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Abducted by the Alien Hottie

Page 6

by Laney Kaye

  I mentally commed ‘frigging’, ‘orgasm’, and ‘vibrators’ to the IA, and I could see by their startled expressions and Xander’s suddenly flushed neck, that he and Yanno had done the same. I hadn’t even known that the IA unit had a pornography section, though I’d be sure to search that database in the future.

  “Oh, man,” Stella groaned, covering her face with both hands. “So many missed orgasms. You are welcome to crap on my government all you want.”

  “Well, crapping — as you say — on your government won’t remedy the issue. But perhaps I can tackle your other concern.” Thanks to the IA’s graphic images, I was reasonably certain I knew what Stella was bemoaning; she’d missed her share of star-splash moments. And that was something I could definitely help her with over the next few lunar cycles.

  Stella remained hidden behind her hands for a second, I assume while she thought through my words. Then she dropped her hands and grinned up at me. “All the more reason for me to be willingly abducted.”

  “We don’t call it abduction,” Yanno began stodgily, stumbling to a halt as I glared at him.

  “Just ask the rest of the questions, Yanno, all right?”

  He nodded, scowling at his wristcomm with far more intensity than required. “Human, check, female, check. Age?” He angled his comm toward her and pressed a button.

  “Twenty-nine?” Stella sounded as though she was doing the questioning.

  Yanno frowned.

  “Thirty?” The note of hopefulness in Stella’s voice rose.

  Yanno shook his head.

  Stella pouted. “Thirty-one.”

  “The bio-read says thirty-two,” Yanno said. “Somewhat on the older side for a breeder.”

  “Frack!” Xander dropped the donkey-cat. Certain topics were a no-go zone regardless of race, and commenting on a female’s age was one of them.

  “Whoa, dude, you might have the looks in your favor, but you really need to work on your pickup lines,” Stella snorted.

  “But we have already picked you up.” Yanno glanced from Stella to me in confusion.

  I shrugged. I mean, I got why she was pissed, but as we’d already trotted out the “we come in peace” pick up line, I didn’t know what she meant. Evidently, if our relations with Earth were to continue, the universal translators would require an upgrade. At least to understand Australians. “The interrogation is complete, Yanno?”

  The lieutenant nodded and blipped off his comm interface. “Data all logged in the mainframe. It’s available on your comm. There only remains the physical assessment.”

  “Initiate the departure sequence.” I jerked my head at the partition door into the corridor, indicating the command pod toward the front of the craft.

  Yanno frowned. “But the physical? That must be completed before we leave the atmosphere, as we’ll not immediately be able to re-enter if she fails the requirements. We can’t go burning fuel by spinning in orbit to re-enter and repatriate the human.”

  “The examination will be completed. Successfully.” I lifted my chin at Xander. And the donkey-cat. “All of you. Go. I’ll only be a few minutes.”

  Chapter Five


  “A few minutes? I’m not sure that’s particularly complimentary,” I said as the door closed behind Xander and Yanno. And behind Ol’ Gray Donkey, who’d refused to leave the arms of the alien with the long braid. Where Tennn was melt-your-panties hot and Yanno gave off all kinds of irresistibly assertive vibes, Xander seemed more sensitive. Not that I’d ever noticed Ol’ Gray needed sensitive handling. It could just be that the cat had a special thing happening with the end of Xander’s long, thick braid, given that he was still chewing on it.

  “What is wrong?” A slight frown creased Tennn’s face and I realized I’d made a pretty half-assed job of stifling a groan.

  “Nothing. Just Australia — the Earth — is short of men, yet all the time you guys have been flitting around above us. So many wasted opportunities.”

  “You find our forms acceptable, then?” A cocky grin lifted Tennn’s lips, and he stepped toward me.

  The oxygen levels were definitely an issue in this spaceship, no matter how he tried to persuade me otherwise.

  “Your form is human. Okay, alpha-human, plus some, but still,” I babbled. “Acceptable. Very acceptable. You’re all hot as.”

  “Hot as…?” He lifted his hands in question. Then he shoved up his sleeve and scowled at what appeared to be a large wristwatch, similar to the one Yanno kept consulting. “No. Not hot. Normal bodily temperature. We are as hot as what?”

  I shook my head. “It’s an expression. A compliment.”

  “How is this so without a comparison? If we are as hot as…” he lifted one huge shoulder, casting around the room as though searching for inspiration. “As hot as beetric excretion, this cannot be a compliment.”

  I suspected beetric excretion had nothing to do with the vegetable smoothie that leapt into my mind but was probably about as appetizing. “No, no, there is no comparison. It’s an Australian thing. A deliberately incomplete sentence. I tell my kids off for using them all the time,” I finished lamely.

  My mouth dried as Tennn stepped closer, his eyes shuttering horizontally as he gazed down at me.

  “You have children, Stella of the Stars?”

  I shook my head. “I wish.”

  It seemed that didn’t clarify much for him. Apparently, aliens were very literal. “You wish to have children, but you do not?” he said.

  Did I imagine the interest in his tone? He was close enough now that I noted again how cold his breath was. On impulse, I flashed out my hand and touched the back of his hand. Chilly, but not reptilian cold. He quirked one eyebrow.

  “Uh, sorry,” I could feel the flush crawling up my neck. “I just wanted to know what you…felt like.”

  “There is much about you that confuses me, Stella of the Stars,” Tennn murmured, one long finger tracing the side of my jaw. “But that desire, I do understand.”

  I jerked my head up to reduce my double — okay, maybe triple — chins as I hastily backpedaled. “Oh, no, I didn’t mean that!” Like hell I didn’t. I was practically dripping already.

  “Are you sure?” Tennn slowly drew the back of his hand down my front. Over my freaking breasts. Across my aching nipples.

  “Sure about what?” I whispered. I’d completely lost track of the question. Hopefully, this wasn’t still part of my entrance exam, because all the blood that should have been servicing my brain seemed to be employed in plumping certain other parts of me to aching proportions.

  “You do not wish to know what I feel like? Because I wish to know how you feel beneath my touch.”

  “Uh-uh-huh,” I moaned. Which, let’s face it, was no kind of answer in anyone’s language, with or without a universal translator. “Yes,” I corrected, practically shouting as I suddenly panicked. Still not an entirely intelligible response, but what if these aliens were into consent? Even if I couldn’t get a coherent sentence out, I needed to make my consent — to anything Tennn had in mind — completely clear.

  He nodded, his finger now tracing down the side of my neck. “You understand I must ask you to undress to ascertain whether you meet the physical requirements of ASS?”

  “I’m sure my ASS will stack up.” Sudden nerves trembled my voice as I tried to joke. Was I really going to strip off in front of the most gorgeous guy I’d ever seen? “But I bet you use that line on all the girls.”

  A tiny frown marked Tennn’s forehead, though he was so close, I had to tilt my head far back to see. Which thrust my breasts against his ridged abs. Like, accidentally. Totally.

  “No. I’ve not felt compelled to ask our other guests to display their…charms. Only you.”

  He sounded…confused. But perhaps that was a translation issue. Whether it was because he didn’t know how to dissemble in Crasasi-translated-English, or because he was intrinsically honest, his forthright answers were disarming, and his a
pparent uncertainty went a long way to calming my own fears. Well, either that, or the pure lust churning through me did the trick. They should bottle that stuff. ‘Lust. The New Anti-Anxiety Med.’ Maybe I’d look into it when I got back to Earth.

  The combination of his attitude and my lust was definitely a panty-remover, evidenced by the fact that, my thumbs hooked in the low waistband, my flimsy sleep shorts were well on their way to sliding down my legs. Despite my usual insecurities about my body, I wanted to get my gear off.

  Tennn smiled as though he could read my mind. Heck, he probably could. Who knew what talents these aliens hid? Or, for that matter — I gulped — what they hid beneath their clothes. Sure, they looked human enough from the neck up. Their hands, though large, were…normal. But, from the way Tennn was looking at me, I guessed I was about to find out if there were other differences.

  Tennn’s hands found my waist, his thumbs playing beneath the edge of my daggy tee. Slowly he lifted it. The chilled air pebbled goosebumps across my flesh.

  My shorts might be loose, but they kind of hitched on my thighs. I shimmied a little, to loosen them.

  Just as Tennn succeeded in pulling the tee above my breasts.

  Released, and encouraged by my shimmy, my girls decided to go full-on jello in the guy’s face. To be fair, they wouldn’t have been doing a tassel-less twirl if he hadn’t dropped to his knees the second he’d pulled the shirt over my head.

  His knees.

  In front of me.

  And he was tall.

  Which meant he was…yup, I might not be getting a preview of naked alien body but there was no doubt about his interest. He was definitely going for it, all right.

  His hands slid down the outside of my thighs, taking the scrap of rather sodden material that was my sleep shorts with them. Then his palms returned to cup my ass.

  Thank God he had big hands.

  He squeezed my buttocks and leaned in to — well, I guess he was breathing in the scent of my forest, considering his earlier conversation.

  His breath, a fresh-Nordic-breeze kind of cold, thrilled over my hot, swollen flesh and shivered tingles of anticipation through me. He leaned back a little to look up at me. I hoped the boob mountain would distract him from the mound of belly his gaze needed to scale. “May I?”

  “Absolutely.” Again, whatever, yes. Consent — informed, vigorous and eager — fully given.

  His hands spread across my ass, his fingertips easing my cheeks apart. But his chin drove right between my legs, his square teeth nipping at the swell of my pudenda. I gasped and reeled back, coming up short against the bench-bed Yanno had placed his tattooing equipment on. “Oh my God,” I gasped. “Are you sure you’re an alien, not a lumberjack?” Because he was sure as heck rolling up his sleeves and getting to work in my forest.

  Tennn didn’t answer but released my butt to reach sideways and flick a lever on the leg of the table. A brake, I realized, as the steel stopped shifting beneath me. “Sit up on the bench,” he commanded, his mouth against my unexplored, almost-virgin plantation.

  Love to. But upper body strength had never been my forte, and, with all the desire in the world, there was no way I could hike myself up onto the bench that dug into my lower back.

  “I want to taste you, Stella of the Stars.”

  If there were ever magical words for a levitation spell, Tennn had just uttered them.

  Unfortunately, no such luck. I shook my head and spread my legs a little further apart. Tried to, anyway; Tennn had pulled my shorts down, but now they bound my ankles like ragged cuffs. Which brought to mind a whole different kind of sex play. Obviously, one I’d only read about, what with porn being forbidden and all that jazz.

  Tennn glanced down at my feet, his smile curving up to crease the corners of his dark eyes as he realized my predicament. “Hmmm. Maybe next time, yes?” He slanted his gaze up at me as he lifted my foot and tugged the shorts free. Then he stood so quickly my breath left in a rush. His hands closed on my waist and with seemingly no effort, he lifted me onto the table. Bed. Okay, I was just gonna call it a bed and to hell with trying to pretend it ever had more of a clinical use than that.

  He scooted me across the slippery top, so my back was pressed against the paneled wall. Then he took my calves, lifting and placing my feet flat on the counter, my knees bent up near my armpits. Like the world’s unsexiest frog.

  Aware of my tummy pooching down to crowd the bits Tennn was intent on displaying, I tried to suck in.

  It is literally impossible to suck in when you are in that position.

  Or to tighten tummy muscles. Particularly the non-existent variety.

  “Ah, Stella,” Tennn’s baritone rumbled through me. “You are every bit as magnificent as I suspected. So soft.”

  Yeah, well, that was all very nice, but I really hoped he’d hurry up and move in closer, instead of standing back to admire my somewhat less-than-glamorous pose.

  Instead, his eyes tracked slowly over my body as though he was creating a map. Then he brushed calloused fingertips across my belly. “This,” he murmured “This holds all the promise of womanhood. This is so beautiful. Feminine.” He took a handful of flesh, squeezing and tugging gently. His nostrils flared and the line of his lips thinned, as though he fought for control.

  He rumbled, deep and low. I’d heard him do that several times now, and I was reasonably sure it was a sign of approval. “I want you, Stella. Now.” Both desperate and commanding, his words were the most erotic I’d ever heard. Not that they had a dictionary’s worth of competition, with the closest contester in my experience being “fancy a bit, darl’?” In fact, despite all my reading, Tennn’s demand was the most exciting thing I could even have imagined.

  Other than being abducted by a hot alien, that was.

  His hands shifted to the inside of my thighs, his thumb and fingers pressing dents into my squidginess as his dark head dipped between my legs.

  The touch of his tongue was electric. Like, I mean, it may actually have been an electric current. Was that an alien talent? Maybe they channeled electricity?

  Or perhaps it was just that no one had touched me that way before.

  If I’d given the matter much thought, based on my reading I’d have expected an alien to sport a forked tongue, or scales, or horns, or some other distinctive and unmistakably alien feature. But I’d sure as heck settle for this electricity.

  His thumbs gently parting the underbrush, he sought my clit with the tip of his tongue.

  “Oh my God,” I threw my head back, my knees jerking uncontrollably, and he retreated a little. “No, no, don’t stop,” I begged.

  “You like this, my Stella?”

  Hell, yes, I liked it. And I also liked the way he called me his. Which was just dumb, he meant nothing by it; it was simply some alien phraseology. “Uh-huh.” The translator could make whatever it wanted of that. As long as he didn’t stop.

  “And this?’ His tongue dipped deep, then took a greedy lick right up my slit.

  “Uh-huh, nuh, yeah.” Good luck interpreting that one.

  Unsure what to do with them, I rested my hands on my knees. Well, more like clutched on with a white-knuckled grip as I tried to control the sensations this man — this alien —shot to parts of me I’d never realized existed.

  Tennn peeled my left hand free and placed it on the back of his head. “You guide me, Stella.”

  I couldn’t. I didn’t know how…except…oh God, when his tongue thrust deep inside me my hips jerked toward him. My fingers wound into his short hair, forcing his face closer. His thumb found my clit, and his surprisingly cool, wet tongue drove rhythmically into me.

  My thighs clamped tight around his head, but I wasn’t sure whether I was locking him out or keeping him there. “Let me spin you to a star-splashed moment, beautiful Stella.”

  His words, mumbled against my, ah, forestry, made no sense, yet I intuitively knew he referred to the longing that surged within me. The churning vortex of p
assion and desire and need promised this was going to be nothing like my self-stimulated orgasms.

  My breath came short and sharp, searing my throat as though my lungs were on fire. My back arched, my legs quaking uncontrollably as my muscles tensed and trembled.

  “Now, Stella, now. See the stars I will show you.” Tennn’s fingers and tongue worked faster, and his deep voice hummed against my most intimate flesh.

  Though I wanted this to last forever, I couldn’t hold back any longer. With an animal growl, I threw my head back and closed my eyes. My teeth clenched and neck strained as unbearable excitement swooped me up, the electricity shuddering through every fiber of my being. The stars Tennn promised burst against my lids in kaleidoscope splashes and I gasped and panted. I needed this exquisite torment to end so that I could actually breathe — yet everyone had to die sometime, and really, this wouldn’t be a bad way to go.

  Seeming short of breath himself — which was understandable — Tennn planted kisses against my thighs. Then he kissed his way across my belly and up to my breasts, which juddered as I leaned back on my hands, still trying to drag in a breath. His cold tongue teased at the tight buds of my nipples, swapping from one to the other. Despite my release, I was pretty sure they’d explode if he didn’t leave them alone.

  “I want to see you,” I panted.

  Tennn nodded, a slow smile curving his lips. His hands moved to the lapels of the long leather trench coat he still wore, but he paused as the large watch on his wrist flashed. He frowned, although he looked more disappointed than angry. “We’d best leave this for later.” He tapped the face of the watch. “Yanno needs to know if we’re ready to lift off before the CUM splashes us.”

  “Well, he’s a little late,” I quipped faintly, but I could see Tennn didn’t get the joke, despite the hand I waved vaguely in the direction of my girl bits. I slid from the table. Very easily, given my lubrication. “Okay, let’s go.”

  “Wait.” Tennn lifted an instrument from the table. “First, your tattoo.”


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