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Spring Romance: NINE Happily Ever Afters

Page 170

by Tessa Bailey

  I have no idea what she means, but she’s glowing with enthusiasm, her green eyes sparkling, her cheeks flushed pink, and I can do nothing but agree. “Wonderful choice.”

  “Thank you.” She turns to Maya and does a comical double take. “Holy foxiness, woman! I almost didn’t recognize you in that outfit and with your hair down. You are one hot mama!”

  Maya smooths her hair, her cheeks flaming. “Thank you, ma’am.”

  Ruby smiles. “I know guys who would trip over their own tongues just trying to ask you out.” She turns to me. “Right?”

  “Yes, she looks lovely. Would you like an outfit too?”

  “Me? Oh, no. I’ve got limited time to get the suite ready, and I need to be efficient.” She hurries over to the men with the columns, giving them directions. They look confused.

  I head over and direct them in French to put the columns on the yacht, where the crew will help get them on board. Then I call ahead to give the crew advance warning. By the time I finish, Ruby is looking at me like she’s about to leap into my arms and kiss me senseless. There’s no other description for the adoring lustful look in her eyes.

  She goes up on tiptoe and whispers in my ear, “You sound so sexy speaking in French.”

  I grin because giving directions isn’t sexy. I whisper in her ear in French that I enjoy the library. It was one of the first phrases I was taught by my French tutor.

  Her eyes glow at me adoringly, her voice breathy. “That is hot.”

  And now I know the key to seducing Ruby. Guilt stabs at me and I look away. Anna warned me off Ruby and she’s right. I’m not looking for serious, Ruby doesn’t do casual, and we’re heading our separate ways soon. That means I need to shift back to the friend zone no matter how much lust glows in her eyes. Or grows in my trousers.

  I force my mind away from its usual lusty path and focus on the fact that Anna would kill me for hooking up with Ruby. Gabriel would likely join the fray, always taking her side. You don’t piss off the king and queen.

  * * *


  This week has been a whirlwind. I’ve been so laser-focused on pulling the fantasy suite together before Anna arrives, I’ve barely stopped to eat. I put in long hours, along with Maya and Phillip, and I’m proud of the way it has come together. It’s now Sunday morning, the guests arrive tonight, and Anna is due any moment.

  I take a final walk-through of the master suite and then stop by the adjoining rooms. My only regret is that I didn’t have time to order what would’ve been a fantastic regal touch—stained-glass windows with the royal crest. It’s unnecessary, really, with the view of the island and the sea from here, but there’s something so special about the glow of light through stained glass. Maybe I’ll suggest light boxes behind stained glass as a future add-on.

  I’ve already taken pictures both with my phone and my digital camera for my portfolio. In addition to the antique mahogany furniture, I’ve installed golden sconces throughout the space that look like candles but are really lights. The antique tabletop clock and vintage phone previously taken from the attic are now in the master living room and bedroom respectively. The Grecian columns were color washed with satin and metallic paint to make a glowing light gold, and set in the master bedroom. Each column is topped with a cherub I found in an antique shop in Nantes. The gold color continues on the decorative pillows and throw blankets on the beds and sofas.

  The ceiling paintings turned out amazing! Even better than I imagined. The master living room’s fantasy seascape painting is trimmed in a curving gold frame. Clara really captured the blue-green of the sea here, which is the gorgeous backdrop for mermaids and nymphs, along with dolphins, fish, and seabirds. The starry sky paintings over the tubs in each bathroom are dreamy, and the acoustic panels help create a warm hushed sound. Phillip took care of restoring the fireplace mantel himself. He surprised me with his offer to help. I gave him some instruction on stripping the old paint, sanding, and painting. Jeanne then carefully replicated the original royal crest at the center of the mantel and added a thin line of gold paint along the top of it on the crown’s edges.

  The suite of rooms says elegance and grand royal tradition. I love it so much I want to move in. I take a seat in front of the new fireplace mantel in the master suite’s living room to wait for Anna. I’m not sure how many women were invited for the ladies’ week, but the suite, along with the adjoining rooms, can sleep eight, if the women don’t mind sharing a bed. Each room has a king-sized bed. No sleeper sofas. Maybe that was on purpose to limit the number of guests. The palace is still a private residence.

  “Ruby! Ahhh! Get over here!”

  I turn at the sound of Anna’s voice, and she looks happier than I can ever remember seeing her. Her wild dark curls frame a heart-shaped face flushed pink with excitement, her brown eyes sparkling, her smile beaming. She’s wearing a form-fitting black long-sleeved dress that ends mid-thigh with leopard-print heels. Still the Anna I know. She’s always had a thing for leopard prints. She says the leopard is her spirit animal.

  I rush to hug her, and she envelops me in a monster hug, crushing me against her chest. She’s taller than me, like most people.

  She pulls back and holds me by the shoulders. “It’s so good to see you! Thank you so much for coming to our rescue!”

  That’s Anna for you. This was practically an act of charity on her part. She already had a gorgeous suite and was generous enough to offer me work to add my own personal touch. This is a fabulous prestigious project to add to my portfolio. “Thank you for the opportunity. Really. I owe you big time. And I’m so sorry I couldn’t make it to your wedding. It was at the same time as my parents’ twenty-fifth anniversary party, which I planned.” She knows I’m their only child, so she understood. Though soon I’ll have a little sister! Only four months until she’s due.

  “I know. I missed you, but it’s okay.”

  “Honestly, even if it wasn’t their anniversary, I didn’t have the funds to travel out here, and I would’ve been too embarrassed to ask you to cover me. Before I started this job, I was at a real low point. Broke, unemployed, living with my parents, nursing a broken heart from a man who basically lied to me the entire year we were together. Married with triplets on the way sent me in a tailspin.”

  She shakes her head. “He sucks! You deserve so much better.”

  “Thanks. Again, I’m sorry I missed your wedding—”

  “Stop, girl. Nothing to be sorry about. I understood you had other priorities, and I totally get being in a tough place and feeling like there’s no way out. Now let me see what you did here.” She does a slow turn, taking in the master living room.

  I hold my breath. I so want to please her. She’s done so much for me, giving me this project.

  “Oh, wow,” she breathes. “This is exactly what it needed. That extra layer of sparkle. It feels extra royal now.”

  “Phillip helped restore the mantel. It was in the attic.”

  She raises her brows. “Phillip knows how to restore a mantel?”

  “I taught him. He’s been really helpful.”

  “Really?” She drawls the word out almost like she’s suspicious.

  I nod.

  “Hmm…” She looks up at the ceiling and squeaks. “Ruby! This is incredible! Who did this?”

  “Maya and I tracked down two artists on the island. Clara did the sea painting, and Jeanne did the starry skies over the whirlpool tubs. The tub paintings are made from acoustic panel so it muffles the echo and also doubles as a pretend skylight.”

  “Get. Out.” She rushes to the master bathroom. “I love it! I never would’ve thought of this.” She turns to me. “Ruby, you’re a genius! I can’t believe you haven’t been inundated with new work now that you’re freelance.”

  I shift on the balls of my feet, torn between pride in my work and shame for not getting my new freelance career off the ground. Some part of me blames my lingering gloom, preventing me from getting that crucial word-of-mo
uth going. “It’s tough to get some momentum in the beginning. I’ve had a few small jobs. I’m hoping adding this project to my portfolio will give me a boost.”

  She wanders into the master bedroom and runs her fingers along the gold silk throw pillows and the soft gold throw. “It feels extra royal with all the touches of gold. And these columns! I love it!” She picks up the antique phone on an end table. “Does this thing work?”

  “It’s decorative. I think it needs to be rewired.”

  “I’ll do it today.” I immediately picture her whipping out her tool belt. It’s cool that she’s so handy, but I know she has royal duties to attend to now.

  “It doesn’t have to work. Maybe your guests would like to unplug. You know, like they’re temporarily living in a retro, less hectic time.”

  “Good point.” She heads to the door to the adjoining suite, a smaller version of this one, checking everything out.

  I follow her through all the rooms as she oohs and aahs.

  “How was your honeymoon?” I ask when she’s finally done exclaiming over my genius. She’s really much too generous with her praise. On the other hand, if every client was like this, I would be one happy camper.

  “Fabulous.” She takes a seat on the bed in one of the smaller bedrooms. “I learned so much.” Not what I expected her to say.

  I sit next to her and grin. “You learned so much on your honeymoon? Your husband must be very skilled.”

  We crack up.

  “He’s amazing, of course,” she says. “But I was also soaking in the women’s style in Paris, Milan, and Barcelona.” She lowers her voice conspiratorially. “Kind of a research trip slash honeymoon. Don’t tell Gabriel.”

  “Like I would rat you out to the king.”

  She laughs. “So did you meet everyone? Oscar, Lucas, Adrian, and Emma? I’m told my mother-in-law hasn’t left her rooms.”

  “Adrian was away, but yes to everyone else. Phillip introduced me when they each stopped by to see what he was so busy doing in here. Everyone’s been very warm and gracious.”

  She purses her lips. “How’s Phillip been treating you?”

  My cheeks flush. “Good.”

  She nods once, her curls bouncing. “Good. I told him to keep it in his pants.”


  “What? I know he’s a player, you’ve been through hell with your asshole ex, and you’ve never been a casual-fling kind of woman.” She gives my arm a squeeze. “Plus, you’re getting your new business off the ground. You don’t need any distractions right now.”

  My shoulders droop. “True.” Why do I feel let down? She’s right. Besides, Phillip and I only kissed once. Mostly we’ve been working since I had such a tight deadline to get the suite ready. Some small part of me must’ve been hoping for a little more. The chemistry sizzles between us just from standing near each other.

  “Why do you sound so sad?” she asks. “Did you want to hook up with Phillip?”

  I square my shoulders. “No, of course not.”

  “He is hot.”


  “He’s also a manwhore.” She shrugs. “I love him, but he is. I recommend you keep him at arm’s length.”

  “What about Lana? He was with her for years. Maybe deep down he’s hoping to meet the right woman.”

  She grabs me by the shoulders and turns me toward her. “Ruby, listen to me, do not think you can fix him or magically be the one to make him commit. I know he can be charming, but don’t open yourself up to what will only hurt you. I say this because I love you.”

  “I know.” I swallow my disappointment. He grew on me, I guess. “It’s not going to be an issue. We’re both leaving next week. He’s going on a charitable tour for a really long time. Could be a year or more with his work for the UN, and I’m going back home to patch together enough work to move out of my parents’ house. Not just because I want to launch my business. My mom is five months pregnant and they need my room.”

  Her hand flies to her mouth. “Oh my God! How old is she?”

  “Forty-three. It’s her miracle baby. We’re all so excited.”

  “Congratulations! I know how much you’ve always wanted a sibling.”

  I nod. I can’t manage words with the lump in my throat. There’s so much I want to do with my little sister, so much I want to teach her and show her.

  She taps a scarlet fingernail with rhinestones against her red-painted lips. “I bet when my guests see what you did with this suite, they’ll want to hire you. They’re all very successful in their fields and own their own homes. Plus, they’re local for you, from the Tampa area. Sixteen women with plenty of cash to burn. I’ll introduce you as the interior designer as soon as they arrive.”

  A surge of excitement has me grabbing her in a hug. “That would be amazing!”

  She laughs. “I am pretty amazing.”

  I let her go, smiling so big my cheeks hurt. If these well-to-do women like my work, not only would I have a fabulous start, but I’d finally get the word-of-mouth I need for my career to take off. It would mean so much at this point in my life to prove I can be a success.

  I hug her again. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

  “There’s the happy Ruby I remember, and you’re quite welcome. Honestly, your work speaks for itself.” She gestures around the room.

  I look around with a critical eye, but even picky me is pleased with the results. Sixteen potential new clients, wow. Wait a minute. “Sixteen guests? Anna, where will they sleep? There’s only beds for half that.”

  She winces. “I know, it was originally eight, but when word leaked out about the royal bachelor auction, more of my clients begged me for an invite. I couldn’t turn them down.”

  I still. “Say what? Royal bachelor auction?”

  “Phillip didn’t tell you?”


  “He’s the headliner. Plus his younger single brothers. You should bid on Adrian. He’s the only one I’d trust not to seduce you. He’s too much of a gentleman.”

  I crinkle my nose. “First, I’m broke, and second, eww. I’m not going to bid on a man like some kind of weird trophy.” It hits me then. That must be why Phillip told me he wouldn’t go on a date with me for any price when I first arrived at the palace. He must’ve thought I was one of Anna’s clients eager for the royal bachelor auction. Now why didn’t he just explain that? I totally would’ve understood. Poor guy must’ve felt like he had to do this embarrassing auction for Anna. No wonder he seemed so agitated the first time we met.

  Anna goes on. “It’s not like a man trophy. See, it’s a fundraiser for the next phase of my plan, the day spa. I want them to feel invested in it so they’ll return and spread the word about how amazing it is. The women can bid on winning a date with a prince, just a date, I was clear on that. Anyway, it’s Phillip and his single brothers in the auction, but Phillip is the big draw. He’s famous as the royal hottie. My clients are beside themselves over who’s going to win a date with him.”

  I press my lips together, ignoring the burn of jealousy in my chest. Phillip is not mine.

  “Would you mind being the designated bid starter?” she asks. “Adrian is first up. Fifty euros is the opening bid.”

  Everyone wants Phillip. He’s a world-famous playboy prince. I have to remember that, no matter how down-to-earth and friendly he seemed this past week. He belongs to the world of glamorous wealthy women. And that is not me. Besides, I know better than to cross the line for a fling with no future. The last thing I want is to leave here nursing a broken heart. Been there, got the hideous T-shirt.

  Will he hook up with one of Anna’s wealthy clients? My gut churns.


  My head jerks up. “Yeah?”

  “Lost you there for a minute. Would you mind being the bid starter for Adrian? Fifty euros.”

  “Sure.” I figure her clients will quickly outbid me, so the money isn’t a concern.

  “Great! We’re having a
cocktail hour before, and then I’ve got more food, drinks, and a DJ for the big event with dancing after. It’ll be one big blowout party.”

  I paste on a smile. “I’ll be there.” I’m up for a party. Watching women drool over Phillip while he flirts, not so much. I hate that I care.

  She stands. “I’d better go check on the guest rooms on the third floor. The original eight I invited will get this suite. I didn’t want you to fancy up the other rooms because we really are trying to limit the number of visitors going forward. Of course, all of them will get their hair, facial, and nails done by me. Beauty treatments are part of the package. Gabriel says I shouldn’t be doing that now that I’m queen, royal protocol yada yada yada. I say I can do what I want in the privacy of our home.”

  I stand too. “Sounds wonderful. When’s the auction?”

  “Tomorrow night. Oh, and I got the cutest G-strings for them to wear under—” she grabs at imaginary pant legs “—strippable pants.”

  I instantly imagine Phillip in a striptease, the women clawing their way to him. “My God.”

  “I’m joking!” She gives my arm a squeeze. “Relax, it’ll be fun!”

  Chapter Six


  “Look who showed up,” Lucas drawls. “Mr. I’m Above All This.”

  “Shut it,” I snap at my younger brother. We’re standing backstage for the royal bachelor auction. So how did I get here, headlining the bachelor auction I was so staunchly against? One word—Ruby. Anna too. Okay, two words.

  “Ruby will be at the auction,” Anna said this morning at breakfast when I told her to make her guests stop hounding me. Last night one of them actually ripped the rear pocket off my trousers to take home as a souvenir! If security hadn’t closed in, I’m sure my shirt would’ve been ripped off as well!

  “Mmm-hmm.” I keep a neutral expression as Anna watches me like a hawk across the table. It’s just the two of us in the parlor for a late breakfast. I’m not sure if Ruby shared with Anna that we kissed. Ruby and I have done an admirable job pretending that kiss never happened. The electric attraction is harder to ignore. I’ve kept my hands to myself, and she’s done her part by not running into my arms. I bite back a smile at the memory of her “gallivanting.”


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