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Aiden (Members From Money Book 8)

Page 23

by Katie Dowe

  Mark nodded and pulled away, taking her hand and pulling her to the bedroom. Charli climbed onto the bed as Mark went into the bedside cabinet and found a condom. He tore it open and rolled it down his cock. Then he grabbed Charli's hand and pulled her to her feet. He kissed her before Charli could protest, diving his tongue into her mouth, and pushed her against the wall. He pressed against her, rubbing his cock against her clit.

  Charli was desperate for him now. She didn't want any foreplay. She wanted him now. She clung onto Mark's shoulders and pulled her legs up, wrapping them around his waist.

  Mark got the message. Cupping her buttocks in his hands, he slowly pushed forward. His cock thrust into her pussy and Charli couldn't hold back the scream, which Mark muffled with his kisses. She felt very delicate and every nerve was set off by his cock rubbing against them, stretching her as if she had never taken him in.

  It was slightly uncomfortable. But it felt so good. Charli tilted her hips and he went in further. Mark groaned and pulled back, staring at her with hungry eyes and flared nostrils. He looked magnificent.

  "I've missed you like this."

  Charli smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  "I've missed you, too." She pulled him closer. "Now fuck me."

  Mark grinned.

  "As my lady commands."

  He set the pace slowly, allowing Charli to get used to him again. Charli was writhing against him, moaning and crying out as his cock set fire to her body, heat licking its way through her belly. He felt incredible and Charli was struggling to hold on to her sanity.

  Mark also seemed to be having problems holding back. With a loud shout he thrust hard into her, make Charli scream as her orgasm hit her hard. He began to thrust harder into her, her bottom bouncing off the wall as she clutched onto him. Charli felt a second orgasm hit before the first one had barely dissipated and she hung on for dear life as Mark hammered into her, his grunts and shouts getting louder.

  When he came a few moments later, kissing her as he emptied his seed into her, Charli couldn't feel her legs. But she didn't care. She kissed him, her body already heating up for another round.

  "One more?" She whispered.

  Mark blinked and stared at her. Then he laughed.

  "You're insatiable, do you know that?"

  "I know." Charli kissed her way across his jaw and down his neck. "It's been almost two months and I'm making up for lost time."

  She bit down on his neck. Mark growled and pulled her away from the wall, laying her on the bed. He grinned and tweaked a nipple, making Charli gasp.

  "Sounds like an idea. Just don't blame me if you're tired in the morning."

  Charli opened her mouth to say she had no intention of doing so and Mark kissed her. Afterwards she didn't feel like talking.


  The ball shot across the court and the flailing racket missed it, leaving the ball to bounce on the court before hitting the fence. It was followed by a squeal of delight.


  "No way!" Chris glared at Stephanie. "That was out!"

  His sister snorted.

  "No way was that out! You're just annoyed that you're not winning anymore!"

  Chris swung around and made a pleading gesture at his mother, who sat on a sun lounger working on her laptop.

  "Mom, that was out, wasn't it?"

  Charli looked up and held up her hands in surrender.

  "Don't bring me into this again. I'm staying out of this one."

  The gate squeaked open and Mark stepped onto the court. He laughed when his saw his son's scowl.

  "Are you two squabbling again?"

  "I got it on the line, Dad," Stephanie called out, "But Chris says it's out."

  "Then you know the rules." Mark winked at Charli. "If you can't agree play the point again."

  "That's not fair!"

  "Then don't argue about the points." Mark approached Charli, speaking to his children but looking at his wife. "You can't argue with the umpire."

  "Those two will argue over anything." Charli pointed out.

  Mark grinned as he leaned over to kiss her.

  "I know."

  He settled into the chair beside her, linking his fingers through hers as Charli scrolled through her emails. On the court, Chris and Stephanie grumbled but Chris scooped up the ball and they set up to replay the point.

  They didn't argue all the time but when it came to tennis both children were very competitive. Mark had drilled it into all of their children to go after every point and not slow up when they think they're winning. They understood that and Charli felt immense pride whenever she saw them play.

  The last sixteen years felt like they had flown by. They had settled into parenthood nicely with Stephanie, Charli deciding to quit her job and work freelance from home so she could take care of Stephanie while Mark carried on playing tennis. With his income he could easily cover all three of them and Stephen made sure he remembered that he had a family. It was hard at times when he was still playing on world tournaments but they had managed, even when they argued about the amount of time he spent away.

  Their night of lovemaking when Stephanie was six weeks old hadn't been fully protected; Charli ended up pregnant again, this time with twins. She gave birth to Chris and Lee when Stephanie was eleven months old and then she vowed no more children. Mark agreed and took time off from playing to help out. He became very adept at changing two babies while playing with his daughter. Charli couldn't help but fall in love with him more every day.

  When the twins were three, Mark decided to retire. It wasn't something he gave into lightly but he finished on a high with an overall win in the ATF tournaments and thought it was better to leave on a high than on a low. But he didn't move away from tennis entirely; Mark became a qualified coach and umpire, still traveling to tournaments to officiate matches and spending his spare time teaching kids at nearby schools. He loved it and Charli could see him becoming more relaxed than he had been as a player.

  Her freelance business was thriving and she managed to bring in a salary that almost matched his six-figure pay check. Their children were smart, all of them on the honor roll at school, and athletic. Stephanie and Chris were on the high school tennis squad and played as a mixed doubles team. Stephanie had also represented the United States in the US Open at junior level, reaching the quarter-finals. Lee, however, had chosen a different path and played lacrosse. He had Mark's speed and agility and used it to his advantage. All of them ran track and Charli had days where she was in the car all day, shuttling them from place to place so they could get to their various activities.

  But Charli wouldn't have it any other way. She loved her kids and she loved her husband. Things were good.

  "Steph!" Her other son Lee appeared on the terrace, waving to catch his sister's attention. "Your boyfriend's here."

  Charli looked up and frowned at her daughter.

  "Boyfriend? Since when have you had a boyfriend?"

  Charli and Stephanie were close. Stephanie told her everything. She certainly told Charli when she was dating. But since breaking up with her last boyfriend at the start of the year she hadn't been seeing anyone.

  Stephanie went bright red and began to jog towards the gate, avoiding eye contact with her mother.

  "I gotta go."

  Sensing something was wrong, Charli put her laptop down and stood up, blocking her daughter's path. Mark sat forward with a frown. He had also sensed something was off.

  "Stephanie." Charli ducked her head to try and meet her daughter's eyes. "What are you not telling me?"

  "I don't know what you mean."

  "You're acting guilty and you're not looking at me. What have you done?"

  "Nothing, Mom."

  Stephanie bit her lip, glancing at Chris. Chris shook his head.

  "Don't look at me to help, Steph. Your bed. You lay in it."

  Charli hoped that was just an expression and not literal. Her children were too young to be having s
ex. She glared at Stephanie.

  "Tell me."

  Stephanie finally looked up, squaring her shoulders. But her eyes held fear, which shocked Charli. She was scared of them?

  "I'm dating a guy in my year." Stephanie gulped. "His name is Drew Henson."

  Henson. Charli felt a chill go over her body. It couldn't be.

  "What was that?" Mark stood. He looked incredulous. "You're dating Andy Henson's son? Since when has he had a kid?"

  "He's a couple of months younger than me." Stephanie mumbled. "Drew's mom was four weeks pregnant with him when his dad was arrested."

  Charli exchanged looks with Mark. She could see the worry and anger in his expression. Andy was in prison, serving a twenty-year sentence for attempted murder, and Kimberly had served ten years after copping to a plea. They had had no idea where she had gone.

  Now they knew. She was in the neighborhood and her son - Andy's boy - was at school with their children.

  "You remember what we told you about Henson?" Mark came to stand beside Charli. His hand touched hers and Charli realized her hand was trembling. "We told you how he tried kill us. And you're dating his son?"

  "Can it, Dad." Stephanie snapped. She glared at him, the fear still there but replaced but defiance. "You don't know Drew. He isn't his father. You're always telling me not to tarnish people with the same brush. Why should they be any different?"

  "His mother is also a drug dealer." Charli reminded her.

  "She's been in prison and went to rehab. Drew makes sure that she's clean." Stephanie grimaced. "But I don't like her because she's made comments about me so Drew and I are keeping this from her for now. He isn't in contact with his dad by choice. And he knows about us but despite his mom's efforts he holds no grudges." She looked pleadingly at Charli. "He likes me, Mom."

  Mark groaned and walked away, running his hands through his graying hair.

  "I don't believe this."

  Charli couldn't blame him. This was something they hadn't anticipated. But Stephanie seemed to really like the boy and she was right; they shouldn't judge even with their previous prejudices. She glanced at Mark.

  "How about we meet the boy?" She suggested. "Like Stephanie said, he's not Andy."

  Mark didn't look happy about that. But his expression softened when he saw Stephanie looking at him.

  "Okay. You stay here until we've spoken to him."

  Stephanie nodded and went to sit in Mark's chair. Her leg bounced, the way it did when she was nervous, and she wrapped her arms around her middle. Charli wanted to go to her and tell her things were going to be okay but they needed to see the boyfriend for themselves. She touched Mark's arm as they left the court.

  "Let me do the talking, honey. I don't want you swinging at him."

  "I'll do my best."

  They went up onto the terrace, where Lee was sitting playing his PS4. He glanced at them and saw their expressions. Muttering about going to join his brother and sister, he stood up and hurried down the steps. He was joining Stephanie and Chris when Charli and Mark entered the lounge.

  A tall lad with dark hair was standing nervously in the middle of the room. His back was to them and Charli could see broad shoulders and a muscular frame. He wore a white t-shirt and cargo pants.


  Drew turned around and Charli had to hold back a gasp. He looked so much like his father. He even had the same eyes. It was like looking at Andy when he had been the same age.

  "Mr and Mrs Hildenstern." He held out his hand. "Pleased to meet you."

  She felt Mark tense beside her. She knew he was thinking the same thing. But she kept her expression schooled and shook the kid's hand. He had a strong grip. Mark didn't look happy as he did the same.

  "I understand you've been dating our daughter for a while now." Charli said, moving to sit on the couch. Her legs were going to give way if she didn't.

  "Since the school year started." Drew glanced towards the court, which they could see through the French windows. "She was reluctant to introduce me to you. I understand why, given your history with my parents."

  He was well-spoken. Polite. Charli liked that. Andy hadn't been that polite as a teenager.

  "You know that your father was abusive to me after I ended our relationship?" She asked. "That he paid someone to try and kill me and Stephanie before she was born?"

  Drew winced.

  "I do know. Mom told me a sob story that he was victimized and that I shouldn't believe what people say about him." He shoved his hands into his pockets. "I believed that until I started middle school and I met Stephanie. I was prepared to hate her. But she's such a lovely person and her bubbly personality is infectious. You couldn't help but like her."

  Charli felt Mark relax from across the room. She hadn't realized how tense he was. But she was glad that Kimberly's influence on her son hadn't stuck. Their history shouldn't influence how their children thought of each other.

  She held out a hand towards him.

  "Come and sit down, Drew."

  Drew did as he was bid, sitting on the edge of the couch with his elbows on his knees, hands clasped together tightly. His leg bounced the same way Stephanie's did when he was nervous.

  "She told me what happened to you and Mr Hildenstern." He gave Mark a shy look. "How my dad stalked you after you broke it off because he was cheating with my mom. How he poisoned Mr Hildenstern because he was losing control over you. I saw Dad in a different light as all the pieces fell into place." Drew looked down at the floor. "I haven't seen him since I was twelve and I don't want to."

  "That must've pissed off your mom." Mark sat in his favorite chair, black leather that had been broken in years ago. He was looking more amenable. "She's still with him, I take it?"

  "They married while they were both awaiting sentencing by proxy. She's devoted to him and can't understand why I would believe Stephanie." Drew sighed. "I've been living with my aunt since. Mom's sister. Mom tells me I'm not allowed to come home until I've shaken off Stephanie's tales and stand by my dad. My aunt knows the real story but Mom is still adamant she didn't do anything wrong."

  Charli could believe that. Kimberly always believed she had done nothing wrong. She had sat in on Kimberly's trial one day and heard Kimberly deny that she had given drugs to players and had given drugs to Andy, even though he tested positive for several steroids and other performance enhancing drugs. It was a wonder the concoction he had didn't kill him.

  It explained his paranoia over Charli but it wasn't an excuse.

  "I don't want any bad blood between us." Drew looked up at Mark, bravely meeting his narrowed gaze. "I really like Stephanie, Mr Hildenstern, and I want to be with her. She gets along well with my extended family and my aunt adores her. If you don't want us to date, I'll understand even though I won't like it. And I have a great amount of respect for you, sir. I wouldn't do anything to lower myself like him."

  Charli knew what she thought; she decided to give Drew the benefit of the doubt. He wasn't under his parents' influence and seemed to genuinely like Stephanie. She loved her daughter and didn't want her hurt but Stephanie would need to find out for herself.

  She was willing to trust Drew with Stephanie. But it had to be a joint decision. She and Mark decided everything together.

  Mark stood up and went to stand over Drew, who straightened up and didn't look away. That would be in his favor not to look away.

  "I think one of these days I'll take you on a long walk and we can talk some more." He smiled and held out his hand. "I think Stephanie would appreciate us getting along."

  Drew's face lit up. Charli couldn't believe how handsome he was. He had some of Andy's features but he was his own person. Stephanie was very lucky.

  "Thank you, sir." Drew shook Mark's hand and stood up. "Thank you."

  Mark grinned and nodded towards the terrace.

  "Go on. Your girlfriend's waiting. Treat her for us."

  "I will do."

  Drew headed towards the terr
ace. Charli stood and hurried after him.

  "Drew." She caught up with him at the steps. She glanced back at Mark, who had moved to the doorway, before looking back at the boy. "I can tell you're not like your father. And the fact you don't let them influence you makes me respect you. But I won't tolerate if you hurt my daughter."

  "I don't plan to, ma'am." Drew didn't look away. "I'm starting to fall for her and that would be the last thing on my mind."

  Charli knew he was sincere. She touched his arm.

  "As long as you don't treat Stephanie as your father treated me, you and I are going to get along great." She grinned. "And it's Charli."

  Drew nodded and smiled back. Charli watched him go down to the court, Stephanie meeting him at the gate. Mark joined her as Stephanie hugged Drew and they kissed, Stephanie's brothers wolf-whistling. Mark put his arms around Charli's waist.

  "Do you think we're doing the right thing?"

  "I think so." Charli leaned into him. "And if not, Stephanie's old enough to find out on her own."

  Although, judging from the way Stephanie and Drew were smiling at each other, cheating was the last thing on their minds.

  The end.

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