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Scarlett: Furry Tale Shifters

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by Nicky Fox

  Scarlett was this fresh face in town, here for the summer to visit her grandmother. I fell in love with her that summer and never fell out. She looks exactly the same now, except a little more mature. I can’t ignore her curves that weren’t there before though. Her pouty lips asking to be kissed and her eyes pleading for love and understanding. With one look, I was almost brought to my knees. Her brown hair cascaded down past her shoulders like a shroud, and her puffy coat couldn’t mask her gorgeous figure. Damn, and those tight leggings that left nothing to the imagination.

  “Dude, I think you’re drooling. You got something right here.” A big bear paw comes up to my face and I quickly swipe it away. Damn, Ben. My bear wants to let out some aggression from not being able to see our mate. Every day since Scarlett has arrived my bear comes a little more to the surface. I’m hoping maybe being out here in the woods he’ll break free. I sense a little bit of tingling on my skin but then nothing.

  “Get out of here.” I jokingly push Ben away as he sits on his haunches. I’m on a rest from my lumber business; it’s important for shifters to be away from civilization to shift. I’m betting soon he’ll decide to shift. I just hope I can control him when he does.

  I glance over at Ben. He’s been trapped in his bear for years now. A curse was put on him, and he hasn’t been able to break into his human form. He’s searched for a way to break the curse for years, always wandering but coming back here for some reason. He doesn’t like to talk about it much but we’ve become friends over the years because we both feel cursed.

  “She’s here, Ben. My Scarlett has returned.” I swear I see his ears perk up. I lie down on the ground and stare up into the sky. The ground is cold but I don’t feel it much. My body is made to be outside. If I could, I would be completely naked, but that would be weird for Ben.

  “Your mate is here?” I nod. Ben is contemplative. It’s obvious he yearns for his own mate. Most shifters spend their whole lives searching for their mate. It’s an empty feeling, like you’re not whole, incomplete when you don’t have your mate. Where you lack, they are strong and vice versa. They center you and give you more purpose, make you better.

  When Scarlett left that last summer, it was hell. I didn’t know that would be the last summer I would see her for ten years. I don’t know if I would’ve done anything different. She was too young for this. I couldn’t introduce her to this world at fifteen. Hell, most people don’t even know about shifters. How could I tell her not only did I change into a bear, but that she was my mate? It would be too much. Her grandmother knew; I confessed my love for her granddaughter. She thought it best that Scarlett stay away for a few years. Although, those few years turned into more when Scarlett went off to school.

  I know Red was close to her grandmother. It was because of me that she didn’t invite Scarlett back the next summer or the one after. I know she went and visited her a few times but it’s not the same. Sometimes life isn’t fair. The trees rustle in the wind, and the smell of winter is in the air.

  There’s magic in this place, that’s why shifters are drawn here. They can feel it in their bones, in their blood. Although, bad gravitates to this town as well. There have been a few shifters we’ve had to run out of this town because they caused havoc and turmoil, threatening to reveal the shifters that live here.

  Ben nudges me with his large snout. I’m sure he can tell I’m swimming in my own thoughts today. The arrival of Scarlett has thrown me for a loop. He turns and treks back into the forest from which he came. I feel bad for him. He hasn’t been able to live in society, sleep in a bed, drink a beer, or hardly talk to anyone besides me. A lesser shifter would go insane from the isolation.

  A few times I thought I was losing my mind from being away from Red. I almost drove out of this town to find her but my good sense stopped me. I couldn’t just show up on her doorstep and demand she come back with me to Bremen. I was going to give it another year for her to come back and if she didn’t, I was going to find her. I’d planned on locating her and moving wherever she was. I would try to reintroduce myself into her life, and hopefully she’d want to start a relationship. I hadn’t planned beyond that.

  I don’t know if it’s fortunate or unfortunate that she doesn’t recognize me or remember what happened between us. I don’t look like the young seventeen-year-old I was. I was fit and muscular like any teen shifter but with age my body has matured and become more of a man’s stature. I’ve grown a beard, and my hair is darker than when I was young. My job has honed my muscles. It doesn’t surprise me that she doesn’t recognize me. However, as a shifter I have to wonder if she still feels that connection we share.

  Damn. I can’t forget that look she gave me when I said goodbye that last summer. I could feel her heart breaking and it almost broke me. I had to walk away; it was the right thing to do. She was innocent and wasn’t ready. Plus, at that time Bremen was dangerous with rogue wolves. It was no longer safe here. She couldn’t stay with me even if I wanted her to.

  A whistle blows off in the distance, and I know it’s time to return to work. Break is over. Rising from the ground, I head back toward the forest away from the meadow I retreat to. After work, I plan on heading over to Scarlett’s. I chopped some wood for her on that first evening since she didn’t have electricity. It gets cold here in Bremen, especially at night. Red is probably in need of more firewood. I smile at the thought of heading to her place this evening. It gives a man something to look forward to.

  Chapter 3


  Riding my bike in the fresh air brings a smile to my face. There’s something about this town that just makes me feel like I belong here. I never thought to come back here after I graduated high school. My parents expected me to go to a top university even though I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. That’s why I took core classes and switched from one major to another. But this feels right. I’m where I’m supposed to be.

  Glancing at the numbers on the buildings of downtown, I finally see number 212. Pressing the brake down with my foot I come to a stop and get off, I position my bike close to the old brick building and put down the kickstand. This town seriously needs to invest in bike racks. Reaching for the flowers in my basket, I make sure the ride over hasn’t messed with any of the petals or arrangement. Rose worked her magic on these. I know this is a new client she’s trying to impress to gain more business. I think she totally knocked it out of the park. It’s a modest arrangement with white roses but with elements of expensive taste where she used snow-white peonies and bold Persian buttercup bulbs in a dusky purple. This is by far the most gorgeous arrangement I’ve ever seen. If I wanted some flowers from someone, these would be the ones. But they’re crazy expensive, so I’ll just keep dreaming.

  Pushing the doors open, I walk in preparing to head to the third floor where the offices are. Damn. Haven’t these people heard of an elevator? This building must be really old or the builder was too cheap. It’s probably the latter. I’m all hot and sweaty by the time I reach my destination. Pulling off my sweater, I tie it around my waist and wipe off the sweat from my brow. The frosted windowpane on the door reads: Max Wolf & Associates, Partners at Law. Yup, this is the place all right. Entering Stepping into the office is like a time warp.

  Everything is new and fresh. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much acrylic in my life. Every table in this office is made of the stuff including the coffee table in the waiting area. Muted grays and pure whites seem to be the color scheme. There’s no other color in the office. Rose’s arrangement will definitely perk up the space.

  There’s no receptionist so I guess I’ll just wander around until someone comes into view. Everyone must be out to lunch. I hear typing in the back of the office and head toward it. Adjusting the flowers in my grasp the strap of my top suddenly falls off my shoulder. Damn it. I set the arrangement down, and before I can fix it, fingertips trace my collarbone and dip down to catch the strap. I gasp as my eyes trail up to the man in front
of me. Instinctively, I step back from him. Whoa. I didn’t even hear him walk toward me.

  This man is tall and intimidating. His piercing dark eyes make my whole body shiver to my core. He’s wearing a gray suit that matches the office around him. It looks like he doesn’t like wearing it since he adjusts himself every two seconds. His body language makes me uneasy. Not to mention, he just touched me without my consent. My mouth won’t work except to gape open. He touches me again by tipping my chin to close it.

  “Well, hello. To what do I owe this surprise? Please tell me this is a strip-o-gram.” That does it. The cotton mouth feeling is over and now I’m ready to set things straight. I dust off my shoulder, feeling his hands on me makes my skin crawl. Straightening up, I thrust the flowers in his face.

  “I have a delivery for you from Rose in Bloom. Congrats on the opening of your new firm. Goodbye.” I would like to say a lot more to this jerk but I don’t want to jeopardize Rose’s shop. I turn to rush out but a hand comes over my shoulder to stop me.

  “Hey, I’m sorry if I offended you. I saw a pretty girl with her shirt falling off coming in here before we’re really open for business, and the first thing I think of is that my coworkers pranked me. Sorry.” His face has eased a bit, and his remarks seem honest. I nod my acknowledgment and go to leave again. “Wait. Can I ask your name?”

  Studying his face again, I take in his features. Strong nose, wide dark brown cognac eyes, and a five o’clock shadow which dusts his chin. He fidgets under my stare but I ignore it. My eyes travel down to his wide chest and then his huge hands come into view. Wow, this guy has huge hands . . . hands that remind me of another’s. He clears his throat and grabs my attention back.

  “Scarlett,” I reply simply. Untying my sweater around my waist, I pull it over my head to cover my body. I feel somewhat violated. Run-walking to the elevator I hear him call out.

  “My name is Max. Max Wolf. Come back anytime, Scarlett.” The way he says my name causes goose bumps to rise on my skin. Not stopping to acknowledge him, I rush down the stairs and out the door to my bike. Outside I feel safe. Inside that office, I felt pursued by that Wolf. I hope I don’t have a delivery there again. Going straight to Rose in Bloom, I kick the stand on my bike and head in. A bell greets me and then Firn.

  “Hey, girl! How did the delivery go? Was it highfalutin like we imagined?” Firn giggles under her book. She always has her nose in a book. I know Rose worries about her being alone and not getting out much. She goes from the store to home every day, never making any change or meeting any new people. She’s on an isolated routine. Rose and I have made it our mission to get her out of her books and into the real world. Her sister wants her to meet a guy. I, on the other hand, feel that she just needs to hang out more with friends. So, we differ on that route.

  “Hey. Yeah, the place was pretty sterile. The guy was kind of creepy, honestly.” I’m not sure if I should delve any more into that remark. Maybe he really thought I was a strip-o-gram. Although, if that was true, it’s still not good that he tried to touch me. I think back to what he did. Mr. Wolf moved my strap back and touched my shoulder. Maybe it just felt like more at the time because of the way he looked at me. Did he pass boundaries? A little. Did he make me uncomfortable? Yes, a lot. I should at least warn both girls in case there’s another delivery there. If there is a next time, we can at least time it so there will be other people in the office when I make the delivery.

  “Lawyers always give me the creeps. They’re so seedy.” Firn huffs and flips the page in her book. I pick up a batch of carnations and set them on the table. It seems lawyers aren’t very popular in this town.

  “Look, if there’s another delivery there, let me go after lunch. Okay?” She finally looks up from her book and gives me a nod.

  “Yeah, sure. Hey, is everything okay?” Firn shoves her stool back and touches my shoulder. “Did something happen, Scarlett?” There’s worry in her eyes. I pat her hand soothingly.

  “No. The guy just made me a little uncomfortable is all. I’d feel better if I went there when the whole office wasn’t out for lunch.” Her gaze is penetrating but I don’t budge. I don’t want her to worry about me. I need this job, and if they think I can’t handle it, they might feel that I need to be let go or cut my hours. I’m probably just making more of this than it is.

  “Okay. Well, if you’re sure.” I nod and smile to ease the tension. That seems to appease her. Moving back to the cashier desk, she swivels around on the bar stool. “Well, I need to get back to this hunky mysterious guy.” Holding up her book, she wiggles her eyebrows. I laugh and leave her to it.

  Chapter 4


  “The trials are coming up soon. Are you participating this year?” Jacob comes from behind and slaps me on the back. “You win like every year. You gonna let someone else have bragging rights?” He laughs in my ear which irritates me, but Jacob doesn’t mean any harm so I just shove him off.

  “Yeah, I look forward to it every year.” Jacob is part of the lumber crew, a human. We’ve worked together for eight years. We were all young when we started out with the chainsaws. The job is dangerous but the pay is good. For a fresh out of high school shifter it seemed like pretty easy money.

  “Damn it, man. I planned on impressing Rose with my logging skills. If you’re in it, I’ll look like a loser.”

  Laughing, I reply, “You look a loser most of the time without my help.” Jacob punches me in the side. I barely feel it. “How about this . . .” I stop in my tracks and turn to face him. “I’ll take it easy on ya. How about that?” He tucks his hands in the pockets of his jacket.

  “Really? You’ll make me look good?” His face perks up at the notion.

  “Ugh, that’s not what I said.” Shaking my head at him, I move to my truck and chuck my gear in the passenger seat.

  “Hey, do you really have to advertise that?” Jacob motions to my past Lumberjack competition medals hanging from the rearview mirror.

  “It’s already gotten in your head, hasn’t it? I guess psyching you out has already worked.” Jacob leans over my truck door.

  “Dude, you don’t need to psych anyone out. You could win with a freakin’ cold, which I hope you get so it gives someone else a chance. You’re a beast.” Jacob waves his hand and walks away from me shaking his head. That guy is something else.

  I probably should lay off a bit this year, but the winnings are pretty good and being a shifter, it’s like easy pickin’s. Not to mention, I love the obstacles. It’s one of the few times I can showcase some of my talents. I might not be able to shift anymore, but I still have my strength and heightened senses.

  Also, maybe Scarlett will be there and notice me. I haven’t really seen her much since that first night she arrived in town. Chopping wood for her fireplace isn’t cutting it. I’ve been trying to think of another excuse to go and see her but nothing has come to me. I know she works at Rose in Bloom as their delivery girl, and I worry about her going on deliveries by herself. Bremen isn’t as safe as it appears to be. I’ll have to keep an eye on her when I can. She is my mate, after all, even if she doesn’t know it yet.

  The next day I head to the flower shop with a good reason to see her. The bell rings over the door alerting the store to my presence. Soon I’m face-to-face with Firn. The last time I was here was for Grace’s funeral, Scarlett’s grandmother. “Hey there, Paul.” She sets her book aside and gives me her undivided attention. I know she’s a bit of a bookworm so I get to the point.

  “I’m looking for Scarlett. Is she here?” I glance around the store and check out all the different flowers and aromas surrounding me. There’s no sign or smell of my Red anywhere. I already know she’s not here before Firn responds.

  “Oh, she’s out on a delivery. She should be back soon though. If you want to wait or look around, you’re welcome to.” Firn flashes me a quick smile and retreats back to her book, no longer giving me her attention, which I’m grateful for.

; It’s a really nice setup. Work tables are scattered throughout the space. Flowers are stored in large round bins with black plastic containers that hold water in them. The more expensive flowers are stored carefully in refrigerators flanking the store. The space is a little cool because of it. A few years ago, the girls redid the outside of the store making it more appealing with a black-and-white striped overhang and a new red neon sign. They took out the only other competition in the area after the revamp. Everyone loved the cute new floral shop with the two sisters running it.

  I peer out the large display window and catch a bit of red flash by outside. I sense her before she even opens the door to the shop. It’s my Red. As she walks in, Scarlett removes her hood and strolls inside. Her heartbeat is accelerated from her bike ride. I can see a drop of sweat on her neck from where I’m standing. My mouth salivates at the thought of licking that sweat off her neck and my tongue sliding down her back.

  A cough interrupts my fantasy, and there she is standing in front of me. “Hi,” Scarlett greets me. Her hands move to a button to discard her jacket, and that simple action keeps me mesmerized. I’m standing here completely gobsmacked like an idiot. She stares at me for a beat waiting for my reply, and her lips rise in a small smile.

  “Hi,” I say, like a dumbass. Words just aren’t coming to me right now. This girl leaves me speechless. Just to be in her presence is enough. My heart beats erratically as I think about why I’m here. “I was hoping to talk to you real quick. I hope you don’t mind me coming to your work.” Thankfully, she tells Firn we’ll be just outside so we’ll have some privacy. We sit outside on a bench and watch the other patrons shopping.


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