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The Vordalyn 1

Page 19

by Michael T Payne

  “You have her majesties word, you will be unharmed.” Ohmbryn smiled. Alkwin looked around at his men and many started to chuckle.

  “What’s that worth?” He asked chuckling, “Your men there, they wear armor, is it for show?” He looked back at his own men, “I can assure you ours is not, we are here for a war this day. My armies are not far, and by the gods if I do not come out of Urixis the way I went in, they will march in full force on your lands. War will be upon you. I have spoken with Lord Dracon and he too, will march on Urixis.” Ohmbryn wasn’t sure until that threat came out of Alkwin’s mouth, but he knew now, reports of Lord Dracon’s return were false, just as Queen Menina suspected.

  “That sounds well thought out, sir Alkwin? Is it?” Ohmbryn asked smiling. Alkwin trotted back over to Ohmbryn.

  “Lord Alkwin, shall we?” he said. They were escorted to Urixis’s Palace, where he was made to wait in the throne room alone surrounded by Elven guards. Alkwin couldn’t help but notice they were all wearing a familiar amulet. Finally, Queen Menina entered with an entourage and trumpets blaring, all the pomp and circumstance deserving of her highness the queen. When she was comfortably seated on her throne, she stared at Alkwin for a long time. Long enough to make him uncomfortable.

  “You’ve killed men who were following the orders of the crown, Lord Alkwin.” She started, “Is it a return to war you thirst for? Haven’t we had enough of that?”

  “You usurped the throne from the rightful King Dracon!” He snapped back.

  “Did I?” She said just as quick with her response, “I took nothing! I serve as my mother served, in the absence of the king! Dracon is gone, yet you stand there with your righteous indignation, as if I snatched the throne from his very hand, he never returned from war. I will not justify myself to you, or anyone who stands against me any longer, Dracon is the rightful king, let him come forward and stake his claim! Until then I rule as my mother, Queen Ayana, and King Treska intended, it treason to say otherwise!” There was quiet in the throne room, not even a whisper, “We both know Dracon is nowhere in Ganlin, and as your late king appointed, I rule.” Alkwin said nothing, he wasn’t sure what to say, they both knew what she said was true. “It is time all Ganlin knew peace, Lord Alkwin. I have done only what my mother and father trained me to do.”

  “Why have you kicked out every human from Urixis?” Alkwin asked almost as an insult. Queen Menina sat back in her throne thinking a moment.

  “Many things happened, when my father died, and my brother ran off, into the wilds of the unknown,” She started, “I lost my mother shortly after my father. I have been groomed to rule Ganlin all my life, it was common knowledge, I would succeed my mother here, until the war ended. Now, the war may or may not have ended, Dracon may or may not comeback. But as your King Treska and Queen Ayana decreed before their deaths, I rule Ganlin as its queen.” She paused giving him a moment to think about what she said, “I was not as ready as I would have liked to believe, and I panicked, all I’ve known, my life here in Urixis, was learning from elves. Without Dracon, my father, my mother, I was scared. I acted out of fear.” She stood from the throne and stepped down the steps to stand equal to Alkwin, “I want peace for all Ganlin, let it start now, with us, here. This is what my parents wanted, your king wanted.” Her words made sense to him, and seeing her face to face, she did indeed look like a child way out of her depths, giving him even more pause. He nodded his assent, but was apprehensive to speak the words. “I want to start trading between all the regions, with the capital, trade should flow through all Ganlin. I want each region’s governor to oversee their lands, and you seem to already be overseeing two regions with great effectiveness, so I request that you continue. We will lift any ban on citizens coming and going from Urixis. I want to meet with all the governors monthly, to discuss issues that might arise in the kingdom. I want peace, Alkwin. We’ve only ever known war, it is reasonable to think that we are all resistant at first, being so used to fighting for our lives. I ask you to consider what I’ve said here, peace or perpetual war. The decision lies with you now.” She turned and walked back to her throne. Alkwin had to admit, her words were true.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  In a tavern, on the western edge of Ganlin, on the border, between the lands of Dracon and Renic. The town was originally a staging area for western defense of the lands, that eventually drew people and soldiers who wanted nothing to do with the royal family squabble with nowhere to go. The tavern was built during the war, for soldiers to blow off steam when not on the front lines. It was run by an ex-soldier, who called himself and the tavern, Dark Hawk. The tavern of was the center of commerce in the small town, known as Dead Hallow. It was the very seat of the black-market ran by Dark Hawk. His men, ex-soldiers, now his enforcers. Wine, women, drugs, and stolen items of all kind, flowed through Dark Hawks tavern. All transactions paid a tax to him and his men, for giving them a safe place to conduct business. What happened after they left the town, however, was no longer his problem. Outside the town, opportunist’s, and bandits, roamed the area looking to waylay anyone weaker in number than them. It was lawless.

  It was dusk when the column of twenty elven soldiers escorted the royal carriage to the town of Dead Hallow. The town came alive with curiosity when the carriage stopped outside Dark Hawks tavern. No one exited the carriage and it sat there until well after dark. Many nefarious individuals stayed clear of the tavern and trading within ceased. Dark Hawk was aware of the carriage outside, having been informed of its approach while it was still miles away. It put the whole town in disarray. From every alleyway, and dark crevice, eyes watched for every faction of thieves and bandits, curious of the royal carriages arrival in Dead Hallow.

  Dark Hawk wiped down the bar nervously, waiting. His men were cleaning up, all were preparing for the eventual arrival of whoever was in the carriage. One man stood at the front of the tavern looking out of the window in to the dark, watching the carriage for any indication someone was coming.

  “Anything?” Dark Hawk asked Ramus, the man at the window.

  “Nothing, those damn elves aren’t even moving.” Ramus looked back at Dark Hawk, “They’ve been sitting on those horses for hours.” He chuckled, “The elven ass must be made of iron.” The men in the tavern laughed. On the window across from the tavern bar, on the side of the building away from the royal carriage, a tapping began. One of the men went to the window, looked out, then looked at Dark Hawk.

  “It’s Sevum,” He said.

  “What’s he want?” Dark Hawk asked. Mani, the man at the window, forced open the window and a head popped in.

  “Help me in.” Sevum said. Mani put his hand on Sevum’s face forcing him back out the window, “Hey, come on let me in.” He pleaded.

  “What do you want, Sevum?” Dark Hawk asked from across the tavern.

  “Come on, let me in, I have money, I want a drink.” Sevum pleaded in the open window.

  “Come in the front door, what do you think this is, your mother’s bedroom?” The men all laughed at that.

  Sevum stuck his head in again and looked around the tavern with no patrons, then said “It looks like I’m not the only one who doesn’t want to come in the front door.” Dark Hawk gave Mani a nod allowing Sevum to climb in the window. After coming in he wiped himself off, Sevum was a wiry little thief, who did a lot of business with Dark Hawk, selling his pieces, then redeeming his money on either wine or women, sometimes when he could get enough silver, both. He didn’t belong to any of the factions of Dead Hallow, bringing mostly one or two items in at a time, not a whole lot, but he was consistent, which gave Dark Hawk a solid flow of salable items, most of which he would use to pay the women who worked at his tavern.

  “So, who’s in the carriage,” Sevum asked as he sat at the bar across from Dark Hawk, “Did they get a room?”

  “No,” Dark Hawk answered, setting down a mug of beer for Sevum, “They haven’t left the carriage yet.” Sevum grabbed the handle of the mug,
but Dark Hawk put his palm over the top of the mug, keeping it on the bar. “Pay first.” Sevum grimaced.

  “You know I’ve always paid my bills.” Sevum said.

  “I know you like to drink first, then barter, even if you have nothing to barter with.” Dark Hawk said. Sevum grunted the pulled a pouch from his pocket, then counted out a couple of copper pieces, dropping it on the bar top. Dark Hawk slid the pieces in to his hand letting go of the mug. Sevum drank half the mug in a very messy first drink. Dark Hawk wiped the bar top between the two of them. Sevum gasped, then set the mug down, preparing to nurse the rest of it.

  “Where are the girls?” Sevum asked looking around.

  “I sent them away for tonight, they’re probably working Darlia’s parlor if you’re looking for a woman tonight.” Dark Hawk said.

  “Psst!” Ramus alerted Dark Hawk from the front window, “Someone else is coming.” He moved away from the window. The rest of Dark Hawks men moved to different areas of the tavern in twos pretending to be patrons. Sevum turned in his stool, staring at the tavern entrance, waiting to see who came through the door. Dark Hawk slapped Sevum on his shoulder, who then immediately turned to the bar looking down at his beer. Two men walked in cautiously, walking to either side of the door, examining the tavern’s patrons. The two men wore black studded leather of the same make. A green snake emblazoned on the chest. A third man walked in similarly dressed. It was Darius. He was the leader of the largest faction of bandits in Dead Hallow, doing a lot of business in Dark Hawks tavern. Darius looked at the bar, spotting Dark Hawk and gave him a nod, then approached the corner of the bar, followed by his two men.

  “I have business. Quiet business,” Darius said in a low voice, “You have time?” Dark Hawk nodded, then looked over at Mani who prepped a large corner booth to facilitate a meeting. Darius handed Dark Hawk a bag of coins. Darius went to the booth and sat while his men stayed at the bar taking a seat. Dark Hawk served them, then sent a pitcher and mugs over to Darius at the booth. After a few minutes, four elven soldiers entered the Tavern, very aggressively and posted up on either side of the inside entrance, four others stood guard on the outside. The carriage door opened, and a cloaked woman left it, entering the tavern. She looked around, spotting Darius, then joined him at his booth, two guards followed her. When she sat, she lowered her hood, then set down a golden leaf between them. She was an elven woman, Elmyra Ballana, the queens General. Darius, in return, produced a silver leaf, identical to the golden leaf.

  “Do you accept?” Elmyra asked him.

  “Provided my terms will be honored.” Darius said, then took the gold leaf.

  “We accept your terms.” Elmyra stood and left the tavern. The elven guards followed her out, then the carriage and elven escort, left Dead Hallow. Darius sat alone, finishing his pitcher of beer. Sevum watched him from the bar, licking his lips.

  “What are you looking at, weasel?” One of Darius’ men asked with a snarl. Sevum looked away quickly, shaking his head. Darius looked over at the bar to his men and Sevum. He sat up straight, concerned.

  “Is he one of yours?” Darius asked Dark Hawk from across the tavern.

  “No, local cutpurse, he’s harmless.” Dark Hawk said as he served Darius’s men drinks. Darius stood walking over to the bar sitting next to Sevum, on the opposite side of his men, having Sevum between them.

  “What did you see here?” Darius asked Sevum, motioning to Dark Hawk for another round.

  “Why nothing, nothing at all, Darius.” Sevum said smiling coyly. Darius nodded slowly and grabbed the mug Dark Hawk set before him. He turned in his stool facing away from the bar leaning his back against it, “Although,” He said taking the newly filled mug in his hands, bringing it to his lips taking a small sip, “The whole town knows of the carriage, some might even pay to know who was in it.” He took another drink, “Some, might even pay more to find out who else was here.” Darius chuckled. His men grabbed Sevum from his stool, knocking the drink from his hand, and threw him on the bar top holding him down as Darius turned in his stool back to face Sevum, who was lying on the bar top, struggling to free himself from the larger men. Dark Hawk motioned his men to stay out of it.

  “What price could I get for an eye?” Darius asked drinking the entirety of his mug. He stood shoving the bar stool back and pulled out a dagger, putting it to Sevum’s eye. “Hold him good.” He growled.

  “No!” Sevum yelled, “I didn’t see anything!”

  “Nor will you ever again,” Darius growled, getting ready to pop Sevum’s eye out, with his dagger.

  “Wait!” Sevum screamed, “I could help you!”

  “You can help me?” Darius laughed looking at his men then at Dark Hawk, “Can he?” He asked Dark Hawk.

  “Yes, I can!” Sevum screamed, “Tell him Dark Hawk, I have friends, I know people… everywhere!”

  Dark Hawk considered a moment, then said, “He does have some connections among the other, un-factioned vermin, in almost every town in Ganlin.”

  Darius looked at Dark Hawk then back to Sevum, he backed off him, putting his dagger away. Darius’ men yanked him off the bar top to stand on the floor again, “Sit.” Darius kicked the stool at Sevum, hitting him with it. Sevum picked the stool back up from the floor and slowly sat back at the bar next to Darius, “How many towns do you have friends in?” he asked Sevum.

  “It’s easier to talk with a nice drink to wet my lips.” Sevum said. A look came over Darius’ face of disbelief, he looked at Dark Hawk who had a smile slowly creeping across his face, also from disbelief of Sevum’s gall. Darius couldn’t help but laugh. One of his men drew his sword.

  “Stop, give him another drink,” Darius said, “I might have a job for you,” Darius slapped Sevum’s back hard, smiling, “That is, if you want to keep your eyes and earn some gold?”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  It was the fourth day of the full moon and all Qinkas was on high alert. The Ffrei feared the night that came for so long once every year, it signaled a time of attacks by the Priests of O’on and Terrax. They had celebrated his death, but even seeing his head did not take away the learned fear of the dark, the Frei people had developed. Queen Jenzenya knew that their new friend, King Dracon had killed Terrax, for she had his weapon as a trophy and her eyes witnessed his head in a bag, anxiety still filled her, as it did with all the Ffrei. They all hoped they would suffer no attack for the first time in years. It was an uneasy day of complete darkness, as Queen Jenzenya attended her court, it was unspoken, but understood.

  It was late in the day when Queen Jenzenya suddenly noticed something odd in the air before her. She wiped her eyes, thinking they were tired, seeing a blurry distortion in the air near the center of the court. The air started to waver, getting larger, fear filled her as it became a swirling circle. The entire court panicked, some running from the palace out into the city, guards flooded the throne room between Queen Jenzenya and the anomaly that developed out of thin air. Soldiers were alerted, and the army moved in to join the guards in defense of the queen. Her captains rushed to her side, trying to escort her from her throne to safety. The swirling suddenly stopped and faded away, leaving before them a rift in space. Chanting could be heard through the large circular rift. Then, something appeared on the other side of the rift, walking through to the throne room. A man, clad in black armor, with golden horns of a ram, upon his helmet. Men shook in fear, making the captain yell out to them to hold their positions, as he too involuntarily stepped back, readying himself to run for his life. The armor-clad demon, stepped from the opening to the palace floor, and a black mist emanated from his metal covered foot touching the marble floor. Those who were not soldiers fled, even the guards fled the palace and throne room leaving the soldiers alone to protect their queen. It stopped after exiting the rift, standing tall, examining the scene around him. A familiar woman then stepped from behind the demon knight, in a black silk gown and a crown made of the blackest stone. In her fear, Queen Jenzenya was
unable to recognize Venalina, who appeared with a wicked smile as she stepped casually between her dark warrior and the soldiers of the queen. Another figure came from the rift, this one, she had no problem recognizing, it was Thikuf. After he stepped from the rift, walking in front of the demon, he knelt, then spoke, “My queen, we have returned.” Queen Jenzenya gasped in relief, covering her mouth, she immediately left her throne room to a waiting room behind her, shutting the door on the soldiers trying to escort her. She didn’t want them to see her in her current state, the fear she felt had brought her to tears. It wasn’t until the helmet of golden horns was removed that the fear and darkness around the group dissipated. Dracon stood before the throne with a smirk, satisfied with how well the armor of fear had worked its magic. His other men came through the rift, all clad in armor matching the colors of Dracon’s new armor. Thikuf turned to Dracon and said, “I think future visits should come with a warning.” causing Dracon to laugh.

  Queen Jenzenya returned, wearing different clothes, and was again, her royal self. Dracon and his group all bowed to her. She sat upon her throne, then said, “Welcome back, Lord Dracon. I am a little unnerved by the manner of your arrival. We are still… friends, are we not?” The rift had disappeared, leaving the group before her. Dracon handed Velen his helmet and stepped forward a step.

  “Your majesty, we are forever your friends, and hopefully more than that.” Dracon said with a bow.

  Queen Jenzenya smiled, “Come, Lord Dracon, sit beside me, tell us of your mission, was it successful?” She motioned to an empty seat next to her throne, where her advisor would usually sit, “Your men are welcome to rest, eat, drink.” She said snapping her fingers at her soldiers to make those things happen. Dracon walked to the throne, Venalina walked just over his right shoulder, as if she were invited to sit as well. Queen Jenzenya could see Venalina was not the same young, scared, Kina, that visited her before. Her walk, was that of royalty, her smile scared Queen Jenzenya, it was warm, but wickedly so. She had no fear. The two of them instilled fear, like nothing she had ever seen before, in their arrival to her palace. Dracon sat turning his seat slightly to better face Queen Jenzenya, while Venalina stood behind him with her hands on his shoulders looking at the queen with that same wicked smile. Queen Jenzenya smiled at her and nodded, then turned her attention fully to Dracon, she did not want to look at Venalina any longer than she had to, lest her fear become easily spotted.


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