The Vordalyn 1

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The Vordalyn 1 Page 26

by Michael T Payne

  “This is a lot to consider.” Velen said, “But my task is unchanged. I appreciate your trials, Lord Charnio, however King Dracon has still tasked me to take control of his region and manor to prepare for his arrival.” Velen looked at his men then back at Charnio and Alkwin, “I expect you and your men to return to your region, while I rally King Dracon’s army and prepare them for his arrival.”

  “That is not going to happen.” Alkwin said.

  “No? According to King Dracon, that is exactly what will happen!” Velen snarled.

  “He’s right Alkwin, the king is returned, give him his home back.” Charnio said. There was a knock at the door. Alkwin opened it and a soldier pushed past him.

  “Captain Velen, the men are assembling. Word has been sent out for all Dracon’s armies to return home at once.” The soldier informed them, then left.

  “You’ve recalled Dracon’s legions?” Charnio asked.

  “As my king requested.” Velen said.

  “That will take most of our forces, Lord Charnio, I must protest.” Alkwin blurted out.

  “I will take your tongue for defying the king!” Velen snapped.

  “You can try!” Alkwin snapped back.

  “Stop!” Charnio intervened, “Dracon has wishes, we will follow them,” Charnio stepped between Alkwin and Velen, “I want to be the first to see my brother when he returns.”

  “I will express your desires to him when he arrives.” Velen replied.

  “You came from Urixis, Captain Velen? How did Menina take the news of Dracon’s return?” Charnio asked.

  “Well, no amulets were handed out in my presence as you can see.” Velen said, “She told me of the turmoil that ensued with our departure and the death of King Treska and Queen Ayana.”

  “Did she explain herself at all?” Charnio asked.

  “Did she take or place blame? Is that what you are asking? If so, it is up to King Dracon to sort that out, not me. I have a task.” Velen finished, “And you, Lord Charnio, are no longer needed in this region.” Charnio and Alkwin left the region taking their men with them, handing over the manor and city, to Velen and his four men. Word spread through Dragons claw, and the city was in a celebratory fervor. Velen held a meeting with all the commanders of Dracon’s legion. He told them everything that happened when they left Ganlin, he did not, however, talk poorly about Venalina. He told them of Dracon meeting and taking a queen, keeping all negative talk out of his mind. The last thing he needed was to have Dracon’s own men question him when he returned. Velen embellished the battle of Terrax’s death and told all his men to spread the tale through the city. Over the next few days, more men joined up after hearing Dracon was coming back. More civilians moved to the region with a renewed fervor, more than when they first were exiled from Urixis.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Dracon met with Queen Jenzenya before he and Venalina left to the north. Dracon left Satana, Simon, Danyll, and Fowlin to stay and join Queen Jenzenya’s personal guard to watch over her while he was gone. He had a feeling her safety was at stake, and was sure no one would make a move on her while his people stood by her side. Satana protested relentlessly, but Dracon stood firm. He met on the outskirts of Qinkas with the merchant’s caravan he was to lead. Tasar provided twenty soldiers to accompany the caravan. When Dracon arrived, he was atop a horse with his new full plate armor on. He terrified everyone he passed, sending people screaming from his presence. His armor magically instilled fear in everyone who saw him in it. Venalina followed on a horse of her own, amused at the terror Dracon caused. When they arrived at the caravan, the soldiers drew their swords shaking in their boots. It wasn’t until Dracon removed his helmet did the fear lose its power over the people around him. He knew what he was doing and wanted to arrive at the caravan in a terrifying manner. The caravan was made up of five carriages, three wagons, twenty armed soldiers, and seven pack horses. A group of four women waited outside a carriage and there were various people in attendance, some to see them off, others to join them. Castien was at the back of the carriage and greeted Dracon first.

  “Lord Dracon,” Castien walked alongside Dracon’s horse, grabbing his reigns, and leading his horse for him, “The center carriage is for you and your queen, my lord.” He let go of Dracon’s horse, it was moving too fast for him to keep a hold of it. Castien instead, grabbed Venalina’s horse and continued explaining to her instead.

  “I’ll lead,” Dracon said over his shoulder to Castien.

  “My lady, we have a carriage for you, here,” Castien was able to get a hold of Venalina’s horse.

  “You’re very generous, Lord Castien.” Venalina slid off her horse when they reached the carriage. Castien Took her arm in his and led her to the carriage in the very middle of all the carriages, then opened the door for her. It was very luxurious inside making Venalina smile.

  “Ladies,” Castien snapped his fingers, and four young women rushed over to Castien and Venalina, “Since you insist on going on this adventure, you should have attendants to see to your every need. These are my daughters, Talila, Alyndra, Saida, and Kaylin.”

  “My lady,” Talila curtsied, and bowed her head to Venalina, then each of the young women followed suit. They stood shoulder to shoulder in front of Venalina, for her inspection.

  “You are sure you wish your daughters to come on such a trip as this? Into the unknown wilds?” Venalina asked Castien.

  “When I told my daughters that you were a queen who didn’t have any ladies in attendance, they volunteered themselves.” Castien explained as he smiled at his daughters.

  “A queen should have ladies in waiting, your majesty.” Talila spoke still bowing her head.

  “You are brave young women; do you understand where we are going?” Venalina asked, then looked at Castien.

  “They understand, your highness.” Castien looked at his daughters.

  “It is a great honor, my lady,” Kaylin bubbled as she spoke, smiling, her eyes gleamed. It made Venalina smile back at her exuberance. The carriage was plenty big enough for Venalina and the four, young women, to be very comfortable. Two soldiers on horseback posted up on the side of the carriage where Castien stood. He shut the door of the carriage behind the girls.

  “This is precious cargo,” Castien said, “I want six men on this carriage at all times, is that clear?” Castien asked.

  “Yes, my lord,” One of the two responded. Nearby soldiers heard the command, and within seconds, there were three soldiers on either side of the carriage. The soldiers lined either side of the caravan from the front with Dracon all the way to the back trailing the pack horses. In front of each of the carriages were men who represented the merchants of Qinkas. Of the five carriages three were for the representatives, one was for Venalina and one was for Castien’s daughters when they were not attending to Venalina. Dracon came to each carriage on foot and met with the representatives. He was very stern with them about their safety and his authority on the ensuing trip, to which they all pledged to obey his commands. They were soft, and Dracon was concerned for their well-being. He met with all the soldiers, a couple at a time, to get a feel for how well trained they were. In the last carriage, the only actual merchant coming with him was Durlan Olana. He was very excited to be a part of the trip, also very assured of his safety after Dracon’s display of strength at the party he co-hosted. Dracon inspected every inch of the caravan before giving Castien a farewell nod and returning to the front of the caravan to start them on their way.

  “I have four young girls in my carriage giggling.” Venalina spoke clearly in Dracon’s head. He chuckled to himself.

  “Let’s move out,” Dracon announced and started on the road north. There was no night again, and it made Dracon push on for two days. Eventually, Leonid, the leader of Tasar’s soldiers approached Dracon.

  “My lord, it’s been two days, if we don’t rest the horses soon, we may start losing them.” Dracon was surprised that he had been driving them for two days st

  “Let’s find a suitable stopping point and deal with the horses,” Dracon said to the soldier.

  “Yes, my lord,” The soldier fell behind passing the word along to the others. Dracon could hear an audible sigh of relief that echoed through the ranks of the caravan. They circled the wagons and carriages. The soldiers set up watch around the perimeter. The men who drove the carriages, wagons and pack horses began attending to their horses. Castien’s daughters began ordering servants around to start a fire and begin cooking as soon as possible. Venalina stepped from the carriage stretching high in to the sky. Dracon took two men, Leonid and Dangelo, who led the caravan with him, and scouted their perimeter while camp was being set-up. They spent an hour making sure the area was safe. They returned to a little village made from the carriages and wagons. It made Dracon smile at how much of a little village it resembled, surrounding a fire at its center. Castien’s daughters were ordering men and servants around, overseeing all the domestic tasks of cooking and setting up the campsite. Venalina was already sitting on a cloth covered bench being brought sample of everything being cooked to see what she would like to eat by one of the daughters. While the others went about the work of stowing unused gear and transforming their carriages into bedrooms. Dracon joined Venalina at her comfortable bench. Immediately upon his arrival, a plate of warm food was brought to him, and Venalina by Kaylin. She stood waiting for Dracon to sit before handing it to the two of them. Her sister Saida knelt before them with a tray, holding glasses, like she was a table for them. Dracon didn’t know whether to take the glasses or just eat. Venalina sat back and started to eat, while young Saida watched them smiling. It was unnerving to Dracon to be served, so selflessly, by these young women. Dracon leaned forward and ate his food as quickly as he could, so he could take his glass and free Saida to go about her business and feed herself.

  “My love,” Venalina said, “Slow down, there is no rush, we need a break, relax.” She put her hand on his shoulder urging him to sit back. Saida continued watching the two of them as they ate, with a smile still on her face. Dracon sat back and started eating, looking around at the bustle of everyone tending to their own needs. Castien’s daughters were no strangers to telling people what to do, that was clear. Dracon noticed several of the noble representatives would stop the girls and whisper something into their ear. It appeared to unnerve each of the young women.

  “What’s that about?” Dracon asked Saida. She looked around, then her smile left her.

  “Oh,” She said looking down embarrassed, “They are telling them who we each have to share a carriage with, when they are ready for us.”

  “What does that mean?” Venalina asked sitting up to hear.

  “We are daughters,” She said, “It is our duty to do as our father asks. We are here to keep the men happy.” Venalina’s face twisted in disgust.

  “You are here to attend me?” Venalina asked disgusted.

  “Yes, my lady, primarily, however, when Lord Dracon shares your carriage, we are to attend to the needs of the representatives.” Saida struggled to smile, “We are not sons.”

  “Tell your sisters that is not allowed. I will need your attention, always. Is that understood?” Venalina was angry. Dracon put his hand on her shoulder, settling her back into her seat.

  “Their customs,” He started.

  “Is it like this in your land?” Venalina asked angrily, “Should I expect this for my daughters?”

  “No, of course not.” Dracon responded.

  “Are you saying I should allow it then?” Venalina snarled at him.

  “I am not telling you anything. I’m just saying don’t kill anyone, ok?” Dracon whispered, “Keep these women to yourself if you wish, but we are not going to start a war on this trip. Conduct yourself as a diplomat, my love.” Venalina relaxed.

  “You are to attend me at all times,” She said again to Saida, “Go now, tell your sisters before someone tries anything, I want it known among the men as well.” She took the glasses from the tray Saida held, then put their finished plates on it in return. Saida took the tray and left them. “I can’t promise anything if I’m confronted.” Venalina said after the young girl left.

  “Of course not,” Dracon chuckled. The daughters of Castien hovered closer to Venalina, sitting around her, waiting to do anything she asked. The information that the girls were only there to serve Venalina did not cause any discontent among the men, they seemed to take it well. After all, Venalina was a queen without servants of her own, it wasn’t too farfetched that the ladies would not be available for anything else. The girls were uneasy at first, but pleased to be free of their other duties. Their confidence returned quickly when no one made mention of their unavailability and they returned to giving orders, emboldened by Venalina’s protection. After eating, many of the men in the caravan sat around smoking pipes and drinking wine. They had all relaxed in front of their carriages after eating.

  “My lord,” Durlan said across the fire to Dracon, “Is our pace to remain the same throughout the entire trip?” Some of the others made a sound signaling their curiosity as well to know the answer to that question.

  “I must apologize for that, Lord Durlan,” Dracon sat up in his seat, so he could be heard by everyone, “In my land, our days are not constant as you have here. We have days and nights in a constant succession, as you once had here. I mark my time of work by the coming of night, when it does not come, I forget to rest.” Dracon took a sip of his wine, as soon as he took it from his lips, Talila filled it again, he nodded his thanks to her, “I hope going forward that if I forget again, my queen will remind me to stop.” He said glancing at Venalina.

  “My king is a driven man,” Venalina said to the group, leaning forward to grab Dracon’s bicep then sat back again, the group chuckled at her comment.

  “It is a true wonder that your lands still have a day and night to follow,” Durlan said, “I look forward to the day we can visit you there.”

  “Are the women of Ganlin warriors, like your commander? What was her name?” Representative Kendel asked.

  “Satana, is her name, and the women of Ganlin, as I have said before rule our nation. My mother, Queen Ayana ruled the land, while my brothers, my father and I, defended the realm.” Dracon answered.

  “How many brothers are there, my lord?” Representative Filbon asked.

  “I have four brothers and a sister.” Dracon answered.

  “A sister?” Venalina asked smiling.

  “Yes, a sister,” Dracon smiled at her.

  “Is she mighty, like you, my love?” Venalina said cuddling up to Dracon.

  “She is trained and schooled even beyond my understanding. She has been trained in the arts of magic since she was a small child. She was trained to rule Urixis, our capital from a very young age.” Dracon explained, “I dare say she is more prepared to oversee our people than I.”

  “Why is that?” Talila asked, everyone looked at her, she looked down embarrassed, “Excuse me sire, I forget my place.”

  “What harm is there in her curiosity?” Dracon said smiling at the others, “We are all out here in harm’s way, together, I would hear all your voices speak.” Dracon said to the group.

  “You are a wise king.” Durlan said.

  “I would not go so far as that, I am a man of war, my friend, I’ve learned to listen to those around me to survive, it makes me no wiser than a dog.” Dracon said making them all laugh, “And with that, I am going to get some rest,” Dracon stood, “Make sure the men on watch are fed,” He said to Talila.

  “Yes, my lord.” Talila said and curtsied. The entire group stood when Dracon stood, and bowed as he turned and entered Venalina’s carriage. It was much larger than he anticipated, which was comforting. Venalina followed him. Dracon was still in his full plate armor. Venalina snapped her fingers and it disappeared from him, leaving him dressed normally. The seats were missing from the carriage and it was made up like a large bed, Dracon smiled.

  “This is better than the ground in a tent” He said.

  “These people treat us well, my love,” Venalina said putting her hands on his shoulders.

  “Provided we don’t get them all killed,” Dracon said with a sudden concern in his voice.

  “They know the risks of their own lands, my lord,” Venalina said, “They hide behind you like a shield.” She said.

  “Are these girls going to be a problem?” Dracon suddenly asked.

  “No,” Venalina straightened up, her face changed, “They are mine.”

  “What do you mean?” Dracon asked, “What do you have in mind, Venalina?”

  “Those girls are my servants now,” Venalina said. Dracon considered for a moment what to say, and opted for nothing. He laid down in the carriage turned bed, Venalina snuggled her face to his neck and whispered, “Sleep, my love,” She caressed his cheek with her long fingernails and Dracon was instantly out cold.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  It was going to be a longer trip than Dracon anticipated, when they reached the lands of the Priests of O’on, their pace was considerably slower. Durlan had brought with him a mapmaker, Brodrerth, to chart the lands there and beyond. It irritated Dracon that he did not ask specifics about their roles on the trip. The mapmaker needed frequent stops to take notes and drawings, every few hours. At the end of the second week, they reached the other side of the swamp that was most of the area the Priests of O’on called home. Dracon wanted to get through the lands without meeting with any of the priests, especially Orist, he also did not want to scare the caravan with their presence. However, while camp was being set-up for a much-needed rest. Orist arrived to meet with the caravan. Dracon was circling the camp at the time of his arrival, clearing the area with several soldiers. When Dracon entered camp, he could tell right away something was going on, then he spotted the four battlemages, wearing his colors. The entire caravan was on edge.


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