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The Virgin Widow

Page 16

by Jen YatesNZ

  Behind them Bax rolled his eyes at the ceiling and Jane was sorely tempted to burst out laughing.

  ‘You’re too kind, gentlemen.’

  Before any more inanities could leave their mouths, Bax elbowed between them and offered his arm.

  ‘Our dance I believe. Excuse us, gentlemen!’

  With a dip of her head to his friends Jane gladly allowed him to draw her out onto the floor. Nevertheless, she was conscious of Camberwell raising his quizzing glass to ogle her back view and couldn’t help hearing his trumpeting voice advising Chumsley, ‘Might as well pocket your tongue. Bax got there first, as usual!’

  ‘Ignore them,’ Bax said easily. ‘I gave up making apologies for them long ago. Pair of buffoons!’

  Their eyes met, their heads dipped in the merest hint of a bow to each other, then his right arm came round her waist and his left hand clasped her right, while her left settled naturally on his broad—hard—shoulder. Gently he tightened his grip, aligning their bodies until they were almost touching. Though not restricting her in any way, breathing became difficult.

  ‘Ah, Jane. This is where I’ve wanted you all night. In my arms!’

  Her cheeks grew hotter and she decided such a statement did not require an answer. She’d simply dance. With Hades it didn’t seem to matter she’d only waltzed a few times. Their bodies flowed to the same rhythm and she was certain her feet floated an inch above the floor.

  All trace of surliness had vanished and he gazed down at her with a smile in his eyes, which occasionally twitched at his lips. As if he knew she couldn’t look away. As if he knew every weakness in her bones, every hitch in her breath, every fizz in her blood—and that he was the cause of every one of them.

  Her cheeks were on fire and other parts uncomfortably heated. She’d no doubt he knew that too. By the end of the dance she wanted to slap him.

  ‘I’ve never enjoyed a dance more,’ he murmured, as he folded her arm into his to lead her off the floor and into the room where supper was served.

  Flustered and totally out of her depth, Jane snapped, ‘That’s as maybe. But it’s the last dance you’ll be having with me—ever!’

  He pulled them to a halt and when she looked up at him his eyes were smoldering and filled with wicked intent.

  ‘Too hot for you, Angular Jane?’

  Her chest heaved and tightened in panic. How was she to resist the man? How could she convince him to back off? She greatly feared he knew to a nicety the exact depths to which he moved her—and far from backing off, was likely to increase the pressure.

  ‘If you wish to attend me at supper you’ll cease putting me to the blush!’

  ‘You’re beautiful all hot and flustered for me,’ he murmured, leading her towards a secluded table for two.

  ‘I wish to sit with the Briscos. There’s room at their table for us.’

  With a slight narrowing of his eyes at her, he changed direction and settled her next to his sister.

  ‘What shall I fetch for you? A cordial? Sherry?’

  ‘Tea, thank you,’ Jane said repressively, ‘and you should probably go and check on Selena first. I can’t see her anywhere.’

  Suddenly all seriousness, he bowed and said, ‘Your wish is my command.’

  The perfect gentleman, delightfully compliant. She knew he was laughing at her.

  And when she turned back to the others at the table, Holly’s eyes were suspiciously bright with amusement.


  After supper, during which Hades sat close, managing frequently to nudge her knee with his under the table, he was once again the epitome of the perfect host and gentleman. Jane could only give thanks for his absence from her side, and that she was frequently dancing herself. But she found to her annoyance, regardless of who her partner was or who sat and chatted with her, she was constantly aware of wherever Hades was in the vast room and with whom he danced or conversed.

  The man had a seriously deleterious effect on her usual tranquil state. Relieved when the last guest left, she could retreated upstairs with Selena who was clearly floating on a cloud of happiness.

  The girl wanted to recap and relive the entire evening, especially the two dances she’d shared with Lord Jasper, ‘one of them a waltz and I was so excited I thought I’d stand all over his toes, but I didn’t, not once and Oh, Lady Rotherby, I really like him—and I think he likes me!’

  It was almost four in the morning before Selena wound down and declared she might be able to sleep.

  Jane stepped quietly into the hall and walked along to her own room, only to find Hades standing before the window at the top of the stairs, staring out into the night.

  ‘What on earth are you doing here?’ she demanded, struggling to damp down the excited leap of her heart.

  Silhouetted against the light of a fitful moon, his tall broad-shouldered figure sent frissons of heat up and down her spine and stole the power from her legs.

  ‘You didn’t think I’d let you go to bed—in my house—without kissing you goodnight, did you?’

  Shadows completely hid his expression from her, but the low husky tone of his voice told her what he really wanted.

  ‘Invite me in,’ he commanded huskily, when she stood as if struck dumb.

  Panic hit the back of her throat. How she wanted to comply! What had happened to serene, unawakened Lady Jane Rotherby, who’d spent eight years in a sexless marriage and content to have it so? Moreover, how did she deal with the wanton, desperate creature she’d become?

  ‘You—You’re no better than Jack!’ she spat, panic giving the words an irate edge she decided was not a bad thing.

  ‘Are you going to slap me?’

  The words, delivered in a throaty drawl, were almost a dare.

  ‘If—I have to!’

  ‘And that’s your last word?’

  ‘It is!’

  His sigh, though soft, stirred the energy flowing between them, enveloping her in an aura of enticing warmth.

  ‘Ah, Angela Jane,’ he murmured, moving to where she stood, frozen. Slowly wrapping his arms about her, he drew her close to his broad chest.

  ‘Let me hold you for a moment. You fit perfectly in my arms.’

  And it felt so heavenly to be there, had never been like this the few times James had held her close—like a father, not a husband.

  Damn Hades!

  Breaking out of his embrace, she managed a snippy ‘Goodnight, Lord Baxendene’ and stalked into her room, locking the door firmly behind her.

  Not that a locked door was much use against her own desires when she had access to the key. The only thing keeping her safe was her blasted virginity! He’d be so disgusted if he discovered it!

  Chapter 10

  ‘Oh, my Lady,’ Dolly said reverently, as she put the finishing touches to Jane’s hair. ‘This style really suits you. I’m so pleased Lady Brisco allowed her Hessie to teach me how to do it. You don’t really need the extra height, but Lady Brisco is right. You look elegant enough to be a princess! Oh my! Better watch yourself round that Prince Regent, is all I can say!’

  Jane laughed easily.

  ‘I doubt the Prince Regent will notice me sitting among the chaperones!’

  Lord Baxendene was of much greater concern. In the two weeks since Selena’s ball he’d backed off a little.

  Which suited her just fine. She definitely hadn’t missed their private chats, or the heated anticipation of his kisses, his pursuit. It had been wonderful, it absolutely had that since her definite set-down the night after Selena’s ball, he’d offered her no more than the occasional smoky smile across a crowded room.

  Rising from the stool before the mirror, she did a little twirl for Dolly’s delight, her skirts floating in an elegant gold swirl about her ankles.

  ‘Oh, my Lady,’ Dolly sighed again. ‘You look ever so lovely.’

  ‘All thanks to you, Dolly,’ Jane said with a smile, as she gathered up her tiny gold beaded silk evening purse and gold silk stole and h
urried out the door.

  Even Lord Baxendene’s presence at the foot of the stairs couldn’t dim her pleasure tonight. She might only be a chaperone, but she was going to the Regent’s Ball. Never had she attended anything so grand and if she spent the entire night wedged between a pair of overstuffed matrons sporting high feathers in their turbans, it would be worth it, to watch the glittering display of the ton’s finest.

  Wryly she told herself, she was probably as excited as Selena. The last two weeks had been a whirl of activity and excitement, but tonight would be the diamond in a crown of lesser jewels, which nevertheless represented a social ferment Jane had not realized she’d enjoy.

  She’d lived in reverse! With James she’d been contented, as one might expect in one’s later years. This sojourn in London was the closest she’d ever come to having an actual season and once she’d relaxed a little she’d begun to enjoy it.

  While Selena was her first consideration, Jane had acquired her own loyal following of gentlemen admirers; and she was rarely left to listen to the gossip and criticisms flowing freely in the chaperone’s corner.

  Lord Baxendene had caused a stir among the hostesses of the ton by accepting most invitations to events his niece attended. There was speculation afoot that at last he might be seeking a wife—and as much ridicule of such a notion.

  Jane hoped she was the only one who knew while he used his niece as the cover for his uncharacteristic socializing, it was to torment herself he attended so assiduously. He was everything gentlemanly and honorable, only demanding she keep the supper waltz for him, with the promise they would sit with Selena and whoever her partner happened to be for supper. That it was more often than not Falcon-Smythe meant their vigilance was probably warranted.

  Nevertheless, Jane had come to tingle with anticipation every evening, waiting for the moment Lord Baxendene’s huge form would loom out of the crowd in the ballroom to find her wherever she hid. She trembled with dread as she pondered which night he’d choose to renew his assault on her resolution, and worse, which night she’d lose her battle to retain the same.

  ‘A little late, but worth the wait, Lady Rotherby,’ he said, making her a deep formal bow.

  ‘Thank you, Lord Baxendene,’ she responded with equal formality. ‘It’s barely gone nine which is the time we agreed upon.’

  ‘Selena is already down,’ he countered, ‘but then she’s young and can’t wait to see young Falcon-Smythe, no doubt. Unlike my Lady’s more mature self, whose heart is impervious to the sufferings of her many admirers.’

  ‘Don’t talk fustian, Hades,’ Jane answered calmly and slipped past him into the drawing room where Holly and Lady Baxendene admired Selena’s gown. A perfect mix of maidenly sophistication, the high-waisted blue silk with tiny puffed sleeves was embroidered at hem and neckline with silver butterflies and forget-me-nots.

  ‘That color makes your eyes glow, Selena,’ Jane murmured. ‘Thank goodness your uncle will be present to assist with my chaperone duties!’

  Hades prowled through the door behind her and came to a halt a little way off, the better to admire his two charges.

  ‘I’m thinking I should probably go buckle on my sword,’ he drawled. ‘I can see I’ll have my work cut out for me tonight—and not just with Miss Carstairs. In gold, Lady Rotherby, you’re a sight to behold.’

  Jane rolled her eyes and both Holly and Lady Baxendene burst out laughing.

  ‘Nevertheless,’ Lady Baxendene added, when their laughter had subsided, ‘gold is stunning on you, Jane, and that style suits your height. La Callista certainly knows her craft, does she not?’

  ‘Thank you, Lady Baxendene,’ Jane said, her heart swelling with happiness and heat suffusing her cheeks. ‘I’ve always found Madame Callie eminently satisfactory.—Are you ready, Selena?’

  Happier when the attention was not on herself, she had to admit she was pleased they thought she looked well—that Hades thought she looked well! Sighing inwardly at this admission to herself, she allowed Lord Baxendene to escort her and Selena out to the carriage.

  She was more than a little concerned to find herself thinking of the Cinderella story, a favorite with James’s granddaughters back at Rotherby Hall. If she didn’t settle her crazily beating heart as Hades seated her at his side while allowing Selena the forward facing seat all to herself, her exquisite gown would probably turn to rags at midnight—and her handsome prince into a toad.

  But that was a different story—and her handsome prince was somewhat of a toad already, she reminded herself stoutly, and entered into Selena’s excited chatter about who was likely to be in attendance at such an illustrious gathering. The toad in question did his best to distract her by pressing some part of his towering self against her with every opportune sway of the carriage, making her chatter ever more loquaciously with Selena.

  Indeed, she thought a little sourly, one would think she was a green seventeen year old off to her first ball rather than a thirty year old widow, and a chaperone to boot! She could only hope they arrived at Carlton House before the unconscionable rogue dared to slip his arm round her shoulders or some other action equally reprehensible.

  ‘Oh, Lady R, I’m so excited,’ Selena said breathlessly. ‘I hope I don’t fall on my nose when I curtsey to His Majesty! Is he as fat as they say? Papa says he’s a ‘caricature of a prince’, nothing princely about him at all! What if—?’

  Jane reached across the carriage and caught Selena’s flailing hands between hers.

  ‘Think of him as just a man. Curtsey and say ‘pleased to meet you, Your Majesty’ and move on. There’ll be a crowd following us so there should be no chance to stand and chat—I hope.’

  ‘I’ll distract him for you, ‘Lena,’ her uncle said comfortably. ‘No need to worry. Continue as you have at every event up till now and you’ll be fine.’

  When their turn came to alight, a footman swung the door open and Lord Baxendene stepped down and turned to assist them.

  ‘Hold close,’ he instructed, crooking an elbow for each of them, then began a stilted move forward, as each group ahead in the receiving line stopped to be announced and greeted by the Prince.

  True to his word, Hades almost jogged them past, though His Majesty hailed him heartily, desiring to know where he’d been hiding lately. Jane had the distinct impression Lord Baxendene was no more enamored of the Prince Regent than was Pountney.

  Lady Millicent Jasper-Smythe waved from across the vast room glittering with the most ostentatious array of lights Jane had ever seen. She finally understood Selena’s trepidation in case she forgot herself and simply stared. The combined glare of the massive chandeliers and the reflected glitter from the rich array of costumes and priceless jewels was awe-inspiring.

  Tonight she’d worn the magnificent diamond parure James had given her, which she’d rarely worn for lack of anywhere regal enough. Yet she felt positively dowdy among the ostentatious display around her.

  Not to mention prudish in a gown showing only a little of her cleavage rather than almost exposing her nipples! Madame Callie had tried to change her mind about that, but Jane had been adamant. Feeling somewhat insignificant, she was content to have it so, could blend into the chaperone’s corner. With so much tempting flesh on display, surely Lord Baxendene would be otherwise occupied and leave her to enjoy the spectacle of the evening as it flowed around her.

  She hoped she was going to get her wish as he saw them settled with Lady Millicent and several other young ladies Selena had come to know, along with their chaperones. Taking Selena’s dance card, Hades held the small gold pencil poised above it and gave his niece a teasing glance, leaving the other young women swooning and breathless.

  ‘Do you wish to dance with your old uncle,’ he asked, ‘or do you wish to hold out for better offers?’

  ‘I’d be delighted to dance with you, Uncle Bax. A waltz please. No one waltzes like you do!’

  Jane could vouch for that. Being swung about the floor in those strong
arms was to float like thistledown. Realizing she was gazing up at his Lordship, entranced as any one of Selena’s young friends, she snapped her attention away to focus once again on the constantly moving sea of color and sparkle in the room.

  She’d scarcely focused her attention on a particularly tall, buxom and truly elegant woman whom she was sure was Lady Hertford, the Prince’s current paramour, when her view was cut off by a wall of midnight blue sartorial elegance as Hades leaned forward to murmur, ‘The supper dance is mine.’

  Then turning away as if he’d simply been bending politely over her hand he melted into the crush of guests.

  Dragging her attention back to Selena, now laughing delightedly up into the serious grey eyes of Lord Jasper, Jane determined to keep her attention there. Watching over Selena was what she was here for. And if she didn’t get some control over her tendency to melt from the inside out and lose a good ten years of maturity every time Lord Baxendene spoke to her no matter how prosaic his words, she was going to give herself away, not only to him but to all who witnessed the intimate little exchanges.

  It had to stop. She had to make him see that. He seemed to have accepted her rebuttal over the last two weeks, but tonight she couldn’t help feeling the old, importunate Great Bax was back. If he tried anything she’d have to deal some sort of death blow to his continued pursuit.

  For her own—sanity.

  For Selena the night was a stunning success. The new slippers matching her gown were doubtless already worn through. Her cheeks were attractively warm and her eyes blazed like blue-green jewels beneath her coal black curls.

  Jane hadn’t seen Hades dancing with anyone until he came to claim his niece for the first waltz and was grateful to be preoccupied with accepting Lord Luscombe’s escort onto the dance floor, so there was no opportunity for any discourse between her and Selena’s partner.

  They could not be ignored on the floor, however, Selena, a bright star shimmering in the night sky, and Hades, Lord of all he surveyed.

  Even when Jane sought to keep her attention on her slightly built and fairer complexioned partner, he foiled her by commenting on the picture uncle and niece made together.


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