The Vordalyn 1

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The Vordalyn 1 Page 24

by Michael T Payne

  “It’s been quite a while since I’ve been in mother’s garden,” Renic smiled looking around, “It looks well cared for.”

  “Are you enjoying yourself?” Queen Menina asked annoyed with her brother. He smiled at her, then looked down at the amulet around his neck. She snarled and pointed her open hand at it, then closed her fist hard, whispering like a snake’s hiss. The amulet shattered in a flash that made Renic recoil, protecting his face with his forearm.

  “Tell me your thoughts Renic. I don’t want to reminisce about this garden!” Queen Menina snapped at him.

  “You have your hands full I’d say.” Renic chuckled.

  “You think things will go well for you?” Queen Menina asked angrily, still snarling.

  “Look Menina,” Renic said putting his hands up, “I see the benefits to me with you as queen, if Dracon returns, we would surely see war, unless one of you declare the other the rightful ruler,” Queen Menina started to bite the nails of her fingers nervously as he spoke, “Let’s hear what else Captain Velen has to say.”

  Ohmbryn entered the garden leading Velen to the two siblings. Velen bowed, “Queen Menina, Lord Renic.”

  “Welcome Captain, we wish to hear more.” Renic said, “Why did Dracon stay behind?” he asked.

  “The outer region was a desert of death. When we reached the other side, it was a lush paradise, and finally, after weeks with very little sleep, we found safety in the forest. Lord Dracon ordered us to get rest before we took up the chase again, while the others rested, he and I searched for his trail. We found him and his men in a cave where he was in battle with a creature,” Velen was visibly disgusted, “We later came to know as a Kina. Terrax escaped the cave as we killed his followers and the monsters they summoned to battle us.” Velen spoke proudly of the battle, his pride fighting side by side with Dracon, was evident to both Renic and Queen Menina, “We found this Kina thing wounded, it was a shapeshifter of some kind, and before our eyes it changed from a monster to a woman. It begged Lord Dracon for mercy, and despite my advice to kill it, he did show mercy.”

  “So, this Kina is a shapeshifter?” Queen Menina asked.

  “I’m afraid she is much more than that, my queen.” Velen again showed the dismay he showed in the throne room.

  “Tell us, Captain Velen, what is it that disturbs you?” Queen Menina could see he was not happy with this Kina.

  “He intends to make this thing his queen!” Velen spit out angrily. Renic and Queen Menina looked at each other surprised, then they looked back at Velen.

  “What do you mean, Captain?” Renic asked urging him to continue.

  “I’m sorry,” Velen said shaking his head, he took a deep breath, “I should not speak so of King Dracon’s decision’s.”

  “It is alright to be concerned for your lord, tell us why this Kina?’ She said not sure if she was saying it right, he nodded to her, “This Kina disturbs you so?”

  “This Kina has become very close to King Dracon, she is why he is not coming home. They fought the Priests of O’on alone. This creature changed Lord Dracon, the two of them are very powerful together. She is a sorceress of some kind, she made Lord Dracon invincible. She whispers in his ear, guiding his decisions. He declared her his queen. Lord Dracon listens to this Kina creature. I’ve seen her crush a man in full plate armor with hardly a twist of her hand!”

  “Yet, Dracon trusts this creature? Did Satana perish in the expanse, or is she still by his side?” Renic asked.

  “She survived the expanse. She stayed behind with Dracon.” Velen said.

  “Is she aware of all this as well? What does she think of this creature?” Renic asked.

  “Yes, she is aware, but I believe she is bewitched by it as well,” Velen said lowering his eyes, shaking his head. Queen Menina walked a few steps away from the two men.

  “How did you return here, I was told you just appeared out of thin air? Is it true?” Queen Menina asked.

  “The Kina sent us back. Lord Dracon wanted me to tell you he has made alliances for Ganlin and trade routes once they figure out a way through the expanse.” Velen said.

  “You mean to tell us this creature sent you back?” Queen Menina asked, “How is that possible?”

  “She opened a portal with a device we took from the Priests of O’on,” Velen said, “Well, she and Dracon now rule the Priests of O’on, so I guess it belongs to us now.”

  “She opened a portal? On the road to Urixis?” Renic asked.

  “Yes, when Dracon returns, it will be in the same way. There is, as of yet, no way back through the expanse.” Velen said as a matter of fact.

  “What are your orders, Captain Velen.” Queen Menina asked.

  “I was to report to Queen Ayana, then travel to Dragons Claw and prepare his home for his return.” Velen said.

  “Much has happened since you chased Terrax in to the outer region,” Queen Menina started, “After you left, with King Treska dead, my mother Queen Ayana died shortly after, I took the mantle as queen. A rift happened between me and my brothers, mainly my brother Charnio.”

  “What happened, my lady?” Velen asked concerned.

  “He believed I was stealing the crown for myself,” Queen Menina said, “Then he took Dracon’s lands with his soldiers. He died, I’m not sure how, but his man, Alkwin, is ruling both Charnio’s region and Dracon’s.”

  “But it’s your place to rule until the king returns home, as it was with Queen Ayana?” Velen said confused, “Why would they take Dracon’s region? I know this Alkwin. He is a very loyal soldier, and you say Charnio is dead?” he asked.

  “Ganlin is held together right now, by a tentative treaty between this man, Alkwin, and ourselves.” Queen Menina said, “Is it your intent to return to Dragons Claw, Captain?”

  “I do indeed, no one is taking Lord Dracon’s land, I think these men need to be straightened out. I speak for Lord Dracon in his absence!” Velen said angrily.

  “Then you shall return as the governor of the northern region until Dracon’s return. We will send you with an escort.” Queen Menina said, “Get some rest, we will send you with our blessing Captain Velen, to straighten out our king’s region.” Velen was escorted by Ohmbryn from the garden.

  “What’s your game, Menina?” Renic asked, “You’re going to send him to them? Those who believed you stole the crown.”

  “This man will flush out our fake Dracon much quicker than the rumors will. If they kill him, all the better. Dracon will be furious when he returns, but not with us.” Queen Menina smiled at Renic, “We were only doing what was expected, and you, were my trusted advisor in these times of civil unrest.”

  “I don’t understand, Menina, are you backing away from being queen?” Renic asked.

  “Well, I will rule until we see what kind of power returns with our brother. I will be prepared for any eventuality. I will take your advice, for once, and wait.” Queen Menina smiled and started to walk away. Renic hurried after her.

  “What of the Amulets you put on us? How will you explain that to Dracon?” He asked.

  “You’re free, aren’t you?” She said, “I will free the others as well, talk to them Renic, smooth things over with them.”

  “You trust me to do that?” Renic asked.

  “Who better? It’s in our best interest,” Queen Menina said, “Make your choice, stand with me, or Dracon.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Night began to subside once again in Qinkas. The moon finally left the sky and the constant darkness was once again broken apart with daylight. Time was almost normal again, signifying the return of constant sunlight in the land of Sumia. Dracon and Venalina were taken by carriage to the home of Elyon Virfiel. Venalina was wearing a strapless black gown, accented with bits of bright red. She wore an onyx tiara with a large ruby that dangled on her forehead and a necklace of identical design. Dracon watched her as they travelled to the party, she was stunning to him, more beautiful every day. He already anticipated being j
ealous of any attention she received, he could not stop looking at her. Venalina noticed his staring and it made her smile. She leaned over and kissed him, then cuddled up to him the rest of the ride. He made her feel beautiful. When they arrived, the valet opened the carriage door, they were still kissing. The valet cleared his throat to announce his presence, Venalina giggled and pushed Dracon back, then exited the carriage. When Dracon stepped from the carriage, it pulled away. The carriage behind them carried Simon, Danyll, Fowlin and Satana. Queen Jenzenya personally dressed Satana. She looked beautiful, but very uncomfortable, picking at her dress nervously. Fowlin, Simon, and Danyll, smiled at her discomfort. Dracon could tell they had been giving her a hard time. They joined Dracon and Venalina before being led up the stairs to the front door of the very large home. It was incredibly ornate; the display of wealth was over the top.

  “You look,” Dracon started then eyed Satana up and down, “Uncomfortable.” Venalina shoved him. Satana started to walk away.

  “This is stupid! I feel stupid.” Venalina stopped her from running off.

  “You’re beautiful, Satana.” Venalina said pulling her arm to stop her from leaving.

  “Yes commander, you are very beautiful.” Simon said smiling.

  “If you weren’t our commander,” Danyll said next to a smiling, and nodding, Fowlin.

  “Well I’m still your commander!” Satana said with an embarrassed smile.

  “Pretend you are in disguise, here to weed out information,” Dracon said, “Which is why we are truly here, so, play the part. Loosen these decadent fool’s tongues with your beauty, Commander.” They followed Dracon and Venalina up the stairs, the doors opened for them and they were announced.

  “His Majesty, King Dracon and Queen Venalina of Ganlin, and company.” The man at the door announced them. The entire party stopped and turned their attention to Dracon and his group. Elyon emerged from the party goers smiling, he was accompanied by a woman, Simon seemed to recognize. His face lit up. She followed Elyon to the front door to greet the newcomers.

  “Lord Dracon, it is a pleasure to welcome you to my home, please come in.” Elyon led them down the stairs and deeper into the depths of his home, to where drinks were being served. Elyon made sure everyone had a drink, the young woman with him introduced Elyon to Simon. It was then that Dracon recognized the young woman. She was talking to Simon at the queens get together in her garden. Dracon assumed Elyon must be related to her, hopefully Simon watched himself carefully. After they all had drinks in their hands, Elyon walked Dracon and Venalina through the party, introducing them to every person there. They were all rich merchants, or aristocracy of Qinkas, not a one among them a warrior. Dracon caught sight of Tasar watching him from across the room. Tasar raised a glass when they made eye contact, he didn’t smile, just raised his glass, and nodded, almost doing it out of obligation rather than sincerity. Dracon was sure that at onetime Tasar was a soldier. Durlan Olana appeared from out of nowhere, suddenly at Dracon’s side, refilling his glass.

  “Your Majesty, I’m glad you are allowing us to celebrate you among the elite of Qinkas.” Durlan said, he had clearly been drinking plenty before their arrival. He kept bumping into Dracon as he spoke to him. “Your queen, is the loveliest woman here tonight. You are a very lucky man, yes?” he chuckled nudging Dracon who smiled politely. Castien Preswynn put himself between Dracon and the inebriated Durlan.

  “Lord Dracon, I’m glad you could make it.” Castien said giving Dracon space between them that Durlan had previously crowded. Durlan looked at the back of Castien angrily then spotted someone else and forgot all about it, wandering off.

  “Lord Preswynn,” Dracon said happy for the interruption. Music began to play and many of the people began dancing. Venalina was partially dragged to the dance floor by Elyon where he attempted to teach her the dance. Dracon saw Simon dancing with the young woman he was with. He wondered if she was the real reason he chose to stay. Dracon glanced around for the others and saw they were all enjoying themselves. Satana was surrounded by several young admirers trying to get her to dance with them. As much as she protested, her smile was genuine, and the attention flattered her. Dracon looked at the men around her and chuckled, it was almost like she was the man and they were women, how soft they appeared compared to the woman he knew.

  “Have you eaten, Lord Dracon?” Castien asked.

  “No, I haven’t,” Dracon looked around at the many people in attendance, “I expected a little more intimate of an affair, Castien, this is… extreme, for a dinner.”

  “Yes, Elyon enjoys a party and Durlan loves to drink, when the two get together to plan an event, it is usually excessive.” Castien explained as the two roamed through the crowd talking. “We understand you are travelling north, beyond the icy waters of Cold Lake?” Dracon stopped, looking at him surprised, “I’m sorry, my lord, very little happens in Qinkas that we do not know about. Information is the currency of the realm.” Dracon nodded slowly, eyeing him suspiciously, “Come now, our soldiers come and go through the palace, it would be foolish to think we don’t know what happens there, and it would be bad business for us.”

  “Your soldiers?” Dracon asked.

  “Yes, the houses of Qinkas each support the kingdom with a detachment of men for the armies of Qinkas. The guard of the palace serve the queen and the crown, but the armies of Qinkas truly belong to us.” Castien said raising his hand signifying the people at the party, “Is it not the same where you are from?”

  “Well,” Dracon chuckled, “The armies of Ganlin outnumber the army of Qinkas tenfold,” He took a drink from his glass, Castien’s face changed like the blood had left it, “My brother’s and I, each rule a region surrounding our capital, Urixis. We each oversee legions of men to defend Ganlin from all sides. They are our men, but serve at his majesties pleasure, our father, King Treska.” Dracon thought a moment, “He is dead now.”

  “And you are his successor.” Castien finished for him.

  “Yes.” Dracon said taking another drink.

  “Who watches over your kingdom in your absence, one of your brothers?” Castien asked.

  “No, my mother Queen Ayana and my sister Princess Menina rule from our capital, dealing with the daily life of the kingdom, while my brothers and I defend the realm.”

  “That is unusual, a woman? Ruling the kingdom?” Castien asked.

  “King Treska ruled the realm, but during the time of war, he left Queen Ayana to deal with our people while we fought Terrax, all those many years.” Dracon explained.

  “How will they be when you return?” Castien asked.

  “That is a very good question, I’ll have to get home to find out. Joyous I hope.” Dracon tipped his glass to Castien, who raised his glass in return.

  “My lord,” Castien started then looked around at the crowd, “When dinner is served, it will be a smaller room with a select few in attendance, you and your Queen of course.” Dracon nodded. “A few you have not met, a few you have.” Tasar approached from their left, casually.

  “Castien, your majesty,” Tasar nodded, expressionless. Dracon nodded, “Did you ask him?” Tasar asked Castien.

  “A discussion saved for dinner, I thought?” Castien replied. Dracon looked at each of them curiously. Tasar nodded and again raised his glass, then walked away.

  “What was that about?” Dracon asked.

  “A matter for later, business, now is time for drinks, my lord.” Castien smiled and waved a man over with drinks on a tray. They continued moving through the crowd to a balcony on the second-floor landing. Castien chuckled as they came upon Simon and a young woman, looking out into the night of the city. It was an excellent view of the city, Dracon considered if it was better than his view from the palace. “Shearah, introduce us to your young man.” Castien interrupted. The young couple spun, Simon was wide-eyed and surprised by their sudden arrival on the balcony. He looked at Dracon, embarrassed. It made Dracon smile to think what he might be saying to t
he young woman that would embarrass him if overheard.

  “This is sir Simon, Lord Castien,” Shearah introduced Simon to Castien. Simon shook his hand smiling.

  “It is an honor, Lord Castien,” Simon said looking a Shearah then back to Castien, “Shearah tells me you are the most respected lord in all Qinkas.”

  Castien smiled widely, “Shearah exaggerates greatly,” He said looking at Dracon.

  “Dance with me, Simon?” Shearah asked pulling Simon away from the balcony back to the party.

  “Duty, calls my lord,” Simon said to Dracon as she dragged him off. Castien and Dracon watched as the young couple made their way to the dance floor.

  “He’s in for quite a night,” Castien ruminated. Dracon did not reply and continued to watch on, “My lord,” Castien continued out further on the balcony, “Before we join the others for dinner, I’d like to ask you a few questions if I may?” Dracon followed Castien to the balconies edge overlooking the city.

  “Of course, please, speak freely.” Dracon said joining him at the railing.

  “We are very disturbed by your sudden appearance in Qinkas, more so with your relationship with our queen.” Castien started, “Your long-term goals, or rather the mystery of what those are, terrify some of us.”

  “Let me assure you, friendship is all I seek from your queen, and the Ffrei,” Dracon said, “I have only ever known war, battle. I long for the unknown future of peace for my people. The whole world is new to us. Terrax is dead and we are no longer alone in the world as we had once thought. There are wonders yet to be discovered. I wish to know them all, with friends.” Castien watched him as he spoke studying him for his sincerity.

  “And this queen of yours, she is from our land, is she not? We thought her to be a Kina, but she is not?” Castien asked, “Do you feel a claim to her former lands? Or a vengeance for her people?”


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