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The Vordalyn 1

Page 15

by Michael T Payne

  Chapter Fifteen

  On the outskirts of Dracon’s region, a small group of elves stood on a cliff, overlooking all the lands of Dracon. The cliff was in the region belonging to Charnio. The five cared very little for that fact, their concern was watching the comings’ and goings in Dracon’s land, more importantly, his fortification. Each night they would take turns sneaking in, to gather as much information as possible and to try to spot Lord Dracon, to verify his return. They awaited last night’s spy in the cold, early morning, on the cliff, frostbit by the chilling winds, so high up. Their comrade was approaching, up the trail below them and would be with them shortly, only then did they start a fire. They began preparing to eat, then send word back to Lord Ohmbryn. They knew a replacement was on his way, and would be with them shortly, he would replace the courier heading back to Urixis. It was a constant flow of information between the watchers and Urixis.

  “You trespass on the lands of Lord Charnio, Prince of Ganlin. What business have you here?” An army of men emerged from all around the small band of elves, surrounding them quickly, weapons drawn. Alkwin spoke as he walked to the lead elf, “You have balls, I’ll give you that, elf.” He growled.

  “I serve Queen Menina, and I represent her in all Ganlin, if you interfere you will be-” Before he could finish, Alkwin put is gauntlet covered fist into his mouth, sending a spray of blood in to the air, the elf staggered back. His men started to move to assist but were quickly disarmed by the overwhelming forces that surrounded them. Alkwin followed the stumbling elf back and grabbed him by the front of his plate armor and began punching him repeatedly, until he was unconscious and laying on the floor, then still, until he had killed him. The other elves were furious, but could do nothing.

  “Strip them of their armor and weapons.” Alkwin ordered, and it was done quickly, “On your knees,” He ordered the elves, those who did not comply were helped with a boot to the back of the knee. “These are the lands of Charnio. Here, only the strong survive, and flourish!” The men around them yelled their approval with Alkwin’s declaration, “You dare step foot here? Uninvited?” He stripped off his gauntlets, “Well that just will not do! You!” He pointed to an elf, “Get up!” he was helped up by the nape of his neck, “We fight for respect! Come elf, get your respect!” Alkwin raised his hands, fists balled up. The elf ran at Alkwin with incredible speed, quickly crossing the distance between them, attacking Alkwin before anyone could move. He swung, trying to punch Alkwin, but for all his speed, found nothing but air in each of his blows. He came so close to hitting Alkwin, that the elf thought victory could be had. Alkwin returned one blow, to the throat of the attacking elf. He fell to the ground choking, for a moment or two while Alkwin watched on smiling, then died. “You elves think battle is fancy armor, magic swords. You’ve been protected by us for so long, you don’t know what fighting is. Our armies protected you while you hid away under the skirt of Menina and Queen Ayana. While we and King Treska kept you safe and sound. Even those of you who fought with us in the war hid behind us, casting spells, all the while we fought face to face, hand to hand with the enemy. Spilling blood while you watched protected!” Alkwin walked over to the remaining three elves, “You think you can step on us? We who were born from battle? You thought we would just lie down?” Alkwin drew his sword in a flash and one at a time, cut their heads off. “Take them to the lands of the princes who grovel at Menina’s pampered and powdered feet. Make sure they’re found. Let them answer for it.” Alkwin started to walk away and noticed they all wore an amulet, “Wait,” He stopped his men as they were carrying an elf away. He took the amulet from his headless corpse and examined it, “I’ve seen this before, gather them all. Take their weapons and armor back to Dragons Claw, see what they are capable of, then arm our men with them. Find someone from Urixis, now among us there, and ask of these amulets. Try to find someone who knows of such things.” Alkwin returned with his forces to Dragons Claw. It had become quite the encampment, it would be hard to hide any longer, the size of the army that joined him there. Abandoning the other princes to fight in Dracon’s name, to aid the exiled and care for them, as once Urixis had done. Alkwin was proud of his people for standing up and facing this injustice without hesitation. They were a people who only knew war, not servitude, standing up and fighting was in their blood. It was a shame they had to fight who they once called brother, countrymen, friend. The barracks were full, and the armies set up camp around the entire region. It had far surpassed the army Dracon once commanded.

  Alkwin waited for an assessment of the items retrieved from the elves. They had many people who had once served Princess Menina and Queen Ayana in the arts of the arcane, they were of great help to Alkwin. Able to give him a full account of the magic in the armor and weapons. The Amulet, however, was a difficult piece to decipher, its name was clear to them but not its purpose. It was also clear; its magic was powerful. The Amulet of Ayana. Alkwin had never heard of it, but after much thought on it, recalled his Lord Charnio had returned from Urixis with such an amulet around his neck. Alkwin took his guard and hurried home to see Lord Charnio, hoping that in a time of lucidity Charnio could give him some answers about the amulet. It was a day’s travel to return to his lord’s manor and when he did, the place was in a panic, people rushing around frantically.

  “What is it,” Alkwin stopped a soldier at the main gate, “What has you all in such a state?”

  “It’s Lord Charnio, sire, he is on his death bed.” Alkwin did not respond and urged his horse on into the manor grounds, dismounting as he reach the entrance to his lord s manor. As he entered he spotted Dephe rushing to the stairs. Alkwin ran after her.

  “Dephe!” He called to her, following up the stairs. She did not turn to see who called her name until she had reached the top.

  “Alkwin, hurry!” She said then continued to Lord Charnio’s bed chamber. Alkwin wasted no time chasing her to catch up. She was panicked, he knew something was different. He followed her to his bedside where two maidens were putting water on his head and chest, while Charnio struggled against unseen shackles.

  “He’s on fire my lady,” a maiden informed Dephe, “Nothing is working.” She said as she put a wet rag to his face, wiping him down furiously. Dephe ripped his shirt opened and grabbed the bucket of water and poured it on him.

  “I, I!” Charnio growled out, yelling, “Kill!” Alkwin watched on not knowing how to help his delirious lord. Then he saw it. The same Amulets the elves wore. It was indeed the very same Amulet of Ayana. He pulled his sword out, scaring the maidens who recoiled away from the bedside. Dephe, not knowing his intent, stood between Alkwin and Charnio, her hands up.

  “No Alkwin! Please! No!” She cried out tearfully, scared for her husband’s life.

  “Stand aside my lady,” He said, “I serve Lord Charnio, trust me now and know it is so!” Alkwin begged. Dephe, still fearful, stepped aside. As soon as she cleared the way, he put his sword between Charnio’s skin and the chain holding the Amulet of Ayana around his neck. He slid it over his head and ordered the maidens and Dephe to pull Charnio away from it, then flung it across the floor. Charnio gasped loud and long like he was breathing for the first time and fell back into his bed, panting and wet. His eyes were all that could move, and they looked at Alkwin, then he mustered a smile for him. Dephe crawled on to the bed holding her husband, weeping, “I’ll give you some time, my lord.” Alkwin said with a smile of relief. His Lord Charnio was not going to die after all. The curse had been lifted.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Queen Menina had summoned Ohmbryn to the dungeon. Ohmbryn was numb from a fear that was constant, a fear of his Queen Menina. The guards stopped at the door at the top of the steps leading down to the dungeon, a fact that eased Ohmbryn’s mind, slightly. She awaited him there, outside the wooden door to a cell. She was standing on a small stool, looking in the window at the top of the door. She did not turn around to look at him, “What news do you have for me Ohmbryn?” She ste
pped down off the stool and turned to face him, “I think he might be dead? I’m not sure.” She said, “Well?” Ohmbryn wasn’t sure what she wanted to know, the condition of the prisoner behind the door, or the news she requested, “Tell me Ohmbryn, we haven’t heard anything in months, but you’re supposed to be watching closely, why?”

  “My queen, there are rumors that our men are being killed by one of the princes, they were found in Lord Torak’s region, we sent another patrol and again they ended up dead, this time in Lord Renic’s region.” Ohmbryn explained, “I have my suspicions-”

  “Should I send you out personally, Ohmbryn?” She interrupted him.

  “If my queen wishes.” Ohmbryn bowed his head, “I will gladly follow any path you choose for me.” Queen Menina giggled.

  “Oh Ohmbryn, such things you say.” She walked passed him trailing her arm on him as she walked by, “Of course I will not send you out into the wilds to be killed, I need you here.” She walked to the bottom of the steps, “Call a council of the princes, send an invitation to Charnio, let’s see if he’s dead yet, shall we?”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Dracon walked up the steep, wet incline, to the mouth of a cave where water fell over the opening. True to her word Shynda the Drow and her band of little men led him to a way out. Not only did they show him the way out, but Shynda clothed him in a very comfortable, yet durable, attire. She would not however, arm him. It was early morning when he walked out through the curtain of water covering the caves opening. It was much colder outside than it was in the cave. He immediately saw a camp to his left, on the banks of a river made by the waterfall that covered the cave opening. As he stepped down in a loud splash to the pools edge. Several of his men woke drawing swords and rushing around to face whatever danger was coming. He smiled at them as he waded to the shore.

  “Lord Dracon!” It was Folwin who saw him first. The other’s rushed to assist him from the pool to dry ground. They surrounded him laughing at their good fortune to see their king unharmed. “Where did you come from?” Folwin asked. Dracon smiled and looked over his shoulder at the waterfall.

  “Apparently, I was in the Underdark.” He said raising his eyebrows.

  “That sounds mysterious.” Satana said pushing through the men, then shoved Dracon, “You cost us a day! And as much in heartache.” She was happy to see him and didn’t want him to see how much it really worried her. Dracon watched Satana getting a little emotional, then he spotted Venalina.

  “Tell us of this Underdark, Dracon, what was it like, what happened to you.” Simon asked.

  Dracon walked away from the men, “Later.” He said not taking his eyes off Venalina. They all got quiet as he went to Venalina. She looked at his feet shyly, not looking at him. Tears streamed down her face, as Dracon put his hand to her chin and made her look at him.

  “Once again, if not for you, I would be dead.” He put his hands on her waist, “I’m sorry, Venalina.” Before he finished, she jumped on him wrapping her arms around his neck and squeezing him as hard as she could.

  “I’d say if ever you had a hope of wooing yon maiden,” Danyll whispered in Simons ear, “It just disappeared.”

  “Good luck sleeping tonight,” Velen said as he passed them, “That is going to be a very noisy tent.”

  “Don’t be a pig, Velen,” Satana said hearing his comment.

  After giving Dracon a moment with Venalina, the men started badgering him about what happened to him. He told them of the trap and what had set it. They listened intently as he told his tale of meeting the Drow. He told them about how the woman seemed to be in charge and the men were smaller and subservient to them. Some of them men found that hard to believe. Thikuf asked repeatedly if they looked like elves. Dracon tried to ignore him as long as possible, answering other questions like he didn’t hear him, but eventually he had to tell him, yes, they were some sort of elves. Thikuf was very pleased with himself. They lingered the rest of the day at the waterfall, letting Dracon eat and rest from his ordeal. That night around the fire, the group was once again joyous and whole.

  “That some outfit they gave you, my lord.” Satana commented as Venalina fed Dracon and sat at his feet, while he sat on a log enjoying the fire.

  “It is very… plush,” Dracon answered finding no other word to describe how comfortable it was, “I’ve never felt so nimble.” Venalina looked up at him as he spoke, with a twinkle in her eye, and the slightest bit of a smile on her lips.

  “Well,” Velen offered, “You’ve only ever known the weight of full plate armor, my lord, anything is bound to make you move like you’re naked,” The men laughed, “It’s a good thing though, that armor you were wearing was no longer… shall we say, worthy of a king?

  “You have a point.” Dracon said, “But it’s more than that, I think.” Venalina stroked his leg with her open palm.

  “Yeah, it’s real pretty,” Velen said, “It would make a nice dress for your sister.” The men erupted in laughter, even Dracon couldn’t help but laugh

  “I feel the magic in it, my lord.” Venalina said.

  “That’s his leg, to the rest of us.” Satana said to everyone watching Dracon and Venalina, making the men laugh, embarrassing Dracon to a chuckle. Venalina didn’t care and still caressed his leg like they were alone, refusing to look away from him, staring into his face. She watched every move he made, as he ate and talked to Satana and the men.

  “We’ll need to be wary of patches of earth, going forward, and anything out of the ordinary,” Thikuf announced.

  “What’s ordinary in these parts Thikuf? I haven’t the slightest.” Folwin asked. They all chuckled in agreement.

  “That’s why I should take lead, no running ahead of me, the last thing we want is a repeat of yesterday,” Thikuf nodded and smiled at Dracon, who slowly nodded in response.

  “I agree,” Dracon added, “How far to the Priests of O’on?”

  “Well, my lord we have a decision to make, as it stands we would have been much closer, barring our delay, that being said, we should be deep in their territory tomorrow night.” Thikuf looked around the group that huddled closer to listen, “We have to decide if we are going to travel and make our move into their territory, get the information we need, then move out to a safe distance. There will be no setting up a camp once we get there. Our fire would give us away.”

  “What kind of lands are these, the priests live in?” Satana asked.

  “Swamp, furthermore we will not be able to go in on horseback, the terrain is not suitable for it.” Thikuf explained.

  “Then we need to get some rest tonight, for tomorrow we hunt, priests.” Dracon stood ordering the men to rest. He went to his tent and again Venalina was on his tail. This time he did not stop or resist her. She took his clothes from him, as he sat on his bedding, admiring it.

  “This is magical,” She said, then rubbed the garment against her face, “Did you notice it did not get wet from when you were in the water?” Dracon looked at her fondly.

  “I did not.” He said.

  “And look!” She said showing him the bottom of one of the boots, “It’s still clean!” she smiled. Venalina could see his affection for her, reflected in his eyes. She folded his clothes and sat on the bed next to him. She put her hand on his. Dracon moved to put his arm around her, but she stood up quickly and fixed her hair.

  “My lord,” She said and paced in a circle.

  “What is it?” He stood taking her hand, stopping her, “Tell me.”

  “I have deceived you,” Venalina said very distressed, “When you asked me why I did not go home, I said I chose to serve you. I was not completely honest with you,” She started to walk away again. Dracon took her other hand, stopping her from walking out of reach.

  “Ok.” He said and took her cheeks in his hands looking in to her eyes, “Tell me now then.”

  “When I feed on someone, they die. I fed on you,” Venalina asked looking up into his eyes.

and I survived” Dracon leaned in and kissed her. She pushed him back gently.

  “You survived because I could not take your life, not after you saved me in that cave. Because I spared you, I have bound myself to you forever. If you were to die, I too would die.” Venalina said and bit her lip, studying his face for a reaction.

  “And I would die if you died?” He asked.

  “No, it does not have any effect on you,” She said.

  “That is why you stayed with me?” He asked, “Because you’re scared of dying?”

  “At first,” She said putting her hands on his chest, “But now, even if it weren’t so, I would stay with you forever,” Venalina pushed Dracon back into the bed, climbing on top of him. She bit his neck, but this time he did not return home, he stayed right there with her. They made love while she fed on him, all night long. In the early hours of the morning they lie awake. Dracon could feel something was different with him, with her. “I feel…”

  “Strong.” Venalina finished for him, climbing on top of him again, and put her hands on his chest, looking down at him, “My mother told me it is not often a Kina can find a love that accepts them for who they are.” She leaned down and kissed him, “When she told me about what I had to do to survive, I remember crying.” Venalina said laying her head on Dracon’s chest, “Then she told me that finding a love that did not have to be fooled, could take a lifetime, but would make me more powerful than any Kina, as well the one who loved me.” She sat up, “We can live on until we grow tired of this world and choose to die. We can explore it all together.” Dracon smiled at her.

  “That is… quite a gift,” Dracon chuckled.

  “That is not all my love,” She moved her face inches from his, “Can you feel the power?” Dracon thought for a second. He did feel powerful and furthermore he could feel her power, he could see she too was different. Full of life, she looked healthier than he had ever seen her, almost glowing. Dracon rolled her over and kissed her again. “There will be no more gifts, now that we take freely from each other, like this.” She said putting her hand on his chest. “We share all that I am, all that you are.” She wrapped her legs around him and they made love again.


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