Finally (RiffRaff Records Book 9)

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Finally (RiffRaff Records Book 9) Page 13

by L. P. Maxa

  “Thanks for coming.” I’d been a little afraid that after the way I left that morning he was going to tell me to fuck off. I was afraid that he’d grown tired of me pushing him away. But I should have known better.

  He nodded, kicking at a small rock with the toe of his boot. “Always.”

  “There are some things that I need to say to you, and um, please just let me get them out.”

  He nodded again.

  I took another deep breath, this time the scent of him so close making me a bit dizzy. “I’m sorry.” It was like I was on a twelve-step program, changing the person I used to be and making amends on the way to becoming the person I wanted to be. “I was as much at fault for our demise as you were. You were backed into a corner, and I helped put you there. I see that now, I see it all. I forgive you. I forgive me. We were young, and we were ill-equipped to deal with the fallout from the thousands of lies we told.” Lies we should have never told, lies we should have never asked our family to help keep. “I don’t want to repeat the past. I want to start over.”

  I was done. I said my piece. I laid my cards out there, and now it was up to him whether he’d call or fold.

  We stood in silence, staring at each other in the moonlight for so long that I almost thought Crue wasn’t going to speak. But, thankfully, he cleared his throat and stepped even closer to me.

  “I don’t want to repeat the past either, but I refuse to forget it.” He paused and my heart dropped to my feet. Had I misunderstood everything that was happening the last week? I’d apologized, but was it too little too late? Had I already pushed him over the edge? “I can’t forget the way you looked dancing in the bed of my truck. I can’t forget the way you fell apart in my arms the first time I made you come. The sound of your window in the middle of the night, the way you wore that tiny cheerleading skirt. I don’t want to forget one single fucking moment of our life together. The good, the bad, the hurt, and the pleasure. All of it. It’s mine, and I won’t forget.”

  I gasped as he grabbed my hips, hauling me against him, kissing me deeply and stealing my breath. He cupped my jaw, pulling away a little so he could look at me.

  “I loved you then, I love you now, and I swear to you, baby, I will love you for the rest of my life.”

  “I love you too, Crue.”

  I cried as he kissed me, then he wiped my tears as he held me close.

  Chapter Thirty-One



  It was Friday Family Dinner, and Avory had walked by and let her hand brush against my ass. She winked, and jerked her head toward the pool house. I knew what my girl wanted, what she’d always wanted on nights like this. She wanted me to steal her away, to kiss her senseless in some closet deep inside the house with our parents none the wiser out on the porch.

  I couldn’t help but smirk as I moved to follow after her. It’d been a week since we met down by the back gate, where it’d all started when we were younger, and started again five years later. I’d like to say the intervening years didn’t matter, but they did. Both of us needed to travel rough roads to get to where we were now. While so much about us was familiar, everything also felt brand new.

  I’d been in her bed every night. We’d had coffee together on her balcony every morning. Sometimes we’d ride into work together. I couldn’t get enough of holding her hand. I couldn’t believe she was mine again.

  “Where you going, bro?” Jett stepped into my path, blocking me from my girl and irritating me.

  I chuckled. “We both know where I’m going.” I shooed him with a wave of my hand. “Get out of my way.”

  He sighed. “Don’t you think it’s time for you two to stop hiding?”

  He had a valid point, and it was something Avory and I had discussed several times over the last week. We were going to tell our parents, we had dinner plans with them on Sunday. We were going to sit them down and come clean about everything. Well. Not everything. She was fucking fifteen when we’d started hooking up. I wanted to be honest, not stupid.

  I sighed. “We’re telling them on Sunday.” I shoved him out of my way. “But in the meantime, I’m going to have some fun.” I walked past Jett and into the pool house.

  I checked the small half bath, and when it was empty I continued on through the halls. I checked the bedrooms, the closets, and the other bathrooms. Then I got to the small pantry in the kitchen. I opened the door, shaking my head. “The smallest place? Really?”

  Avory stepped back, making more space for me. “This way you have to hold me extra close.”

  “I planned on it.” I picked her up, pinning her against the wall with her legs wrapped around my waist. I devoured her mouth, groaning as her tongue danced with mine.

  Her hands went to the buttons on my jeans, making me laugh quietly. “Here, baby spawn?” My girl was insatiable, like she’d always been. And I fucking loved it.


  The way she said my name, that one word telling me everything I needed to know. She wanted me, and I’d never deny her. I lifted her long dress, letting it gather around her hips. “Okay, baby, but you better come on my—”

  “Holy shit, for the love of god.”

  Avory and I froze, her dad flooding the pantry with light from the kitchen. And this would be the moment I died. “Dad, um, I can explain.”

  “Nope.” Uncle Dash held his hand up, stopping his daughter. “Crue, if you would kindly put your dick back in your pants, I’d like for the two of you to join me on the patio please.”

  Why wasn’t he yelling at us? Was that the calm before the storm? Maybe he planned to grab a knife out of the block on the counter? Maybe I’d step onto the porch and he’d slit my throat, letting me bleed out in front of my poor parents.

  “Yes, sir.” I nodded, barely getting the words out of my throat without throwing up. He glared at me before turning away.

  Avory spoke to his retreating back. “Okay, Daddy.”

  I waited until the door shut behind him before setting her on her feet. “Daddy? Really? While my dick is still inside you?”

  “I’m sorry.” She adjusted the strap of her dress. “I tend to revert back to the cuter five-year-old version of myself when I make him mad.” She sighed. “It’s going to be okay.”

  I opened the door, catching her smile once it wasn’t pitch black. I raised an eyebrow. “Is it? Because your father just walked in on me fucking you in a closet.” I shook my head. “I had actual nightmares of that happening when we were teenagers. And in my nightmares, he kills me.”

  Avory placed a kiss on my jaw. “He won’t kill you.”

  She sounded sure, but I wasn’t convinced. If I ever found a dude about to fuck my daughter, I’d commit murder.

  I took Avory’s hand in mine, and we walked out onto the porch together. When Uncle Dash saw us, he cupped his palms around his mouth. “Could all of you gather around please? I have something I need to say.”

  Well. Okay. He was going to make a public statement and then kill me. How exceptionally gangster of him.

  Uncle Dash let out a deep exhale, then smiled. “I wanted to let all of you kids know, we’re done.” He made a motion like he was wiping his hands clean. “We pass the proverbial baton.” He pointed at us. “Crue and Avory were our last loose ends, and it seems that’s been settled.”

  My dad glanced from me to Uncle Dash. “What are you talking about? Have you been testing product with Marley and Jett again?”

  “Luke. I just walked in on your son having sex with my daughter.” Uncle Dash nodded somewhat manically. “And I can only assume, from their recklessness, they were trying to make us grandparents again.”

  We had not started trying for kids. We were simply that irresponsible. But I figured Avory’s father wouldn’t want to hear that, so I kept my mouth shut.

  “You and her?” My dad looked confused. “You’re hooking up with Avory?”

  “Um, we’re dating.” Dating sounded shallow for what we were. “We’re in lov
e. We’re um, together.” I glanced over at Avory and she was hiding a smile behind her hand, finding humor in how uncomfortable I sounded. “We’re, like, I don’t know. She’s mine. She’s always been mine. We’re end game. We’re forever.” I hadn’t asked her to marry me, but I’d planned on it after we told our parents. I guess that part was done now. Maybe I’d ask her tonight after I made her come a few times.

  “She’s always been yours?” Uncle Dash narrowed his eyes. “Care to explain?”

  “No. No we would not.” Avory crossed her arms over her chest, glaring right back. “Didn’t you just wash your hands of us?” Wow. My girl was really quick on her feet.

  “Ah, yes, back to my point.” Her father nodded again, like he was pleased she’d sassed him back on track. “All of you little spawn are paired up, in love, married, engaged, whatever. You’ve found your people. You’re having babies, you’re making babies.” He paused to shoot a look my way. “And despite some road bumps, you’re all decent humans. You work, you pay your own bills, you give to charity, and you take care of each other.” He put his arm around his wife. “They say hindsight is twenty-twenty, and I used to wish I could go back in time and do better with you kids. Keep a closer eye. Be stricter. Dig deeper.” He paused again. I assumed this time for dramatic flair. “But seeing you all standing here tonight, safe, happy, successful…I think either because of us or despite us, you kids turned out pretty fucking great.”

  I looked around the compound, seeing my family as a whole. Landry was a successful surgeon and she’d married a man who was utterly in love with her and their three boys. Beau and Halen had found their way back to each other, against some tough odds. They were married. They had a little girl and one on the way. Cash was a major league ball player, every little boy’s dream come true. He had an amazing girl, and she was going to make him a father soon. Evie lost herself, and found love along the way. Nicky cherished her. We could all see it every time he looked at her. Jett and Devin were adorable, even though I’d never admit it out loud. He and Marley were saving the damn world, every fucking day. Talon was perfect for MVP, and we were all lucky he was part of our family. Emmie had gotten knocked up from a one-night stand, and turned out it was the best thing that could have ever happened to her, and Kase.

  I’d broken Avory’s heart while I was trying to save us. In the end, she’d forgiven me, and we’d forgiven ourselves. I’d never forget our past, I never wanted to. But from where I was standing, our future looked pretty fucking fantastic.



  Uncle Dash had said it best. We were all paired up. All ten of us Devil’s Spawn were happily in love, some of us with each other. Halen and I were married. We had two beautiful children. Both girls. Uncle Dash said I deserved girls after what I put his through. I didn’t mind. Lennon and Irelyn were the best things that ever happened to me, other than their mother of course.

  I’d been in love with Halen my whole life. I didn’t remember a moment in time when she wasn’t on my mind. I hurt her once, and I swore I would never do it again. And I wouldn’t. I was beyond blessed. My girls were more than any one man deserved.

  “Are you ready? I still need to fix my hair and Lennon just tried to put lipstick on Irelyn.” Halen was standing in the doorway to my closet, her hair a wild mess and a baby on her hip. She looked gorgeous.

  I finished tying my shoe, then stood and kissed my wife. “Come here, sweet girl.” I took my youngest daughter from her arms and went in search of the other one. I thought Lennon took after her Aunt Landry, always a bit of mischief up her sleeve. She kept us on our toes: that was for sure.

  Living this life of love and chaos on the Devil’s Share compound continually reminded me that blood doesn’t make a family. I didn’t share DNA with one single person I’d grown up with, other than Uncle Smith, who, unlike everyone else who called him Uncle, was my real blood uncle. But not being related to any of the spawn didn’t make me any less part of their world. I had amazing parents who gave me a home and the security I’d been denied as a young child. I had a big sister who gave me unconditional support and endless memories of laughter. I had brothers, younger sisters, and I had nieces and nephews. I had a girl by my side who loved me through every up and down life had to offer. And that girl? Well, she’d given me two more tiny hearts to worship and protect.

  “Now, where is that big sister of yours?” I bounced Irelyn in my arms, turning the corner into Lennon’s bedroom. I jumped across the room, interrupting what could have been a disaster. “You, my darling daughter, are going to make me go gray.” I hooked an arm around her waist, pulling her off the little stool she was wobbling on. “What were you doing?”

  She looked up at me, her eyes round and so very blue. “I want outside.”

  Her tiny voice melted my heart, and usually got her whatever she wanted. She communicated well, and only missed a few words here and there. “You were trying to climb out of your window?” I glanced from her to the window in question. “Why?”

  Her tiny hands gripped the windowsill as she pulled herself up so she could see out of it. Her little toes anchored on the wall, giving her some extra purchase. “Wyatt’s playing.”

  “You wanted to climb out of your window so you could go play with Wyatt?” She nodded and I took her hand, backing out of the room in search of my wife. “Sweets? We need to move.”



  Three minutes. That was the amount of peace and quiet I’d had to finish getting ready. I caught Beau’s reflection in the bathroom mirror. He was holding Irelyn in his arm, and Lennon was clutching his hand. He never looked as sexy as he did when he was being a dad. I’d loved Beau Cole since the day I was born. Or at least that’s how I saw it. And that love only grew as time marched on.

  “What’s up?” I smiled. “I’m almost ready.”

  Beau wiggled Lennon’s hand, making her whole arm dance lightly. “This one was trying to climb out of her window so she could go play outside with Wyatt.”

  I bit my lips together to keep from laughing. Beau did not seem like he found that as funny as I did. “Lennon. It’s dangerous to climb things, and we don’t use our windows to enter and exit this house.” Was rebellion in the soil here? Or maybe it was the water. Marley would know. She had samples and data on both.

  “We need to move.” Beau’s expression was so serious it broke my resolve and a giggle escaped. “Sweets. This is serious. She was using her window. Wyatt is older than her. And, and—”

  “And she’s a little girl who wants to go outside and play with her cousins.” I unplugged my curling iron, kneeled down, and opened my arms for my oldest daughter. She ran to me and I picked her up, raining kisses on her mischievous cheeks. “We still have years before we need to start worrying about anything.” I stood on my tiptoes, kissing Beau as well. I headed off down the hall, the clock in the kitchen telling me that we were going to be late if we didn’t leave now.

  “Your dad probably put some juju on us.” Beau followed me, grabbing the diaper bag and hiking it up on his shoulder. “This is too much karma for one person.” I stepped out the front door, setting Lennon down and laughing as she immediately flew off the porch and ran to where Wyatt and Weston were playing. “See. She’s in love.”

  “She’s three.” Although she’d always favored Wyatt even though Weston was closer to her age. “And my dad doesn’t know how to mess with anyone’s juju. He’s a retired rock star.” If anything, my dad would hire someone to do it, offer to pay them an ungodly amount of money so he wouldn’t have to lift a finger.

  “We’re installing more cameras, and motion sensor lights.”

  “Okay, babe.” I took Irelyn from him, and he took my hand helping me down the stairs.

  “And alarms on all the windows.”

  I nodded, stepping into the field to help Landry gather the rest of the little ones. “Whatever you say.” I didn’t need to remind him that nothing would have kept us apart. No amoun
t of sensors or lights could stop two kids in love.

  This compound was the backdrop of us, of our life together. Of our love story. And now, we got to raise our little girls here. It warmed my heart to see Lennon running through the tall grass, her hands outstretched wide. She’d grow up on this playground, and maybe she’d fall in love on it, maybe not. Either way, she’d be surrounded by her family and by the people who would stand with her no matter what.

  And having that, she was born lucky.



  What a beautiful day. The sun was shining, the air was crisp, summer hadn’t set all the way in yet, and I was grateful. Texas heat would have made it difficult to keep the boys in their little suits. Brody stepped out of the house, kissing my bare shoulder with Walker in his arms. “You ready, baby cakes?”

  I sighed, nodding my head. I think we were all more than ready for this day, actually. “I’ll get the bigger ones, you carry the baby?” Brody and I had three sons, and they were all clones of their father. Weston had his personality, whereas Wyatt reminded me of my brother. He was steadfast, protective. None of our children were calm though, and we argued over whose fault that was.

  “Where’s the diaper bag?”

  “Crap, I left it inside. I’ll go.”

  “I’ll get it.” He wrapped his arm around my waist, kissing my neck.

  I smiled, leaning into his side, breathing in his sunshine smell. “Pack extra clothes for the boys. They’re staying with my parents tonight.”

  Brody chuckled, the sound warming me all the way to my core. “I’m going to fuck you until you can’t stand.”

  “Looking forward to it.” I winked at him, laughing when he pulled his lower lip through his teeth, shaking his head.

  “Such a bad, bad girl.” He fused his mouth to mine, kissing me deeply until Walker grabbed a fistful of his hair and started squealing. “I love the fuck out of you.”

  “I love you too.” I slapped his ass playfully. “Now go pack that diaper bag.”


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