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Aiden (Members From Money Book 8)

Page 9

by Katie Dowe

  They sat down to eat, and Ciara looked up as Aiden came and took the seat beside her. “My mother works at the public hospital, but I much prefer Henry Whittingham’s private practice. I have made an appointment for us to see him this Saturday. I have also made arrangements for you to go and get the rest of your things. You are staying here from now on.”

  “Is there anything else?” she hissed, not wanting Holly to hear them. “Do you want to know what color handcuffs I want?”

  For a minute, there was a glimmer of amusement in his blue eyes and then it vanished. “No disappearing acts, Ciara, I will not tolerate it.” Before she could respond, he pushed back his chair and went over to where Holly was sitting, bending to kiss her on the top of her head.

  “Daddy, are you coming home early?

  “Yes, sweetie, as early as I can.” He straightened and without looking at Ciara he left the room.

  “Holly, darling, go into the living room while I speak with Ciara,” Angela said.

  “May I go outside and look at what the gardeners are doing?” she asked.

  Both Angela and Ciara hesitated and then nodded. “Don’t go near the pool and stay where we can see you.”

  “Okay.”She scrambled off the chair and went racing to the door where a maid pulled it open for her to go out.

  “Aiden told me the good news.” Angela buttered her toast sparingly and looked at Ciara. She had drunk some tea and a bit of orange juice but had not touched anything else. “I know you are going through some things with my son, but you need to think of the baby you are carrying. You are too thin, my dear. Aiden can be such an ass sometimes but play his game. Ignore him and carry on. He has told me about the wedding and the best person to arrange it in such a short time is Leesa Wellington. My son is confused and I have never seen him like this before so he is punishing you for it. Defeat him at his own game and show him that you are strong!”


  Clara Greene stared at her daughter in shock. “You are pregnant and getting married to billionaire Aiden Carter. Honey, those people are some of the most powerful people in the country.” They were having tea at her house. Ciara had called her and told her that she was coming over and she wanted to talk to her.

  “Thanks, Mom, just what I needed to hear.” Ciara had felt her spirit bolstered as she listened to Angela’s speech, but the bout of sickness that assailed her at all times for the day did not help much. She had taken over the care of Holly and realized that soon she was going to be the little girl’s mother.

  “Do you love him?” she asked as she looked at her daughter, not helping but noticing that she was thin and looked ill.

  Ciara moved her shoulders restlessly as she wrapped her hands around the cup. “Yes.”

  “Then I wish you all the best, honey. At least he is not going to run off like that no good man who is your father,” she said grimly.

  “Mom, that is not something I want to hear right now.”

  “I have always told you the truth, honey, because you need to know,” Clara Greene told her roughly.

  “And maybe you should have kept some of the things to yourself. I understand you went through a lot when he left, but I was a little girl who had not needed to hear how worthless my dad was.” Ciara got to her feet and went to look through the window, seeing a squirrel running up a nearby tree. “I have been carrying that since I was little and I need to let it go now.”

  Chapter 9

  They told her a few nights later together. She was still staying in the room she had been given when she first got there and he had not indicated that she shared his bed and that was fine by her!

  Holly was bathed and in her pajamas when they sat on the side of the bed and told her. “We have something to tell you, sweetie,” her father began softly, tucking the blonde curl behind her hair. She was none the worse after her kidnapping experience and he had wondered if she would need counseling, but she had adjusted.

  “That I am going to school.” She sighed heavily and looked at them. “Can’t Ciara teach me like she has been doing?”

  “Don’t you want a chance to meet children your age and be able to play games and become a big girl?” Ciara asked her with a tender smile.

  Aiden inhaled sharply as he looked at her with his daughter. She was going to make a terrific mother!

  Holly nodded.

  “Well, then there you go.” Ciara touched her cheek lightly.

  “It’s something else altogether, sweetie.” Aiden turned the conversation back to the topic at hand. He took his daughter’s small hands in his. “How do you feel about having a little brother or sister?”

  Holly stared at him her eyes round. “There is a baby?”

  “Will be a baby coming,” her father clarified. “Ciara and I are having a baby and we are getting married.”

  “You are going to be my mommy?” Holly asked, her eyes wide.

  “Yes,” Ciara was a little anxious. “Do you want me to?”

  For an answer, the little girl got up and threw her arms around Ciara’s neck, hugging her tightly. “I take it that’s a yes?” her father asked her in amusement.

  “Yes! Yes! Yes!” she screamed as she let go. “May I be a flower girl?”

  “Of course,” Ciara said huskily, blinking back the tears. “I would have it no other way.”

  It was a while before she settled down, asking a lot of questions about the upcoming wedding and when will she know if it is a brother or a sister. She finally settled down and just as they were about to leave she told them, “I love you, Mommy and Daddy.”

  “We love you too, sweetie,” Aiden told her as Ciara was too clogged up to speak. “Go to sleep.”

  Ciara closed the door softly behind her and was about to go on to her room when she felt his hand on her arm.

  She looked down at the hand holding her and then up at him, a question in her eyes.

  “I want you,” he told her boldly.

  Even though she felt the quiver of instant desire, she steeled herself to say no.

  “I cannot accept that.” Without another word, he hauled her up and slung her onto his shoulder as if she was nothing but a sack of feathers.

  “Put me down!” She beat her fists against his back, but he did not pay her any mind, throwing her on the bed as he reached into his bedroom.

  “You have no right!” she sputtered, but he only looked at her coolly while he took off his clothes. She started to climb off, but he caught at her ankle and pulled her back, climbing onto the bed and covering her body with his. “I missed you,” he said with a groan as he bent his head to take her lips. Ciara felt her resolve and the barrier she had put up crumble as his tongue entered her mouth. She could not resist him, she would never be able to say no to him, to this as long as she lived! She felt the warmth of his skin through the light cotton dress she was wearing, and with a moan, she put her hands around his neck, her fingers creeping through his soft thick hair and digging into his scalp. Her body felt alive for the first time since she had left and gone away. So many nights she had spent craving the taste of him and the feel of him inside her.

  Aiden moved away and pulled the dress over her head, unhooking her bra. His hands cupped her generous breasts, which had become more so since her pregnancy and more susceptible to touch, his touch. He bent his head and took a hardened bud between his teeth. Ciara cried out sharply as the bolt of lightning flashed through her as his mouth pulled at her flesh. She was unraveling! Her skin felt hot and clammy as the passion tore through her body. She loved him, her mind screamed out. His mouth drifted down her flat stomach and lingered there in wonder that his baby could be growing inside her. He felt the quiver and tasted her flesh going further down until his tongue touch her mound, licking at it before going inside her, thrusting into her. She cried out his name, her inhibitions abandoned, her pride scattering in the wake of the passion he unleashed in her. She came inside his mouth, her body trembling violently. As long as she lived, she was never going to be
able to do without his touch on her skin. It was like an addiction! He climbed over, and putting his hand between them, he guided his swollen penis into her, pushing deep in until he touched her core. She lifted her legs and clasped them around his waist, unaware of the tears glistening on her cheeks. Aiden bent and touched his lips to the wetness, drying it up with his lips as he moved inside her. He had missed this and he had no intention of being without her again! He lifted her hips and brought her closer to him as he plunged into her over and over again trying to slake the unending thirst he had for her!


  She was four months pregnant when they got married in June. Leesa Wellington and Regina Brady took charge of the arrangements. They ignored Ciara’s protests that she did not want anything big and plunged right ahead with it. Leesa had suggested the gazebo on her place, but Aiden had said firmly that it was to be held at the manor where a something could be erected for the ceremony. Holly was excited as they were getting married right after her fifth birthday. They had thrown a small birthday party for her with the club members’ wives and their children, and she spent the evening opening her presents and exclaiming over what she received. Her dad had given her a princess bike with training wheels and a cute little basket at the front. She had gotten tons of clothes and toys from her grandmother and even gifts from the members of the household staff.

  “I never had a birthday party before,” she told them that night as she got ready for bed.

  “Mommy never had a party for you?” Aiden asked her lightly as he tucked her in.

  “She said we did not have any money. Daddy, may I have birthday parties until I am big?” she asked him seriously.

  “Every year.” He kissed her tenderly and held her for a moment. “Go to sleep.”

  “Night, Daddy. Night, Mommy,” she had said as she closed her eyes.

  “Goodnight, baby girl,” Ciara murmured softly.

  She preceded Aiden to his suite. She had moved in with him and had given up her apartment. He had met her mother when she had been invited over to dinner a month ago. She had started showing and she could see Aiden looking at her every time they were together. The pregnancy had given her a beautiful glow and her hair had grown somewhat. She had stopped being sick so much and they visited Dr. Whittingham each month. She was due to have her baby in the first week of November.

  “I never asked you how you felt about being a mother to a child that is not yours,” he said quietly as he watched her undress. He loved looking at her body and the slight bulge of her belly. She had cravings that had him shaking his head and he had to admit that the experience was one that he was coming to treasure. He had had to throw out the tube of toothpaste that he had always used and gotten them to buy something else that she could tolerate.

  She bent and came up back too quickly, swaying as the dizziness assailed her. He reached out and pulled her to him, lifting her and putting her onto the bed. “Better?”

  She nodded and took a deep breath, trying to get out of his arms, but he held her to him.

  “I love Holly as if she belongs to me and I am not going to love her any less when our baby is born,” she said honestly.

  “I am happy about that.” He eased her back onto the bed and ran his hands over her belly, his touch lingering. “We have not decided on a name,” he said huskily, his eyes meeting hers.

  “I have not thought about it.” She moaned a little as his hand went between her legs. “I don’t know.”

  “We will think of something.” He eased her legs open. “I love the taste of you,” he murmured.

  “Aiden…” She moved restlessly.

  “This time next week you will become Mrs. Carter.” He had eased a finger into her tightness and all rational thought fled from her.

  “I…I can’t…” She was trembling and the words could not come out.

  “How about Italy or Hawaii for our honeymoon?” Another finger had joined the one inside her and the thrusts were slow and measured torturing her.

  “I…please…” She was panting and her body shivering.

  “I need an answer.” He was ruthless as he increased the pace of his fingers, his thumb rubbing over her mound.

  “Please! Please! Please!” she cried out, grabbing his hand. She screamed out long and loud as he brought her up and over. She sobbed and reached for him, bringing him down onto her. He took out his fingers and entered her wetness, closing his eyes as she wrapped around him. He could never get enough of her!


  “You look so beautiful,” Clara Greene said gruffly as she stared at her daughter in her lilac gown. She had not wanted to wear white but had chosen the stunning gown made entirely of delicate lace. It was sleeveless and had dozens of tiny buttons down her back. Her hair had been styled by a professional with several lilac buds in the upswept hair do. Her makeup was flawless and she was wearing diamond knobs in her lobes and matching bracelet on her left wrist.

  “Thank you, Mom.” She had come over and spent the night and they had talked before she had turned in for the night. Ciara had bought her the dress that she had on: a light blue one that complimented her solid frame.

  “I hope you will be happy and you were right that time. I should not have put all my burdens on you. I am happy for you, honey.”

  “I know you are.” She walked over and hugged her tightly. The door opened and Leesa and Regina came in. Both women along with their husbands made up the small wedding party and were dressed in bold red and orange to complement her light color.

  “Ready?” Leesa asked her.

  Ciara took a deep breath and nodded, reaching out a hand to both of them. “Please tell me that this becomes easier.”

  “It does.” Leesa squeezed her hand. “We are here for you as are the other wives.”

  Regina pulled her in for a hug. “Welcome to the club.”


  Aiden straightened as the wedding party started to come in. He was wearing a cream suit with a lilac tie and his hair was brushed back from his face. He smiled as Holly, with a basket over one arm filled with flowers, came slowly in. His daughter was amazingly beautiful in a sheer pink dress with layers of lace underneath and white stockings and shoes. Her hair flowed freely down her back with a garland of flowers around her head. She looked solemn as she scattered the flowers along the way as she made her way up to where the men were. He felt a sense of pride as all eyes were trained on her. She tugged at his jacket when she reached to him. He bent and took her into his arms much to the delight of the guests. “Did I do good, Daddy?” she whispered.

  “The best,” he told her with a glint in his eyes as he kissed her soft cheek. He kept her in his arms as they turned to watch the rest of the party come in but when he saw her he felt himself stiffen and his eyes darken. She was beautiful! And she was his!

  “Mommy looks so pretty, Daddy,” Holly murmured.

  “Yes, she does.” With her still in his arms, he went to meet her, nodding to her mother as he took her hand and placed it on his arm. Holly leaned forward and kissed her, which brought tears to her eyes.

  The ceremony was brief, and before they knew it the minister was pronouncing then as husband and wife. Ciara glanced discreetly at square cut diamond on her finger that declared to the world that she was Mrs. Aiden Carter!

  The hall was decorated tastefully, and as soon as she tasted the shrimp in garlic, she felt the vomit rising from her stomach. “I have to go,” she muttered to her husband. He quickly pulled her chair out and took her hand as they hurried to the nearest bathroom. He held her head as she puked and sat behind her as she leaned against him weakly.

  “I thought you were through being sick.” He held her in his arms and stroked her belly.

  “I thought so too. I guess the baby does not like shrimp.”

  “Do you want to go upstairs and lie down?”

  “And miss the party?” She turned to look up at him. “No. I am feeling better now and I am starving.”

kay, let’s go.” He smiled down at her.

  She rinsed out her mouth and they went back to the reception which continued without further incident. Holly left the table where the other children were and came to sit on her father’s lap. Flashbulbs went off every few minutes as the photographers snapped the pictures, recording the memories of the day. Then it was time for their first dance as husband and wife. He took her into his arms and she rested her head on his chest, closing her eyes as she savored the feel of him against her. It had been a rocky few months, but she held out the hope that it was getting better, surely he felt something more than the amazing passion and desire they had for each other! He had started to say something to her when he felt a tug on his jacket. “Daddy, I want to dance too.”

  He looked at Ciara and she nodded. “Go ahead, we can finish later.”

  He let go of her and swung his daughter into his arms. Ciara went to find her friends and sat with them for a little bit.

  Aiden swung his daughter around in his arms and half-listened to her chatter as his eyes followed his wife. She was going around the room talking to the guests and at times laughing at what was said. His wife! He felt the quickening of his heartbeat and could not believe that he was actually married and to a woman he had thought was so unsuitable! He smiled indulgently as he watched her sit back down and put her hand automatically on her belly. He had seen her do it several times and realized that it was instinctive. He finished the dance with Holly and went to get her suddenly needing her in his arms.

  The party broke up at ten, and by that time Ciara felt pleasantly exhausted. He lifted her up as soon as they left Holly’s suite and carried her to their bedroom, putting her down in the middle of the room.

  “You never answered me about our honeymoon destination,” he whispered as he started to unbutton the dozens of buttons at the back of her dress.

  “Paris,” she murmured, arching her neck as his mouth found the soft spot between her shoulder blades. “What are we going to tell Holly?”

  “We are going to explain that as a husband and wife we need some time alone.” He had finished releasing all the buttons and she stepped out of the dress. His eyes narrowed as he took in the two-piece scrap of flesh-colored lace she had on. “I was wondering what you had on beneath that dress.” His voice was whisper soft as he ran his hands over her generous breasts. He lifted her into his arms and strode with her to the bed, putting her down on it. His hands drifted down to her belly and cupped the light bulge. “Tell me what you want.”


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