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No Longer Alone (House of Garner Book 1)

Page 3

by Erin R Flynn

  So staying somewhere was always stupid in my mind. Then again, I’d come across several communities now that seemed to have really figured it out. However, they were either cults or lawless gangs that didn’t bode well for most women.

  Or apparently now crazy fanged cults?

  I fell asleep trying to convince myself that it had to be some kind of trick.

  However, when I woke up, I was seriously considering he might not be off his rocker. Part of me was almost stupid enough to go back and see if I could get some answers.

  Almost. The majority of me that was smart won out.

  But I had been right and fate had almost screwed me… However, I was going to get screwed again because I had stumbled upon a UPS electric truck when I had been looking for a SUV. I had thought they only had those in Europe, not the US. But there were electric trucks as an option too. There was still the SUV option or a trailer.

  No, trailers could be a problem when getting away.

  But a UPS truck would draw more attention. However, they were smaller than the gas ones.

  “Oh, I’m going to get screwed big time soon,” I whispered as my eyes landed on the perfect answer. An electric cargo van that didn’t look like it was electric. It was brand new, dark gray, and was the same as lots of vehicles I’d seen at settlements. Gas was hard to come by, and normally only the big bosses or those making trades between settlements ever had them.

  But it wouldn’t raise flags or the posse if anyone saw it from a distance. That wasn’t to say people wouldn’t try to steal it from me. Of course they would, but I was smart, and now that I had an area to really dig into and a way to load up, I fully planned to do that.

  I sighed when I opened the back and saw the after market shelves and storage it had. “Yeah, I’m so going to get fucked over big time, but you’re just too pretty to walk away from.” Every inch of it used space perfectly, and if I got some plastic totes or whatever, I could even organize.

  It took me a bit to find the keys, and because I’d done this before, I even found the instruction manual, paperwork for it, and a bunch of parts I found in the shop for it. I’d changed a few belts, tires, oil, and whatnot, but much past that and I was screwed, as there was no one to learn from. And asking for help at all was stupid, as on an electric vehicle might get me dead when people found out what I could do.

  “I’m not human,” I whispered, knowing humans couldn’t pull electricity from their bodies and fuel up electric vehicles that way. “Maybe don’t shoot the guy who could have answers next time.” Then I shook my head. Idiot. No buying anyone’s lies. I’d almost fallen into that several times after waking with no memories.

  Even if the idea of not always being alone and hunted sounded amazing. It just wasn’t my life. It made me wonder why I kept going, fighting like I did, but maybe one day I wouldn’t have to?

  As I was transferring stuff, I found several seeds in the back seat, realizing the Oscar Meyer wiener singing ghost had moved on. I wished him peace in whatever came next, and wrapped them with the others in my rucksack. I had just finished when I turned and yelped, dozens of ghosts standing there staring at me.

  And half seemed really pissed.

  “Yup, I knew I was going to get fucked over,” I groaned as the first started screaming at me for answers, accusing me of being a murderer. There was no point in trying to explain. They wouldn’t get it. They didn’t remember being corrupted. They only knew up until they died, and a lot of times, they forgot that part.

  The other half were trying to shout their thanks over the others and ask me to help them to move on like I was a medium or psychic. I ignored them all and pretended like I’d seen an animal, most not caring enough to even focus on the ploy.

  At least they couldn’t all fit in the van, right?




  She shot me. The sexy little shit actually shot me!

  I honestly didn’t know if I should drop to my knees and worship her for being more magnificent than any princess I had met before, or turn her over my knee and spank her ass red. Both. Probably both.

  Yeah, both sounded fan-fucking-tastic.

  And made me hard, which was stupid when I needed blood.

  I traveled back to the settlement I’d first scented her at, hating to move away from her but knowing it was unwise to do anything but replenish, and that was the closest place I knew for sure. Something also told me in my gut I needed to go back there, and I was grateful for my instincts when I locked eyes with trouble.

  “Clarence,” I greeted after I moved across the outdoor sitting area of the “bar.” Things weren’t like they used to be, and once this could have been a nice beer garden for a local brewery, but now it was probably the only one for hours and a rare treat in a survivor settlement instead of a dime a dozen. “I’m surprised to see you here.”

  “You as well,” he ground out. “What brings someone from the noble house of Katz to such a shit place?”

  I raised an eyebrow at that. It was one of the better places I’d been to… If you ignored the fact that the leaders of it thought themselves saints and were pushing people to pop out babies and repopulate the world as if that should be the first concern after the fucking apocalypse. “I thought you were serving Princess Eliza?”

  He snorted, rage filling his beady eyes, but he tried to hide his reaction by taking a long swig of his beer. His expression had settled when he looked back at me, and he shrugged. “She let too many cattle into her coven, and they overtook her like they always do. The stupid twat should have listened to me. She’d be alive then.”

  It was my turn to be rage filled at him speaking of one of our princesses that way. “Well, you clearly took your oath and duty to protect her with your life if needed.”

  He snarled, slamming the beer bottle down hard enough that it cracked. “I’m not dying because she was stupid. She should have listened, done what she was told. They never do what’s smart but whatever whim or ideas of grandeur float around in their empty heads instead of reality.”

  “This time will be different,” one of the nobles with him I didn’t recognize grunted.

  “Stay out of it,” Clarence warned me, guessing why I was there now.

  I smirked at him. “You can’t stop me any more than I could stop you. And don’t give me some shit that the old ways are gone because She is still alive and would punish any who cheat.”

  “I know the rules,” he snapped. “I would never betray my honor.”

  I gave him a look of disgust. “If you truly believe that and didn’t protect Princess Eliza, then you’re a blight on all of us.”

  “This one will listen to me,” he ground out.

  Because she doesn’t know anything. It hit me hard that he knew that much and that was the plan. This time he wouldn’t have a princess who had the memories gifted to her of the princesses of her line that would help her rule. This one was clueless, and he thought he could own her instead of serve her.

  I mentally snorted. Yeah, right, she’d shot me when helping her. No way she’d let Clarence lead her around.


  “What other rules do you break?” I demanded, trying to keep the worry out of my voice. “I find out you raped a princess and—”

  He burst out laughing. “Who would ever have to rape one of those sluts? Give them a drop of what they need and they’ll give a man everything he desires.”

  “Except obedience to you apparently,” I taunted.

  “Stay out of it,” he snarled. “This one is ours. This time she will fucking do as she’s told and survive. We all can survive if they would just do what they’re fucking told. They damn us all with being so stupid.”

  I shook my head, my disgust turning to pity. “You have lost your way. As much as taking your head would be a kindness before you become less and less like the man you once were, I will not risk her safety even if I feel it’s right.” I smirked at him when he opened his mouth. “Good
luck tracking her. I’m sure I’ll see you south of here soon.”

  “Yeah, south,” Clarence muttered as I spun on my heel to leave.

  “Wait, I thought the guy said she was heading north?” one of his guys asked when he thought I was far enough away.

  Relief filled me at Clarence’s answer. “He did, and we’re heading north, but so is Darius. He was trying to throw us off. We’ll get to her first. Five years of chasing this twat and I’m not turning her over to Darius fucking Katz. This one will be my bitch, not the other way around.”

  Not in this century or the next. It was a promise.

  But that meant I had to get to her first and convince her this was all real. Knowing who was chasing her and that I’d delayed them might give me the time I needed at least.



  “I’m probably going to get shot again,” I grumbled as I followed the man I’d originally been tracking to feed from. I could sense assholes and evil from blocks away, any vampire could. And given it seemed mostly assholes survived the apocalypse, there was never a short supply of blood.

  Sure enough, I found he had three women chained in his house, him and his wife putting on the front of good, god fearing people to the community while having three sex slaves they sold to other predators. I sucked them both dry—overfeeding so I was ready for my princess’s needs—and tossed the keys into the room they kept the women in. They’d figure it out, as I was already on a mission to save someone.

  Most vampires couldn’t take down two adult humans, not even close, but I was a noble, meant to serve the princess I was sworn to, and that meant giving them blood. They could feed from others, but it was only something I’d ever seen in emergencies and kept them weak instead of getting sustenance from where they should.

  As a noble, my body would compact the blood for her, make it nothing but what she needed instead of the extra water or whatever. No one knew exactly how it worked, but my father had always explained it that our very muscles processed any blood we ingested and not only purified it for our princess, but that was where she would pull the blood we stored for her from.

  Who knew? I mean, really, we could have had an extra stomach just for blood for the one we served.

  Then again, someone might have figured that out with modern medicine and equipment.

  I found myself stopping at the taco truck as he was just about to open. They might make a good peace offering given she’d gotten so many. The guy gave me a nod when I approached.

  “You were right, some guys asked me about her,” he warned. “I thought you would already have gone after her.”

  “She caught a ride, so I had to arrange one,” I lied easily. “I heard them talking about her and that she was heading north, so you have my thanks.”

  He winked at me. “A good looking filly like her would definitely attract attention. It’s smart you tried to meet her when she landed if they’re watching her settlement for any making the journey.” He let out a huff. “I can’t fault the logic, and I’m not one to judge another’s doctrine, but I don’t think our good lord would approve of her being all on her own.”

  “We can only guide them,” I replied, wanting to roll my eyes at his beliefs but knowing I meant it for my own.

  “Amen, Brother.” He waggled his eyebrows at me. “She was a strong one though, I could tell. She was on the right path for sure.”

  “Yeah, she’s special.”

  He gave a firm nod as if deciding—like he had the right—I was good enough for her. “She’ll do her duty.”

  “Yes, yes she will,” I agreed, knowing we were having two completely different conversations, disgusted that the human truly believed a woman’s duty was to bear children and obey her husband. My princess would obey no one, and her duty was the path she chose. “My ride’s about to leave, but I was hoping I could get some of your tacos. Maybe not put together so they stay fresh?”

  He threw back his head and laughed. “Yeah, sure thing. Flowers for courting is a waste with what we all face. Better to put some meat on her bones that your babies will need.” He leaned in a bit and lowered his voice. “If you’ve got a few extra grams of gold, I know what else could entice a pretty filly like yours.”

  I paused as if debating it, knowing I had more than enough and would give my princess only the finest. “I can manage if it will help me win over her heart. I want that and not just her duty.”

  “Smart man.”

  I didn’t like to boast, but yes, I was as only the smart survived hundreds of years, even if we were vampires. I was still young in our world though, and I faced a situation like none I’d ever heard of, so yeah, I would take what I could get.

  Which apparently was an underground bakery only those of the community could patronage, not outsiders passing through. They might have trucks and ships coming through—as closed off settlements didn’t survive long even if they thought that was the trick—but outsiders were not welcome for long, and it was clear they should move on or stay permanently.

  No thanks. I didn’t believe in their bullshit doctrine of women beneath the men.

  I did however purchase an array of fresh treats in the hopes to learn what my princess preferred. I gave the woman an extra gram of gold with my thanks before leaving with a smile. Shaking my head, I hurried to the edge of town so I could race back to my princess without human eyes to see me.

  My princess. Oh, that was trouble. She’d shot me. That didn’t seem like anywhere near close to accepting me and my oath.

  But apparently I was the type of guy who fell hard after a woman shot them. Idiot.

  No, it hadn’t been that. It was just… Her. I’d only caught a glimpse of her from too far away as she’d started up an electric car and took off. But I was impressed to learn she’d played the taco truck guy like a fiddle and how quickly she’d worked her way through the settlement without leaving any other tracks besides her scent.

  And even if I’d been late to protect her from the attack, it had been worth it to go back to the owner and make sure he left the bogus trail. I had hoped anyone looking for her would be thrown off and too many humans around to tell if the owner was lying, and now I had time instead of battling Clarence right away.

  I had almost given up hope of even finding a new princess, the handful left not ones I could ever stomach serving. And here I’d found one who knew nothing and hunted. That complicated things.

  Significantly. I had to be careful how I handled the situation and what I did next. I came up with several possible paths as I raced to where she had been, able to track her worlds better now that I’d smelled her blood from the gash last night.

  I had several possible scenarios in my mind for when I found her.

  So my surprise was understandable that she was using her superior strength to bust open safety deposit boxes in the heart of downtown Raleigh and had already switched vehicles. Damn, I was sunk. She was not only impressive, but magnificent.

  “Oh my fucking god, if you don’t all shut up, I’m going to find a way to make myself deaf and then I will get eaten!” she bellowed, almost startling me into dropping my gifts. “Leave me alone, please, just leave me alone.”

  I swallowed my shock when I realized what was going on. Ghosts. She was surrounded with the ghosts of the corrupted she’d killed last night. Even over the music I heard coming from the earbuds she had in, they were harassing her.

  That at least explained why she was risking even wearing earbuds when there were so many corrupted all over the city. Sure, she was locked in and had barricaded the front door, jammed the secure doors closed as well, but I’d gotten through and so could they.

  Though they made a lot of noise, and she was well armed with what she’d brought with her.

  However, I hurried to move the rifle away, as I didn’t want to be shot again. Even if it was the craziest foreplay ever, we just didn’t have the time.

  She let out a yelp when she saw me, immediately diving for t
he rifle… Cursing up an impressive storm when it wasn’t there.

  “Peace offering,” I said loudly as I set the containers of tacos in the middle of the table she was dumping the safety deposit boxes on.

  She took out the earbuds and immediately covered her ears, looking terrified I was there and just beat to shit. “Why are you stalking me?”

  “I’m trying to help you.”

  “I can’t hear you!” she shouted over the noise I couldn’t hear.

  I held up my hands in surrender after I set down the box with the baked goods and came closer. She backed up, but I didn’t stop until suddenly there was a short katana at my throat. “I’m trying to help you. I can show you how to make them go away.”

  Her eyes bugged wide, and the katana trembled in her hand. “The ghosts? You see them? You hear them too?”

  “No, but you are not the only one to have suffered this that I’ve known,” I promised.

  Her lower lip trembled, and I wanted nothing more than to nibble on it, but I could feel how exhausted she was. “Please, make them go away. Please.”

  “You have to.” I leaned in when she lowered the weapon, looking like she hadn’t heard me. I pressed my lips against her ear. “You have to do it.”

  “I don’t know how.”

  “Yes, clearly,” I chuckled. “What do they turn into?”

  “Seeds. All kinds of seeds,” she shouted, letting me know they had gotten even worse as if knowing what I would teach her to do. “I have to keep them. I don’t know why. It’s like I can’t just dump them.”

  A thrill raced through me. Yes, she was a princess to stand up to the trials before her and lead us through the apocalypse, clearly strong already. For the Goddess to gift her the ability to change energy in such a way, to seeds that could replant a decimated world, She placed great faith in this princess.

  “Focus on one of them and picture them further along,” I instructed. “Have you ever seen one dissipate fully?”


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