The Vordalyn 1

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The Vordalyn 1 Page 6

by Michael T Payne

  “That’s a handy talent. You’re something else, Venalina,” Satana stood and pulled her dagger out, “I’ll get what I can from this, then we’ll go get what you dropped, together. Stay here, ok?” She said surveying the area, wary of what other dangers lurked in the forest around them, “Let me ask you something,” She said as she began stripping the meat from, the deer, “I appreciate what you are doing for us, but… why are you still with us? I mean, why haven’t you just gone home?”

  Venalina watched her work for a few seconds before speaking, “Can I confide in you Satana?”

  “Sure, I guess,” Satana said not looking up, “I mean you kind of just tried to save my life, not that I needed it or anything.” That made Venalina smile.

  “My kind feed on other beings,” Venalina’s smile left her, Satana’s face also change in demeanor at that opening statement. It was a sobering reminder that Venalina was not human, possibly not even her friend, “It’s why we are hunted. When I have fed in the past, it has always resulted in death for the one I feed on.” Venalina continued, making Satana pause, contemplating what she just confessed to her, then returned to her work on the deer.

  “That’s a pretty risky thing to tell me,” Satana said glancing up at her as she worked, “You know how suspicious some of us still are of your intentions? Velen constantly wants us to kill you.”

  “I know,” Venalina said, “But if I lie to you, will that not only confirm those suspicions? If you know everything, then…”

  “Ok, you’re right, so,” Satana began, “Why was it Dracon lived after you fed on him, I mean, that is what you did, right? And you kill people for food? Like a Vampire?”

  “Yes, something like that,” Venalina answered, “It regenerates me. When I use too much magic, or I am injured, I need to feed on another life to heal, or replenish myself. This begins when we are old enough to take a mate.” Satana stood to give Venalina her full attention.

  “So, when you become a woman, you eat men?” Satana asked with a smirk that made Venalina chuckle.

  “I’ve never thought of it that way, but it’s not just men.” Venalina said still smiling.

  “Don’t ruin it for me, just say yes.” Satana said.

  “It’s is not something I am proud of, it wouldn’t even be necessary if I was with my own kind. I would never have to feed like that. But it is necessary in the world I live in now. I know it makes me a monster to your people.”

  “Look, I’m not judging you, I am wary of you, and I’ll be honest. What you just admitted concerns me, but it also shows me that you are trying to be honest with me. That’s a start to understanding each other, right?” Satana said. Venalina nodded then continued.

  “Usually, we feed until we choose a mate, then we do not need to feed on others anymore. We feed on only our mate, sharing our essence between us, making each other stronger.” Venalina explained.

  “So, you chose Dracon as your mate?” Satana asked, “Is that what you’re getting at?”

  “Yes,” She said not looking at her, “If I did not, he would have died.”

  “Does he know that?” Satana asked.

  “No, I’ve said nothing.” She said in almost a whisper. Satana looked at her, shaking her head for a moment.

  “Why don’t you just choose another mate then?” She asked after another long pause.

  “I can’t, once I’ve made that choice, I am bound for life, whatever his fate, I will share,” Venalina said, “It can only be done once.”

  “So, what does that mean for you?” Satana asked then knelt back to cutting more meat from the deer.

  “If he dies, so do I.” Venalina said bluntly.

  “And what will happen to him if you die?” Satana asked.

  “Nothing will happen to him, it is my fate alone.” Venalina said.

  “Oh,” Satana said wiping her face with her forearm. She looked up at Venalina, “That is, uh… quite a commitment.” She chuckled.

  “Yes,” Venalina chuckled along with Satana.

  “It makes sense to me now, why you dote on him so, tending to his every need,” Satana laughed, “Let me ask you this, why did you pick him?” Satana asked smiling, “I mean, he is my friend, my king, and I am thankful that you didn’t kill him, but, why him?”

  “In these lands, I am hunted, no better than that deer at your feet. I have had to do such horrible things to survive,” Venalina closed her eyes tight as she spoke, “I have known nothing but the cruelty this land has to offer, since my mother died years ago. I was still just a child, a hunted child. Anyone who came upon me, did so with murder in their eyes. When your lord found me, I was dying, I was finished,” She opened her eyes, “He could have killed me. His man, that Velen, he implored him to kill me,” Venalina choked back tears, “And though I was not in a form he could even recognize as being a person,” She said, “I asked him for mercy, I had no expectations it would be granted, my final attempt at survival. I threw myself at his feet and I asked him for mercy,” Venalina took a deep breath, “He showed it to me, like no one ever before,” Venalina turned away from Satana, wiping the tears from her eyes, “Later, when I fed on him, it was instinctive, I needed to, to heal myself. But, I could not bring myself to kill him. I could not take his life. Not after the kindness he showed me.”

  “Well,” Satana said standing up, “Now, I guess you’re stuck with us.” She put her hand on Venalina’s shoulder. She turned around again to face Satana, who smiled at her warmly.

  Satana made quick work of the deer, after that, and they collected the fruit Venalina had gathered and dropped, then returned to camp. Dracon and four others milled about restlessly, near a roaring fire. He lit up when he saw them return to camp carrying food. Two soldiers rushed over to help them, and see what they had returned with. They were very happy at the sight of meat and fruit. They tossed Dracon some fruit to sample, and headed to the fire with the meat. They thanked the two women for the bounty they returned with. Venalina took the piece of fruit that was given to Dracon and cleaned it on her cloak. She made it shiny and blemish free before handing it back to him. He smiled at her, it was nice the way she treated him, he’d never known that before. Satana chuckled at the two of them. Dracon straightened up, slightly embarrassed. Venalina fawned over Dracon, serving him all his meals. She would not let anyone else tend to Lord Dracon’s needs. Now, at least Satana knew why. She could be sure Venalina would never hurt her king, quite the opposite.

  “As usual, you two are the only ones who have come back with anything, so far.” Dracon said. Satana walked past him, closer to the fire.

  “It’s all Venalina,” Satana said, “If it wasn’t for her, we’d go hungry.” She saw Venalina differently, and after considering all she had revealed to her. She decided she would be good for Dracon.

  “It was your crossbow that dropped that deer.” Venalina said, smiling at Satana after her compliment. Satana grabbed a flask hanging from a tree and took a long drink. She tossed the flask to Venalina, who was dying of thirst. She drank her fill then gasped, breathing heavily, then laughed at herself self-consciously, when she noticed Dracon was watching her. He smiled at her before turning away. Satana walked back over to Dracon and Venalina. They were a few yards away from the fire and the other men.

  “You know, Dracon, I think it’s time we told the others about her and be done with it,” Satana said. Dracon looked over at the other men to see if they over heard her. “They don’t know anything, yet,” Satana said, “But they’re bound to find out sooner or later. The things she can do, it’s fantastic, so why are we hiding it from them? She has been painfully honest with me. I respect that, and I think they will too.”

  “Were you showing off?” Dracon asked Venalina.

  “We’ve spent a lot of time together my lord, things happen. I can’t hide my true nature, it comes out. I don’t know how to pretend to be human.” Venalina looked down from his disapproving gaze.

  “You know, Velen knows what she is, and he has
not accepted her yet?” Dracon pointed out.

  “Yes, I know. But, she has proven herself a worthy ally, in this unforgiving land of no night. Velen is being hard-headed,” Satana said, “I admit, at first, I too was… apprehensive, I questioned quietly, what the hell is Lord Dracon thinking, allowing her to travel with us. I even considered taking you aside and speaking my mind about your poor decision making. I almost began a secret council to reconsider your right to rule.” She said jokingly.

  “I get it,” Dracon said with a smirk and a glare.

  “Anyways, time and time again, if not for her, we’d be dead, all of us. And again, she saved my life today. I’ve seen her change, I know what she is, and I accept her, until I have reason to believe otherwise, I trust her. She has told me things, I dare say would get her killed. Velen doesn’t trust her, but I do!” Dracon thought about what she said. “She’s worth her weight in gold, Dracon. There is no reason to hide anything anymore.” Satana smiled, then walked away from Dracon and Venalina. Dracon nodded his agreement, mostly to himself in contemplation. Venalina was touched by Satana’s words of appreciation.

  Velen and the soldiers, that were still out hunting, returned to camp, disappointed again. They were relieved that food had been found by someone, and gave thanks to both Satana and Venalina. Velen began preparing the deer meat, while the others stuffed themselves with the abundance of fruit that was collected.

  “Another successful hunt for you, and nothing for us,” Velen grumbled. Satana wandered over to the fire next to him and the rest of the men, leaving Venalina and Dracon alone, “I think you might be part wolf, Commander,” Velen said to Satana, “Or I’m cursed in the hunt?”

  “Oh, you’re cursed all right, Velen, but none the less, some of us know how to hunt, and others know how to cook, and clean.” Satana said then pat his head like he was a little boy, “I’ll have some dishes for you to practice on later.” The soldiers all laughed. Velen looked at her with a smile on his face, shaking his head, amused with her ribbing.

  “If it wasn’t for us making you look good all the time, you wouldn’t be our commander.” Velen responded, looking around at the other men for support.

  “Are you saying you lose to me on purpose? For my benefit?” Satana said laughing at him.

  “Come on Captain, she’s our commander because she can out fight us all.” Danyll laughed. The soldiers all grunted their agreement.

  “And hunt, apparently.” Simon added. Satana laughed along with the group, as they erupted in laughter.

  “If you’d like, Velen, I’ll cook,” She offered, “But first, you must best me, we can make it unarmed, for your safety of course.” The men around the camp chuckled, then taunted Velen to do it.

  “I’d hate to make such a display, we don’t know whose about, best we not get so distracted with battle amongst ourselves.” Velen reasoned, making the men groan in disappointment.

  Venalina moved closer to Dracon to speak so the others could not hear her, “If you wish to tell them my lord, I understand, I am not ashamed of what I am.” She said as the two of them watched the others around the fire.

  Dracon looked at her then to his men, “I’m not sure how they would react. Velen, I feel, is still leery of you. I don’t want him to alarm the other men unnecessarily,” Dracon said low, keeping their conversation just between the two of them, “The last thing I want is any division among our ranks. There will be a time for the truth, just not today.” He said putting his hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

  “I feel, you too, may still be unsure of me, my lord.” Venalina said looking over at the men.

  “Yes, I suppose I am,” Dracon said, “I just don’t understand you, Venalina, why are you helping us? Why haven’t you just gone home?”

  “I serve you my lord, my life is yours now.” Venalina said looking down at Dracon’s feet.

  “I told you, Venalina, you are free. You owe me nothing. Any debt you think you owe, has been satisfied by all you’ve done for us.” Dracon said, not wanting to hold her to him by some debt, “And now, you help us as we edge the expanse in search of a way home? I can’t ask any more of you.”

  “I have chosen to serve you.” Venalina glanced up at him then back to the ground.

  “Chosen?” Dracon asked, “Venalina, I don’t understand the ways of your people or your customs. Explain to me what you mean, I want to understand?”

  “I give you my life,” Venalina started, “I wish you to be my-”

  “Join us, my lord!” Velen called over to Dracon, interrupting Venalina. Dracon straightened up and walked over to Velen, who immediately began cutting a chunk of meat for him to sample. Venalina walked over just behind Dracon.

  “Is it cooked properly, or are we all going to be in the bushes, in a few hours?” Dracon asked as Venalina stepped from behind Dracon and took the meat that Velen held out to him. The soldiers laughed. Satana almost choked on her food, coughing out her laughter. Venalina smiled watching them enjoy each other’s company. It made her feel lonely. She inspected the meat closely, then gave it to Dracon. Velen glared at her in disgust, he was getting annoyed with her always inspecting Dracon’s food. She seemed to have to be the one to give it to him, all the time. He didn’t trust her one bit, he was constantly on alert, readying himself for her to attack them or betray them somehow. She backed away after giving Dracon the meat, staying just outside the circle of men at the fire, watching. Dracon noticed Venalina’s persistence in tending to him, and even though he knew it annoyed Velen, he liked it. He liked her.

  “That was a long time ago.” Velen said cutting off more meat for one of the other men, then laughed at the memory.

  “I still have scars on my ass, from that meal.” Danyll laughed. The others laughed as Danyll went on to act out his personal ordeal from the undercooked meal in crude fashion.

  “I’m glad I have my own legion, with men who can cook and hunt.” Satana said smiling. Some of the men booed her and threw various items at her, for her disparaging remarks about their legion.

  “We are the first legion!” Simon said standing up proudly, the men roared after him, “We serve our Lord Dracon! The king!” The men roared again in unison, “We are the best of the best! We alone are worthy to fight at his side!” He proclaimed to another roar, then saw Venalina back beyond the group, watching as the men applauded Simon, “Venalina, come, join us, eat!” Simon invited her over, waving his arm for her to join them by the fire. Venalina timidly joined the group, sitting next to Dracon on one of the logs they had rolled over to the fire. “Tell us, fair maiden,” Simon said to her, “How is it that the gods came to bless us with your presence?” Venalina smiled at him and looked around the group, as they all ate watching her, interested in her tale. Dracon looked at Velen, who was staring at Venalina, also waiting for her to answer. Dracon glanced over at Satana who gave him a reassuring nod.

  “You all know where you found me, in my cave, but beyond that, I come from a people, who are few in these lands. Here they call us The Kina.” Venalina started.

  “I call you a godsend.” Danyll added immediately, holding up a piece of fruit. The others all agreed with him.

  “Thank you.” She smiled embarrassed, looking around at them all. She avoided looking at Velen, she knew exactly how he felt. She could still hear his voice calling for her death, like so many others before him.

  “Will we ever see night here?” Simon asked taking a seat closer to her and Dracon.

  “Yes,” Venalina giggled, “It is far between nights, but it does come. When it does, it lasts for days, sometimes weeks.”

  “That creature today? What did you call it?” Satana asked.

  “It was a cat, it’s called a panther. They stalk these forests, hunting, same as us. They are very territorial. As you saw today.” Venalina explained.

  “I did not know cats could get so facking big?” Satana said.

  “What creature was this?” Fowlin asked and the men all perked up. Satana retold
the events of her hunt, of how she stalked the deer, how she came upon the panther devouring her kill. She told the tale all the way up to the point that it had her trapped against the cliff face. They were on the edges of their seats wanting to hear what happened next.

  “Then Venalina came out of nowhere, and killed it,” Satana snapped her fingers, “Like that!” They all looked at her for more. Then they all looked at Venalina, when Satana didn’t explain further. Dracon looked at the faces of his men, amused how childlike they were, enthralled by the tale.

  “How did you kill it, Venalina?” Velen asked, seeing everyone stunned, but no one asking the question they all wanted to hear the answer to. He cut himself another piece of deer meat, popping it into his mouth, “You have no blade, no bow, no weapon of any kind?” Velen hoped to subtly call her out as being a monster. Dracon started to seethe, realizing what Velen was doing. Venalina ate a piece of fruit, prolonging her answer to the question on purpose.

  “I turned into a horrible, winged beast, with talons for legs, and I ripped it in half.” She said then took a ferocious bite of her fruit, with an animalistic snarl on her face looking directly at Velen. The men roared in laughter. Dracon looked at Satana, who returned his look nodding at him with a smile. Velen alone, among the men, knew it was probably true, for that was exactly the monster she was when he and Dracon discovered her. If it wasn’t for Dracon’s protection, Velen would kill her. He stared back at her with hate in his eyes, Venalina recognized his look, it was constant when he looked at her.

  “You mean to say, you, alone? A meek maiden? Unarmed? Could kill a beast that our commander, the best fighter among us, could not?” Velen sneered as he asked the question, staring at her still.

  Simon stood from his seat drawing his sword, alarmed, “We’re being surrounded.” He alerted the others who sprang into action, gathering weapons and armor as fast as they could. Dracon walked quickly to his horse and grabbed his sword. While retrieving it, two men came from behind a tree with bows drawn on him. Suddenly, from the forest all around them, men armed with bows, drew down on the entire group. There were more men than Dracon could count among the surrounding forest. Dracon knew some of his men would die if fighting began, they were caught completely by surprise. He paused, weighing his options, he didn’t want any more of them to die. No one moved, both his men and the archers that surrounded them were silent, sizing one another up. Dracon lowered his sword and turned slowly, scanning the entire perimeter, facing his men once again. He could see behind the archers; other men were taking positions around his men.


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