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Royal Mess (Devil's Knights 2nd Generation Book 3)

Page 8

by Winter Travers

  A chill pricked over my skin. This was the rough side of Marco that I wasn’t sure I liked. “I’m trying to.”

  “What did you want to talk about?” he asked.

  “Oh, uh,” I hemmed. “I know I need to be here to stay safe, but I was just wondering if I could have visitors?”

  “Visitors?” he questioned.

  “Just one,” I promised. “Well, it will probably be two because I’m sure Frost will insist he comes with Indiana.”

  Marco frowned. “I don’t know if that is a good idea, Royal.”

  “Why not?” I whined. “It’s just two people, and it’ll just be for a couple of hours. I miss her. I just got her back in my life, and now, she’s gone again.”

  “Temporarily,” Marco reasoned. “Once I get things settled, you can see her whenever you want.”

  “But I want to see her now. Two hours can’t hurt, Marco,” I pleaded.

  “You’ve been here a couple of days, Royal, and you’re acting like it’s been months.”

  I pursed my lips. “Forgive me for being a little antsy locked up in this prison.”

  “This again.” He leaned back in his chair. “I don’t think there are many people in this world who would call living at Wyndemere Estates a prison. The clubhouse is much more a prison than this is.”

  “I’m here when I don’t want to be,” I argued.

  “You have Greer here and you’re making friends with Bristol.”

  “But I want Indiana. Just for a little bit. I promise just one time.” I clasped my hands together. “Please, Marco. I promise if you let her come over one time, I’ll stop calling this a prison. I’ll do whatever you want me to do.”

  “Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Royal.”

  “Two hours, and my lips are sealed.”

  Marco chuckled. “I was talking about you saying that you’ll do whatever I want. I don’t think you want to make that promise to me.” He looked out the window. “At least, not yet.”

  A shiver ran through my body. A good shiver. “Let Indiana come visit me, and then, we’ll see what happens.”

  “You’re asking an awful lot from me, Royal.” he replied quietly.

  “It’s really not. I have no family left besides Indiana, Marco. I just want my family.”

  He slowly turned his eyes to me. “I took your brother away from you, Royal. I won’t make that same mistake again.”

  His words shocked me. “Does that mean Indiana can come over?” I sounded like a ten-year-old asking if her friend could come over to play.

  He turned back to the window. “I’ll let Apollo know, and you can call her.”

  He had said yes. He hadn’t told me no or that I was being foolish. “Should I let Apollo know when she’s coming?” I asked softly.

  “Yes, beautiful. He’ll need to brief the rest of the security about her arrival.”

  I bit my bottom lip and tried not to squeal with joy. “Thank you,” I whispered. I jumped up from my chair and dashed from his office before he could change is mind.

  “Remember you said we’ll see what happens after she leaves, Royal,” he called.

  “I know.” I closed the door behind me and pumped my fist in the air.

  “Can’t say too many people walk out of Marco’s office that happy,” Murphy laughed.

  “That’s because those people don’t know how to talk to Marco like I do.” To be truthful, I wasn’t really sure what I had said to make him say yes, but I wasn’t going to question it.

  “I think it’s got more to do with you being you, and not what you said, darlin’.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Well, whatever it is, it worked for me to get permission for Indiana to come and visit.”

  “She one of the ol’ ladies?” he asked.

  I nodded. “Well, yes, but she’s also my best friend. She’s like my sister.”

  Murphy chuckled. “This is going to be like a train-wreck.”

  “What?” I squawked. “As if Indiana and I together is a bad thing.”

  Murphy ran his fingers through his hair. “I’m not gonna say anything more and just watch to see how this plays out.”

  “Whatever.” I was just happy Indiana was going to be able to come visit. She was going to love Greer and Bristol, and I just couldn’t wait to hug her. I wasn’t joking when I said she was like my sister. “I need to find a phone.” I pressed my finger to my chin. “And try to remember her phone number.”

  Murphy stepped to the side. “Don’t let me get in the way of the train-wreck.”

  I breezed past him with a huge smile on my face.

  “Oh, Royal,” he called.

  I glanced over my shoulder at him.

  “What time will the train-wreck be leaving the station for Wyndemere?”

  I lifted my middle finger in the air. “I can’t wait to prove you wrong, Murphy. Indiana is just going to come over for dinner and then go back home.”

  Murphy laughed dryly. “Yeah, I’ll just wait and see.”

  I dashed into the kitchen and announced to Greer and Bristol that Marco had said Indiana could come over for dinner.

  “Oh, fuck,” Apollo moaned. “How the hell did you get him to say yes?”

  I shrugged and sat back on my stool. “I just asked.” And gave a slight sob story of saying I didn’t have any family left beside Indiana.

  “When is she coming?” Greer asked.

  “I’m hoping as soon as I call her.”

  “Oh, fuck.” Apollo drained his cup and set it down. “I need to get to work, Bristol. I’ll take my breakfast in the command center.”

  “Okay,” Bristol chirped. “It’ll be about fifteen minutes.”

  Apollo pressed a kiss to Greer’s cheek and stalked back into the staff quarters.

  “Did I just make a lot of work for them?” I asked sheepishly.

  Greer shrugged. “Yeah, but they live for this kind of stuff. It has been pretty quiet around here lately. With Meeks and now Indiana coming over, these guys are in their element right now.”

  I buried my face in hands. “What have I done?”

  Greer patted me on my back. “It’ll all be okay, honey. Our job is to keep our guys on their toes.”

  “I don’t have a guy,” I groaned.

  Greer and Bristol laughed.

  “Such denial,” Greer chuckled.

  “I have no denial,” I grumbled.

  Bristol set out a plate with two fried eggs, three pieces of bacon, and a piece of toast. “Eat up. I think you’re going to need it.”

  What in the world did that mean? Indiana was coming over. That was it. I grabbed my fork and popped the yolks on my eggs. “We’re just going to hang out for a couple of hours.”

  Bristol glanced at Greer. Greer pressed her finger to her lips and shook her head.

  Why was it like everyone knew a secret that I didn’t?

  “Apollo,” Marco called.

  Ten seconds later, Apollo strutted through the kitchen and down the hall.

  “Oh, God,” I groaned.

  “Don’t worry,” Greer laughed. “We’re gonna have a fun time today.”

  The little baby inside me gave a tiny kick, and I sighed. I had thought that was what was going to happen, but now, I was worried I had opened a can of worms by asking for Indiana to come over.

  Two hours.

  Dinner, and then, she was gone.

  That was all this was going to be.

  Nothing was going to happen. No one was going to get hurt or whatever.

  I took a deep breath and sighed.



  Chapter Ten


  “What time will they be here?”

  Murphy stood by the window in my office. “Five minutes.”

  “How many?”

  Apollo chuckled. “Two cars and five motorcycles.”

  “Fucking hell,” I grunted. “Did any of them stay at the fucking clubhouse?” I knew when Royal had asked for Indiana to come
visit, that more than Indiana was going to show up.

  I hadn’t thought the whole club was going to be knocking on my door.

  “Is my mother with them?”

  Apollo leveled he gaze on me. “I’d be fucking surprised as hell if she wasn’t. You know she hates that she doesn’t see you enough.”

  I tapped my pen on my desk. “It sure would be nice if Meeks would just pop his head out and let us blow it off.” That would put an end to all this bullshit right now.

  “Still no word?” Apollo asked.

  I shook my head. “I talked to Leo a few hours ago. He’s at as much of a loss as I am.” Last night, one of my contacts had called me with what they though was information on Meeks. He had then proceeded to tell me everything that had happened before Grit died.

  I know I said it was time for Leo to step down. But if there was anyone who needed to give it a rest and step back from working, it was Rick Malman who had wasted five minutes of my time before he actually listened to me telling him that wasn’t the information I wanted. The guy was over eighty, and his mind was not all there anymore.

  “Nothing except for the recap from Malman last night,” I laughed.

  Apollo shook his head. “Maybe his son or daughter needs to have a word with him.”

  I dropped my pen on the desk and shrugged. “It really doesn’t have anything to do with me.” I had enough shit on my plate to deal with that I didn’t need to worry about anyone else.

  “They’ve turned into the driveway,” Murphy reported.

  Apollo rubbed his hands together. “Let the fun begin.”

  “At least they gave us a few hours to get shit situated before they invaded,” Murphy chuckled. “From the way you made it sound, they were going to be here within in minutes before.”

  It had been five hours since I had told Royal that Indiana was welcome to come over.

  Now it was time for the three-ring circus.

  “You think Meg brought any of that cake she makes?” Apollo asked.

  “Which one?” Murphy turned away from the window. “The carrot one? Or maybe the one with the fudge frosting?” Murphy held up his hand. “I know which one you’re talking about. The apple cake with the cream cheese frosting.”

  “Yes!” Apollo shouted. “She made it for Fayth’s birthday three years ago.”

  “I don’t even know how you guys can remember that,” I drawled.

  Apollo shrugged. “A man never forgets a good cake.”

  “A great cake,” Murphy corrected him. Murphy put his finger to his ear and listened to his ear piece. “They’re at the gate.”

  “Who’s letting them in?” I asked.

  “Princeton had one of the new guys meet them,” Apollo said. “I can’t wait to see how shocked he is when he meets Meg.”

  I stood and buttoned my jacket. “You would think she would have mellowed out throughout the years.”

  Murphy opened the door to my office and stepped to the side. “Even if she had mellowed, she would still be the funniest woman I’d ever met.”

  That was a fact.

  We walked to the entryway.

  “Where are Greer and Royal?” I asked.

  A loud scream sounded on the other side of the front door.

  “I’m going to assume they decided to meet the women outside,” Murphy chuckled.

  I rolled my eyes and nodded to the door. “Then I guess we better get out there.” Murphy opened the door, and the screaming and squealing got louder.

  Royal was wrapped up in a hug with Indiana while the rest of the ol’ ladies milled around with bags and casserole dishes in their hands.

  “Maybe we should have told them we had a chef,” Apollo mumbled to me.

  “I thought it was a given.”

  I spotted Mom climbing off of Slider’s bike while he bent over to get something out of the saddlebag.

  “I never thought I would see the day when the Devil’s Knights invaded Wyndemere,” Apollo chuckled.

  Greer rushed over to us and smiled wide. “Isn’t this so much fun!” She clapped her hands together and reached up on her tiptoes to press a kiss to my cheek. “Thanks for not being a stick in the mud, Marco.”

  Apollo elbowed me in the stomach. “Keep it up and my wife is going to think you’re actually human.”

  “Marco,” Royal called. She rushed over to me and tipped her head back to look at me.

  “What’s wrong, beautiful?”

  She bit her bottom lip. “I didn’t invite them here. I only told Indiana she could come with Frost.”

  I reached up and brushed a strand of hair from her face. “I know, mio amore.”

  She looked around and leaned closer. “The vein in your neck isn’t bulging, and you’re not growling at me,” she whispered.

  “Because I’m not upset, Royal.”

  “But you only told me Indiana could come over, and now the whole clubhouse is on your lawn.”

  “It’s okay, Royal. I knew this was going to happen.”

  “Then why did you tell me it was okay if Indiana came over?” she stressed.

  I rested my other hand on the side of her waist. “Don’t worry about me, mio amore, and enjoy your time with your friends.”

  “I don’t even know all of these people,” she whispered.

  I couldn’t help but laugh. Royal was brand new to this MC life, and it was enjoyable to watch her experience it. “I promise they’re all nice. Even my mom and dad.”

  Her face paled. “Your mom and dad are here?” she hissed.

  “I’m sure you’ve already met them, Royal. I don’t know why you’re worried.”

  She gulped and looked around. “Because it seems different now.”

  It was different now. I had cautiously thought about being with Royal when I had rescued her from the Meeks, but now I knew that was what I wanted. I just didn’t want to tell her yet because I knew she could possibly get scared and run away.

  “Nothing is different. Treat Wyndemere like you would the clubhouse.”

  She snorted. “I haven’t done my room inventory yet, but I’m pretty sure you’ve got the clubhouse beat by about ten.”

  “Holy shit,” Meg called. “You didn’t tell us you had a house out in the sticks that you can see from the space station.”

  Royal threw her head back and let out a loud laugh.

  I had never seen her look more beautiful. Happy and free with abandon. None of these people were her blood family, but they were family still. I would have been a fool to have kept this from her. Sure, she had Greer and Bristol in the house with her, but she needed more than that.

  “Pretty sure I could move in and you wouldn’t even know I was here,” Cyn laughed. She shielded her hand over her eyes and looked up at the house. “You got an elevator in there?”

  “He freaking better. What kind of an estate would it be without an elevator.” Meg turned to King. “Did you pack your swimming suit? I bet he’s got a pool out back.”

  King slid his sunglasses on top of his head. “It’s October in Wisconsin, Meg. My ass is not swimming outside unless it’s a hot tub.”

  She waved her hand at King. “I packed it for you anyway.”

  “Then why in the hell did you ask me if I packed it?” he growled.

  Meg turned back to the house. “I was just testing you.”

  “Twenty fucking years of being with you, and you still think you gotta test me.” King grabbed a duffel bag from the trunk of one of the cars and tossed it on the ground.

  “Uh, they have a lot of stuff for only being here for a couple of hours,” Royal whispered.

  I looked down at her. “You really think they’re only going to be here for a couple of hours?” I laughed and shook my head. “We assume they’ll be here for at least four days.”

  “Oh, my God, Marco,” she gasped. “I am so freakin’ sorry.”

  She didn’t have to be sorry. I absolutely knew what I was getting into with the Devil’s Knights descending on Wyndemere. �
�Go have fun.”

  Indiana strolled over and looped her arms through Royal’s. “Thank you for not being a dick and letting me see my friend.”

  “Indiana,” Royal hissed. “Did you have to say it like that?”

  Indiana shrugged. “He knows what I mean.”

  I nodded at Indiana. “You’re always welcome at Wyndemere when Royal is.”

  Indiana looked me up and down. “You mean I can’t rent this place when I need a little alone time?”

  “You’re emersed in the MC world, Indiana,” I chuckled. “You’re never going to have alone time anymore.”

  She hummed. “I forgot Frost told me you were a part of that world when you were growing up. The suits, shiny shoes, and mega mansion camouflages it.”

  “Not trying to camouflage it. It’s a part of who I am.” Sure, I was known as a Banachi, but I would tell anyone I met that there was more to me than being a Banachi. The Devil’s Knights had taught me many life lessons I would always carry with me.

  Indiana eyed me closely. “I’m watching you, Marco.”

  “Oh, my God, Indiana,” Royal groaned. “Knock it off and let’s go inside. You have to see the media room.”

  Indiana glared at me and then turned a beaming smile on Royal. “Let’s hit it, girlfriend. I wanna see how you’ve been living like the rich and famous.”

  Royal pulled Indiana into the house with the rest of the ol’ ladies following behind.

  King and Slider came to stand in front of me.

  “You actually leave anyone or anything back at the clubhouse, or are you just moving in?” I asked.

  Slider shrugged. “I mean, you’ve got enough room for all of us.”

  King put his hands in his pockets and tipped his head back to look at the house. “Though we did leave Easy, Snapper, Greta, and Luna at the clubhouse with the club girls.”

  I had forgotten that King was housing all of his employees from Sultry Knights at the clubhouse. “Thank you for not bringing all of them. It might have gotten a little cramped in there.” Easy, Snapper, Greta, and Luna would have been fine to come, but the twenty or so girls from the club would not have been.

  “Once Easy and Snapper find out about these digs, I’m sure they’ll be bitching and moaning that they aren’t here.” Slider chuckled and put his arm around my shoulder. “You’ve been holding out on me and your mom,” he laughed. “We could have been living here while you were jet-setting around the world.”


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