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I Blackmailed Her Brother

Page 18

by Jessica Frances

  I can’t help laughing a little. Just the thought of Harvey in a bra is hilarious.

  T: What?

  H: Joey bought it for me. He said it would make us best friends or something. I have to say, it isn’t as uncomfortable as I imagined.

  Scarlett and I are both laughing now, and we look guilty as hell when Joey calls out to ask us what’s so funny. We just give him a shrug.

  T: You’re kidding me, right?

  H: Why would I joke about this?

  We hold our breaths, waiting for a response. Instead, Joey’s phone beeps. We all turn around, watching with bated breath.

  He’s grinning as he opens the message, but his look soon turns confused.

  “Teagan just asked me if I seriously bought you a bra. What the hell is she on?” Joey asks Harvey, who looks incredibly confused and a little embarrassed.

  “She did not ask you that.”

  Joey shoves his phone into Harvey’s face, and he frowns at the text.

  “Are you sure she is okay on her own?”

  “Yeah, I mean, I think so. Maybe she’s trying to mess with us so things will get awkward and I’ll stop trying to steal you?”

  “You know you’ll never actually steal me from her, right? Teagan means a lot to me.” Harvey says in a dead serious tone, but Joey doesn’t appear offended. In fact, he smiles hugely at this.

  “I know, and I’m fucking glad she has you. I’d also be lying if I said I wasn’t also glad you like dick. Otherwise, we might have problems.”

  I want to hear Harvey’s response, but then I hear Nix tapping and focus back on him to see he is typing another message.

  H: Whatever you just sent Joey made him uncomfortable. He’s saying he might have to hold off on buying me more bras.

  T: What the hell are you talking about? Why is Joey buying you bras?

  H: It’s a guy thing. I’m certain he’s bought one for Declan and Zander. Why are you making this weird?

  Scarlett is losing her shit again, and I think I might be, too, if I didn’t feel a tiny bit guilty that I’m letting them mess with my friend.

  When my phone buzzes in my pocket, I pull it out to see Teagan has sent us all a group message.

  T: True or false? Your partners wear/own bras for themselves.

  Almost instantly, Sasha is typing a response, while Ava doesn’t appear to be active. She’s likely still sleeping off last night.

  S: What the fuck? NO! Are you feeling okay?

  T: How sure are you?

  S: Look, I don’t know what Joey is into, but I sure as hell don’t want to know this stuff! No wonder you never spill the beans about your sex life.

  T: I’m not saying that! It’s just … I don’t know. I think I must still be drunk. Either that or Harvey is messing with me. Except Harvey doesn’t do that shit.

  S: You know who does do that shit? Nix. A couple months ago, he sent me a photo of him, Conner, and Harvey and thanked me for making that awesome threesome happen.

  T: But this is coming from Harvey’s phone.

  S: Are you telling me you don’t know how to get into Joey’s phone if you need to?

  T: Of course I do. But … I am going to kill him!

  “You’re busted,” I announce to Nix, watching the grin dim down at my words.

  “You told on me?”

  “Nope, didn’t have to. She floated the idea on our group chat and Sasha mentioned you messing around with her about Conner.”

  “Damn! I knew that would come back to bite me on the ass.”

  Harvey’s phone buzzes, and we all glance down to see what Teagan has to say. Nix is much less enthusiastic when he opens it this time.

  T: I am not too hungover to get revenge on you, Nix! Remember, this is your own fault.

  While we all ponder what those words mean, it’s pretty obvious when Joey’s phone begins ringing a few seconds later.

  Once he answers, it takes zero time for his expression to turn from confused to worried to then panicked. He jumps to his feet, his eyes bouncing around the room anxiously before they settle on Harvey.

  “Got it. On my way,” he says into the cell before he hangs up. “I need to go. Something is going on with Teagan. She said to not take Mickie anywhere near it,” he adds, using his daughter’s nickname.

  “Shit, is she okay?” Harvey asks, immediately standing.

  “She said she is, but I don’t know.” Joey runs his hands through his hair, his expression worried and stressed all at once.

  “Go, go now. Don’t worry about Michaela. We got her,” Harvey assures him. “Call me as soon as you know what’s going on.”

  “Yeah, um … okay. She’s due to wake up any second. She’ll need a bottle. I have formula in the bag for emergencies, as well as diapers and—”

  “We got it. Just go.” Harvey pushes him out the door, his worry for Teagan apparently overriding his fear of babies.

  “Oh shit,” Nix mutters just as Michaela wakes up and lets out an almighty howl.

  “And, on that note, I think it’s time for us to get out of here and go home,” I suggest over another earsplitting scream.

  “No way! I’m only in this mess because of Scarlett!” Nix cries, covering his ears against the powerful set of lungs just a few feet away.

  “I never said you had to listen. Thanks for the food and the bed! We’ll get out of your hair. We’ll just take a cab.” Scarlett kisses Nix’s cheek, grabs my hand, and whisks us around the kitchen counter, waving to Harvey, who has managed to take Michaela out of the portable bassinet, looking as if he is searching for an off button on her.

  They are so screwed.

  Chapter 12

  Scarlett’s parents arrive home just as the trial ends. Manuel Sanchez is found guilty and sentenced to a minimum of twenty years in prison without parole. It’s a huge victory and a massive relief to find the danger to Scarlett is over.

  Well, it should be over. There were no attempts on Scarlett’s life, no chatter that she was even on the Sanchez or his men’s radar, and now that he has been charged and transported to prison, there is no reason for any issues.

  He showed zero animosity toward Wally or his family, as well as the few others who testified against him. He almost sounded like he had resigned himself to his fate.

  But it just doesn’t sit right with me.

  What gang leader, who deals in drugs, is nonviolent? What leader doesn’t even try to fight for his freedom? Or, at the very least, intimidate all those around him? How the hell did he get so much power on such high morals?

  It just doesn’t add up.

  I have no proof there is still something wrong, just a gut feeling. And to be honest, I’m not sure I can even trust that since I clearly have ulterior motives for wanting Scarlett to continue staying with me.

  Ever since the girls’ night, we have fallen back into a routine much like we had when we were dating. Sex is still off the table, but we sleep in the same bed. Sometimes we make out, sometimes we just cuddle, and sometimes I fall asleep to Scarlett reading. Most mornings, I get a rundown of what she just read and how she feels.

  I can barely keep the grin off my face. I’m so close to having everything I want, everything I have missed, and now I’m terrified I’m going to lose it.

  But I’m surely just being paranoid, right? Scarlett and her family are in the clear. They have to be. I’m just being ridiculous, afraid to have the talk with Scarlett. The one that states in clear detail what is happening between us and what it will mean for our future. That is, if we have a future.

  “You seem distracted,” Gemma mutters, her eyes still glued out the window of the motel bedroom we are both in.

  We are situated across from a cheating husband who is having paid sex right this second. We got photos of them entering the building, but since they didn’t close their curtains, Gemma decided to go for the “money shot.” This is clearly a lunch time quickie, so at least we aren’t going to be here all night waiting.

  “I’m ju
st thinking about Sanchez.”

  “He’s been put away. Not sure why he would come after your girl now when he could have at least tried beforehand and didn’t bother.”

  “I know,” I murmur, not loving how easily Gemma spurts out how much Scarlett could have been in danger. “I just feel like things moved too easily.”

  “Just be happy and forget about the rest. We found no chatter about Booth or her family, and nothing suspicious going on at the bar that seconds as their headquarters.”

  “Yeah, but—”

  “If anything, his little minions appear to be disbanding. Half his suspected associates have distanced themselves from him. He has no power now. He’s done.”

  “You know a new asshole is just going to step back in where this guy left off and take over selling drugs. This doesn’t really change anything.” In fact, someone clearly already has. Orders are still being given out.

  “I know, but your girlfriend and her family won’t be on their shit list, so it makes enough change for you.”

  I nod, agreeing.

  “Got ya!” Gemma yells, clicking her finger down over the camera.

  I should be experienced now to either not be affected by the shit I have to see on the job, or at the very least to have quelled my curiosity about what is happening on the other side of the lens. Instead of showing growth, though, I follow Gemma’s gaze and see an overweight man shoving a woman against a wall and going at her like he’s a woodpecker and she’s just a tree. From the clear signs that he is coming, it doesn’t seem like it lasted more than a few minutes. Then, without even a moment to pause and either appreciate the act he just did or even check to see what this woman feels, he pulls out and starts searching for his clothes.

  “What an ass,” Gemma mutters.

  “I don’t get hetero sex. I’ve never been with a guy before, but can that kind of penetration for that short amount of time ever truly do anything? I mean, they’ve been in that room for not even ten minutes. Where was the foreplay? What is so great about a penis? Can you seriously ever get off that quickly and easily?” I blurt out, forgetting for a second who I’m speaking to—Gemma, the queen of not giving away any personal information, not that this information is at all appropriate for me to ask. I also apparently forgot every discussion I have been forced to listen to with Sasha and Ava. Those women worship their partners’ penises, and from the satisfied looks Teagan is always wearing, she clearly enjoys Joey’s.

  But, how can what I saw ever be sexy? Forget the fact that I think this man is repulsive. How can a few minutes of shoving his dick in do anything? I get that sometimes you want something quick and hot, but that cannot feel good for the woman.

  “If he’s hitting her in the right spot, if he’s spent an evening, a day, hell, a lot of time leading up to this rendezvous by seducing his partner, sometimes it doesn’t take much to get that dirty fuck in. I had an ex who was an expert at getting you so horny it took every bit of restraint to not jump him the minute we got inside a bedroom. But what we just saw was not sexy. Plus, she’s a paid professional; she doesn’t need to get off. That isn’t why he’s paying her for sex. Her needs are nonexistent as far as he’s concerned.”

  I wince. “But sex should feel good for both—”

  “Park, she’s getting paid. That is what makes her feel good. She doesn’t need some asshole worrying about her end of things. She does this with different people all day. And if that is what she wants to do, more power to her. But I’m thinking she is happier with five-minute snooze sex from this douche than an hour of him fumbling around her pussy, trying to get her off.”

  The douche in question exits the room, and Gemma leans back over to snap photos of him handing over a bunch of bills to the woman.

  We leave the room several minutes after he’s gone. Another job completed.

  Gemma will make the call to the wife once we are back in the office and set up an appointment to show her the disgusting shots of her husband cheating.

  I have to say that that has been the only part of the job I dislike so far. And I’m not sure if I dislike having to watch the partners who are devastated by the betrayal, or the ones who just see a bigger cash settlement in their divorced futures. Both make me question humanity.

  Five minutes into our drive back to the office, my world is rocked and not in a good way.

  Staring down at my ringing phone, I immediately sense something is wrong when Zander’s name pops up. It isn’t often my boss calls me.


  “I don’t want you to freak out,” he quickly says, his voice stern with just a hint of worry that he is likely trying to hide from me. “But there was an accident involving a man who testified against Sanchez.”

  “Accident?” I squeak out, my fears ratcheting up a million miles from one breath to the next.

  “A car accident. I’ve spoken to a guy at the scene and, so far, they found nothing suspicious. They’ve identified the owner of the other vehicle involved, and the driver matches the description of the registered owner who has been found multiple times drunk driving. He was driving today with a suspended license. It was a head-on collision. Both drivers were killed, as well as the wife of the witness who was in the passenger seat.”

  “Shit,” I say on a rush of air.

  What the hell does this mean?

  “I’m not saying there is anything to this, but given the timing, I thought you should be made aware.”

  “Do you think Scarlett and her family are in danger?” I immediately ask, trusting Zander’s judgement.

  “I don’t know. But I know if it was Ava, I wouldn’t rest until I figured it out.”

  I nod distractedly.

  Scarlett is due to leave for New Zealand soon. Maybe the trip could be extended until all this mess is over?

  “Cynthia, you’re not alone in this. You have every single one of us willing to help. I’ve already set Jerry on figuring out if there is a connection between this other driver and Sanchez. He was heavily in debt, so I want to know if any sort of payment was made. I’ve also spoken with the head detective on the case. He’s meeting with me later. He’s also going to notify other witnesses. But without a direct link to Sanchez, or proof that this wasn’t more than a sad but not uncommon accident, the police won’t be able to offer protection.”

  “What is the benefit of doing this now? Why wait until after his trial?”

  “I don’t know, but we’re going to figure this out,” Zander promises before hanging up.

  “Everything okay?” Gemma asks when I stare blankly out the windshield for a moment, trying to take a few breaths and clear my head.

  This doesn’t have to be the worst news, and it very well could be an accident and nothing more. But like Zander said, he wouldn’t take that risk with Ava, and I’m not about to take it with Scarlett.

  “Can you take me to Nix’s restaurant?” I ask after filling Gemma in on what happened.

  “Of course.” She makes a turn and heads us in the right direction. We manage to arrive in record time.

  “Park, if you need anything, I’ll be happy to help in any way you need me,” she offers.

  Gemma still hasn’t ever called me Cynthia, but whether she is willing to acknowledge it or not, she sometimes acts more like a friend than a coworker. I know without a shadow of doubt that, if I truly did need her, she would be there for me.

  “Thanks, I appreciate it. The same goes for you,” I offer, not that I think she will ever take me up on it.

  And just like I expect, she doesn’t acknowledge my offer, just nods before I exit the car and make my way quickly across the street and over to the restaurant.

  I don’t see anyone in there, but I bang on the door loudly anyway. Thankfully, Nix moves from down the hallway to let me in.

  “Cynthia, what a surprise!” He leans in and gives me a hug before shutting out the cold wind behind me.

  “Is Scarlett here?” I ask, unable to keep my nerves out of my voice.

  “She’s out back. Is everything okay?”

  “No.” I tell him what Zander told me, watching Nix shift from concerned to downright scared.

  “You think someone might come after her?”

  “I don’t know. But I do know that I’m not willing to put her at risk. You guys are leaving for New Zealand in a couple weeks. How do you think your mom would feel about a few more guests?”

  “You want to come?”

  I reluctantly shake my head because, hell yes, I want to come.

  “I know Scarlett won’t leave her family behind if they might be in danger. I’m thinking this should become a family vacation.”

  “Of course, whatever you think. Mom will love to meet Scarlett’s family. I can guarantee her response will be the more, the merrier.”

  “Good. I know Scarlett stretched herself thin to get her parents to Europe. I can cover their expenses. I have some money saved up. But I would rather her not know it came from me. I mean, if she asks me directly, I won’t lie; but if we could make it sound like it’s your mom’s treat, that would be great.”

  Nix smiles softly at me, resting his hands over my shoulders while I try to figure out why he looks like some sort of proud father right now.

  “You know, I had no idea what I was starting when I unwittingly set you guys up last year. I even remember thinking it was a stupid idea, that I didn’t know you at all. And up until you, Scarlett seemed to fly through partners. I didn’t exactly pay the best attention, but each time she brought someone up, it was someone different. And then I saw how well you worked together, and I felt good about it. My best friend was happy and being with you meant she got to hang out with the rest of us easily.

  “But then you broke her heart.” He pauses while I cringe. “I was angry at you, of course. But I always secretly cheered for you. I could see how happy Scarlett was when she had you in her life and how much she missed you after you left it. I hoped things would work out, and I’m so freaking glad they did. You’re a great person, Cynthia, and I know you’ll take good care of Scarlett’s heart.”

  “I’ll guard it with my life,” I promise, not that she has given me such a gift yet.


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