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Scarlett: Furry Tale Shifters

Page 7

by Nicky Fox

  “Yeah. Next time I see him, my knee will definitely be meeting his balls. I don’t think he has much of a dick,” I quip. Firn and Rose bust out laughing. Rose goes to order the pizza on her computer while Firn mans the store. I lie back on the couch and piece together what happened that afternoon. The one constant thought running through my mind is that I wish Paul were here.

  Chapter 13


  “Okay, so this is how I see it. If I can make this the most memorable Christmas for Scarlett, maybe she’ll take me back. I know she loves Christmas. With her nan being gone and her being away from the rest of her family, she’s going to be alone. I could make it special for her. What do you think?” Ben scratches his back on a tree and groans loudly. Damn, bear. I have real problems here and he’s busy rubbing himself.

  “You’re her mate. You should know what she likes, I suppose. How are you going to make it special?”

  “First, I’m going to arrange for some carolers to sing at her home this evening. Then, the next day chocolates will be waiting for her. I also noticed that she doesn’t have a Christmas tree so, I’ll put one up. Maybe she’ll let me decorate it with her. It’ll be our first Christmas together. If she still hasn’t forgiven me by then, I guess I could try my hand at baking or something. On the night of Christmas Eve, I’ll pull out all the stops.” Imagining that night in my mind, it has to go perfectly.

  Ben nods. He knows exactly what I plan to do. “Any luck with finding your mate?”

  He shakes his big furry head. I feel for the guy. The woman of his dreams is at his fingertips and he can’t seem to grasp her. I know exactly how that feels. I don’t know what I can do to help him but I still offer. “If you ever need help with anything, you know I got your back, right?”

  “Yeah. Thanks, man. That means a lot to me. She’s out there. I’ll find her.”

  Later that evening, after work, I’m getting my tools together. I’m usually one of the last ones on the jobsite. I like being outdoors and the dark doesn’t bother me since I have night vision. Most shifters have exceptional hearing and sight. Snow is beginning to fall all around me. It doesn’t matter if I’m an adult, snow is still magical. I lift my head to the sky. Opening my mouth, I catch snowflakes in my mouth.

  A snap of a twig has me on high alert. My attention is no longer on the snow. I’m searching the perimeter, I can smell other shifters. There are at least four, wolves. And they’re surrounding me. This is an ambush. Dropping some of my tools, I run to my truck, only to have the door slammed in my face. Max Wolf stands before me, naked. He must’ve shifted back to his human form. I’m not afraid of Max. I could take him even if I’m unable to shift. However, against a pack of wolves, I don’t stand a chance.

  “Well, well. If it isn’t Paul Hemlock. Have you seen Scarlett recently?” The smug bastard strokes his dick in front of me as he says her name. Sick bastard. The wolves behind me cackle. Holding my hammer in my hand, I tighten my grip. I’m not going down without a fight, and this twisted son of a bitch gets it first. I don’t respond to his question. He obviously already knows the answer.

  “She’s been claimed, took the bite like a champ. The heat will begin soon and Scarlett will be begging me to fuck her.” My bear roars, coming to the surface. I feel my eyes change as I get in his face.

  “Scarlett is my mate.”

  “I know. That’s why I bit her. She wouldn’t have willingly given herself to me. As you can see, I’m alpha of this pack.” His hand sweeps over the forest like he owns it. “I need a mate and an heir. It’s time. Scarlett’s the tastiest morsel I’ve ever met and her urge to flee from me makes me harder than steel.” The fucker is indeed hard and stroking himself again. I’ve had enough of this shit. Faster than lightning, I raise my arm and slam down my hammer onto Max’s face. It hits his cheek and his face caves in. I must’ve crushed his cheekbone. Damn. I don’t know if his healing powers can take care of that. He’ll forever be marred by my hand. But he deserves it if what he has said is true.

  Max falls back and wails. The wolves soon descend and I’m swinging my arms rapidly around my body to counter their attacks. Growling and the snapping of teeth encompass me, and I try to stay focused. One wolf pounces on my back and bites off a piece of my ear. I whirl around wildly to dislodge him. Meanwhile, Max is still bellowing on the ground.

  My elbow hits deep into one wolf, and I’m sure I’ve cracked a few of his ribs. I grab another by his paw and shatter his foot with my hammer. If only I had my trusty ax about now. I had already put it in my truck for the day. Maybe, if I could reach in?

  Then, a huge rumble escapes from the other side of the forest. Ben rushes through the brush and roars loudly. The hair on his back stands up and his mouth is salivating. The other wolves, caught by surprise, back off me. The cavalry is here. Ben picks his target and charges at him full speed. Now, it’s more of an even fight. Seeing his disadvantage, Max howls to the other wolves to retreat. Ben is able to knock down and stomp on one wolf before it escapes. They’re gone just as quickly as they appeared.

  “What the fuck was that?” Ben pants. He follows me to my truck as I finally am able to reach my ax. Once I have it in my hands I rest a little easier.

  “Max Wolf. He said he claimed my Scarlett. I have to go check on her, Ben.”

  “He what?” Ben is in disbelief and I would be too if I didn’t know what a sick bastard Max is. “That’s against all sorts of shifter laws. He must’ve done it without her permission. No mate would take another’s bite. Has she started the heat yet?” That’s what I’m afraid of.

  When a mate is bitten, a frenzy begins within their body. Their DNA changes to accommodate the shifter gene. It gives them traits of their mate. They get a high fever as their body adjusts, then they become ravenous with lust. Their bodies need to be joined, fluid exchanged to seal the bond. Without it, Scarlett could turn into a wolf herself or she could die from withdrawal. Max is playing with Scarlett’s life.

  Ben knows the complications of this. It seems just a few hours ago we were talking about Christmas plans and our women. Now, everything has changed.

  “I don’t know. I have to see her.”

  Before he can react, I’m in my truck and driving to Red’s house.

  Chapter 14


  I had to call in sick today. I’m running a high fever. I swear if that Mrs. Crail gave me the flu, I’m going to be so mad. She was sneezing all over the receipt I had to have her sign to accept the delivery. I used antibacterial wipes on my hands after that. But now, I’m in bed and feeling like hell. I can feel this sickness in my bones. It’s the worst case of the flu I’ve ever had, if that’s what this is. Maybe I should go to a doctor? Honestly, I’m too sick to even get up to go to the doctor.

  There’s no sneezing yet, just a migraine, body aches, high fever, and I’m extremely lethargic. I just want to stay in bed all day. The bathroom is another problem. I can hardly get up even to do that. Right now, I have to pee in the worst way. I groan and slowly push myself up. Dizziness overwhelms me for a moment and then I’m able to see straight. I’m just about to the bathroom when there’s a loud knock at the front door. Oh, no. Not again.

  Last time there was a knock at the door, carolers were there singing Christmas songs. I don’t know if it was some sick joke Max Wolf was playing on me but I wasn’t amused. Another pounding on my door erupts. Oh, my headache.

  “Just a minute,” I call out. I wish I had a peephole. Hobbling over, I open the door a crack and Paul is waiting, out of breath. “Paul, now is not a very good time . . .” He barges in without preamble. “Hey!” My voice sounds weak though so it doesn’t have much effect.

  “Shit, you’re shivering. You look feverish. I was afraid of that. I was hoping it wouldn’t have hit you yet.” How could he know I was sick? Did the girls tell him? The back of his hand goes to my forehead. There’s blood on his clothes and . . . is part of his ear missing?

  “Oh, my God. What happene
d to you? Did you get in a fight?” I raise my hand to cup his ear. It looks painful, but he pushes my hand away.

  “What are your symptoms? Are you hurting?” He holds my shoulders in his large hands, supporting my body.

  “I’m achy and have a headache. Why? Is there something going around?” My mind reels with thoughts of an outbreak. The whole town of Bremen sick. It’s a small town. Gossip spreads like wildfire. I’m sure sickness does too.

  “Oh, my God. Has someone in town died of something? Mrs. Crail? Am I going to have to be quarantined?” His eyes hold so much worry, which makes me a nervous wreck.

  “Yes. You’ll have to be quarantined. I’m immune so I can help take care of you.” I shake my head before he finishes his sentence. I can’t have my ex, whatever he is, was, taking care of me. That a big no-no. I’m sure I look like hell too. My hair is all in my face. I’m sweaty and my breath stinks. “I’m staying, Red. Don’t try to fight me on this. Whether you like it or not, you need me.” There’s genuine concern on his face. Maybe it’s safer for me if someone stays with me at least a little while. I’m on the outskirts of town and it would be difficult to get help out here quickly. Paul’s also very serious so I don’t argue. He’s not staying the night I tell myself.

  “What do I have?” He must know if something’s been going around town. It’s like he expected me to have it. “Oh, no! Are Rose and Firn sick too?”


  “Oh, so you spoke with them and that’s how you knew I was ill?” Things are getting fuzzy again, and I lean on the couch arm. Paul reaches and touches my elbow helping me back to my bedroom. “I need to go to the bathroom,” I mumble.

  “Okay. Do you need help with . . .”

  “No! I most certainly do not need help in there. Shoo.” I wave my hands at him to go away. Men always want a reason to see you with your pants down. Oops. I’m not wearing pants. Looking down at my nightgown, I suppose I should be embarrassed but I’m not. There’s a pretty Christmas scene printed over my flannel pajamas. It’s quite festive. Maybe that’s why I’m hot? I do my business and feel a little better. I’m not sweating anymore.

  I decide to take a shower while I’m in the bathroom. It’s probably best I do this while Paul is here, in case I fall. The shower goes without a hitch. I’m fresh and wrapped in a towel when I step out of the room. My face turns red as Paul takes me in. I’ve never been this naked before a guy. I had a couple of boyfriends in college but nothing that ever led to sex.

  Also, living in an apartment with other girls makes it difficult to get past third base. I just couldn’t ever bring myself to do it. Although, Paul and I are all alone in the house, I’m half naked and he’s so sexy. His concern for me turns me on. Wait. What am I saying? He lied to me and broke my heart when we were younger. Jeez, I need to snap out of this sickness fog I’m in.

  Paul makes himself scarce while I dress, thankfully. I don’t know what’s gotten into me. My lady bits are tingling with want. Maybe I should have masturbated in the shower. I feel like I need relief. I put on some silk pajamas in a red that matches my name. There, still Christmasy. When I open the door, Paul is on the other side hovering.

  “How are you feeling now?” He has a guilty look about him for some reason. I don’t know why, it’s not like he got me sick. Paul said he was immune. Has he had this before? I ask him as much and he just nods. Feeling tired again, I collapse in my bed and pull the covers over me.

  I must pass out for a while because now it’s light outside. He stayed the night, damn it. Snow is falling outside of my bedroom window and a Christmas song is playing low on a radio somewhere in the house. It’s the song about chestnuts. I love this song. I follow the melody through the house into the kitchen, feeling a bit lighter on my feet and well-rested. Paul is standing at the stove looking over a large pot boiling with what looks like soup.

  “Hi.” I rub the front of my foot against the back of my leg. He turns and smiles.

  “Hey, you look a little better. I thought I’d make you some chicken soup. It’s ready if you’re hungry.” It smells divine, like home. My mouth waters and all I can concentrate on is that aroma. I sit at the table and he serves me up a bowl and then makes one for himself.

  “Thank you. You didn’t have to go to all this trouble.” He peeks up from his spoon and his lips raise a little. We pretty much eat in silence since we’re both hungry. After the clank of our spoons indicate empty bowls, Paul places them in the sink.

  “I’ve been thinking about how to tell you while you were sleeping. It’s going to sound crazy and I hope you are able to listen before you make any judgments.” Paul wrings his hands as he paces back and forth across the kitchen.

  “Paul? What are you talking about? I’m feeling better, really. You’re acting like I’m going to die or something.” I smile to lighten the mood. He stays stoic. “You’re frightening me.”

  “That’s the last thing I want to do. Just listen, please?” I nod. “Okay, shit. Um, did anything happen the other day with Max Wolf?” I gasp.

  “Yes,” I reply timidly. I really don’t want to get into that right now with him.

  “Well, I ran into Max and he told me what happened.” He pauses.

  “Is that why you looked like you got into a fight?” He nods. Paul fought Max. I get the feeling it’s because of me. I wonder what Max looked like after the fight, I’m hoping he got that kick in the balls.

  I open my mouth to ask more questions but decide to listen like he asked me to. “He bit you and that’s why you’re feeling sick.” For some reason, I don’t picture Max confessing that to Paul. Then it occurs to me . . .

  “Oh, my gosh. Did he give me rabies?” Can people give rabies by biting? I’ll need to google that. There’s a shot for that, I’m sure. If that’s the case I need to go to the doctor. I move to get up but he shakes his head.

  “No. He didn’t give you rabies.”

  “Well, spit it out, Paul. This roller coaster you have me on isn’t fun.” Moving his palms together, he clenches his teeth and closes his eyes. If he tells me I’m dying, I’m going to flip out. “Max gave you something. I can cure you, but I don’t think you’ll want the antidote.” His pacing stops as he comes back down to sit across from me.

  “What is the antidote?”

  “Sex, and then I bite you and claim you as my own.” He rushes the sentence out of his mouth like it’s on fire. I gasp and then I’m feeling fire in my veins. I jump up from my seat and yell at him after feeling better from that soup he made me.

  “Do you think I’m stupid? I can’t believe you! You’re trying to have sex with me while I’m sick? Wow. You’ve just reached an all-time low there, asshole. I can’t even with you right now. Get the hell out.” My finger shows him the way. The nerve of him, trying to play me when I’m weak. Did he and Max have some bet? Whoever could get in the sack with me first was the winner. They’re extremely competitive, it wouldn’t surprise me. I’m feeling sick all over again.

  “Scarlett, please. I know how it sounds. You’ve already gone through the fever. The next step you’ll be wanton, so much so that it will be painful. I’m trying to help you. If I don’t mate you, you could receive his traits and become a wolf or you could die. I know this sounds crazy.”

  I’ve had it. This sounds so ludicrous, now I’m concerned that Paul could be mentally ill. He’s talking about me turning into a wolf. I can’t take anymore.

  “Please, leave.” Defeated, Paul removes himself from the kitchen. The door shuts on his way out. He doesn’t even argue, which I’m grateful for. I might have had to call the police on him. He sounds insane. I put myself to bed and get some rest. Hopefully, all of this was just some nightmare.

  Chapter 15


  “She didn’t believe me. Hell, I wouldn’t believe me. I know how it sounded. If only there were a way I could get her to believe me. I can’t even shift for her.” A lightbulb goes off in my head and I glance at Ben. He realizes what I’m abo
ut to say before I open my mouth to ask him.

  “No way. I can’t do it. It’s against shifter laws. I can’t expose myself to a human.”

  “She’s my mate, Ben. The one. Scarlett could be changing into a damn wolf as we speak. Max broke the rule. We’re trying to help. We’re fixing his mistake.” Ben considers it for a moment. This puts him in a bind, but I think he realizes this is the only way. He accepts solemnly, and I have a plan.

  When I return to Scarlett’s house later with Ben, I smell him before I even get out of my truck. Ben ambles out of my truck bed and is on high alert as well. I knock on the door, more like pound on it.

  Scarlett’s timid voice answers. “Who’s there?” Her tone lets me know she’s scared. Shit. Max Wolf was here, I can tell. There’s no telling what he did to her. I shouldn’t have let him get away the other night, but I was too preoccupied with checking on Scarlett.

  “Open the door, Red. Please. It’s Paul.” Ben keeps a safe distance away so he won’t be seen when or if she opens the door.

  “I don’t want to see anyone,” she sobs. Something happened. Max did something to her again. I’m going to kill him. My sanity is hanging on by a thread. If he touched her . . . It takes everything in me not to break down the door to get to her.

  “Please, honey. I need to see that you’re okay. I won’t even come in.”

  “Can you get in like he did?” That fucker. I’m going to kill him.

  “I’m coming in, Scarlett.” She opens the door before I can shoulder my way in. Her face says it all, she’s a wreck. I pull her into me and she comes willingly. I’m sure she’s confused and doesn’t know what to think but she at least knows I’m safe, and I won’t hurt her.

  “He came. Max . . . he . . . was in my bedroom while I was sleeping. A wolf.” Scarlett’s voice trembles and it rips my insides to hear her like this. Damn it. This might not be the best time to introduce her to Ben.


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