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A Curvy Engagement (Steamy Alpha BBW Romance)

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by Amber Branley

  A Curvy Engagement (Steamy Alpha BBW Romance)

  Amber Branley

  Copyright, 2019, All Rights Reserved

  This is a work of fiction. Any similarities to real people or places are completely coincidental.

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  Chapter One – Rob

  Chapter Two – Kelsey

  Chapter Three – Rob

  Chapter Four – Kelsey

  Chapter Five – Rob

  Chapter Six – Kelsey

  Chapter Seven – Rob

  Chapter Eight – Kelsey

  Chapter Nine – Rob

  Chapter Ten – Kelsey

  Chapter Eleven – Rob


  I thought I was just going out to buy a new pair of jeans. Instead, I wound up finding the curvy girl of my dreams.

  I hate shopping, so I always try to do it once a year for about twenty minutes, grabbing everything as quickly as I can – about ten t-shirts, three pairs of jeans, three packs of socks and underwear – and then getting the hell out of there.

  But then I saw her, and I fell in love at first sight.

  And now I don’t want to leave this store. Christ, she’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a mate. That cute smile. Those long, thick legs. That backside to die for. I swear – this girl seems to have curves that just won’t quit, and I’ll be the first to admit that I can’t take my eyes off them.

  “Excuse me, ma’am,” I say, coming up from behind and smiling as politely as I can.

  She spins around, looking startled, and she blushes as she stares up at me with those big blue eyes of hers. She must be no taller than five two. I tower over her, standing at six foot three, and she looks up at me like she’s looking up at some kind of giant.

  “Yes?” She says, and her voice sounds shaky and nervous.

  “Do you all carry, um…” I pause, feeling tongue-tied.

  Of course, it’s obvious why I’m tongue tied. Because I didn’t really have a question. I just wanted to approach her to try to break the ice and start a conversation. But now I feel like I’ve got to come up with something that I’m looking for, or else I’ll look like a fool.

  “Huh?” She asks, raising one eyebrow and grinning at me.

  “Uh, socks,” I say. “Yeah, do you have long boot stocks?” I smile at her.

  “Oh, yes. They’re in aisle – oh, I’ll just show you. Follow me.”

  I’m happy to follow her. And the whole way down the aisle I can’t stop looking at that jiggling butt of hers, bobbing up and down with each step she takes. That backside is heavenly, and I can feel my mouth watering when she bends down to peer at a pack of socks on the bottom rack of shelves.

  “This kind work okay?” She asks me, holding up the pack.

  I barely even notice what she’s holding. I just nod my head, slack-jawed, like I’m some kind of dude in a trance. “Perfect,” I say in a dreamy voice, and then she hands them to me and starts to walk away.

  I snap myself back to reality. I can’t lose her. Not now. Not when I’m this close to having her. “Ma’am?” I say, and she turns again and eyeballs me.

  She looks at me curiously, like she’s wondering what my endgame is. I shrug my shoulders and hold my arms out. “Okay, time to confess. I didn’t really need help with the socks. I knew where they were.”

  “Okay… Is that so?” She asks, grinning at me.

  “Yeah, it is,” I laugh. “Truth is, I just wanted to introduce myself but I got a little, uh, tongue-tied by your beauty.”

  Her face goes red and her eyes go wide. “My beauty? I think you got that backwards. Maybe you meant to say it to someone else,” she giggles.

  “No,” I say, taking a few steps towards her. “I definitely meant to say it to you.”

  I stick my hand out and shake hers, and her soft, delicate palm makes me shudder as I gently squeeze it. “My name’s Robert Hart. Friends call me Rob. You been working here for a while?”

  “A few months,” she says.

  “Ah, that explains it.”

  “Explains what?” She asks, still grinning curiously at me.

  “Why I haven’t seen you. I usually only come into this place for about twenty or thirty minutes every year. Hell, sometimes it just takes ten minutes. I get everything I need for the year and then haul ass out of here.”

  “You don’t like shopping,” she laughs, nodding her head. “Most guys don’t. My name’s Kelsey Stockwell.”

  “Kelsey,” I say, nodding my head. “Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “It’s nice to meet you too,” she says, and her face has gone back to that cute red color. She looks down at her sneakers, shuffling her feet on the ground nervously. Then she looks back up at me. “You from around here?”

  “No, but I’ve been here the past ten years.”

  “Ten years, wow. I’ve never seen you before.”

  “How old are you?” I ask.

  “Twenty-two,” she says.

  “That’s why.”

  “What do you mean?” She asks.

  “Well, I’m thirty-eight. So, our social circles are probably a whole lot different. That’s why you’ve never seen me.”

  “Thirty-eight,” she says, then she makes a whooshing noise.

  “Come on, it’s not that old,” I grin.

  “It’s pretty old,” she teases me. “Just joking.”

  “Too old to ask you out on a date?” I say, biting my lip and gazing down at her.

  She looks up at me with those big, bubbly eyes, and her voice trembles as she says, “No, it’s not too old.”

  Christ, those eyes slay me. I can’t stop staring at them; gazing into them with a look of longing in my eyes. Thirty-eight years old and I had just about given up on finding love. And now? She’s standing right in front of me, and I know she’s the one for me.

  She’s everything I’ve ever wanted. And I don’t have a shred of doubt about it in my mind.

  “So,” she says, beaming up at me with a big smile on her face. “Are you going to ask me, or…?”

  “Oh,” I say, laughing. “Yeah. Of course I am. So, Kelsey – would you like to go to dinner with me tonight?”

  “I’d love to,” she says. “I finish work at four thirty.”

  “Pick you up at your place around six thirty?”

  “Sounds good,” she says, and she’s grinning so wide that it makes my heart flutter.

  I can’t help but realize how lucky I am. I’m a stone-cold alpha whose heart has all but turned to ice in the last ten years of being alone. I thought the woman of my dreams was just that – in my dreams. But now she’s standing right across from me, gazing up at me with a big smile on her face like she’s just as excited about meeting me as I am about meeting her.

  My future quickly flashes before my eyes, and as crazy as it sounds, I know now what I have to do.

  I’m going to make Kelsey my curvy forever.


  When I turned and laid my eyes on him, I’ll say one thing – my heart literally skipped a beat.

  He was that good looking. And his voice was that smooth and commanding. There’s something so masculine about him, and yet at the same time – so sensitive – so understanding. I felt nervous just looking at him. He gives off this intimidating vibe, and yet at the same time, it’s irresistible.

  I want this man. And I want him now. I want him to be mine, and there’s no doubt about it in my mind.

  And now I’m just standing there in the aisle by the socks, and he’s been long gone for five minutes now. I’ve been daydreaming ever since he walked off, and when he did
– I paid close attention to that nice butt of his in those tight blue jeans he was wearing. Gosh – he has a body to die for, and I’d give anything to see him undressed.

  Calm down, girl, I have to tell myself. Don’t get ahead of yourself… Besides, you’re a good girl – you’re a virgin. And you promised yourself you’d wait until you found the right one.

  I quickly have to laugh at my own thoughts, because I know something right now that I’ve never been surer of. This guy Rob is the one. This tall, muscular hunk of a man is the guy I’m going to give it to – my innocence, that is. And I can’t wait to give it to him.

  I can’t help but look crazy as I giggle there all by my lonesome, standing in the aisle, still daydreaming about our conversation; playing it on repeat in my head. Then I’m shaken out of my pleasant daydream by the sound of an annoying voice that comes from behind. A voice I’ve grown to despise over the past three months.

  “Earth – to – Kelsey. Earth – to – Kelsey.”

  It’s my boss, and he’s doing that playfully annoying nasally voice he always does, like he’s an alien trying to get my attention. I turn and look at him. He’s wandering slowly down the aisle towards me. He’s got his arms outstretched, and he’s holding a clipboard in one hand and a pen in the other. Oh, I guess it’s that time of the week – time for his weekly employee performance reports.

  I literally almost roll my eyes when he gets within a few feet of me. It’s not that I don’t take pride in my job. I work hard, and I stock the shelves and assist the customers to the best of my ability. But this guy Mr. Francis acts like I need to treat this crummy little retail job like it’s my life passion. Hell, once he even told me I needed ‘to eat, breathe, and sleep this company’.

  “Hi, Mr. Francis,” I say to him, trying to force a polite smile, but it’s pretty much just an annoyed frown.

  “Well hello there,” he says in a sing-song voice, holding his clipboard out. “Somebody decided to wake up from their standing slumber, I see.”

  Then he lets out a hearty laugh, like he just told the funniest joke in front of a crowd of admiring onlookers. Except there are no onlookers. It’s just him and me, and he’s the only one laughing.

  His smile quickly fades and he lets out a slow, dramatic sigh as he lowers the clipboard and begins to scribble something onto it. I assume it’s my name, followed by a brief sentence explaining that he just found me daydreaming in aisle four.

  “What’s up, boss?” I ask him.

  “Just doing the weekly reports… And, uh, I’m afraid to say that this week’s report isn’t particularly good for you.”

  “Why is that, boss?” I say, trying my best not to groan.

  “Well, Kelsey… I take pride in my job. As you know. As everyone knows. And that means I take pride in being honest. I like to catch people off guard – my employees, that is. Take Daniel in the shoe department, for example. I just snuck up on him in the stockroom, and what do you know? He was stockpiling the shelves quickly with our new inventory that the truck delivered this morning. He’s a good boy. A good employee. Perhaps even a star employee. And I wrote that in my report.”

  “Oh, I see,” I say, nodding my head.

  “But you?” His face twists into a grimace, like he’s just caught a whiff of rotten eggs and can hardly keep his lunch in. “Well, Kelsey… I stood here for about two minutes before I said your name. And you know what? You know something kind of funny? You, uh… You were just leaned up against the shelves here, and it almost looked like you were taking a nap. But I peeked around and saw your eyes were open. And heck – you didn’t even notice me! You were out of it, girl. And, well, you know… That means you weren’t paying attention. That means, most likely, that you were daydreaming.”

  “Okay,” I say, nodding my head as I purse my lips. “Sorry, Mr. Francis. I had a lot on my mind this morning and was just trying to recall something.”

  “Excuses,” he says quickly, holding up a finger. “Remember what I said about excuses? They’re no good. That’s what I said,” he laughs and slaps his hand against his knee.

  I let out a fake chuckle and nod my head, staring at him with wide eyes, trying to figure this guy out. I don’t think there’s anything to figure out. He’s going to write a bad report, and that’s that. There’s no point in arguing with him. What’s the worst that could happen? I lose my job?

  Anyway, the store is practically empty this morning, and after clocking in I spent my first hour stocking the new sweaters in the women’s department. Right after that is when I met Rob, talked to him for a few minutes, and then stood here for five minutes thinking about it.

  Is it such a crime?

  “Sorry, Mr. Francis,” I say. “I should have been more focused. I guess we all make mistakes, right?” I smile, trying to make light of the situation, but he still wears a look of concern on his face.

  “Yeah,” he says. “I just expected better from you, Kelsey…” He sighs, and then he shakes his head like a disapproving adult and walks off, which is kind of funny considering he’s only a year older than me.

  Well, it’s alright, I think to myself. I shouldn’t have been daydreaming anyway… But god, I just couldn’t help it. And when Mr. Francis turns out of the aisle and vanishes from my view, I can’t help but start daydreaming again…

  I have to snap myself out of it by shaking my head quickly. I feel like I just woke up from a pleasant dream – one I didn’t want to end. But work must go on, and I know I’ll see the man of my dreams later this evening…

  I try to do everything I can to focus on work, and I get through my daily tasks fine enough. But even as I’m ringing up items at the register, even as I’m stocking the shelves and sweeping up the back stockroom, this guy Rob is still in the front of my mind.

  And he’s not going anywhere. I can’t seem to rest or relax until I have this guy. I can’t seem to focus on anything except him – and I know this feeling isn’t going to stop until I have him as my own.

  I’m going to make Rob Hart mine.


  The whole drive to the gym I’m thinking non-stop about her. Kelsey. What a beautiful name. But no name is a match for her physical beauty. And no one else compares to her.

  I’m not kidding. Nothing can compare to Kelsey.

  I’m laughing crazily as I tap on the steering wheel while the heavy metal thumps on the radio. The music is so loud, but even it can’t drown out my thoughts of her. She’s consumed me completely, and I can’t get her out of my mind. Even during my grueling upper body workout, I’m thinking of her face, her curves…

  I shower off and head home. I’ve got a while to kill before I pick her up, and I check my stocks and see how everything business related is going. Looks smooth, and my sales chart is going up every day. I’ve got various online businesses, but I make the most from a resale company. I’m not one to boast about my income, and my friends don’t even know how much I’m worth – but I’ll say that I could quit now and live five lifetimes just fine.

  But I don’t want to retire. I’m too hungry for that. I’m a hard worker and I set tremendously high goals. It’s what wakes me up in the morning. But even now as I scroll through the reports of my various income streams, I’m distracted. I’m not focused at all.

  And it’s because of her. Kelsey Stockwell. She’s taken over my brain, and there’s one thing for sure – she’s not going to let go anytime soon.

  I know I’ve got to make her mine. I’ve got to claim this curvy princess as my own.

  “You’re being crazy,” I say out loud, and then I lean back in my computer chair and rub my eyes as I let out a deep sigh.

  I realize how ridiculous my thoughts are, but I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life. I’m a black and white guy. I make decisions based on logic. And while some might argue that I’m not being logical right now, I’d argue back that this is the most logical conclusion I’ve ever come to.

  Because I felt it when I was face to face wi
th her. And undeniable chemistry unlike any I’ve ever felt in my life.

  “Kelsey Stockwell,” I say in a slow voice, smiling at the ceiling. “You’ve got me tangled up in your web, don’t you?”

  I close my laptop and stretch as the sun shines through my back window. I think of her cute, rosy red cheeks, plump and adorable. I think of the way those blue jeans hugged her big, juicy looking ass. That ass was unreal, and as good as it looked in those jeans, I’m dying to see it without them.

  Calm down, buddy, I tell myself. Take it slow… She’s not like other girls. This one… This one’s the one you’ve been waiting for. Hell, you knew it the moment you saw her. She’s a good girl, and you’ve got to treat her right. You may have been a bad boy in your past, but that part of you has gone. Now you’re going to be this girl’s knight in shining armor.

  You’re going to treat her like the princess she deserves to be treated as. Because that’s what she is. She’s a princess, and there’s no ifs ands or buts about it.

  I smile, thinking about all the ways I’m going to spoil this girl rotten. And she’s going to deserve it all. I’m going to treat this girl better than she ever imagined. But then one thing pops into my head, something I can’t shake…

  Is she going to be able to handle my size?


  I take a shower and do my makeup. I’ve got about twenty minutes until he’s supposed to show up, and I spend each second thinking about what I should say when I open the door. The time must fly by, because before I know it, I’m jumping up off the couch to the sound of the doorbell ringing.

  “Just a moment,” I say, and I rush to the bathroom and check my reflection in the mirror.

  Deep breaths, girl. You can do this. He’s just a guy. He’s just a guy – remember that.

  But when I open the door and my jaw drops practically to the floor, I’m quickly remined that Rob Hart isn’t just a guy. He’s perfection in human form. He’s everything I’ve ever fantasized about, standing right there in my doorway with a big, confident grin on his face.


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