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Love in Xxchange: Rory's Last Chance

Page 10

by Bailey Bradford

  Bailey Bradford


  the same conclusion, which couldn’t be right. “You don’t mean that he was the only—no.

  You mean the rest were just casual. Right?” Has to be what he means.

  The colour on Rory’s cheeks darkened as he kept his gaze averted. “Told you I don’t do that casual shit.”

  Defensive and softly spoken, the words had Chance’s mind reeling. Yeah, Rory had said something to that effect, but Chance had still figured the man had some experience other than Art.

  Chance’s stomach clenched painfully. Shit, had he ever been even half the man Rory was? He’d been a slut at that age, not giving a damn about anything much other than the next lay or the next bull ride. But if Rory didn’t do causal, what had he been doing at the bar that first night? Chance tried to push the question aside but couldn’t.

  “Not that I’m doubting you, but now you have me confused.”

  Rory’s brow furrowed with confusion. “Confusing you how?”

  Chance reached up and swiped at Rory’s brow, smoothing out the lines there and then shrugged. “Since you don’t do the one night thing, why were you at the bar a few weeks ago? That’s about all those places are there for.”

  Rory shrugged and looked away, embarrassment evident in the way his shoulders hunched. “I didn’t know.”

  Now it was Chance’s brow that wrinkled. “What do you mean you didn’t know?”

  Rory sighed and shook his head, still refusing to look at Chance. “I mean, I was naïve and stupid—and curious. I don’t know what I expected, but it wasn’t what I found there in that bar.” Rory finally met Chance’s gaze. “I know that makes me sound like some kind of idiot, but I was a little shocked when I saw what was going on it that place. And then… “

  Rory’s smile started out small and sweet, but grew as he looked Chance over. “There you were, trying to escape from two twinks. Something started burning inside me and all I could think about was how much I needed to touch you. So I did.” He shrugged, which did things to his chest and strong muscles that threatened to make Chance forget what they were talking about.

  The club, and Rory thinking he was an idiot. Chance reached up and traced Rory’s jaw line with the back of his knuckles. “It doesn’t make you stupid or an idiot not to have known what clubs like that are for. Probably a sign that you have better sense than anyone else in the place, myself included. I was there, knowing what the place was, looking for something RORY’S LAST CHANCE

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  that I knew I wouldn’t find there.”

  Chance rubbed Rory’s lower lip with the pad of his thumb. “So you tell me, which one of us was the stupid one?”

  Rory sucked the tip of Chance’s thumb into his mouth and swirled his tongue around the callused skin. It was a seductive move that had goose bumps rising all over Chance’s body by the time Rory stopped and released Chance’s thumb. “Neither. I think maybe we were just lonely.”

  It took Chance a full minute to remember what the question was to Rory’s answer.

  Once he did, he realised the younger man was right.

  “I don’t deserve you.” The words were out before Chance could censor them. He pressed as close to Rory as he could, leaning forward so the next words were whispered into Rory’s ear. “But I am damn sure going to keep you.”

  A shaky relieved laugh accompanied the movement of Rory’s arms as he hugged Chance. “I think you do, and I’m going to keep you, too, boss.”

  Chance didn’t think he’d ever heard a better vow than that one. He just hoped Rory felt that way for a very long time, like another forty or fifty years.


  Bailey Bradford


  Chapter Thirteen

  Chance sat at his desk, lost in thought. He had fucked up plenty of times, and he’d learned to do what he needed to in order to rectify his mistakes. Forgiving himself had never been easy, but he’d thought he had managed, for the most part.

  Now he was faced with the realisation that the biggest mistake of his life had never really been addressed, and because of that, Rory had been hurt. Chance would have to live with the knowledge that, if he’d only had the balls to do something when Art had assaulted him, if he’d only spoken out or beat the man to death…

  But he hadn’t done anything, other than quit the circuit. He’d accepted what Art had done to him as a just punishment for too long, never stopping to think that the psychotic asshole might do the same thing to someone else. And, with age comes wisdom—hopefully.

  Chance knew now that he hadn’t deserved what happened to him. It had just been easier to slink away.

  He couldn’t do that this time. Whether it was his own sense of culpability or the sheer evil act Art had perpetrated on Rory, or a mix of both, Chance couldn’t be passive any more.

  He cared too deeply for his younger lover, and he ached with the need for retribution on Rory’s behalf.

  Then there was also the very real threat to Rory’s sister. Art had played both ways back when Chance knew him, and he had no reason to think the man restricted his violence to one sex.

  Rory would be opposed, Chance was certain. Not to protecting Annabelle, but to the confrontation Chance had in mind with Art. It would happen, though, and Chance just hoped Rory would forgive him for it afterwards.

  First things first, Chance needed a reason to head up north, one that didn’t involve paying a visit to a certain son of a bitch. He also needed to see if he could find out anything about Art’s schedule, his habits, when he was away from the Mossy Glenn, because it was a sure bet that Chance wouldn’t be allowed to set foot on that property. Asking Annabelle for any help was out, as she would definitely tell her brother. Besides that, if Art found out she was involved in any way…That didn’t bear thinking about, other than as something to avoid RORY’S LAST CHANCE

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  at all costs.

  He needed to do some research, find out if there was any good stock for sale somewhere near the Mossy Glenn. And he needed to find out as much as he could about Art.

  It was past time for a reckoning between them.

  Hours later, Chance stretched and tried to pop the kinks out of his back. He’d found some stock that he really was interested in, and the price was right. The drive to Montana was going to suck, but it couldn’t be helped.

  He also had a plan, albeit a loosely formed one that involved a lot of hanging around in town a few miles from the Mossy G and waiting for Art to make a visit. Unless he’d changed drastically—and obviously, he hadn’t—Art would be in town often. The man had been easily bored and allergic to hard work when Chance had known him. Two or three days at the most, and Chance would have the opportunity he wanted. He just hoped there weren’t any witnesses around.

  Pounding on the front door startled him. He’d been so focussed on formulating a plan that he hadn’t heard anyone drive up. Chance hurried to the door, the nonstop banging on it sparking his temper.

  He skidded to a halt upon seeing the smiling face on the other side of the screen door.

  How he managed to keep from groaning was beyond him.

  This was all he needed now—one of his exes showing up to make his life hell. Before Chance could even ask what the hell the other man was doing here, his unwanted visitor squealed—which Chance believed no grown man should ever do—and yanked the screen door open.

  “Oh my God, Chance Galloway! I can’t believe I finally found you!” This particular ex was obviously still made of equal parts energy and horny—but he’d also known Art, which was the only reason Chance didn’t shove the guy right out the door.

  He did, however, bat the man’s groping hands away from his ass…and dick.

  “Bo, cut it out. I mean it.” Maybe if he said it a few more times, Bo would actually listen. “What are you doing here, anyway?”

  Bo lowered his lashes and gave him
what Chance guessed was supposed to be a coy look—he really wasn’t sure.

  “Is there somewhere we can talk? About what you’ve got in the way of rough stock?”

  Chance studied his ex for several moments before nodding. As he led the way to his RORY’S LAST CHANCE

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  office, Chance didn’t doubt for a minute that Bo had more on his mind than the status of the rough stock. And he wasn’t sure he wanted to know just what that more was.

  Rory pulled the ranch truck into the drive, staring at the shiny new SUV that was parked by Chance’s house. He turned the ignition off, trying to remember if Chance had mentioned he was expecting company, either business or personal. Nothing came to mind, and his curiosity kicked up a notch.

  Deciding to forgo a shower first, Rory got out and walked up the porch. He started to knock but caught himself. Chance had told him on more than one occasion not to bother knocking, that he was welcome any time. He opened the door and looked around. The sound of voices coming from Chance’s office caught his attention—specifically, a sexy voice that gave a new meaning to oral sex. Anxiety and something Rory suspected was jealousy reared up inside him.

  For a brief second, he considered pulling off his boots and trying to sneak over to the door. That he even thought of doing such a thing filled Rory with shame. He trusted his lover—Chance might have been someone who fucked around when he was younger, but he had told Rory he was a different person now.

  Taking a breath to steady himself, Rory approached the office. He’d just raised his hand to knock when the owner of that silky voice spoke again.

  “Come on, Chance. I can make sure you get a contract with the rodeo for your rough stock once you’re finally ready. What’s it going to hurt for you to give me a little incentive?

  You used to be able to suck dick so good it made my eyes cross.” Sultry laughter followed the proclamation.

  As much as Rory agreed with the assessment of Chance’s cock-sucking skills, he didn’t like hearing it from another man’s lips.

  “We won’t be ready for anything like that for at least two years. Even so, you can shove your contract—”

  Rory banged on the office door before Chance could finish his angry declaration.

  “Come in!”

  Anger tinged the words and Rory bit back a grin. He wasn’t feeling jealous anymore; RORY’S LAST CHANCE

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  instead, he was anticipating staking his claim. Like some damn alpha, Rory thought to himself. Well, if the boot fits…

  He opened the door and immediately looked at Chance and the man trying to get a blowjob from his lover. Chance looked angry and anxious, probably worried that Rory would get the wrong idea. Rory winked at him, wanting to set him at ease as much as he could. The stranger—to Rory, anyway—was small, blond-headed and pretty rather than handsome. He was also glaring at Rory while trying to grope an unwilling Chance.

  Chance had a hand wrapped around the other man’s wrist, preventing it from lowering the couple of inches necessary to reach Chance’s dick. His other hand was on the smaller man’s chest, pushing to keep him back. Rory’s lips quirked as he shook his head.

  “Damn, love, I can’t leave you alone for one minute without some aging twink trying to hit on you, can I?”

  Relief lit Chance’s eyes and the groper jerked back and gave Rory a venomous look.

  “Who the fuck are you?” The little man was fairly quivering with anger. Chance started to speak but Rory shook his head, never looking away from the man who’d been trying to seduce—or, rather, maul—his lover.

  “I’m the man”—Rory walked closer, not stopping until he was towering over the little twit—“who is the sole benefactor of those blowjobs you were speaking so highly of.”

  Rory winked at Chance again before turning back to the task at hand, which was, he supposed, defending his man’s virtue. Or maybe he was marking his territory—it didn’t really matter in the end, as long as his message got across.

  The other man eyed him warily. “I don’t believe you. Chance has always been a slut—”

  Rory had a new understanding of what it meant to see red. His hands clenched into fists and he took a step forward, unable to stop himself. Chance jumped out of his chair and pushed the smaller man back, bouncing him into the wall. Rory was so mad he didn’t know how he managed to keep from decking the little fool.

  “Hey, baby.” Chance pressed up against Rory, giving full contact from chest to knees.

  He wrapped his arms around Rory’s waist and held on tight. He squeezed once, hard, and it got Rory’s attention.

  Unclenching his fists, Rory looked into Chance’s dark brown eyes and felt his hot temper drain away. There was no way he could be angry about anything when the man he loved looked at him like that—like he loved Rory. Maybe he did—Rory thought they just RORY’S LAST CHANCE

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  might both be on the same page there, but he was afraid to ask, much less try to say it after the last time he tried.

  Still, the tender feeling had a smile blooming on Rory’s mouth and an answering one spreading on Chance’s.

  “All right, I won’t kill the little shit.” Yet. If the idiot got the message.

  Chance laughed and shook his head. “Bo isn’t worth it, baby. Some people just don’t grow up.”

  “Hey! That’s bullshit!” The little man—Bo—piped up behind Chance. He edged his way over to Chance’s desk and plopped down in the chair, making himself at home. Rory and Chance both arched a brow at him.

  “Bo.” Chance started to pull away but Rory held him close. “Get your bony ass out of my chair!”

  Bo rolled his eyes and stuck out his lower lip. “Come on, Chance! Would you seriously rather be sitting here than standing there with a double armful of handsome man?”

  Chance wasn’t mollified. “No, I’d rather be where I am and have your ass out of my chair!”

  “So I guess propping my feet on your desk is out of the question?” Bo made to raise his legs and it was all Rory could do to hold Chance back.

  “If you know what’s good for you, you will move before I turn my lover loose on you,”

  Rory threatened.

  Bo laughed. “Oh, he wouldn’t hurt me, we used to be—”

  Rory let go and Chance spun on his heel and charged. Bo squeaked, a sound Rory firmly believed no man should ever make, and dove around the other side of the desk.

  “Fuck, Chance! It’s just a damn chair!” The smaller man continued circling the desk as Chance stalked him.

  “You come in here, try to maul me, and then have the goddamn nerve to tell me I should blow you over a contract. You grope and insult me again—” Chance’s voice was growing louder with each word. “I swear to God, Bo—”

  Chance stopped yelling and burst out laughing when Bo darted around to hide behind Rory. “Do you really think that’s the safest place to hide?”

  Rory bit back a grin. Suddenly this whole thing seemed ridiculous. He reached behind himself and grabbed Bo’s arm. One tug and the smaller man was standing in front of him.


  Bailey Bradford


  “I think that’s enough of being a dumbass for one day—for all of us.” Rory stared first at Bo, then at Chance. Both men nodded and Rory let go of the smaller man. “Good. Bo—”

  He waited till the man met his gaze. “That man,”—Rory pointed to his lover—“is taken, period. I don’t share and we don’t play, got it?”

  Bo shot a look at Chance, who nodded in agreement. “Yeah, okay. But you can’t blame me for trying, can you?”

  Rory rather thought he could but didn’t see what the point of it would be. “Just don’t try it again. And you can pass that message on along to anyone else who might think about trying this shit.”

  “Fine, fine, and I suppose Chance doesn’t share, ei
ther, right?” Bo looked up at Rory and batted his eyelashes.

  “No.” Chance’s voice was cold. “I don’t. Cut it out before I decide to beat your ass after all.”

  “Bo.” Rory was looking down at the man’s fluttering lashes. “Someone ought to tell you, so I guess I will—that looks absolutely silly on a man your age.”

  Chance laughed and Bo sputtered. “It’s not silly, it’s sexy!”

  Rory just shook his head and actually found himself feeling a little sorry for the man.

  “No, really, it’s not sexy. I thought you had something in your eye at first, man.”

  “But…but I’ve always flirted and…” Bo trailed off, looking wounded by the comment.

  Rory tried not to feel bad—he figured someone should tell the man the truth.

  “People change,” Chance pointed out. “Maybe you need to start thinking about that.”

  Bo looked at Chance and Rory for several long seconds. Finally, he nodded. “Yeah, maybe I should, because I want that—” He gestured to them with his hand. “Whatever it is between the two of you.”

  Rory pulled Chance to his side and put his arm around his lover’s shoulders. “Find your own, buddy.” He was only half teasing.

  Bo looked down at his boots and crossed his arms over his chest. “It’s just hard, you know? All the men my age are looking for guys who look barely legal, and all the young guys…” He looked up and gave Rory a weak grin and shrugged. “Present company excepted, are looking for a fast fuck. I guess I kind of gave up on anything other than a good time once I realised that.”

  He wasn’t sure that was accurate, but Rory softened towards the little guy regardless.


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  Chance must have, too, because Rory felt the tension leave his lover’s body.

  “Look, why don’t you stay for dinner.” Chance cast a quick look back at Rory, who nodded in agreement. “Hell, we’ll invite Max, too, and just have beer and burgers.”


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