The Vordalyn 1

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The Vordalyn 1 Page 25

by Michael T Payne

  “I am not here to interfere in your lands or your politics. As far as my queen and what has happened to her people, thousands of years ago, I say this, so long as going forward, my queen and her people are no longer a hunted species, she has no need of me to avenge her.” Dracon said swirling his empty glass, “I have had my fill of war. My people long for peace.”

  “If Queen Jenzenya asked you for military assistance, how would you respond to that?” Castien asked. The question surprised Dracon. Castien looked over at Tasar, who was on his way to join them on the balcony, “More wine Tasar, if you please?” Tasar stopped and started back to the party in search of wine. Elyon stopped him, grabbing a carafe from a servant, then joined Tasar to join Castien and Dracon on the balcony. Elyon filled their glasses as he arrived. Tasar stood watching Dracon, waiting to hear his answer, “I’m sorry my lord, you were saying?” Dracon looked around at the newcomers.

  “It would take much more than a simple request to get my armies to come across the expanse, nothing short of the resurrection of Terrax himself.” Dracon assured them and drank more wine.

  “Why are you heading to the north? Why did you not return with your men?” Tasar asked right away, “Are you going on behalf of our queen? The Vordalyn?”

  Dracon chuckled, “My business to the north is my own.”

  “We’d like to go with you,” Elyon said, “Send men with you, I mean, on our behalf.”

  “Why?” Dracon asked taking a tenser posture. They could all see his tension.

  “It is uncharted, the lake and beyond. It would be invaluable to know what lies beyond it. No one has been to the lake in over a hundred years.” Castien said quickly to relax Dracon.

  “Our lands are fraught with danger, Lord Dracon, we have creatures here that are not friendly. Travelling outside a fortified city is no small feat,” Tasar informed him, “You seem to be immune against the death that inflict our lands.” Tasar stepped closer to the men so he was not yelling, “We only wish to join you in your journey, for the safety you seem to bring to those around you. This opportunity is hard to overlook.”

  “Hmm,” Dracon looked each man in the eye, “Excuse my suspicions, but I am very suspicious of your motives. You seem very annoyed with my presence here, my relationship with your queen, and an almost offensive fear of my intentions. Furthermore, the queen tells me you all have trade to the north on the shores of the lake, you say no one has been there in a hundred years?” They all looked at each other for something to say.

  “Fear has driven our lands for years, my Lord Dracon,” Castien said, “Most of us have never seen battle, looking a gift horse in the mouth seems a healthy caution to some of us. As what the queen knows of our business, we tell her what she needs to make her feel secure, nothing more. Our travels north ceased years ago because the way became too dangerous. We simply could not continue at the time, and few would dare start that route up again, for fear the danger that drove us from the lake, remains.”

  “Why are you going to the north?” Tasar asked again.

  “We are not trying to offend you, Lord Dracon,” Elyon intervened, “We are interested in trade with your people, with your lands, offending you is not in any of our best interests. We have dealings in the north, that is true, but we avoid the lake, we have for years. It stopped being viable in the time of my fathers and I cannot say for sure why.” He said looking at the others as he spoke. Dracon relaxed a little then held his glass out to Elyon, who smiled then poured from his carafe.

  “I am taking my queen to see the dead city that once belonged to her people, after she has seen it, we will return to my land.” Dracon said, “I travel north to appease my queen.” They all smiled.

  “To the queen!” Elyon raised his glass. They all joined him.

  Dinner was as Castien said, a much more intimate setting, in a room away from the other party goers. Venalina and Dracon were the only ones of their group at the table. The others at the table were very high-ranking members of Qinkas society, most of whom Castien spoke for. He announced casually the trip to the north which by their reaction, made it clear to Dracon, that it was a big deal. Many of them asked several times if they could send a representative with Dracon and his men to the north with him. They spent much of the dinner discussing the trip to the north. When dinner was done, and the desserts were brought out, the attention moved from the business to the north to the loveliness of the local beauty and now Dracon’s queen, Venalina. It was overwhelming for her to hear the nobles, and their wives, shower her with compliments and adorations. Dracon acquiesced to their requests to join him in his trip to the north, their support would do much to assist him and to let the nobles of Qinkas see he was a friend, not an enemy. He was also relieved that there was no talk against Queen Jenzenya, as of yet. After dinner, they returned to the party with the other nobles. Dracon and Venalina were closer to the dance floor, where many people danced, enjoying the music played for them. Alcohol ruled the night and laughter filled the air. Between songs, Lord Tasar called across the dance floor to Dracon, silencing the crowd around them.

  “Is it true, your highness, you are impervious to weapons?” he asked. The party was quiet, curious if what they heard asked was true. Dracon smiled and looked around at the many faces that suddenly stared at him. There was a long pause as he stood looking across the room at Tasar. Dracon began to step on to the dance floor. Venalina grabbed his arm stopping him briefly.

  “What are you going to do?” She whispered.

  “I’m being called out, my dear, an example must be made.” Dracon answered.

  “Is that wise?” She stopping him again as he started to leave her side.

  “Am I still invulnerable, or should I just say that is a rumor?” he asked her.

  “No, it is for life, I told you. My lord, the best weapon is the one unseen, not the one prepared for,” Venalina said. He smiled at her then walked out on to the dance floor closer to Tasar. Venalina burned with fury at his ignoring her advice.

  “Choose your blade, Factor Tasar,” Dracon said then removed his shirt. Tasar examined Dracon closely. He was built like a man who had worn plate armor since he was a child. Tasar was impressed with Dracon’s physique. He was an imposing figure.

  “A simple yes or no, would suffice my lord,” Tasar did not want to appear too eager to stab Dracon after all. Dracon put his arms out to his sides, displaying himself for everyone to look at.

  “Don’t be shy now, choose a blade.” Dracon said as he turned for everyone to get a good look at him. Venalina started to pace to the side, behind Dracon. Satana made her way over to Venalina.

  “Is he going to be ok?” Satana asked.

  “Yes, I just think this is foolish.” Venalina responded angrily.

  A man appeared from Tasar side with a sword, Tasar drew. He stepped out to Dracon with his sword in hand. Tasar took a napkin from a near-by woman and threw it in the air. It floated slowly back down to Tasar’s extended blade, it split easily as if it two napkins when it passed through the blade, making the crowd ooh and ah. Dracon smiled at Tasar having a sword ready. This evening was more than he thought it was going to be, wine made it a welcomed event. Dracon faced Tasar, at the very tip of his blade, threatening to throw himself on it. The crowd gasped. Tasar spun his blade expertly, letting Dracon and the crowd, know, he was no stranger to its use. Tasar swung his blade at Dracon and appeared to miss him by a hairs breadth, then again with the same result, as Dracon stepped just out of range. Tasar knew the tip of his blade hit Dracon on both swings, it amazed him. He stepped in to his next swing, coming down to Dracon’s forehead, but was caught by Dracon as his hands palmed the blade inches from his face. Before the momentum of the swing dissipated Dracon released the blade to hit him full in his head. A loud ting echoed through the room. Dracon was down on one knee, looking up at Tasar. The blade found its sheath once again as his attendant rushed to Tasar’s side. Dracon looked up, locking eyes with Tasar, then stood, unharmed. Tasar smiled
back at him. The crowd around him was quiet for a long moment waiting for blood, when it did not flow a slow clap began, then erupted fully. The Ffrei were amazed at Dracon. Tasar walked over to Dracon as the crowd drowned all voices with their applause.

  “Are all your people like you?” Tasar asked.

  “I’m the feeblest of my people.” Dracon said with a smirk. Tasar didn’t believe that.

  “It does my heart well, that you are a friend,” Tasar said.

  “To some,” Dracon said. Tasar raised Dracon’s arm in the air, victoriously.

  “Lord Dracon is indeed impervious to steel,” Tasar said quieting the crowd and letting Dracon’s arm go, “But how are you, my lord,” Tasar said as the crowd looked on, “To unarmed combat?” he asked.

  “My shirt is already off, Lord Tasar, come,” Dracon waved him on with both hands, “Find out.” Tasar laughed immediately.

  “I am retired, young Dracon, however, I do have a young soldier, I’ve trained for years.” Tasar announced, not only to Dracon, but the entire party. People made way for someone coming from behind the crowd. Satana rushed to Dracon’s side.

  “You know this is a set-up?” She said to Dracon, as a warrior made his way to Tasar’s side.

  “All the more reason to make a good showing.” He said.

  “Venalina is right, you’re giving away too much, and for what? Pride?” Satana said Dracon chuckled dismissively, he wanted to fight, he was a warrior after all. The warrior was taller than Dracon and much wider. Venalina started pacing even more than she already was. The crowd knew this large young man.

  “I’ll wager Lord Dracon makes quick work of him,” Elyon said to the crowd.

  “I’ll take that bet,” a noble said quickly, joined by others.

  Dracon smiled over at Elyon, nodding his appreciation for his support. The warrior ripped off his shirt, growling to the crowd like a wild animal unleashed. The young man suddenly ran at Dracon growling all the way, he tucked his shoulder trying to tackle Dracon. He was too seasoned to fall for that and sidestepped him like a bull fighter, sending him into the crowd. He regained himself quickly. Dracon could tell the man was inexperienced and full of adrenaline. He ran again at Dracon expecting another dodge, but Dracon met him head on with an uppercut that sent him sliding across the dance floor, in a heap, unconscious. Tasar watched on, his mouth wide open, surprised at his students lack of competition for Dracon. He was a monster of a man, built for battle, trained from a very young age. It made Tasar wonder just how much more training Dracon must have received to make his student look so weak and ineffective? It was an embarrassment to all Ffrei warriors. Satana saw it for what it was, a set-up to probe Dracon. Many people congratulated Dracon, but at the same time, he terrified them all. Impervious to their steel and hand to hand combat. To Dracon, his point was made. A warning. Venalina demanded they leave as soon and as politely as possible, Satana agreed with her. They ushered Dracon from the party shortly after, interrupting every conversation he had, until they annoyed him into leaving. Once in the carriage and safely away from the party, Satana and Venalina took turns berating Dracon for his demonstration of power. Dracon, however, was very pleased with himself. Both women felt the same about it being a drunken display of bravado by Dracon. He insisted it was necessary to set a precedent. Venalina, eventually, out of frustration with him put him to sleep in the carriage. Satana sat quietly with Venalina the rest of the ride to the palace. Both women agreed his display was a strategic mistake. When they arrived, Venalina whipped her hand and with a snap of her fingers, Dracon disappeared. Satana was shocked and surprised.

  “Where did he go?” she asked scared.

  “He’s fine, I sent him to bed. I am not going to carry him. Or, call guards to do so, appearances and all.” Venalina said angrily. Satana laughed.

  “I thought maybe…” She laughed again.

  Venalina smiled back at her, “Never that. He may have been an ass, but I still love him.”

  “Those nobles were kind of asses themselves,” Satana said.

  “Yes, a different kind of ass,” Venalina said smiling, “I still had a good time, all those Ffrei nobles kissing up to me, Queen Venalina.” Venalina left Satana, joining Dracon in their room. He was asleep in the bed and Orist was standing next to the bed watching him. Venalina stopped dead in her tracks looking at Orist. “Do you want to die?” she asked him, “I told him I sent you back already, if he sees you here, it will be bad for me.”

  “My queen,” Orist dropped to his knees, “I was awaiting your return. In your room when he suddenly appeared here.”

  “Orist, it’s as if you want to die.” Venalina walked over to the bed across from Orist, “Get up, come over here quickly.” Orist did as he was told, “I’m sending you back.”

  “My queen, I apologize, please don’t make me leave your side. I will hide, out of sight.” He pleaded.

  “I want you to get the strongest battlemage we have and have him ready when I call on you again, is that understood?” Venalina asked.

  “Yes, my queen,” Orist bowed again. Venalina snapped her fingers and Orist disappeared, sent back to the Priests of O’on. It made her weak, instantly dropping her to her knees, unable to stand. She put her hands on the floor and crawled to the bed, she had used too much power, too quickly. It took her several minutes to gather the energy to get up. Venalina stood slowly, dropping her gown, then climbed into bed with Dracon. She latched onto his neck and fed on him. It only took seconds to regain her full strength, and when she did, she wisped his clothes off. He was out cold, in a coma like sleep, to awaken only when Venalina had decided he had rested enough. Before her, sleep did not come to Dracon very easily, she knew this. His mind was often torn between war and worry. She took that hardship from him, and knew his rest was important, for both of them. Venalina ran her hands all over his body, casting spells of protection and strength on every muscle, making him stronger than she had already. The stronger he was, the stronger she was, and to protect him, was to protect herself.

  Chapter Thirty

  Velen stopped at the lookout as the Elven escort continued down in to Dracon’s region. He was amazed at the city he saw that sprung up around his home at Dragon’s claw. It was larger than Qinkas. He could see outlying villages, farms, and towns, in the horizon. He was amazed at the change in the once desolation that was Ganlin in times of war. Velen continued with his men and the escort down from the lookout. As they entered the populated areas nearer to the city, they were met with looks of fear and disdain. The Elven Captain explained the hatred was for the elves, not Velen and his men. It still bothered Velen to see the people divided. The closer they came to Dracon’s manor, the more they were trailed by soldiers. Velen called out to one of the soldiers.

  “Where is your captain? I am Captain Velen, leader of the First Legion, returned from the outer regions from our Lord Dracon’s side.” The soldier looked at Velen in disbelief. He followed on as a group of soldiers stopped the escort from continuing any further.

  “Stop, by order of the king.” A soldier on horseback announced ahead of the column, “You know you are not allowed here without special orders.” He said to the lead elf. Velen hurried his horse to the front, his men hot on his heels.

  “Who dares stop us?” Velen asked putting himself between the elf and the soldier, “Who are you to stop King Dracon’s captain?” The soldier looked Velen over then asked in return “Who are you, who claim such a thing?”

  “I am Captain Velen of the First Legion, led by his highness, Lord Dracon!” Velen barked. The soldier took a long look at Velen, then at the men with him. It took him a minute, but he finally recognized his compatriot.

  “Captain Velen? You’ve returned?” He asked.

  “I have been tasked to take control of his lord’s manor and region, by King Dracon himself, to prepare his eminent arrival.” Velen urged his horse onward passed the soldier. The Elven Captain hurried alongside Velen.

  “Captain Velen
, unless you need us further, I think its best me and my men return to Urixis. Our presence here may only hinder your efforts,” He said to Velen, fearful of an attack on him and his men.

  “You may take your leave Captain, you have seen me safely home. I can take it from here.” Velen said. The elves pulled out then left the city and region immediately. Velen and his four men were escorted by soldiers to Lord Dracon’s manor. The sergeant explained who was in charge and why. Velen told the sergeant to spread the word to Dracon’s troops to assemble outside the manor. They reached the manor and were met by Alkwin and another man in full plate armor. Velen recognized the armor as Lord Dracon’s armor. He spat before he spoke, and did so before Alkwin could speak, “You have a lot of nerve impersonating my Lord Dracon in his home.” Velen pulled his sword from its sheath pointing it at Charnio, donning Dracon’s armor.

  “You have balls boy,” Alkwin said.

  “I have right! And I am no boy! Prepare yourself for the wrath of my King Dracon!” Velen yelled at him, urging his horse toward Alkwin to attack.

  “Wait!” Charnio yelled at him causing Velen to pull up. Charnio removed his helmet unveiling himself to Velen.

  “Lord Charnio?” He said, “I was told you were dead? Why the deception? And why have you set up in my lord’s region rather than your own?”

  “I am not dead, Captain Velen, and much has happened since you and my brother marched off in to the unknown.” Charnio said putting his helmet on the horn of his saddle.

  “That is truly an understatement, my lord.” Velen said putting his sword away.

  “Join us inside, I will explain.” Charnio said pulling the reigns of his horse to return in the manor gates. They went in to the manor and Velen was surprised at the servants and people cleaning and tending to the manor. Lord Charnio and Alkwin walked Velen and his men to a private room. Charnio explained everything that happened, from the death of Queen Ayana to the amulets that subdued the brothers, the war that waged silently between Queen Menina and Charnio, pretending to be Dracon. All of it.


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