Confessions of a Beast: A Phoenix Pack Urban Paranormal (Saved By A Beast Book 3)
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“What are you doing?” Gemma asked with a shaky voice. Tristan inhaled deeply. Through the flavor of her scent, he caught whiff that her cherry was indeed still there. Moving back from her, he visibly relaxed. But then he felt stupid for even doing that to her.
“I’m sorry Gemma,” he said. “I didn’t mean to do that. I just couldn’t help it.”
“I know, it’s okay.” Tristan shook his head.
“No. No, it’s not.” Gemma put her head down understanding he was actually apologetic. She looked back towards Niles.
“I’ll talk to you later Niles. I’m gonna go to bed.”
“Goodnight Gemma,” he smiled at her. Tristan shot him a look, and that sent him scurrying away. Gemma looked back at Tristan.
“I don’t know why he’s so scared of you,” she laughed. Tristan shrugged and smiled at her.
“I guess for the same reason you’re afraid of me,” he replied. Gemma gasped and hit him playfully.
“I’m not afraid of you,” she said.
“Just messing with you,” he laughed flicking her nose. “Shit I’m more afraid of you than you are of me.”
“How come?”
“I just know if I piss you off too much I’ll end up with my dick shoved down my throat.” Gemma smacked her hand to her face.
“Look, we were in the middle of a fight. I gave my wolf a lot of leeway, and she wanted me to make certain he was humiliated. Even though you piss her off sometimes Tristan, she wouldn’t want to hurt you or your dick. And neither would I.” Tristan’s smile faltered a little.
“I feel real shitty about earlier,forcing myself on you like I was.”
“You weren’t forcing yourself!” Gemma gasped.
“I just want you to know that no matter how aroused I am around you Gemma, or what you may feel from me, don’t ever compromise yourself for me. Because I’d never want to put you in a position to do something you’re not ready for.”
“I understand,” she sighed. She put her head down, but Tristan quickly lifted it by putting his finger under her chin. He was gazing down at her lips.
“Jesus I think about your lips all the time,” he whispered as if he was talking to himself. Gemma yearned for him to kiss her. She went on her tippy toes just to reach his lips, but he only moved his lips further away.
“My lips you can have Tristan. Take them,” she breathed.
“I can’t,” he choked out. “There’s no way I’ll be able to control myself if I kiss you.” Cursing, he backed away from her.
“We have a pack meeting at 7 am. Get some sleep.” Gemma almost cried at his loss. She wanted to be mad at him. She wanted to scream at the top of her lungs that it wasn’t fair and she just wanted to be mated like Rita and Bliss were, but she knew she would look like a child having a temper tantrum.
“Tristan. Are you going to wait until we’re both in pain before you mate me?” she asked suddenly. He sighed deeply. Little did she know his body was already starting to feel the effects of not mating. His balls were tight, heavy and achy ready for a sense of relief.
“I’m gonna mark you to give us some time,” he said. Gemma looked him up and down.
“Mark me? Instead of just mating with me?”
“The both of us aren’t ready to be mated, Gemma. Let’s just be real. So when you can handle being marked Gemma, I’ll do that for you.”
“Why does it have to be so complicated?” Gemma sneered. Her anger began to rise. Both her and her wolf was heated.
“We’re mates, either way, you wanna flip it! So cut the bullshit and do what you gotta do Tristan! It’s obvious I’m crazy about you! Do you not want me? If that’s the case man the fuck up and just tell me that. I’ll just go let Niles pop my damn cherry. At least he doesn’t have a problem admitting how he feels about me!” Tristan knew it was just her angered wolf that was talking, but that didn’t make her words sting any less. And he really couldn’t control himself either with the way she was talking to him. Without thinking, he slammed her up against the wall with his hand loosely around her throat. Her eyes were glowing with the power of her wolf.
“I told you I fucking wanted you,” he gritted out. “Just this morning I told you that. I don’t deny us being mates Gemma. But completing the bond is entering an eternal relationship. Maybe it’s not that I don’t want you, maybe I’ve got demons I don’t want to taint your beautiful soul with. We all want life to be as simple as possible, but that doesn’t mean that’s going to happen. I’m doing a shitty job at being your mate Gemma. I know that. I know that you could do better than me. And I have no clue why the universe gave me to you, but she did. No matter how fucked up I can get Gemma you know that I care about you. And you have every right to be pissed at me. But what you’re not gonna do is throw a sexual relationship with another wolf in my face. I would never do that to you despite how fucked up of a mate I am.” He glared at her before shoving away from her.
“7 am. Pack meeting. Fines apply for tardiness.” Right in front of her eyes, Tristan closed in on himself. Gemma had been seeing a new version of her mate she hadn’t before, but because she couldn’t control her damn self, she flew off at the mouth and therein caused him to retreat. What was wrong with her?
“Kellan wants agenda items for the meeting. If you have any concerns for security and pack rules, bring forth to me and Jaxson. Anything else bring forth to Jayce.” Tristan had cut her off completely, going into his enforcer role instead of the role as her mate. She’d ruined it all.
“Have a good night Gemma,” he said stoically before he walked away from her. Gemma cursed loudly as she used her key to open her bedroom door and locked herself inside. She kicked at the door before throwing herself onto her bed in frustration. All she wanted was the relationships she saw her sister wolves having with their mates. But maybe it really was more complicated than she thought. Guess it was time for her to grow up.
GEMMA! Jumping up from her slumber with her eyes glowing, Gemma felt like she couldn’t catch her breath. She felt her animal trying to force her way out of Gemma’s body at the call of her alpha. Biting back her strained cry she repeated her mantra, so she didn’t shift. Her wolf calmed down enough for Gemma to regain complete control. Stumbling out of bed she grabbed her phone. 8 AM. Oh no.
I’m so sorry Kellan I overslept! She rambled into the mind of her alpha as she stumbled around the room trying to get dressed. Her call went unanswered as Kellan never answered her. She knew that wasn’t a good sign. Kellan was more like his mother than he was like Kameron. Even though Kameron was the best alpha known to shifters, he always made it bluntly clear not to fuck with him. Kellan was very relaxed and nonchalant, but when taken to the limit that’s when he was ruthless just like his father. And Gemma never wanted to be on the receiving end of his ruthlessness.
Brushing her teeth then dragging on a sundress; Gemma moved as quickly as she could. Once she was dressed, she bolted out of her room and ran all the way to their meeting room. Everyone inside was quiet. The meeting hadn’t started. So when she entered, everyone turned and looked at her. Gemma felt like curling up in a ball and disappearing or something. As she knew, Kellan was pissed. He wore a scowl on his face that he directed straight to her. Gemma quickly took her place around the table. Gemma thought Kellan was going to rip her to pieces for being late, but she realized even if he was angry he was going to save her punishment for later.
“Beta report,” he said looking at both Jayce and Rita.
“Within our pack, no one has raised any imminent concerns. Dell and his pack, of course, are still around but mainly because Mira is still healing. The next full moon is due in a week where she said she'd be able to regain her full strength,” Rita said.
“As for other packs, I’ve found more in the area who’ve been hiding out that we didn’t know existed before. We should make our presence known by visiting their territory and create allies. They should also know they can call on us for
protection should they need it. The alpha of Amber, Maya, and Brandy has pledged to be our allies because of the protection we gave the future of his pack. Those three girls plus the son of the alpha and two other young pups are the only young. Without the girls, his pack would have been devasted in terms of growth,” Jayce spoke up. Kellan nodded liking what he was hearing. He was always open to allies.
“Do you have anything to communicate to the betas?” Kellan asked the rest of the pack. No one spoke.
“Any new leads on the attacker?” Jayce asked Kellan. Kellan shook his head.
“It’s like whoever attacked us is some kind of ghost. There’s not a single trail. I’m starting to wonder if maybe it was a random attack or humans were behind it.”
“If it were humans there should have been a scent,” Gemma spoke up. All eyes went to her. She held her breath realizing that maybe she wasn’t allowed to talk because she was the one that kept the meeting up by coming late.
“That’s a valid point,” Kellan said. Gemma tried to act normal and not surprised.
“So it’s someone of the supernatural. But who? And why us?” Bliss questioned.
“If we’re making it known that we’re gonna be the ones protecting and laying down the laws then we’re always gonna have threats,” Tristan said. Kellan sighed and flipped through the papers in front of him.
“Reports on security is minimal,” Jaxson said.
“Monitors are set up, and cameras are in place. I am in fact just wary of another pack on our territory with our alpha female being pregnant,” Tristan added.
“Right,” Kellan nodded. “And if Dell goes anywhere near Bliss I’ll rip his fucking head off.”
“We all know I’m trying to control my wolf and two months of not shifting is going to be hell. But if any one of those other wolves come near me, it’s going to be harder,” Bliss admitted.
“We won’t let them come near you,” Rita offered.
“In fact Kellan,” Tristan began. “I’m ready to pledge a vow of protection to Bliss until she has the pup. That way we can always ensure that she is protected with or without you around.” Tristan stood as did Kellan. They shook on Tristan’s words before they sat back down.
“With the full moon and me being pregnant, how am I not gonna shift?” Bliss questioned.
“Pregnant shifters won’t feel the power of shifting under the full moon,” Kellan informed her.
“The only trouble is that not shifting during the full moon might agitate your wolf and it’ll be hard not to give into the power of the shift,” Jayce said.
“With you not having control yet it’ll make it harder for you not to shift but that’s why you have your pack. We will ensure the safety of both you and the pup.” Rita’s words comforted her, but only so much. Bliss was really concerned. But she smiled at her mate and ate the positive energy he was feeding her. He kissed her on the cheek before he moved to the next item on the agenda.
“As you all know I have the pack bank account set up. That’s what we’re going to use for our necessities. I know you ladies aren’t working so if you need money don’t be afraid to ask me or Jayce to get ahold of some funds. I am lining up some jobs creating some pieces for a couple clients. That’ll get us some money in the bank as well.”
“I know you’re alpha but do you plan on working yourself to death to make money for the pack?” Jaxson asked.
“As alpha that’s my job.”
“We can all pitch in,” Gemma spoke up again. “You’re about to have a pup in two months we all need to help. You can’t work all the time plus be the alpha.”
“I think we can all agree,” Kyra said.
“I might possibly have this new job in town at a lounge. The pay seems pretty good,” Gemma told them. Everyone looked at her baffled.
“Job?” Tristan was the first to ask.
“Yeah, at the lounge. The owner offered me a job.”
“Doing what?” Kellan asked.
“Entertainment,” she replied. For some reason saying she was going to be singing made her feel like they would laugh at her. So she kept it to herself. Tristan dropped the pen he was holding. Everyone kept looking at her.
“I don’t think so,” Tristan stated shaking his head.
“Excuse me?” Gemma asked. “You can’t really tell me what to do.”
“What’d I tell you last night? About throwing shit in my face?” He snapped at her. Gemma was confused.
“What are you talking about?”
“Gemma,” Rita called to her. Gemma looked in that direction. “What kind of entertainment are you talking about? Stripping? You really can’t expect Tristan to be okay with that.” Gemma smacked her forehead realizing the way she’d said it.
“Not that kind of entertainment!” she exclaimed. “I’ll just be there to make sure people have a good time…. WITH my clothes on.”
“Oh, then go for it,” Rita smiled.
“Kellan?” Gemma asked. “Is it alright?”
“I don’t know Gemma. I don’t want you out there alone.”
“Well, I can go with her.” Kyra volunteered.
“And then who’s going to protect you?” Jaxson asked.
“Hey, I ripped the dick off an alpha. I don’t need protection,” she joked, winking at him. He smiled at her unable to look away for a moment.
“Is there anything else?” Kellan asked ready to end the meeting. No one had any objections.
“Meeting adjourned.” Everyone got up gathering the papers they had ready to leave the room. Gemma got up slowly. She watched as the other she-wolves got ready to leave.
“Psst, Gemma,” Kellan called out to her. She went over to him as he pulled out the seat he was sitting in.
“Yes?” she asked. Kellan patted the back of the seat.
“Sit,” he said. Gemma gave him a confused look as she sat in the chair. He pushed the chair up against the table.
“Sit here and don’t move for an hour,” he told her.
“What?!” Gemma gasped.
“You waste my time, and I’ll waste yours. When I give a specific time for a meeting, I mean it. And since you want to contribute to the pack funds, you can start by paying your 50 dollar fine for tardiness. Everyone out.” Gemma just sat there with her mouth open. She couldn’t believe it, but she should have seen something coming. Tristan stayed where he was as if he didn’t want to leave her alone.
“Tristan, You too,” Kellan ordered. His firm voice made it clear to Tristan that it was an order. And once it became an order, Tristan had to obey.
Sorry my Gem, he said in her mind. Gemma felt her nipples ripen at the nickname…His Gem. Could he be any sexier?
And I’m sorry the first thing I assumed was that you would be stripping.
It’s okay. He gave her a nod before walking out of the room with the others. The door slammed shut, and Gemma was left alone with her thoughts for a whole hour.
Chapter Five
Bliss was starving. She felt like her stomach was a bottomless pit even when she was eating heaps of food. After the meeting, she was tearing up the fridge looking for something to eat.
“What you looking for?” Kellan asked her. She only grunted at him.
“Babe.” He pulled at her arm taking her from the fridge. Bliss growled at him and snapped her teeth at his hands, threatening to bite him.
“Aye!” Kellan hit her playfully on the butt.
“Stop biting at me or else I’m gonna start biting at you!” Her growls and scowls turned into lustful moans of pleasure.
“I want meat,” she growled. Kellan raised his brows.
“What kind of meat baby? Be specific?” he smiled at her.
“I’m hungry,” she grunted. Kellan kissed her on the forehead. He went to the fridge and pulled out a pack of steak. She couldn’t eat it raw while pregnant, so he fired up the stove ready to put it on. After seasoning it up, he let it marinate for 10 minutes before he placed it in the pan. He would have let it marinate l
onger, but Bliss was biting at his arms trying to eat the raw meat.
“Jesus lady you’re hungry as fuck,” he teased her. He quickly cooked the steaks on the stove top before shoving them in the oven to finish off. Since she was chomping for something to stuff in her mouth, Kellan pulled a banana from the fruit bowl. She immediately whined looking at the fruit.
“Hey, you’ve gotta eat fruits too,” he said as he peeled it. He broke it off and fed her a piece. She opened her mouth and allowed him to feed her, licking at his fingers. Feeling her canines brush against his fingers sent a thrill down his spine. His stomach clenched as he hardened in his pants. The scent of his arousal made her eyes glow. He was about to kiss her when she growled and popped her claws from her fingertips. She whipped around and snapped her jaws at Dell and his wolves, snarling. Kellan quickly pushed her behind him. Before he could say anything, however, his pack came out of nowhere. Both Jaxson and Tristan created a barrier that prevented Dell from getting any closer, and Rita and Kyra were pulling Bliss to the side whisking her as far away from the commotion and Dell as possible. When Bliss was finally out of the room, Kellan was able to relax.
“We were just coming to eat,” Dell said. But his tone of voice sounded less than innocent. Kellan’s eyes began to glow and the power of his wolf surged forward. He felt like he was being challenged, and his wolf did not take kindly to it. Thankfully, his beta was there to stop him from advancing towards Dell and ripping the wolf to pieces.
“We don’t fight in our home,” Jayce whispered. “Not in a place where the she-wolves reside. This is their sanctuary, not a war zone.” Kellan swallowed before calming his breath and convincing his wolf to back off. When he was calm, Jayce allowed him to approach Dell.
“Dell you’re crossing lines,” Kellan said.
“How am I supposed to know where she is all the time? That’s your mate, not mine.”