The Vordalyn 1

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The Vordalyn 1 Page 5

by Michael T Payne

  “You speak of the princes of Ganlin, Ohmbryn, mind yourself.” She replied narrowing her eyes at him.

  “I apologize, my queen, may I suggest you keep them at bay while you contemplate your future, offer them their territories to rule as they see fit, at least it will give you time to prepare for any uprising they may be nurturing.” She was taken aback by the bitterness in his tone toward humans.

  “You seem angry at humans.” Princess Menina said flatly, “Up until a few moments ago, I was human, so far as I knew. It stings to hear you speak like that, Ohmbryn.”

  “Please forgive me, my lady.” He put his hand to his chest and bowed.

  “Ohmbryn, how is it I have never met you, or come across you in passing? For that matter, how is it my mother has kept hidden from me an entire army. Even a small one would be hard to hide.” She grabbed the sides of her gown and lifted it slightly as she stepped from the path to a blooming flower and then leaned over to smell it. She took a deep breath of the flowers aroma, closing her eyes.

  “We have hidden in plain sight, your highness, we served your father in his armies, and the armies of your brothers, your mother has recalled us all home.” He said watching on as she delighted in the flowers scent.

  “Yes,” She rose from the flower and turned to face him, “A formidable army it was, that returned from my brother’s forces, large in number. That is a good start. But I fear, not enough, if my brothers band together.”

  “We are infused in magic, my lady.” Ohmbryn smiled, “Your mother has had Dwarven armorers and weapon smiths amassing a surplus to assist your armies. She has recalled the Elven warriors who will use their magic and sword, together.”

  “That would be favorable for us. My brothers losing the elves and the magic they used when they helped defend Ganlin, now turned against them?” She smirked and returned to the path, “How can we be sure they will not betray us and join my brothers. The Dwarves especially, they served Dracon loyally.”

  “Your mother, years ago, secured the loyalty of all the non-human races, they will not falter. This time upon us has been readied since before your birth. The Dwarves are split because of Dracon, but will not stand against you. They promised to assist against your other brothers, but when it comes to Dracon, we may have some difficulty, but until then.” Ohmbryn bowed again.

  “Then we will crush my brothers first!” Princess Menina snarled, “One by one, then fold their armies into our own. Finally, crushing Dracon should he return with a quest for my throne!”

  “It is a sound plan, but do not underestimate Lord Dracon, should he return, my lady. Even the strongest elven warrior would give pause before facing him. You must first secure Ganlin, quickly, before Dracon returns. The longer he is gone, the more the odds of remaining queen are in your favor, provided your brothers in Ganlin are handled properly.” Ohmbryn said.

  “Handled properly? I will think on this, Ohmbryn.” She walked away from him returning to the palace, leaving him in the garden.

  “My lady,” Ohmbryn bowed his head as she left.

  Chapter Five

  Charnio and his three brothers met on the border between his and Dracon’s region. Charnio insisted they all meet there. He was unhappy about being kicked out of the capital, and then kept out. He wanted to vent to his brother and find a sympathetic ear among one of them. They barely spent anytime mourning their father before they were sent back to protect the realm. There was no sign that Terrax was returning. When the brother’s and their men examined the battlefield, it was clear Dracon won the day. Evidence among the dead proved he chased them into the outer region from where the hordes came. There were many witnesses to it. The brothers agreed Dracon would return. Not one of them doubted it, they believed him to be invincible. The brothers and their personal guards, six each, traveled all day to reach the border.

  “Dracon would have our hides if he knew we were trespassing in his region without sending word.” Darrin said as the four brothers rode their horses in the center of the column of men. Charnio and Darrin were side by side and behind them Torak and Renic, also side by side, the rest of the men rode in rows on either side of the brothers.

  “Sending word? Don’t you mean asking permission,” Renic said and bowed from his saddle with his arm out, as if bowing to his royal highness, Lord Dracon, making the others chuckle.

  “He would take it out on your hide,” Charnio piped up, “but he would think twice before he tangled with me.” Charnio finished with a laugh. Torak and Renic behind him, both laughed at the bravado of Charnio.

  “I’ll be sure to mention it to him right away when he gets back.” Torak said.

  “I think he’ll be too busy to trouble with Charnio’s mouth.” Renic added.

  “Yes, that, and Charnio’s ability to run away faster than the rest of us!” Darrin added. They all laughed at Charnio.

  Charnio chuckled and after a few moments said, “All hail King Dracon. What changes will come, I wonder?”

  “Without a war to wage?” Renic asked.

  “It will be glorious, feasts every night, on tour throughout each region, wagering who can drink the most wine and still stand!” Darrin exclaimed, “We can have tournaments! Each of us!”

  “I foresee a fat King Dracon, inside of a year!” Torak cried out laughing, making all the brothers join him. They arrived at a cliff overlooking the valley that led to Dracon’s home, Dragon’s Claw. They could see the tower of his manor over the tops of the trees down in the valley. They all rode to the edge of the path leading down to the valley and looked out over the region, reminiscing their missing brother.

  “Magnificent Dracon’s lair,” Darrin said taking in a deep breath of the pine scent in the air.

  “This, I have to say, Charnio, is the best view in all Ganlin.” Renic said.

  “And it’s on my land.” Charnio smiled looking around at each of his brothers.

  Darrin chuckled, “Yes, overlooking your hero’s territory.” They all laughed again.

  “Am I the only one disturbed by mother’s reaction to father’s death?” Charnio asked silencing the laughter of the others.

  “Everyone has their own way to handle death, little brother,” Renic said, “Father is dead, Dracon is chasing Terrax in the outer region. It is a lot to deal with. Suddenly thrusting all responsibility on mother’s shoulders alone?” the others nodded their agreement, “Dracon dealt with all wartime decisions, even over father. Now he is gone, and mother quite possibly must become the leader of a still warring world? It is a lot to handle, Charnio.”

  “Then why Menina though, why not one of us who have seen battle?” Charnio asked.

  “Menina has been raised to rule Ganlin her whole life, maybe mother is overwhelmed and needs Menina to take the mantle while she deals with her grief. In any case we will abide her. In time I suspect all will be well. Menina was the right choice for mother to make in Dracon’s absence.” Renic assured his brothers.

  Charnio straightened in his saddle looking off into the valley, “Who’s that, there?” he pointed at a fire light, just off the road, as the path reached the valley floor. Torak rode up next to him, looking to what he was pointing at.

  “Leftovers maybe? Waiting their masters return?” Torak answered.

  “No,” Renic said, “We folded everyone in between us, besides the ones mother recalled. No one should be here.” Darrin burst into full speed, away from them, toward the light.

  “I say we find out!” He yelled as he sped off. All the brothers and their men chased after Darrin, who had a good lead on them. Darrin rode through the trees and into the camp.

  The camp was a company of elves, five guard’s and several civilian elves around a fire. All standing, alarmed by the manner of Darrin’s arrival into their camp. The five guards approached Darrin with their swords at the ready. Torak rode up just next to Darrin and hopped from his horse before his brother could do the same.

  “Who are you and what are you doing in Dracon’s lair?”
he demanded of the elven guards. The guards looked between each other not knowing who should answer him. The elves behind the guards all moved back away from the aggressive brothers. Renic and Charnio rode up with the rest of the men that accompanied them, further alarming the camp. From a tent, an elven woman emerged making her way between the elven guards and he brothers.

  “Who are you and what are you doing here?” Darrin said echoing his brother after dismounting his horse. Charnio and Renic joined their brothers on foot to meet the with the elven woman

  “I am Elmyra Ballana, I am hear on orders from the queen,” The woman said, she recognized the brothers, “Stand down,” She said to the elves, “Good evening, sons of Treska.”

  “Good evening Elmyra,” Renic said with a slight bow of his head, “I know you, don’t I?”

  “Yes, we do,” Charnio said, “You were an acolyte with Menina when she started the arts.”

  “To say that Menina was an Acolyte does her power a great disservice, but yes, we were trained together, and I remember you all as well.” Elmyra responded with a polite smile.

  “What brings you here, Elmyra?” Torak asked, “I thought you were all recalled? You served under Dracon’s banner did you not?”

  “I did, my lord, and yes we were recalled. I am here at Queen Menina’s request.” She answered him.

  “And that would be?” Darrin asked. Elmyra looked around at all the men that arrived with the brothers still on horseback.

  “You have quite an aggressive group, my lords, I might remind you I am here on the queen’s behalf.” Elmyra said. Renic stepped closer smiling.

  “Calm yourself, Elmyra, we are not your enemy, we are the Princes of Ganlin, we are not from the outer region,” He chuckled, “You have nothing to fear from us.”

  “The queen has requested that my group here, survey the lands for resources available to us, now that Terrax may no longer be a threat. As you all know, the world of Ganlin outside of Urixis was a constant no man’s land during the war, filled with nothing but death. Now that the lands are open to us, we are taking an inventory of what we will now have free access to, like we’ve never had before.” She informed them.

  “That is very wise,” Renic smiled, “You say Menina ordered this?”

  “Yes, Lord Renic.” Elmyra answered him.

  “Are you to take inventory on our lands as well?” Torak asked.

  “Yes, my lord, our assessment will be all inclusive.” Elmyra said.

  “I don’t think I need you stomping through my region without an escort, furthermore I think Queen Menina can ask my permission before she starts taking inventory on what is mine!” Charnio growled.

  “Queen Menina does not need your permission my lord, her word is absolute.” Elmyra said politely.

  “How dare you!” Charnio stepped forward, Renic stopped him quickly.

  “Calm yourself, Menina is not attacking you Charnio, it is to be expected.” He said staying Charnio from moving any closer to Elmyra.

  “Are you going to just let her walk all over you?” Charnio snarled at Renic. He looked at Torak and Darrin as well.

  “You are taking this the wrong way, little brother.” Renic said putting his hand on Charnio’s shoulder. Charnio shrugged him off forcefully.

  “I’m not bellying up to anyone! Menina included!” Charnio got face to face with Renic. Torak and Darrin stepped between the two.

  “Easy, Charnio, this isn’t necessary,” Darrin said pushing Charnio back from Renic. He shoved Darrin back angrily.

  “Hey!” Torak yelled at Charnio, then shoved him. “What do you think you’re doing,” he followed Charnio closely grabbing his shirt and pulling him back close to him, growling in Charnio’s face, “Is that how your going to act when Dracon gives an order?” Charnio thought about what he said for a second, then jerked free of Torak walking away from the group to his horse to cool off. Elmyra watched the scene unfold and remained calm.

  “I’m sorry for that, Elmyra, but things are still a little uneasy with all that has happened,” Renic said.

  “I understand, Lord Renic, I am not your enemy, as you said, we are countrymen, the world is changing for the better.” She smiled politely, “It is fortuitous you are all here, I was to deliver these to you as I entered your lands.” She motioned to an elf who went into one of the tents returning to her with a pouch. Elmyra opened the pouch and took out four letters. She handed one to Renic, the other brothers came over and each received one. Charnio wandered over last and sheepishly took the letter from Elmyra, partially embarrassed and partially still angry. Renic was the first to read his letter in its entirety, ahead of his brothers. He was instantly angry.

  “Did you know about this?” he asked Elmyra.

  “Yes, my Lord Renic, and you have my condolences,” Elmyra bowed her head.

  “This is an outrage!” Torak yelled at her, “How dare she!”

  “How long?” Renic asked Elmyra.

  “Queen Ayana passed two months ago.” Elmyra stepped back from the brothers who were all angry and pacing aggressively. The men that accompanied them began to murmur not knowing what was going on.

  “Two months!” Charnio yelled, “She has you out here surveying our lands for our resources and she couldn’t find the time to tell us our mother is dead!” He screamed at Elmyra, Charnio was outraged, they all were. He turned away and rushed to his horse, “She is going to answer for this right now!”

  “Don’t you dare enter our lands until we have spoken to our sister!” Renic ordered Elmyra then he and the others mounted their horses and rode after their little brother.

  “I have my orders, Princes of nothing,” she said under her breath.

  Chapter Six

  Satana ran as fast as she could, dodging branches and changing direction after each tree she passed, trying to escape the creature hot on her heels. She stumbled upon it, while hunting, and gathering the local edible vegetation with Venalina as her guide. The creature was feeding on the deer Satana hunted. She had only wounded it and the creature, that now meant to make her it’s next meal, found it before she did. It was faster than she was, being held at bay only by Satana’s use of the many trees as a barrier between the two of them. The creature was a panther, an animal Satana had never seen before. It was indigenous to the lands they now travelled. The cat was fierce, with powerful jaws and sabre-like claws. It cornered Satana finally, who was armed only with her dagger in one hand and an arrow in the other. She lost her crossbow and quiver in the chase. She was trapped against a small cliff face with roots littering its side. If she had time she could have scurried up its side, maybe to freedom. But, she barely kept its teeth from ripping her to shreds, facing it with her dagger, there was no way she could turn her back on it and attempt the climb. It swiped at her with its massive paws. There was a tree at the base of the cliff Satana used as a shield between her and the panther.

  Satana could see Venalina running toward them, some hundred feet or so, behind the cat that had trapped her. Venalina was running toward them as fast as she could, along the path of broken branches the pair had left in their wake. As she approached the panther from behind, it started to turn toward her, hearing her arrival. She leapt in the air, transforming into a half human half raven creature. Her legs became two powerfully muscled talon tipped claws like those of an eagle. Black feathered wings sprouted from her back, and her battle cry turned from a human scream to a birdlike screech. She morphed in mid-air, twice the size of the cat, digging her talons deep into the panther’s back. It writhed, clawing and biting at her legs. She flapped her wings, lifting her and the panther up, away from Satana. The gust her wings created was so powerful, it almost knocked Satana off her feet. It sent dirt and leaves in a whirlwind, bouncing off the small cliff. Venalina flew very high, tossing the beast from one claw to the other, keeping it at bay as it fought her for its life. So quickly, had the predator turn to prey. Satana collected herself, stepping away from the cliffside, out into the open. She
watched the flight of the two battling foes, so high above her. Venalina released the cat, letting it fall to the ground. It was a long way down and the panther twisted in the air as it fell. It hit the ground with a loud, sickening, thud that made Satana wince. She was panting, glancing up at the descending creature that was once Venalina. A few feet from the ground she dropped, once again the woman, Satana had come to know. They looked at each other in silence, both breathing heavily from the ordeal. Satana gulped, then gave Venalina a smile and a nod of thanks. They walked together along the path Satana and the panther created. Satana collected her lost arrows and crossbow as they travelled to the deer’s carcass, where the chase had begun.

  “There’s still plenty of meat.” Venalina commented as the two stood over the deer examining it’s remains, “We could also harvest that beast we left over there.” Venalina motioned back to where they left the panther.

  “Ha! Wouldn’t that be ironic? No, I don’t want any of that, besides there’s enough here, for tonight, at least.” Satana said, then looked at Venalina, “How did you fare?”

  “Same as usual,” Venalina smirked, “I had to drop it all to come help you, though.”

  “Hey, don’t blame me if you’re empty handed, I had everything under control,” Satana smiled, then looked back down at the deer.

  “Don’t worry, I remember where it’s at, I will earn my keep.” Venalina turned to go collect what she had gathered. She was limping and Satana noticed it immediately.

  “Venalina, you’re bleeding,” Satana said stopping her, then knelt to examine her leg, “Let me see.” She grabbed Venalina’s thigh, to stop her from walking away. Her leg had a large gash from the panther’s claw. There were two other wounds, on either side of the gash, but they were slowly healing before Satana’s very eyes.

  “I’ll be fine, in an hour, or so.” Venalina said, she let Satana examine her leg.


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