a moment, I wonder if he’s a student or a former student, and I can feel myself starting to get angry that a student would track me down at my house, my personal space. And on the weekend, no less!


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