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Hide and Seek - part 5 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems

Page 5

by Nikhil Parekh

the floor; had inborn instincts of walking in groups,

  Injected their acrimonious sting; the moment they sighted bare flesh in proximity.

  The birds soaring high in sapphire carpets of satin clouds; had effusive instincts of chirping melodiously,

  Did so at the onset of every evanescent dawn; and the unveiling of stormy night.

  The slimy frogs residing in shallow realms of the cloistered pond; had a disdainful instinct to croak,

  The instant tumultuous showers of rain; pelted down from the sky in fury.

  A cluster of animate roses emanating from brown soil; had a perpetual instinct

  to diffuse fragrance,

  Sleep with its articulate petals closed; as vigils of dusk strangulated bright light.

  The serrated brown lizard on the wall; had a vindictive instinct of spurting blood from its eyes,

  The instants it got provoked by kin; envisaged signals of being mutilated.

  The frivolous monkey perched up in the entwined branches of tree; had mischievous instincts to imitate,

  As he cast his eyes on surrounding organisms; scrupulously emulating their plethora of emotions.

  And humans breathing air on sacrosanct soil of the universe; had a natural instinct to love,

  Mutually interact; spreading waves of harmony, bliss, and compassion,

  Procreating infinite numbers of their own kind,

  Irrespective of cast; creed; religion and the hour of day they were born and witnessed first rays of brilliant Sunlight


  I wanted to be your tenacious palms; when you wanted to climb the steep mountain,

  I wanted to be your intricate eyes; when you desired to browse speedily through condensed literature,

  I wanted to be your formidable teeth; when you wanted to passionately chew hard chunks of sugarcane,

  I wanted to be your feet; when you felt exhausted; with marathon distances yet to be covered,

  I wanted to be your knotted fingers; when you wished to inundate immaculate sheets of paper with infinite lines of script,

  I wanted to be your skin; when you felt the blistering heat of the Sun; the steaming breeze burning your flesh,

  I wanted to be your breath; when you felt suffocated; gasping to inhale in claustrophobic cabins of the aircraft,

  I wanted to be your memory; when you needed to scrupulously retrospect the past,

  I wanted to be your laughter; when you danced around the room in stupendous exultation,

  I wanted to be your stomach; when you were afflicted by monotonous constipation,

  I wanted to be your rosy tongue; when you felt like boisterously screeching; expanding your lungs to top capacity,

  I wanted to be your bones; when you felt dreary ready to collapse on the ground,

  I wanted to be your nails; when you felt like inevitably scratching mundane paint from wall,

  I wanted to be your confidence; when you were confronted all alone by a gang of unruly thieves,

  I wanted to your inspiration; when life seemed cumbersome at every footstep; with the tyranny of fate besieging you every second,

  I wanted to be your ability to fantasize; when you desired to of to blissful sleep,

  I wanted to be your ravishing hair; which swirled with mesmerizing grace under

  the fully opalescent moon,

  I wanted to be your blood; flowing unrelentingly through your ocean blue veins,

  I wanted to be your sweat; oozing profusely when you laboriously executed a plethora of household tasks,

  I wanted to be your effusive tears; when you felt like sobbing in tribulation,

  And over and above all; I wanted to be your heart; which was purer than the

  most exquisite of gold; loved me more than anybody else inhabiting this earth.


  The nimble blades of grass sprouting from soil; wanted sumptuous sunshine for


  The boisterous squirrels clambering on the tree; wanted a

  The reptiles slithering mystically through a labyrinth of blend of insect and large succulent leaf,

  The frogs croaking in discordant cacophony; wanted blotted ponds of water to bathe and make merry,

  The mystically radiant reptile slithering through jungle bush; wanted

  innocuous trespassers; to sting,

  The pearly white mushrooms growing rampantly in the fields; wanted tinges of disdainful dirt,

  The hunch backed camel traversing through the abysmally hot desert; wanted revitalizing refreshments of water,

  The uncanny spider spinning its web with dexterity; wanted to devour unsuspecting prey entangled in vicinity,

  The ostentatiously inflated persona of balloon; wanted to soar at unprecedented heights in the air and fly,

  The diminutive body of matchstick; wanted to incinerate mammoth buildings and produce fire,

  The majestic leopard galloping through the forest, wanted to capsize its prey; pulverize it to pieces,

  The ubiquitous birds flying in the sky; wanted to reach back their nests before the onset of perilous night,

  The ravenous waves of the sea blended perfectly in full Sunlight; wanted to rise high; collide with the jagged rocks and eventually die,

  The brown eyed looking impeccable goat; wanted to consume lots of corn

  and produce frosty milk,

  The sniffer dogs running at swashbuckling speeds through the city streets; wanted to hunt nefarious criminals; annihilate traces of their entity,

  The gigantic lizard on the wall incessantly changed its color; wanted to entice its prey; pretending to be like a dead twig,

  The pot bellied ducks quacked for indefatigable hours in the day; wanted scores of opalescent fish to relish,

  The monstrous sized tortoise with its neck well camouflaged; wanted a plethora of worm,

  The frivolously sculptured domestic cat; wanted to insatiably sip at hidden bowls of milk,

  The obnoxiously detestable cockroach violently fluttered its antenna; wanted to safely sleep in the clammy and untidy realms of the gutter,

  The diabolical demon in fairy tales; wanted to munch humans like ants in his mouth,

  And till the time I existed on this earth in the form of a human being,

  I wanted to unrelentingly love; make the world a better place to live in,

  With celestial blessings of the Creator; to assist me in every step of my benevolent endeavor.


  If I had a thousand bricks stashed beside my persona; I would utilize them all to construct an invincible house,

  If I had a thousand fishes slithering for life in my vicinity; I would put them back into the saline sea,

  If I had a thousand burnt needles in my palms; I would embellish them with ice candy; incorporating them on the surface of chocolate cake,

  If I had a thousand pens full of fountain ink; I would inundate the blank demeanor of paper with a battalion of literature,

  If I had a thousand apples embossed with brilliantly radiant skins; I would peel of the same at lightning speeds and cupidly devour the imprisoned juice,

  If I had a thousand cars aligned right outside my driveway; I would traverse through the steep hills with a cavalcade of soldiers following me,

  If I had a thousand cubes of cheese strewn haphazardly beside my nose; I would nibble at a few distributing the rest amongst a plethora of red ants,

  If I had a thousand pieces of flocculent cotton; I would juxtapose them together; then sleeping in tranquil calm on the conglomerate of my innovative bed,

  If I had a thousand hunter dogs; I would engage them in tracking nefarious criminals; reprimanding the culprits severely for their compendium of misdeeds,

  If I had a thousand balls of immaculate marble; I would bang them on the ground to produce a deafening noise; roll with sheer exhilaration on the same,

  If I had a thousand cakes of deplorable cowdu
ng; I would smear them on the walls of my house; sparing a few to splash around mischievously,

  If I had a thousand legs; I would sleep; at the same time walk; clambering up

  the treacherous terrain without perspiring in the Sun,

  If I had thousand eyes; I would clearly sight disdainful traffic in front as well as in the rear; alongwith the twinkling stars in the sky,

  If I had a thousand dreams; I would keep sleeping all Sunlit day as well as in the starry night,

  If I had a thousand tongues; I would eloquently speak the language of each city in the world with nonchalant ease,

  If I had a thousand arms; I would embrace all whom I revered without feeling drearily exhausted,

  If I had a thousand moons; I wouldn’t need a mirror to gaze at my reflection; instead would admire my intricate silhouette in the celestial body,

  If I had a thousand glasses of poignant brandy lying on the shelf; I would consume it regularly with unprecedented jubilation; and would always refrain from contracting a cold,

  If I had a thousand guns; I would use them to assassinate traces of crime inhabiting this earth,

  If I had a thousand leaves of red betel; I would chew them incessantly thereby coating my lips with scarlet color,

  If I had a thousand cameras; I would use them all to snap the picture of the ones I cherished,

  If I had a thousand twigs of wood; I would stack them meticulously to incinerate a crackling fire; relishing the gratifying warmth all throughout the chilly night,

  If I had a thousand biscuits of gold; I would blend them to form exquisite pieces of jewelry; purchase the best quality of Persian silk,

  And if by the grace of god I had a thousand lives to live in; I would unrelentingly love the girl of my dreams; the very girl I today passionately cared for.


  If I had your love; I would be able to light blazing

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