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Hide and Seek - part 5 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems

Page 14

by Nikhil Parekh

of pressurized gas; the vapors initially made me dreary,

  Painstakingly catapulted my demeanor to heights of complete unconsciousness; and leading to ghastly death.

  When I was drowning in a sea of white electricity; a battalion of insidious sparks caressed me with vindication,

  I got instantly electrocuted; and didn’t even have the time to reminisce my past.

  When I was drowning in a sea of hatred blended profusely with corruption; nefarious deeds of the society plundering heavily on my conscience,

  I forcefully closed my breath refraining to live any further; although the world did give me a slim chance.

  And eventually when I was drowning in a sea of love; her eyelashes tickling my forehead,

  The incense of her love igniting undiscovered passion in my body; I lived; and

  not only did I live; I now dictated and preached the same to all I encountered in the tenure of my life.


  When I applied it on the morose painted black wall; it highlighted a vivid contrast,

  The surface suddenly acquired a gaudy complexion; captivated stringent attention

  of the roving eye.

  When I smeared it on the surface of the airfield tarmac; it bifurcated the entire terrain scrupulously into zones,

  Made life immensely simple for the pilot; giving adequate options to the pilot to maneuver his winged bird.

  When I mixed it with plain pellucid water; it transformed into a curry of

  immaculate starch,

  And I was easily able to whitewash the periphery of the dilapidated mansion; with magnanimous strokes of my serrated brush.

  When I threw it nonchalantly on the earth; it inconspicuously blended with the soil,

  Impregnated the mud with innocuous tinges of sparkle; looked spotless in the assemblage of infinite dirt.

  When I released it high in the air; it cascaded down painstakingly,

  Eventually settling and juxtaposing with my hair; rendering my features to appear comically distorted.

  When I hurled it at unsuspecting individuals; they acknowledged my gesture with frivolous smiles,

  Although they inevitably scratched their eyes with their palms; as the granules caused pertinent irritation.

  When I applied a frugal amount of it on my rosy tongue; it looked as if covered with snow,

  Although some of it managed to infiltrate into my nose; and I thunderously sneezed.

  When I voraciously rolled in it; inscribing wild designs with my fingers,

  I resembled a talented cartoon from the Disney world; and the neighboring children laughed till tears rolled down their cheek.

  When I washed my hands; vigorously rubbing it all over the skin of my fingers,

  They came out meticulously clean; with the last traces of grime now completely


  But I think that my chalk powder served me the best; when I moulded it into a

  composite bar of handsome chalk,

  Used it for imparting judicious knowledge; sketching a conglomerate of love symbols with it on the crystal blackboard.


  My eyes felt overwhelmingly revitalized; with their focus seeming to be crystal clear,

  The network of bones in my body seemed to be well oiled; with that extra ounce

  of energy incarcerated,

  The breath flowing through my nostrils was holistically pure; without the

  slightest trace of impurity,

  Sweat glands under my arms had started producing fresh perspiration,

  The mass of curly hair on my palms had stood up alert; with pungent alacrity,

  There seemed to be melodious sounds congruously humming in my eardrum; as an

  aftermath of nocturnal dream,

  Scarlet blood circulating through my veins had acquired a lighter tinge; and now flowed with pumped exuberance,

  Dried crusts of dirt lined my eyelashes; which I wiped off ecstatically with my nail,

  A serene calm now besieged my stomach; after onerous turmoil of the previous day,

  Languid yawns now occurred; impregnating my demeanor with robust spurts of exhilaration,

  The flesh circumventing my chest glistened all the more profoundly in golden

  rays of the Sun,

  New buds of taste had sprouted in clusters on my tongue; producing tantalizing

  sensations in my mouth,

  The fortress of my teeth seemed to be fortified and strong enough; to masticate the hardest of coconut shell,

  There was a perfect co-ordination between the mind and brain; a perpetual harmony which harnessed constructive thought flow,

  Bouts of intense infuriation had dwindled substantially, replaced by the tendency to gently caress the grass and care,

  The clouds had never seemed so blue before; and the Sun had never seemed as dazzling as I could spot it now,

  There was passion to work; gleeful run and perspire profusely in the heat,

  My voice reverberated loud and stringently from my throat; blended with a perfect crispness to project authority,

  All the laziness now seemed to have vanished into thin oblivion; with the last trace of dreariness thoroughly annihilated,

  Mind you there was no mystery behind this; I had slept like a hooded monster

  last night; with thunderous snores piercing the stillness of air,

  And as the first rays of dawn hit my eyes; I possessed unprecedented strength to fulfill my duties; love with reinvigorated vigor the ones I ardently admired.


  When I wore a bangle of pointed thorns on my wrists; they got apathetically scarred,

  A series of raw bruise developed with the unleashing hour; and ravines of warm blood trickled down my fingers.

  When I put on a bangle of live reptile on my hands; it tickled me voraciously,

  The venomous creature hissed enchantingly for a while; eventually striking its

  perfidious fangs indiscriminately in my flesh.

  When I wore a bangle of dead frog on my wrists; there wafted an unbearable

  stench in the atmosphere,

  Also the skin in proximity with the contraption developed a plethora of

  infection; catering to a host of abominable insects.

  When I wore a bangle of sea shell on my wrists; it initially imparted me a

  majestic look,

  But the exhilaration soon faded; as a fleet of slimy worm came crawling from the inside recesses.

  When I wore a bangle impregnated with ravishing honey on my wrists; it

  glimmered tenaciously in the midday Sun,

  Although after a few hours I found; the obstreperous humming bees encircling

  it perceiving it to be their hive.

  When I wore a bangle of insipid grass on my wrists; the frigid blades tickled me pertinently,

  And every now and then; I had to scratch my flesh; executing overwhelming force of my finger nail.

  When I wore a bangle of jingling metal on my wrists; it glittered profoundly under the creamy moon,

  However it provoked me to the threshold of irritation; as it produced cacophonic noise; every time I moved my hand.

  When I wore a bangle of pure gold on my wrists; it incarcerated the attention

  of several pedestrians,

  The penurious could hardly believe their eyes; immediately chalked astute plans of actions to steal it.

  When I wore a bangle of elephant teeth on my wrists; it highlighted richness blended with rustic tradition,

  Although I felt pervaded with remorse for the colossal beast; nostalgically reminisced the agony it must have felt while dying.

  And finally when I wore the bangle of our love on my wrists; all my apprehensions vanished into minute oblivion,

  My hands; my persona; and the coordination of my senses all got astronomically reinvigorated; and they seemed to be gaining strength as each day unveiled into perilous night.

; The End .


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