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Firsts: Book One’s

Page 44

by Moore, Portia

  “Thank you, Eve,” we tell her as we both watch her walk away. As soon as she does she’s replaced by Camara, a smoking hot black girl wearing a silver teddy covered by a black see-through robe. She delivers our drinks order we incorrectly gave to Eve.

  “Your first time here, gentleman?” she asks, flashing perfect white teeth, her oval-shaped eyes sweeping over us, and damn she’s sexy. I wonder if all the women here are trained to exude sex on a stick.

  “How’d you know?” Simon asks flirtatiously. She leans in towards us.

  “Our patrons are usually more…mature.” She gives us a wink and when we look around, having not bothered to look at the other dudes, every guy here looks over forty and fucking loaded. And other than the goddesses walking around in lingerie or dancing on the stage completely naked, there are no women. “The girls are going to love you guys,” she purrs before sauntering away.

  “Dude…” Simon breaths out. And I get it. I feel like I’m fifteen again. I squeeze him on the shoulder.

  “You did good, reaaal good!” I laugh.

  “Devin is going to shit himself for not coming out tonight,” I say. Before long, two beautiful women approach our table, one blonde and one brunette, looking like Victoria’s Secret models with curves, and begin to seductively dance in front of us and then with each other. I lean back in my seat, taking a long gulp of my drink. I look around for dollar bills that usually litter the clubs I’ve been to, and there isn’t any in sight.

  “How do we tip them?” I whisper to Simon.

  “I think they have numbers, and we tip on our cards,” he says, pointing to the screen on our table next to a black button.

  When I bring my gaze back up, the blonde is kneeling in front of me, her tits perfect and nipples glaring at me.

  “Dance?” she asks, and my eyes widen.

  “Hell yeah!” I say excitedly. She slowly walks down the stairs, looking like a younger Scarlett Johansson, naked except for a pair of black Stilettos. She bends over and opens the bottom drawer neither of us noticed, and pulls out a pair of what looks like silk hand ties.

  “We have a no touch policy, so that means I have to tie you up.”

  I put my hands out in front of me. She climbs on my lap and leans down so we’re face-to-face.

  “Back,” she commands with a wide grin, bringing my arms behind me and tying my hands behind my back while her breasts smash against my chest. She then stands, moving her body seductively to the music before pressing her body against my lap.

  “Good evening gentleman. You’re in for a special treat tonight. I am going to sing a song…just for you…”

  The hair on the back of my neck stands up. That fuckin’ voice. The soft tone wrapped around a seductive throaty purr. I sit up, making the blonde on my lap shift to the side of me so that I can see what my ears already know. It’s her, wearing a white lace bustier, matching panties, and angel wings. I swallow the lump in my throat as she opens her mouth and begins to sing, and her voice is sultry and soulful as she croons out “At Last.”

  She’s hypnotic, demanding the attention of the room, which I have to say is a lot with all the beautiful naked women walking around. Fuck, I came here to get this chic out of my head and with each note she sings she’s crawling deeper into it. I glance over at Simon, who is staring open-mouthed at her.

  “Dude, that’s Alana!” I whisper-shout to him. He looks over at me then back at her and begins to laugh.

  “I get it now,” he says through a long impressed sigh.

  “You know her?” my stripper asks. The flirty smile and friendly tone has morphed into an annoyed growl.

  “Uh…not really,” I say quickly, my attention glued back on Alana as she works the crowd, seducing every man in the room with her voice. My dancer unloosens the tie holding my hands and her and her partner leave us like the interest I had in them the moment Alana started singing.

  “So she’s a stripper?” Simon asks, his attention turned to me with a huge grin on his face.

  “She’s not a stripper, she didn’t take off her clothes…” I say sort of defensively.

  “But she barely has any on, man.” I shoot him a look that makes him throw his hands up in defeat. She’s gone, disappeared. Like she was never there. All the men go back to ogling their up-close and personal entertainment…well, except us since ours left. Probably my fault.

  “She’s sexy as hell, I’ll say that.”

  “Tell me something, why does a girl who looks like her and has a voice like that work in a place like this?” I ask him, feeling annoyed.

  “She probably makes more than both of us do combined.”

  “Then why the hell would she have to steal cars?” I ask baffled.

  “The thrill of it gets me off,” a throaty purr says in my ear. It’s her and I can’t help but fight the grin on my face. I knew her body was amazing but seeing it all glittered up and with the lights, it’s a totally different experience.

  “Are you stalking me?” she asks with a wry grin.

  How on earth can one woman be so sexy? I will my body to relax into the large leather chair and try to play it cool. I never had to try before, but this girl makes me the opposite of cool. She sets me on fire and it’s driving me nuts.

  “You’re the senator’s nephew?” She’s walked in between me and Simon and her glare is on him, and I can’t help but feel jealousy trying to crawl up from my stomach, and I don’t know if it’s because Simon has her attention or if she’s wondering how well acquainted he is with his uncle.

  “How’d you know that?” he asks.

  “It’s pretty obvious. Most people in here are on the ugly side of fifty, especially where you are. You guys stick out like a nun in a whorehouse.”

  “Watch your keys,” I say matter-of-factly and she laughs, sitting on the edge of my chair. I look up at her, as her long legs drape over my lap, and I remember my hands running up her thighs, sliding inside of her, and then it all going to hell. She leans down so her forehead touches the left side of my cheek.

  “Are you mad at me?” she whispers, and I bite my lip. I don’t think it’s possible for any man on the planet to be mad at her while she’s wearing the equivalent of a sexy angel getup.

  “I might have overreacted…a little.” She giggles and I glare at her. My eyes taking her in, first her as a whole, her perfect breasts, her flat stomach, and swan-like neck. Her dark hair cascading down her body. And her eyes. The eyes that I can’t stop seeing when I sleep. Grey pools of seductive innocence, hiding a secret. This girl is going to be the death of me.

  “I have a question,” I say to her, and take a swig of my drink. She’s smiling at me widely, like she’s about to laugh any minute. I lean into her so my mouth is near her ear.

  “Are you a virgin?” I ask, expecting her to laugh in my face. But instead I feel her body stiffen, only momentarily. She stands in front of me, her stance nonchalant but on display, knowing it’s a prize that a man would sell his soul to have.

  “I can be whatever you want me to be,” she says in a sticky sweet seductive tone, but I feel myself become angry. I grab her wrist and pull her to me.

  “Cut the shit, I’m not some old john you can play with. Tell me the truth,” I demand, and her face falls, color starting to spread from her face down the rest of her body.

  “Screw you!” she says, storming away. I tell Simon I’ll be back as two strippers just as beautiful as the other two approach.

  “Alana!” I yell behind her.

  “What do you want from me!” she asks angrily, but the façade has cracked—the mask of seductiveness, showing me what I see in her eyes, behind her long dark lashes, what’s kept her in my head.

  “I don’t know!” I admit. Her eyes narrow in on me and I feel myself soften.

  “But I can’t get you out of my head,” I tell her honestly before I can stop myself. I expect her to smile but instead she looks at me, scrutinizing me like a science project.

  “Then you’re wa
sting both of our time,” she mumbles, turning away from me again.

  “Are you?” I ask her again, loudly. She stops in her tracks.

  “Do you think it’s possible to look like this and still be a virgin?” she kids, and I run my hand through my hair trying to see if I’m wrong about his.

  “I think you could be anything you want, even what looks like the impossible,” I tell her, and her mouth barely twitches into a smile.

  “I get off in an hour. I’ll meet you at the red Maserati out front,” is all that she says before slipping behind the black glass that says Employees only.

  “So?” Simon asks with a knowing smile.

  “I’ve got to go handle something in an hour,” I tell him, trying to fight my smile.

  “Hey, I can’t blame you, after seeing her. I’d follow her down the rabbit hole too.” He grins.

  I leave Simon in the capable hands of two gorgeous entertainers. The temperature’s dropped by the time I head outside, an hour passing on the dot. Five minutes pass and I think she’s screwed with me again until she pulls up as promised, her hair in a top knot on her head and a smile on her face. Her eyes even seem to be smiling.

  “You ready?” she asks dryly before eyeing me curiously. I walk over and open the door for her to get out. She lets out a frustrated sigh but surprisingly does so without an argument. When I slap her ass she looks back at me with a spark in her eyes and I climb in the driver’s seat before she slides into hers.

  “Where are we going?” she asks, sarcasm underneath her tone.

  “Live a little?” I say and give her a wink.

  “I want to go to bed, and if you’re lucky, maybe it’ll be yours,” she quips, letting her hair down so it falls over her shoulders in waves.

  “Anyone ever told you, you have a smart-ass mouth?” I ask her, amused. I don’t tell her the things I want to do with it.

  “Is this your car?” I ask, and she thing gives me a Cheshire smile.

  “Or one of the dicks back at the club?” I ask her.

  “Would it matter?” she spits back at me, and I wonder which one is her—the sweet innocent angel she was on stage or the fiery vixen who’s two seconds away from giving the middle finger to the world.

  “Why are you so fucking mean all the time?”

  “I’m not mean,” she says flatly. I give her a disbelieving look.

  “How long have you worked at that place?”

  “Why?” God this girl is frustrating.

  “I can’t ask you a simple question?”

  “Not long,” she says simply.

  “You have a really good voice.”

  “I doubt you were listening much.”

  “Of course I was listening, everyone in that place was.”

  “Because I was wearing barely anything,” she responds quietly.

  “There were girls wearing a lot less than you were, there’s more to it than that. You’re good,” I tell her sincerely.

  She looks at me skeptically for a second and turns her attention to the window.

  We drive the rest of the way in silence, and at first I think she’s being a bitch or too stubborn to talk until I glance over at her and realize she’s asleep. I pull down the block from my house since parking in Wicker is always packed, and call her name but she doesn’t answer. I lean over and see that she’s sleeping like she hasn’t rested in days, and the crazy thing is she looks more like an angel now than she did on that stage.

  “Alana,” I say quietly, but she only stirs, slightly shifting her position. I walk over to the passenger side, open the door, and pull her out. I lift her into my arms and she wraps her arms around my neck. I kick the door closed.

  I round the block as quickly as I can, shifting her again to open the bottom door and make my way up the stairs. I knock with my foot, hoping Devin’s home. After a few swift kicks on it I hear him shuffling to the door. When he opens it he yawns and gestures to Alana.

  “Since when did you start babysitting chicks?” He laughs. I flip him off before heading to my room.

  I put her on the bed and then flick my lamp on, and realize my room is a disaster, I start to pick up all my random shit and wonder when I became such a pig. I throw all the crap in the trash and laugh at myself. This is the first girl I’ve brought here that will actually sleep, and I won’t mind it? I take off the suit jacket and slacks Simon insisted I wear and toss them on the chair at my desk. I stretch before climbing into bed. Alana’s balled up, facing opposite of me, her black blouse clinging to her. I’m thankful the short skirt she’s wearing is covering her ass, but it’s clinging to it, showing the perfect outline of her bump. I put my head on the pillow and glance over towards her. She smells like some fruity crap girls wear, the kind that makes you want to lick them. When she’s asleep the wall embedded with barbed wire isn’t up. She stirs, turning towards me, her eyes widening and locked on mine. She smiles and for the first time it’s soft. Her entire expression is. She brings her hand to my face and pulls my chin towards her. Soft lips land on mine. It’s gentle and sweet and unlike the girl I’ve come to know…it’s also foreign and I pull away, surprised. She smiles again but this time it’s a almost sad.

  “I like you,” she whispers quietly. I’m completely caught off guard by her admission. So sweet and honest.

  “I like you too,” I tell her quietly. My smile is wide and I can’t contain it. Her cheeks turn pink, like she’s embarrassed, and I wonder if this is the real her, the person underneath the attitude, sexy grins, and the lashing out. She bites her lip before lying back on the pillow and closing her eyes.

  It’s only been a few seconds but she’s asleep again and it happens so fast that I wonder if she was even really awake for what she just said. Was she talking in her sleep? I shake her, and call her name.

  “What?” she snaps as if she wasn’t just awake a few seconds ago.

  “Never mind…” I tell her, settling back in my bed. I feel the bed shift and her body is turned towards me. Her fingers rove up my chest before her mouth finds my ear and she begins to bite on the lobe.

  “You woke me up, now you have to put me back to sleep,” she purrs before she’s on top of me, straddling my waist. Got her!

  I roll over on top of her, pinning her hands down, but her legs wrap around me in a death grip. I pry them from around my waist and she smiles seductively, looking at me with so much lust and smugness I plan to make her scream my name all night.

  I kiss her again, biting her lip, and she bites mine harder before forcing her tongue into my mouth. I push it out and she sucks mine. That makes my dick harder than it already is. I pull away and drag my mouth down her body, stopping at her diamond belly ring and encircling it with my tongue. She grips my hair in her hands, pulling it before attempting to push my head lower. I look up and she’s grinning at me with a cocky smile. I sit up on my elbows and wag a finger at her that she just prolonged the tongue fucking I was going to give her. I grab her legs pulling her towards me and lift her onto my lap. She lets out a surprised gasp but glares at me before attempting to push me away with a condescending smile.

  “Get over here,” I tell her, grabbing her and sitting her on top of me. She grabs a fistful of my hair and pulls my face to look up at her smug grin before our mouths battle again. She tries to push me on my back but I steady myself and she pouts. She’s used to being in control, but not here. In this bed, she’s my bitch—not the other way around.

  “Lie back,” she demands, but I slap her on the ass and squeeze it. She lets out a surprised gasp and a wide smile breaks out on her face.

  “Shut the fuck up,” I tell her as I slide my hand down into her panties. She moans as I rub my thumb up and down her clit. She moves her hand and pushes it down my boxers but I grab it, pinning it behind her back. I suck her skin between her neck and shoulder. Her free hand is around my neck holding on for dear life as she starts to grind against my finger. She’s so fucking wet already and I haven’t even put my mouth on her. I slow
down my speed

  “Teasing bastard,” she purrs, and I stop. She pulls back, looking at me with lust and frustration.

  “Want me to stop?” I ask her with a condescending grin. She squints her eyes, full of lust and fury, but she keeps her mouth shut like I want her to. I kiss her, slamming my lips against her. She bites my mine again so hard I taste blood; I squeeze her clit between my thumb and she moans loudly.

  “Don’t stop,” she pants out breathlessly.

  “You sure?” I mumble against her lips as she kisses me again, this time deeper, as if begging me with her mouth. I kiss her back and begin to stroke her, moving faster, my dick begging me to finish her off so it can be inside of her. But I have more plans for her first. She’s almost on the edge, her breath hitching and her body stiffening in my arms. This confusing as fuck woman is going to show me her soul, tell me everything I want as I make her come every which way, because this is the only time I’ll have her vulnerable enough to do it. I slow down and begin to rub her slowly, and she lets out a frustrated whimper.

  “How long have you been working at that club?” I ask her, and she looks up at me confused and irritated.

  “Are you kidding?” She lets out a dry laugh as she tries to press her clit back against my thumb. I shake my head with a smile, going in slow circles. She lets out a pleading whimper.

  “Tell me,” I kiss her lightly, pressing against her in pulses and she gasps, throwing her head back.

  “Fuck you,” she growls but her tone indicates she’s riding high on ecstasy and wanting release.

  “Yeah, but I’m going to need some answers first,” I say, letting go of the hand I had pinned behind her back and squeezing her ass before massaging it. She moans again.

  “No.” She scowls at me defiantly. Her eyes still full of pleading and passion but now infused with stubbornness.

  I start to rub her sweet spot. She’s tenacious as hell, but her body is my accomplice and her worst enemy. I start again, just stopping before she comes, pride vs. pleasure, her perseverance weakening, her breathing becoming more intense, and it’s only turning me on more.


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