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Wolf Bride: The Tale Of Ailis and Eoghan: The Macconwood Pack Tales 1

Page 6

by C. D. Gorri

“Oh my! Tis you as well! But how? Is MacContire yer master?”

  “Yea, lady, he is.” Twas not a lie. His father was the MacContire still and Eoghan was his servant above all else. What mad God resided in Heaven that He would send temptation on the day of his handfasting?

  “I have thought about you all the days since our last meeting. Yer face has haunted my dreams, lady. Do I ever cross yer mind, I wonder?”

  “I should not speak of such things, sir.”

  “Why not? Ye are here now, woman, but I’ve dreamt of you here so often that I question if yer real or not.”

  “I am real, sir. I confess, you have been in my dreams as well.”

  “Have I, now?” He asked and stepped further into her room. He closed the door behind him.

  Ailis stood her ground and watched the man with hair as gold and light as the sunshine itself walk towards her. Her heart thudded in her chest.

  Her stomach tightened as he approached. It was as if all her nerves were standing at attention. She looked down, feeling her Wolf surge forward. She must needs keep that secret! She was almost grateful for the heavy scent Gwinnie had insisted she put on before she left to fetch some food for Ailis.

  “I have wondered about ye. Prithee, lass, may I have yer name?”

  “For what purpose, sir, tis nothing can come of this. Ye must go now.”

  “Do not send me away, not before I’ve had a taste of ye. By my eyes, I feel as if my soul has been sieged upon just by the sight of you.”

  Ailis raised a hand to her throat. Was it possible to fall in love in a blink of an eye? She inhaled and a sea of fragrance assailed her nostrils.

  Salt of the earth, a pure musky scent, accompanied by fields of heather, golden sunshine, the wind and more. He was all those things. Earth and heaven combined. And Wolf. She smelled that too. Mayhaps he was of her new Pack?

  Wolf and servant, maybe, but one thing she knew for certain, she’d never seen a man as fair. And yet he reeked of masculinity. His simple Irish dress only made him more appealing. She bit her lip and was shocked when his eyes zeroed in on the action. He moved forward.

  “If that needs doing, I beg you, leave me the honor?” He stepped forward. His big body wrapped around hers. Heat seeped through the fabric of her dress into her skin and Ailis sighed. She felt incredibly small and protected.

  She leaned into his strength and tipped her head back for him. She knew all the reasons she shouldn’t allow this, but for once in her life she knew what she wanted. If she was to be given to a man she didn’t even know like she was naught but cattle, then Ailis would not spurn an opportunity to taste true love.

  Her body tingled in anticipation as he leaned down and covered her mouth with his own. She tasted the faint remnants of whiskey and something else that was very sweet and fleeting on his breath.

  After that it was all him. That earthy Wolf scent that was sweeter on her lips than honey. This kiss was even better than the first.

  “Sweet, I need you,” he crushed her breasts to his chest and Ailis was lost. Heat pooled in her belly and her heart raced as he continued his exploration of her mouth.

  Instinctively, she wrapped her arms about him and tipped her head back further as his lips left hers to trail kisses down her neck and throat, all the way to the deliciously exposed flesh of breasts.

  He was her other half. She knew it instinctively. Every touch, every caress, as if he knew exactly where she needed to feel him.

  He reached for her skirts and she allowed it. The feel of his hard body making her burn with curiosity and desire. He stroked her thighs and she sucked in a breath.

  It was as if a huge void she never realized she had, opened deep inside of her. The empty hollows of her being were howling to be filled. By him. Only him. Mine.

  Their kiss was not just a joining of lips, it was a communion of like souls. Recognition stirred on the edges of her consciousness. Their lips met, tender and sweet, with long curious strokes of their tongues. Quickly, it became something more. Something urgent and hurried.

  “I must have you, I am mad for you, lass. What say ye?”

  “Sir, I’ve never felt such a rush of excitement. Tis deep in my blood. A raging fire that hungers for you, will you satiate me?”

  “As if my life depended on it, lady,” he freed her breast from its scanty confines and took the plump nipple in his mouth.

  Ailis bucked against him as he suckled the pebbled nipple. His hand moved under her skirt towards the juncture of her thighs. He parted her tender skin and did things she’d never dreamed possible.

  He stroked and dipped with subtle masterful movements. Ailis shuddered and her stomach clenched as he gently parted her curls and with one thick finger pushed inside of her.

  Ailis moved a little out of reach and held his wrist. Fear and excitement battled within her. Should she push his hand away?

  A tremble shook her body. As she debated with herself, he lowered himself to the ground in front of her. She gazed into his beautiful face before speaking.

  “What are ye doing?”

  He knelt on the floor and gently pushed her backwards onto the bed. He smiled up at her. Like a Wolf.

  A predator, indeed, as he inched her skirts up around her knees, then her thighs. He lifted her ankles and placed them on his broad shoulders. She made to sit up, but he gently held her in place with one large hand flat against her stomach.

  “Trust me, lass, I’m only going to taste ye.”

  “Taste me?”

  “Aye, yer sweet as honey, I’d swear it. I’m ravenous for you, my lady.”

  He lifted her skirts until she was quite bare in front of him. Ailis felt as if her body was aflame. Shame warred with curiosity. What would Gwinnie say?

  Then his hands stroked her thighs and that place where she was most feminine. She exhaled and leaned back against the cushions. Trusting him to do her no harm. Then, her fair-haired lover dipped his head and kissed her.

  Ailis felt as if her whole body had ignited. And that was only the beginning. His long tongue snaked out of his mouth and brushed across her sensitive nether lips. Inciting passions to heights she never dreamed existed. Ailis bucked against him. Unsure of the sensations that were taking control of her body.

  “Oh, I feel things I fear I should not. Tis a sin, surely!”

  “I promise there is nothing sinful about you. Let me worship yer body, lady, as I do in my heart.”

  He dipped his head again and suckled on that tiny nub that seemed to control her every feeling. Ailis stuck a hand in her mouth to keep from crying out as sensation after sensation overwhelmed her to the point where she thought she’d explode.

  And then she did. By the time she opened her eyes the man of the wood was kissing her breast and then her mouth. She felt something big and hard against her slick folds and she knew what was about to happen. She welcomed it.

  “Are you sure, lass, I can not undo it once it is done.”

  “Yea, sir, for wherever I be tomorrow I am with ye now.”

  He growled in his throat and thrust past the barrier that held her intact. The Wolf in him surged forward. Icy blue eyes glowed from his head as he bit down on her shoulder.

  He impaled her on his long, hard shaft and Ailis reveled in the tingling sensations that ran through her body. His accompanying groan was loud in her ear. A sound so deep and guttural it was akin to pain.

  Ailis sucked in a breath. It hurt but for a brief, fleeting second. Once he moved inside of her again the pain lessened. He thrust his hips with detailed precision and she soon found herself riding another wave of pleasure unlike any her untried body ever felt.

  “I feel everything new,” she held his face in her hands and kissed him as he drove into her.

  Her muscles tightened as she felt that same dizzying feeling come over her again only this time she knew he was feeling it too. Sensation after sensation exploded inside of her body until it reached a pinnacle.

  She moaned and scratched her nails dow
n his back. She almost didn’t here his possessive words as he spilled his hot seed inside of her, filling her and causing no end of pleasure.

  “Mine,” he growled.

  Ailis gasped for breath. She never felt so complete in her life. She stroked the silvery gold locks of his hair back and kissed his head.

  “By God’s eyes, what have I done?”

  “Only what I wanted you to, sir.”

  “Still, sir, am I? Shall we not call each other by our names now?”

  “I agree I am compelled, but let us keep this secret.” Ailis spoke through tears that misted her eyes and made her voice thick with sadness.

  “I fear I shall never be the same again.”

  “Nor I.”

  Eoghan stared at the maid in the bed and kissed her sweet lips before helping his lady fix her disheveled clothing. He knew the instant he spied her who she was. His lady of the wood.

  Though her hair was different, he recognized her instantly. She was beautiful as he remembered. Only now he knew her hair was a multitude of colors from ash brown and reddish-gold, to a silvery-blonde pale as his own. The color having been unrecognizable in the rain upon their first meeting.

  He’d not been able to control himself. He needed her. What have I done? Guilt warred with pride as Eoghan took in what had just happened.

  His head was no longer pounding, his stomach felt slightly queasy, and his heart thudded inside of his chest. This was no common conquest. He was sure of it.

  What was she doing here? She must be a new servant or lady’s maid. His bad luck, she was maid to his betrothed!

  The idea left him sick to his stomach. He wanted no one, except this lass. He’d have to tell his father immediately.

  He felt his Wolf surge forward and knew that she was his. Mine. The need to protect her and claim her again were overwhelmingly strong.

  “Thou art lovely.”

  “As are you.”

  “Ha! I am glad you find me so, lady mine.”

  “I will remember you better, sir, in my dreams now that I have seen you again. I am sorry this is goodbye.”

  “Nay, I shall find a way for us. Promise me you will wait.”

  “You do not understand. I am not my own to promise.”

  “Whatever price yer father sets, I shall pay it.”

  “Tis not dowry or payment that separate us.”

  “I mean to make you mine.”

  “I can not.” Her tears were nearly his undoing. He wanted to scream in rage.

  “I promise to make this right.”

  Eoghan cursed as the Church bells chimed the hour. He had little time left. He needed to dress first then he would see his father.

  “Prithee, believe my words. I shall be back for ye.”

  Eoghan left the room like a man ready to throw down and face Hell. Surely, that was what his father would send him to once he told him his plans to wed a common girl!

  “Brother! Come tis time you dressed for the ceremony, where have ye been?” Lyall waylaid him on the way to his chambers, but Eoghan planned to see his father first.

  “Nay, I need an audience with father.”

  “He is with the priest now, dress first, please brother, or he’ll be in no mood to hear ye!”

  “Ah! You are right! Fine, but quickly then.”

  Eoghan hurried to his chamber with Lyall on his heels. Breaking a contract would not be easy, but he was determined to risk all for his heart’s desire. The lady of the wood was here and he knew in his heart she was the only one for him.

  His mate for life. Mine.


  “Calm yerself,” Lyall could barely contain his brother as they waited in the hall to speak with their father.

  “I can not wait, Lyall.”

  “There is little choice but to wait. What has brought ye to this state?”

  Eoghan ignored the question and paced back and forth. He stopped suddenly. As if he felt a certain something, a presence, behind him. When he turned his face was unreadable.

  A lady in a fine green gown with rich brocade adornments stood at the end of the long hallway. She was familiar somehow though her face and hair were covered from his eyes with a heavy veil. Her head was bowed so he was sure she did not see him.

  Her lady’s maid stepped forward. A buxom wench with sharp eyes and a haughty air. What is this? If she be the maid, then who is the lady?

  “Tis yer betrothed,” Lyall sneered in his brother’s ear. If Eoghan didn’t know better he’d think his brother was laughing at him.

  As it were, he was too preoccupied with pondering the identity of the veiled lady to pay any heed to his younger sibling. The lady stepped forward.

  She raised her head hesitantly under the opaque fabric. Once she did, her head shot up and down. She gasped and Eoghan understood entirely. He shrugged off his brother’s arm just as the priest and his father strode down the hall.

  “Ah, my boy, my lady, we are all gathered! Wonderful! Let us commence.”

  Before Eoghan could reach her, his father had him by the arm and brought him inside the doors to down the aisle, to a podium where, now, stood the priest.

  “Why dost thou smile so, forget ye are to be hand fasted to a masked thing? This only enforces the conclusion that ye and she shall wed, Eoghan!”

  “Nay, I do not forget, Lyall, mayhaps I even look forward to it!”


  “May I present the Lady Dungannon,” the MacContire, Eoghan’s da, raised his hand and the Lady progressed slowly to the front of the room.

  Her lady’s maid led the way, she was stern looking and raised an eyebrow at Eoghan. He imagined she knew of his, er, earlier indiscretions and he bowed slightly to her out of respect for so well guarding his lady. And she was his. Finally! Mine.

  A few more people settled inside, Pack members and such, but Eoghan only had eyes for his veiled bride. Her scent was still masked by the perfume she wore and yet he could find not fault with it. It was nice enough, though it hid her from him much like the mask she wore.

  The priest had them join their hands. The MacContire took out a gold threaded length of silk with which he bound them. Next, he presented a ring to the priest who mumbled some Latin over it to bless and sanctify the handfasting, Eoghan assumed.

  The metal was pale like silver. It was engraved with ageless runes sacred to the Pack. In the center was an enormous blue sapphire. The MacContire Stone.

  Ailis heard tell of the precious ring. It was hundreds of years old and passed down to each female Alpha of the line. Tears welled up in her eyes as the man she was betrothed to, the one she had given her body and soul to, slid it onto her finger. She hardly heard anything the priest said.

  “We are bound to each other then?” It sounded like a question to her, but when she looked from priest to betrothed she realized something had happened when she was daydreaming.

  “I must see you,” despite the gasps he removed her veil to see her face and his smile was like the sun coming out!

  “But this is just the handfasting?”

  “Nay, I have sanctified this union in the presence of the Lord, ye two are wed!” exclaimed the priest.

  Both bride and groom looked from one to the other. Their feelings masked behind surprise. Tension was thick in the air.

  Lyall stood, a nasty smile on his face, just to the side of them. But when he saw Eoghan’s own expression lighten, he grew angry.

  “Did ye not hear? You two are married!”

  “Yea, I heard though I don’t know how or why tis so all I know is I am truly blessed, brother, for this is my lady,” he leaned down and kissed her on the mouth to everyone’s astonishment.

  “Tis true, my lord?” Ailis looked into the face of her husband and tears of joy slipped past her eyes and rolled down her pale cheeks. She was lovely as ever.

  “Aye, wife,” Eoghan brushed the wetness from her face and kissed her cheeks then her lips again. His father slapped him on the back and laughed.

nbsp; “What? But, but she was veiled? You did not know her?”

  “Brother, don’t you see, I have known her for eternity! She is mine own true mate!”

  “Tis true, sir, I have met my husband before, in the wood.”

  “You mean, you, a high-born lady, was traipsing about the wood like a common wench?”

  “Careful Lyall,” Eoghan moved to block Ailis and bared his teeth at his brother. When he faced him though, he found he no longer recognized his sibling.

  Lyall’s face was contorted with rage. He looked at Ailis and then at Eoghan and snarled before taking a long sharp knife out of his waistband.

  “Out everyone! We’ve family thigs to attend here,” The MacContire’s command was obeyed by all except an old woman who stood at the back.

  Priests and villagers all left, but she walked to the back door and raised her left hand. She muttered something Eoghan could not here. He watched in horror as she thick, black ropes of magic poured from her fingers and locked the door.

  “Witch! Be gone from here!” His father yelled.

  The Witch cackled and turned around to reveal a hideous mockery of a smile. She was missing several teeth and what was left were rotted black and stunk up the room.

  Her skin was pock-marked and sallow. She raised a hand to Eoghan’s father and with a swipe the Alpha was overcome! He sank to the floor.

  “What is this? I never said I wanted to harm father!”

  “Of course, ye wanted to harm father! How else might ye be Alpha? Now grab the bitch!”

  “Do not touch her, Lyall! As for ye, Witch, I’ll end you the now!”

  “I think not, pup! Yer brother is mine and in my debt! He will do what he can to secure his position. A greedy bastard he may be, but then again yer mother would know all about that, wouldn’t she?”

  “What say ye about our mother?” Eoghan growled and his da groaned from his position on the floor.

  “Tis no MacContire there, I assure ye. Lyall is the bastard son of the mercenary soldier who raped yer mother when the village was invaded by the English nigh on thirty years ago. Tis the truth, ask the MacContire!”

  “What? Art thou saying I am a bastard, Witch?” Lyall stuttered, but held firm to the knife in his hand. Eoghan moved to help his father who had juts fallen to the floor when Lyall screamed his fury.


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