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Untouchable: Haven Falls (Book 1)

Page 20

by Sheridan Anne

  I drag him back up to me and roll us, placing me on top before I reach around myself and unhook my bra. The straps slide down my arms as Noah’s hands on my waist begin creeping up. “Are you sure?” he murmurs with hooded eyes. “Once we start, I don’t think I’ll be able to stop. Not with you.”

  “I’ve never been so sure,” I tell him with a racing heart.

  “You’re hurt,” he reminds me with a pained gaze, telling me just how desperately he wants this, but first and foremost, he’s looking out for my well-being.

  I place my hands down on his chest and lean forward to brush my lips over his. “If you don’t touch me soon, I’m going to have to do it myself. Either come to the party or don’t, but with or without you, I’m getting off tonight.”

  “Fuck me,” he groans with a grin that has heat flooding me. “You’re going to be trouble.”

  “And you wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  With that, Noah pulls me down to him, once again rolling us back over so he hovers above me and before I know it, he’s sliding into me, making me feel things that I’ve never felt before, and showing me what it truly means to be touched by Noah Cage.


  I lay on Noah’s chest, running my fingers over the Lily tattoo, feeling completely spent after spending the last few hours fooling around with him. I mean, that was hands down, the best thing that has ever happened to me.

  Noah Cage knows his way around the female body. He knows just where to touch me. Where to kiss me. Where to be gentle and where to be rough. It was like he was reading a freaking map.

  When he finally pushed into me and gave me what I’ve been needing from him for so long, good lord, I think my soul left my body. I’ve never come like that before. Not by myself and certainly not with Jackson…actually, with Jackson, neither of us actually finished. But Noah… wow. I’ve hit the orgasm jackpot and my lady taco is one lucky girl.

  It’s nearly sunrise and the thought of going to school in a few hours kills me, but to walk in there, holding Noah’s hands and to put that bitch in her place is too damn good to pass up.

  But then…maybe I should stay right here.

  “Why the hell haven’t we been doing that from the start?” I murmur into his chest.

  “Because we’re fucking stupid.”

  “Speak for yourself,” I tell him. “You’re the stupid one.”

  “Don’t I know it,” he tells me, rolling us again so he can look down at me. “I swear, I’m going to make it up to you. Monica fucking played me and hurt you. I won’t let her get away with that.”

  I slide my hands up his wide chest until they’re safe around his neck. “I know,” I tell him, having complete faith that he will come through for me. After all, he’s all about doing the right thing and clearly us together is more than the right thing.

  He watches me for a silent second. “You know I’m fucking crazy about you, right?”

  “Really?” I gasp. “I hadn’t figured that out.”

  “You’re such a smart ass,” he laughs.

  I smile up at him before a seriousness takes over me. “Are you ok?” I ask. “You know, about the ‘no baby’ thing?”

  He shrugs his shoulders. “Honestly, I don’t know yet. I liked the idea of having a kid, but I’m too fucking young. It terrified me and I thought for sure I would have fucked it up. I’m kind of relieved, actually. Can you imagine me trying to change diapers and rock a baby to sleep?”

  “I can actually,” I tell him with a fond smile. “You would have been a great father.”

  “What makes you say that?” he asks, curiously.

  I pull my hand back down over his chest where the tattoo he has dedicated for his little sister rests against his heart. “Because of this,” I tell him. “It’s clear to me that you loved her fiercely, just the way you love Tully. I see it in all the pictures around here,” I tell him, specifically looking towards the picture of him giving his baby sister a piggyback ride along Haven Falls beach with her laughing her little head off. “So, why wouldn’t it be the same for your children? You would have given that baby the world and it would have been incredible to watch.”

  “You’re incredible,” he shoots back.

  I shake my head. “I’m just me, but you…you’re the reason my world isn’t covered in darkness anymore.”

  His lips come down on mine and I draw him back into me as his fingers squeeze my waist. “Come here,” he tells me, dropping back down beside me and pulling me into his side. “You need to get some sleep and then I have to go to school to kick Monica’s ass.”

  “No way. I’m kicking her ass.”

  “What?” he grunts. “You’re staying right here and sleeping. You’re not going anywhere until you’re better, and I’ll bet anything that my mom will stay right here with you, making every kind of soup she knows how to make.”

  I grin at how right he is about his mom. She’s taken me in like her own daughter over the past few weeks. I’ll have to make a point of spending more time with her. Get to know her a little better. “As much as your mom would love making me soup all day, I can’t let her. I’m the one who was jumped by the bitch. I get to do the ass kicking.”

  “She told me I was having a kid. As if that doesn’t trump the jumping?”

  “Are you kidding?” I shriek. “Fake baby does not trump getting beaten up. I get revenge first.”

  He groans. “Nope. Sorry. I’ll chain you to the fucking bed if I have to. Besides, your ass kicking will be more effective if you could actually move without cringing and grunting. She’ll hear you coming from a mile away.”

  Damn it. The bastard’s right. I let out a huff. “Fine, but I’m not staying here all day. I’m going to school with you. I want to watch her go down.”

  Tully’s voice screams from up the hallway. “Both you dickheads shut up or I’m going to be the one doing the ass kicking, and believe me, it won’t be Monica getting beat.”

  I can’t help but laugh and cringe, realizing if Tully can hear us talking then their parents probably could too. How freaking embarrassing.

  Noah holds his hand out. “Do we have a deal?” he questions, not giving a shit that he’s waking her up.

  I take his hand in mine and give it a firm shake. “Deal.”

  “Now, go to sleep. We can maybe get an hour or two if we’re lucky before we have to get ready.”

  I shake my head and climb up until I’m straddling him and looking down at that masterpiece of a body. “I can sleep when I’m dead,” I tell him before crashing down into him and starting my morning off in the best possible way.

  Chapter 20

  We walk into school only a few short hours later, and Noah was right. I should have slept. My body is aching from being jumped and then spending the night getting nasty. Though I can’t really tell which I’m more sore from.

  A yawn rips out of me and Noah looks down at me with a knowing ‘I told you so’ smirk that makes me want to crash tackle him to the ground and throat punch him while also screwing his brains out...again.

  I know, my priorities are fucked up. I never claimed to have my shit together.

  Noah takes my hand before looping his arm over my shoulder and leading me down the hallway towards my locker. He kisses my temple. “Now, this feels fucking right to me, Spitfire.”

  I can’t help but beam up at him. “You took the words right out of my mouth.”

  Every single student we pass either gawks at my face or gawks at the way Noah holds onto me. To be honest, he’s holding me pretty tight making sure nobody gets close enough to bump into me or cause any more damage.

  During the night, there were times he treated me as though the roughest kind of conditions couldn’t break me, but here, amongst the other students, I’m fucking precious. I’m breakable and in need of his protection… he should know better than that. But then, maybe he’s just holding onto me because he’s not ready to let go.

  Noah leads me right to my locker where he p
resses me into it. An outraged shriek catches our attention from the opposite end of the hallway. Neither of us bothers to look. We know who it is and she wouldn’t dare come to me now, especially with Noah by my side. She’ll probably try and corner me later in the day, and if she does, I’ll be ready.

  I bet she assumed I’d spend the next few weeks hiding at home, terrified of showing my face. Never in a million years would she expect that I’d directly go against her and show up in Noah’s arms nonetheless.

  She underestimated who she was fucking with and look who ended up on top?

  Noah grins down at me. “You sure you want to be here today?” he murmurs. “I can take you home.”

  “Hell yeah, I want to be here,” I laugh. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world, and besides, Monica’s cheer skanks kind of trashed my house. I’m avoiding dealing with that shit as long as I can.”

  “In that case,” he says, slowly leaning in and making the butterflies stir despite the fact that we spent the night in bed doing all sorts of unspeakable things, “let the games begin.”

  Noah’s lips press down on mine and it’s almost comical how the gasps are heard from every direction of the hallway. The king of Haven Falls has officially been taken off the market. Girls dreams everywhere are dying and it’s all because of me. Well, because of him too. It’s not like I forced the guy to drive me home after throwing a bowl of spaghetti all over him. That was all him.

  I melt into him and even though this was supposed to be an ‘in your face’ kind of kiss, it turns into more. It always turns into more, but it’s even better knowing what this would be doing to Monica. She’s publicly claimed that Noah is hers and for her friends to see him with me, is like an ultimate stab in the back. It’s fucking perfect.

  I melt into him and before I know it, the rest of the world has faded away. “Ugh,” Tully groans, walking by and purposefully knocking into Noah’s shoulder. “Get a room. You’re going to make me gag.”

  Noah reluctantly pulls back and I can’t help but glance up the hallway, solely for the purpose of flipping Monica off.

  I do just that and her face flames with fury, making me chuckle under my breath. “What is it?” Noah murmurs, ducking his head and kissing my neck.

  “Nothing,” I grin. “I think it’s going to be a great day.”

  He shakes his head. “Just remember our deal. You can’t kick anyone’s ass until you’re healed.”

  “I think you healed me this morning,” I tell him. “I never felt so good.”

  Noah rolls his eyes, knowing damn well that I’m talking about his ‘getting down and dirty’ magic, not the words he said to me, even though they were good too.

  He pulls back so I can get into my locker and the second I close it again, he’s right there again. “What are you going to do?” I ask, flicking my eyes back up the hallway to see Monica and Candice in a hushed conversation. They amongst the other cheerleaders who all look like their shitting bricks, realizing their bullshit from yesterday is going to come back and bite them on the ass in a big fucking way.

  A wide grin spreads over Noah’s face. “Wouldn’t want to ruin the surprise now, would I?”

  “Oh, come on,” I groan. “Work with me here. I’m practically crippled.”

  “Now you want to use that card? You were absolutely fine to come three times this morning and you think you’re ok to beat the shit out of cheerleaders, but now you want to claim you’re crippled? Bullshit. You can wait just like everyone else.”

  “Actually,” I smile innocently. “I came four times.”

  “Point proven,” he tells me with a proud grin as the bell for homeroom rings. “I’ll see you at lunch, ok? Try not to get yourself a detention.”

  I push up off my locker and smile at him as I start walking down the hallway. “Can’t make any promises,” I call over my shoulder.

  I make my way to homeroom and the second my attendance is taken, I skip out of the classroom and take myself down to the nurse, claiming a nasty headache.

  She gives me a couple of pain killers and I swallow them down greedily while avoiding her questions on what the hell happened to me. After all, I saw her only twenty-four hours ago and she was more than aware that I only had one accidental cut to the face. Just from taking a quick glance she can tell that this was no accident. I give her the ‘I fell down the stairs’ excuse and she pulls a face, clearly knowing I’m lying and not about to give her the gruesome details.

  She allows me to stay in her office and I lay down on the bed, instantly falling asleep. I’m woken a few times to questions like if I’d like to go home or insisting on writing me a pass, but I insist on staying put, at least until after lunch. I’m sure once Noah gets his sweet revenge, I’ll be more than happy to head home and start working on cleaning the place up, but for now, I’m going back to sleep.

  The bell for lunch rings loudly through the nurse’s office and I jolt awake, surprised to see Tully sitting across from me on the other bed. “What the fuck are you doing here?” I grumble as a yawn rips through me.

  She shrugs her shoulders. “History was boring me so I thought I’d come and hang out, but turns out you’re even more boring.”

  “Sorry,” I chuckle as I drag myself off the bed and to my feet, loving that the pain killers have seemed to dull the ongoing ache in the back of my ribs. “Come on, I’ve been dying to see what Noah has planned for Monica.”

  “I know,” she grins, excitedly. “If I know Noah, it will be brutal and humiliating. He won’t let her get away with this. He’ll embarrass her in front of everyone, that’s probably why he’s waited for lunch.”

  “Where is he?” I question.

  “Don’t know. He and Rivers disappeared after homeroom.”

  There they go disappearing again.

  “Tully,” I sigh as my mood plummets. “What the hell are they into?”

  She shakes her head. “I…I can’t.”


  “I’m sorry, Henley. Noah would kill me if I said anything. He’ll tell you when he’s ready. Hell, the only reason I know about it is because I overheard them talking when they thought I wasn’t home.”

  “Just…is it bad?”

  She cringes and shakes her head. “I mean…it’s kind of bad, but not as bad as you think. All you need to know is that they’re both good guys and they wouldn’t be doing it if they didn’t have to.”

  “You know this just makes more questions, right?”

  Tully grins and nods as she pushes open the door. “Just focus on Monica’s takedown. Like I said, it’s going to be brutal and I swear, it’ll have you completely forgetting about the boys’ disappearing act.”

  “Fine,” I groan, looping my arm through Tully’s and dragging her along, trying to ignore the fact that she’s known all along and still hasn’t told me.

  The closer we get to the cafeteria, the louder the whispers become and the more my excitement rises back up. This is what I’ve been waiting all day for. I can deal with Noah and Rivers’ disappearing act later. As for now, it’s ‘Monica takedown’ time.

  The closer we get to the cafeteria, the louder the murmurs become.

  “Holy shit. Did you see that?”

  “Who’s pregnant?”

  “Shit, someone’s fucked.”

  “Rebecca Limwits screwed three guys last weekend. It’s got to be her.”

  “No, it’s Monica.”

  “Bullshit. It’s got to be a prank.”

  The more whispers I hear, the quicker I drag Tully along. “Jesus,” she laughs. “There’s no need to rush. If you and Noah tough it out for a while, I’m sure you’ll see plenty of this shit.”

  That just makes me move faster. The idea of Monica being taken down seems to be getting me off. If Candice could somehow go down with her, that’d be perfect, but I’m not sure that’s going to happen today. Don’t worry though, she’ll get her own eventually. I’ll make sure of it.

  We get to the cafeteria and I barge my w
ay through the door and come to a startling halt.

  “What the actual fuck?” I laugh as I take it all in.

  Blue and pink helium balloons fill every inch of the roof and a massive ‘Congratulations on your baby’ sign spreads from one side of the room to the other. Streamers and confetti litter the tables while Rivers walks around handing out sparklers and confetti bombs to everyone in the room.

  What really gets my attention is the massive blue box in the middle of the table, begging to be opened with a grinning Noah sitting right behind it.

  “What’s in the box?” I ask Tully as she laughs at the state of the room.

  “I’ve got no idea, but I can’t wait to find out.”

  This time, she’s the one doing the dragging as she pulls me into the room. “Here you go,” Rivers says as he passes us. He hands us each a confetti bomb and instructs us to wait for Noah’s ‘ok’ to set it off.

  “Aye, aye, Captain,” Tully says, taking the bombs from him.

  He spanks her ass as he passes while giving her a wink that has her melting. “That’s more like it.”

  I shake my head and make my way over to the grinning idiot sitting by the box. “What’s in the box?” I ask, knowing there’s no way in hell he’s going to tell me. After all, he’s made me wait all day. I’m sure he has no issue with making me wait just a little while longer.

  “How was your sleep?” Noah throws back at me, catching me around the waist and pulling me down on his lap. I fall easily and try not to flinch with the pain that rockets through my ribs.

  “It was great. Would have been better in someone else’s bed, though.” His signature cocky grin spreads over his face and I quickly shut that shit down. “Tully has a great bed. I slept like a baby in there before you disturbed my night.”

  “You’re a liar,” he tells me, pulling me in to brush his lips across mine. “Her bed is shit.”

  I laugh out. He couldn’t be more right.


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