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Spring Romance: NINE Happily Ever Afters

Page 139

by Tessa Bailey

  As I helped her into her chair, I was pleased to see that my staff had followed my directions to the letter. Not that I’d really imagined anything else since they were aware of my expectations because I’d had a more active part in managing the place lately.

  “This is really beautiful,” Jocelyn sighed as she took in the way the table had been set. Her appreciation made all the effort worthwhile.

  “Almost as beautiful as you,” I complimented her, delighted to see that my words made her blush again. I was quickly becoming addicted to that blush and could hardly wait to see how far down her skin it went.

  I poured us each a glass of champagne, and the waiter brought over our first course. I’d asked for a prix fixe meal so we could enjoy whatever specialties the chef had prepared this evening. We enjoyed the food in silence, without any of the usual awkwardness two strangers might feel with each other. The waiter cleared the plates once we’d finished the appetizers, and I sipped my champagne, watching her thoughtfully over the rim of my glass.

  “When I first saw you at The Box and thought you were about to get married, I was disappointed but not surprised since you’re so beautiful,” I began. “Now that I’ve had the chance to get to know you a little better, I’m even more confused that you’re single. Clearly, you’re smart since you got your doctorate in physical therapy and managed to land a job with a professional team. And nice if my parents’ and brother’s admiration tells me anything.”

  “Couldn’t I say the same about you?” she retorted. “You must know that you’re handsome. Odds are that you’re intelligent if you’ve managed to build a successful company in such a competitive field. You used to play in the NHL for God’s sake. Women must be knocking down your door at the chance to catch you. Yet here you are, unattached.”

  I pondered her points as the waiter brought our next course. “I know why I’m still single. I wasn’t interested in relationships before now. What I don’t know is why you’re still single.”

  “Honestly?” she asked, and I nodded my head in response. “I’m not entirely sure. Unlike you, I have been in serious relationships that I thought might lead to more. They didn’t work out, and after the last one, I haven’t bothered looking for a new man in my life.”

  “But you’re here with me,” I growled, irritated at the thought of her loving some other man in her past.

  “I didn’t exactly have to look for you, did I?” she quipped. “Besides, it’s a new town with a new job and, soon, a new home. A whole new phase in my life. Maybe it’s time for me to try again. Although, I’ll admit I would have preferred if we’d met after I’d gotten settled in a little more.”

  “Maybe I can help you settle into your new life here,” I suggested. With her life in flux right now, I had an opportunity to carve my own place in her world.

  “It’s not going to be easy,” she warned. “You aren’t used to relationships and I have a lot going on right now.”

  “I don’t want easy,” I growled. “I want you, Jocelyn. If I wanted easy, I could get that anywhere. I won’t lie to you and say I haven’t enjoyed it in the past. But even before I met you, that lifestyle was growing old. And after you managed to embed yourself in my brain after seeing you once, I enjoyed it even less.”

  “I had that big of an impact on you?” she asked. “Even though you thought I was getting married?”

  “Fuck, Jocelyn. I don’t know how to explain what the sight of you did to me,” I admitted. “You know how you said you were surprised your friend had managed to get your group into the VIP area?”

  “Yeah. She hadn’t mentioned it when she told me about the party and it’s something she would normally have gloated about.”

  I heaved a sigh as I made my confession. “She didn’t tell you about it because she had no idea it would happen. I was halfway across the room to talk to you when I noticed your bachelorette attire. And even though I knew you were off-limits, I still watched you from the bar. I couldn’t stop myself.”

  She had cocked her head to the side as I spoke. “It was you,” she gasped. “When Cee-Cee was dragging me onto the dance floor. You were there. I saw you.”

  I was relieved to know that she had noticed me that night too. I took it as a sign that she had felt the connection as well. “Yes, and I’m the reason your party was moved to the VIP section.”

  “But why?” she asked. “You didn’t even know me.”

  “You’re going to think I’m way over the top if I tell you,” I warned her as she leaned closer. “I couldn’t stand watching those guys touching you when you were in the ‘suck for a buck’ shirt. So I told my manager to offer your party VIP service if you got rid of it. That way, I didn’t have to see them touch you anymore and I knew you were in a more protected area.”

  “You know that’s a little bit crazy, right?” she questioned.

  I couldn’t deny her accusation. My actions had made no sense at all at the time. I’d had no reason to feel possessive of a woman I had thought was marrying someone else. But I had, and I hadn’t been able to stop the impulse that had prompted the order to my manager.

  “More than a little bit, but now that I know you, I’m happy as hell that I went with my gut. Even though you only had that damn shirt on for a short time, whenever I’ve seen a Lifesaver since then, it’s made me think of you. Which is often since we have them in goddamn bowls at the hostess stations of most of my restaurants.”

  She laughed at my admission. “So my Lifesaver shirt and I have been haunting you?”

  “Like crazy, Jocelyn.”

  “I’m not used to anyone calling me anything other than Jo or Josie,” she said.

  “Why?” I asked. “Jocelyn is a beautiful name. It’s perfect for you.”

  I wasn’t prepared for the answer she blurted out. “My mom used to call me Jocelyn.”

  “Used to?” he inquired.

  “She died in a car accident right before high school,” she explained.

  Tears welled in her beautiful eyes, but I couldn’t stop myself from asking after what she’d said when I’d picked her up from his house earlier in the evening. “And your dad doesn’t call you Jocelyn?”

  She heaved a sigh before responding. “I don’t want to ruin this lovely evening you planned for us with negativity.”

  I reached across the table and held her hand in mine. “Telling me about yourself isn’t going to ruin anything, sweetheart. I want to know everything about you. Whatever you feel comfortable sharing. And things you’ve never shared with anyone else.”

  “I don’t talk about my parents,” she whispered before looking up at me. “Like ever. My mom’s death changed everything for me. Suddenly, she was gone, and then my dad sent me away.”

  “To Brower?” I asked, knowing that that’s where she had met my brother. My parents hadn’t wanted him to go to school so far away, but he’d begged them because he’d wanted so badly to play for their hockey team. It didn’t sound like Jocelyn had gone there because it was her decision though.

  “Yes. I used to skate and they had an amazing program. So my dad thought it would be best once my mom was gone since he traveled for work a lot,” she explained.

  “And then you grew apart?” I inquired. “You and your dad?”

  She shook her head in response. “No, it happened before that. I look a lot like my mom did and I think it hurts him to have me around. They were so in love, and then she was just gone in the blink of an eye. I don’t think he’s ever recovered.”

  “I’m sorry,” I offered. “For your loss and for bringing up a topic that clearly upsets you.”

  She smiled at me through her tears and squeezed my hand. “You know what?” she asked. “It’s almost a relief to talk to someone about it since I never do. I’m not sure what it is about you that’s making me spill my guts, but it feels kinda nice to get it off my chest.”

  “How about we make a deal?” I said. “Any time you have anything you want or need to get off your chest, you come
to me.”

  “Isn’t that supposed to be Cee-Cee’s job? She is my best friend,” she argued.

  “True, but my shoulders are broader than hers, so they’re better to cry on if it’s something upsetting,” I pointed out reasonably before lightening the mood with my next words. “And if it’s clothing you’d like to get off your chest, then I’m most definitely a better option than anyone else.”

  “How did you manage to turn our heavy conversation to sex?”

  “I’m cursed,” I sighed heavily. “If you’re part of the topic, then I can always find a way to work sex into what I’m thinking about.”

  “Then I guess it’s a good thing I extracted that promise out of you last night or you’d be trying to talk me out of my panties right now.”

  Just the sound of the word ‘panties’ coming from her lips had my cock hardening again. “I’m not sure I agree that it’s a good thing.”

  “But this way, we can enjoy dinner without worrying about what will happen tonight.”

  “Jocelyn,” I rasped out, wanting her complete attention focused on me. “You never have to worry when you’re with me. I’ve got you covered, sweetheart. You just leave everything to me.”

  Chapter Seven


  Somehow, I managed to take Andrew’s advice to heart at left everything up to him for the remainder of our first date. I normally didn’t trust very easily, especially not men. I knew it was because of the issues I had with how my dad had handled me after my mom died. It didn’t take lots of hours with a therapist to figure out that I had daddy issues. Yet I didn’t feel the same walls going up with Andrew that I normally raised with other people. I’d even talked to him a little about my parents and that was after only having known him for just one day.

  The effect he had on me was startling. I found myself wanting to share just about everything with him so he would tell me all about himself too. And it was thrilling. My heart raced when we were together, even when doing something as simple as sharing a meal. Albeit an incredible meal at one of his restaurants where he’d arranged for it to be fabulously romantic. It certainly had been a grand gesture. And incredibly arousing. I’d never experienced a dinner date quite like the one last night where I’d spent the majority of the evening squirming in my seat. Those damn blue, smoldering eyes of his had flashed fire at me several times during the night to the point that I’d felt like I’d go up in flames.

  Andrew had made it painstakingly clear how much he desired me. His fierce gaze had roamed my body and heated even more as the night had worn on. I’d never felt more wanted and he hadn’t even touched me. Not until we’d pulled into my driveway and he’d told me that, even though he’d agreed not to fuck me yet, he’d never said anything about kissing.

  My breath hitched at the carnal tone in his voice as he leaned closer. Then Andrew speared a hand through my hair and tilted my head up so my lips were within easy reach.

  “That damn red lipstick has been taunting me all night,” he grumbled before his lips swooped down and took possession of mine in a kiss that felt like it went on forever.

  His tongue tangled with mine as he gripped my hair in one fist and held my jaw with the other. There was none of the usual first kiss awkwardness as he took control of my body and demanded that I hold none of my passion back from him.

  By the time he released me, I was panting for air and quivering with need. When I noticed the fogged windows, it dawned on me that we were making out in his incredibly expensive sports car in the driveway of my childhood home. A startled laugh that relieved some of the sexual tension between us erupted from my lips.

  “It’s been a long time since I ran the risk of getting caught in the front seat of somebody’s car by my dad. Or any seat for that matter,” I joked, trying to lighten the mood.

  “Even longer for me,” Andrew groaned. “You better go inside now before I decide to run the risk of not keeping my word and take you home with me for the night.”

  After that, Andrew exited the car and stalked to my side to help me out. I tugged the hem of my dress down as his heated stare lingered on my legs, making them tremble slightly.

  “Thanks for dinner,” I whispered.

  “We’ll do it again soon,” he promised. “Damn soon if I get my way.”

  With that, Andrew watched me walk into the house before driving away. It was harder for me to leave him than I’d expected. He made me want to break all my rules and beg him to take me home. To relieve the needs he’d stirred inside me.

  Instead, I undressed in my room and reached for my vibrator. After spending the evening with him, I needed to come desperately, so it didn’t take very long. I ran it around the outside of my pussy lips before dipping into my slit to gather some of the moisture that was leaking out of me. It only took a few swipes over my clit before I exploded and gasped out Andrew’s name.

  I had cleaned myself up and changed into pajamas when I heard the ding of my phone letting me know I’d received a text message.

  Andrew: Made it home safe.

  Me: Good to know.

  Andrew: Wish you were with me.

  Me: Me too.

  Andrew: Tomorrow night?

  Me: Yes.

  Now, I found myself scurrying home after work in a rush to get ready for my second date with Andrew in as many nights. I’d managed to avoid Alec at the rink today. I wasn’t ready to answer any of the questions he might have about what was going on with his brother and me. I wanted to see where this went without the added pressure of an inquisition.

  Andrew had called during lunch to let me know that tonight would be more casual, so I dressed in jeans and a bright-blue top that Cee-Cee always told me made my eyes pop even more. I pulled my hair back into a low ponytail and went light on my makeup. My dad hadn’t been home when I’d arrived, and he hadn’t made it there as I rushed out the door at the purring sound of Andrew’s engine as his car pulled into the drive. This time, it wasn’t so I’d avoid the need to introduce the two men but because I couldn’t wait to see him.

  A sense of anticipation had filled me all day, knowing that there wasn’t a promise standing in Andrew’s way tonight. I knew the dating rules said that sleeping with a guy on the second date still made me a slut, but I convinced myself that the label was worth it to know what it felt like to be his. So although I was dressed for a casual date, underneath my ordinary clothes, I was wearing the sexiest set of bra and panties I owned—a deep-blue silk thong and matching push-up bra that made my breasts look even bigger as they threatened to spill from the cups.

  “This is becoming a habit,” he murmured before his lips lightly met mine in a warm but gentle kiss.

  “What is?” I asked breathlessly.

  He nodded his head at the front door. “You’re not waiting for me to knock.”

  “Except this time it’s because I couldn’t wait to be with you,” I admitted.

  “Really?” he growled. “I like the sound of that because I spent all day thinking about you. That’s quickly becoming a habit too.”

  “I’m sorry. I hope I didn’t wreck any business stuff for you today,” I apologized even though I was thrilled he had admitted to being as affected by me as I was by him.

  “My thoughts of you were good, sweetheart,” he assured me. “Although my best friend Mark, who works for me, did tease me a bit about being so distracted. But then he picked up the slack, so it was all good.”

  “Your best friend works for you?” I asked as we pulled out of the drive.

  I wasn’t paying attention to where Andrew was taking me as he told me about building up his business while also playing hockey. His enthusiasm for what he had accomplished was remarkable. But knowing that he’d found a way to include his best friend in his plans was heart-warming. It made him seem more real and less like the fantasy guy I’d seen pictures of online when I’d Googled him today.

  I’d heard stories about Andrew back when I’d been in school with Alec but hadn’t paid close
attention. So I’d wanted more information and resorted to the Internet—where you could find out just about anything about anyone. I’d been surprised to find very few pictures of him with women and assumed it was because he hadn’t been downplaying it when he’d said he never did relationships. I wasn’t sure if I should feel relieved to know there weren’t tons of scorned ex-girlfriends whose hearts he had broken in the past or worried that he was a player who had no idea what being in a relationship meant.

  As my nerves got the best of me, I reminded myself that Alec respected the hell out of his brother enough to have followed in his footsteps. And his parents were the embodiment of a happily married couple from what I could tell. I’d always enjoyed watching their closeness as I’d interacted with them, and nothing seemed to have changed between them in the years since I’d last seen them. Knowing that he’d built strong enough ties with a childhood friend that they’d withstood his time in the NHL relieved some of my concerns as well.

  “So where are you taking me?” I finally asked after about forty minutes of driving.

  “For the first time ever in my life, I took my brother’s advice about dating,” he answered.

  “Oh, really?” I was intrigued by his answer and curious as to what Alec might have told him. Maybe I shouldn’t have avoided him today after all.

  “Seeing as we’re both North Siders,” he began, and I wiggled in my seat with excitement because I was pretty sure where he was going with this, “he suggested we go to the Cubs game.”

  “You’re taking me to see the Cubbies?” I shrieked.

  “There you go. I guess I should listen to my brother more often,” he said. “Although the time will come soon when I know what you like better than he does.”


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