Native Americans, 167
searching online, 15–18, 170–175, 178–179
subscription-based services, 178
success story, 174–175
United Kingdom, 172, 178
United States, 170–175, 211, 322
websites, 172–173, 170, 179
Certified Genealogical Instructor (CGI), 350
Certified Genealogical Lecturer (CGL), 350
Certified Genealogical Record Specialist (CGRS), 350
Certified Genealogist (CG), 350
C-files (certificate files), 221
CG (Certified Genealogist), 350
CGI (Certified Genealogical Instructor), 350
CGL (Certified Genealogical Lecturer), 350
CGRS (Certified Genealogical Record Specialist), 350
chatting, 350, 353, 361. See also online chat
Cherokee online resources, 252
Chinese ancestry, 166, 225
Chris Pomeroy’s DNA Portal, 312
Christine’s Genealogy Website, 313
Chrome browser, 33, 135, 225
chromosomes, 146
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), 181–192
Ancestral File, 348 See
FamilySearch. See FamilySearch website
finding, 190–191
library, 8
overview, 182–185
Personal Ancestral File program, 37, 185
church records, 18, 234, 293. See also Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Circle Mending blog, 308
Civil Registration system, 275
civil wars
American. See American Civil War
British, 315
Clayton Library Center for Genealogical Research, 318
Clearfield Company, 290, 291
client programs, 350
Clooz database software, 44–45, 66
“the cloud,” 31–32, 350
cloud backups, 31–32
cloud computing, 350
cloud storage sites, 31–32
coats of arms, 26
code of ethics, 20, 52, 53, 77
Coffin, Amy, 72, 103, 138, 142
collateral line, 350
Collection Finder, 162
College of Arms, 26
College of William and Mary Library, 211
compression, 350
backing up, 5, 23–24, 31–33
firewalls, 47–48, 352
hard drives, 32
host, 353
laptop, 30
networks. See networks
remote access, 358
tablet, 30, 43–44, 360
viruses/worms, 47–48
cruises, 77
described, 350
FGS, 79
finding, 79
IGHR, 79–80
NARA, 168
NGS, 259
NIGR, 79
regional/local, 81
success story, 81
UGA, 80–81
videoconferencing, 353, 362
webinars, 71, 105, 305, 362
The Congress of Aboriginal Peoples site, 252
congressional searches, 93
Connecticut State Library, 210, 318
Cooke, Lisa Louise, 71, 309
copyright issues, 50, 52–53, 56–59
copyright laws, 53, 57
court records, 18, 168, 174
“cousin bait,” 138, 139, 308
cousin calculator, 7
Cowan, Christa, 263
CreateSpace, 284–289
Creative Continuum publishing house, 296–297
Creole, online resources, 247–248
Crow, Amy Johnson, 310
cruises, educational, 77
Crumpton, Sue, 12
Cubahatchee Baptist Church Book, 293
Cuban ancestry, 248, 249
Cuban Genealogy Club of Miami, 248
Cyndi’s List
beginner information, 52–53
mailing lists/newsletters, 119
Middle East page, 245
Myths, Hoaxes, and Scams page, 26
obituaries, 175
overview, 94–95, 303
Danish ancestry, 231, 311. See also European entries
Danko, Stephen, 311
DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution), 81, 211, 316
data. See also GEDCOMs; records
ahnentafels, 348
backing up, 5, 23–24, 31–33
considerations, 272
documenting, 5–6, 23
downloading, 32
importing/exporting, 36
paper sources, 5–6, 24
publishing. See publishing
sharing, 18, 51–56
sources/proof, 13–15
tiny tafels, 361
tracking/storing, 5–6
uploading, 32
validity of online data, 13–19
database CD-ROMs, 45
databases. See also GEDCOMs
Clooz, 66
described, 351
Ellis Island, 193–201
LDS, 182–185
NARA resources, 166–168
PRF, 185, 357
RootsWeb, 273, 275–276
SSDI, 175–176, 185, 276, 359
Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), 81, 211, 316
Dawes (Final Rolls) Index, 167
DearMYRTLE website
genealogy lessons, 305
learning resources on, 4, 68–70, 305
Mondays with MYRT, 69, 105, 106
view on privacy, 55–60
death certificates, 8, 173, 176
death notices, 96, 175, 216, 258
death records
cemeteries. See cemetery records
death certificates, 8, 173, 176
death notices, 96, 175, 216, 258
FreeBMD Project, 231, 278, 312
funeral home records, 174
obituaries, 8, 96, 175–176, 216
requesting copies of, 159
Social Security Death Index, 175–176, 185, 276, 359
decadency chart, 357
Deed Platter website, 322
default settings, 351
DeGeorge, Heather Jones, 189
Denmark, online resources, 231, 311
deoxyribonucleic acid. See DNA
died without children (DSP), 12
Digital Public Library of America, 320
directories, 85, 351
Directory of Historical Organizations in the United States and Canada, 215
divorce records, 156, 157
DMOZ Genealogy page, 325
DNA (allele), 348
DNA (marker), 355
DNA Gedcom, 150
DNA genealogy, 145–151
allele, 147, 348
autosomal, 146, 148
Chris Pomeroy’s DNA Portal, 312
chromosomes, 146
considerations, 151
Family Tree DNA website, 302, 312
Genealogy DNA mailing list, 313
general information, 146–147
genes, 146
haplogroups, 147
haplotype, 353
markers, 147, 355
maternal line, 271
mtDNA, 146, 148, 149, 356
Non Paternal Event, 146
online sites, 150–151
overview, 147–149
paternal line, 271
Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation, 313
success story, 149
surprises, 146, 147
YDNA, 146, 148, 149, 271, 363
DNA research, 270–271, 312–313
DNA testing, 146–147, 150
DNS (Domain Name Server), 351
documentation, 8–10, 23
Documenting the Details blog, 307
Doerflinger, Elyse, 73, 308
domain name, 351
Domain Name Server (DNS), 351
Dorman, Frederick, 291
Dorsey, Jack, 100
“Dos and Don’ts of Online Genealogy,” 53
Doukhobors, online resources, 248
downloading, 32, 321, 351
Dragon NaturallySpeaking software, 284
Drew, Lee R., 308
Dropbox, 31–32
DSP (died without children), 12
Eagle Editions, 294
Eakle, Arlene, 307
Eastman, Dick, 56, 58–59, 283, 295, 302
Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter (EOGN), 71, 283
Eats Like A Human blog, 73
Ebenezer Church, 293
e-books, 283–284, 295
The Educated Genealogist blog, 72–73
education, 65–82
Ancestry Family History Wiki, 68 Learning Center, 68, 270
blogs/feeds, 72–74
Brigham Young University, 76, 78
college-level courses/programs, 76
conferences. See conferences/seminars
DearMYRTLE resources, 4, 68–70, 305
Eastman Newsletter, 56, 71, 283, 305, 68
genealogy cruises, 77
Genealogy Lesson Plan website, 306
IGHR, 79–80
institutes, 71, 76, 79–81, 354
National Genealogical Society, 150, 256–258
National Institute for Genealogical Studies, 76
National Institute on Genealogical Research, 79
NGSQ Articles Online Study Groups, 68
online courses, 75–76, 356
overview, 66–67
professional organizations, 77–81
resources, 75
Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy, 80–81
self-study, 66, 67–68, 76
seminars. See conferences/seminars; seminars
study groups, 68, 69, 306
training videos, 71
University of Washington program, 78
webinars, 71, 105, 305, 362
websites, 305–306
Ellis Island, 196, 199, 315
Ellis Island Online, 193–201
American Family Immigration History Center, 199, 303
community archives, 199
Family History Scrapbooks, 199
free vs. paid membership, 197
genealogist resources, 195–196
genealogy charts/forms, 195
getting started tips, 195
Immigrant Experience, 196
Immigration History Center, 199
Morse’s forms, 200–201
registration, 196
searches, 196–199
ship’s passenger lists, 196–199, 200
using site, 196–199, 194, 200, 303
Elmer’s Genealogy Corner, 318
Elyse’s Genealogy Blog, 73, 308
e-mail. See also mailing lists
audio resources, 46
defined, 351
filters, 46
Gmail, 131, 133
mailing lists, 113–115
overview, 46
phishing, 357
RSS readers, 357
spam, 46
viruses/worms, 47–48
emigrate, defined, 222
English ancestry, 231, 291. See also United Kingdom
EOGN (Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter), 56, 71, 283, 305
ethical concerns, 49–61. See also genealogical standards
considerations, 59, 60
copyright issues, 50, 52–53, 56–59
identity theft, 50, 55
overview, 50
privacy issues, 51–56
ethics, code of, 20, 52, 53, 77
ethnic websites, 313–315
Europe Genealogy Links, 225
European ancestry. See also specific European countries
Eastern/Central Europe, 226, 314
EuroDocs website, 229
European Archival Network, 323
immigration resources, 225–231
websites, 225–231
European libraries, 207, 230, 320, 321
Europeana online library, 321
Evernote app, 44–45
evidence, 13
Evidence! Citation & Analysis for the Family Historian, 11, 68
exporting data, 36
eXtensible Markup Language (XML), 363
external hard drives, 32
Facebook, 107, 123–126, 262, 304
FamHist Blog, 308
Family Bible entries, 8, 179
Family Chronicle website, 326
family crest, 26
family group sheets, 351
Family Heritage Publishers, 297
Family History Centers (FHCs), 8, 190–191, 351
Family History Library, 4, 215
family legend, 8–10
family members, interviewing, 8
Family Roots Publishing Company, 292–293
family skeletons, 50, 51
family traditions, 15
Family Tree Circles, 117
Family Tree DNA website, 302, 312–313
Family Tree Magazine, 7
Family Tree Maker (FTM), 39–40, 265
family trees, 265–267, 273–274
FamilyBee app, 44
FamilySearch Labs blog, 73
FamilySearch Learning Center, 71
FamilySearch website, 181–192
ancestral file, 185
considerations, 8, 37
described, 301
family tree, 184
forms/charts, 6, 182
help for, 190
indexes, 60, 184, 190
overview, 182–185, 301
photos, 182
Puzilla and, 188–189
search feature, 184–185, 191
smart phone/tablet app, 44
SSDI lookup, 176, 185
success story, 189
trees, 185–187
FamilySearch wiki, 184
fan charts, 182, 185, 186
faxing, 31
Federal Register publications, 168
Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 26
Federation of East European Family History Societies (FEEFHS), 226
Federation of Genealogical Societies (FGS), 79
feed reader, 348
FEEFHS (Federation of East European Family History Societies), 226
Fenley, Sheri, 72–73
FGS (Federation of Genealogical Societies), 79
FHCs (Family History Centers), 8, 190–191, 351
Fieldstone Common podcast, 310
file extensions, 32
File Transfer Protocol (FTP), 348–349, 352
filing cabinets, 5
Filson Historical Society library, 212, 324
Final Rolls (Dawes) Index, 167
Find A Grave app, 265
Find A Grave website, 265, 311
findmypast website, 302
Finnish resources, 321. See also European entries
Firefox browser, 33, 351, 356
Fireside Fiction, 294
firewalls, 47–48, 351
First Families of Tennessee, 81
Fitzpatrick, Colleen, 310
flaming/flame wars, 352
Florida resources, 293, 177–178, 316
folders, 351
folksonomy, 352
Fondant, Laurent, 227, 310
The Forensic Genealogist blog, 310
forensic genealogy, 310, 352
forms, 6–7, 200–201, 221, 326
forums, 115–119. See also message boards; online chat
AfriGeneas, 241, 301
considerations, 112
described, 112, 352
nbsp; finding, 115–119
flaming/flame wars, 352
GenForum, 117, 245, 246, 302
success story, 115
WikiTree G2G forum, 117, 118 website, 226–227
fraternal organizations, 19
FreeBMD Project, 231, 278, 312
FreeCEN project, 172
Freedmen’s Bank Records, 216
Freedmen’s Bureau, 164, 216, 244
Freedom of Information Act, 175
Free-Genealogy-Forms, 6
Freepages, 278–279
French ancestry, 226–227. See also European entries
French Revolutionary Calendar, 352
FTC (Federal Trade Commission), 26
FTM (Family Tree Maker), 39–40, 265
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 348–349, 352
Fuller, John P., 119
funeral home records, 174
Gadsden Times, 293
gateway, 352
Gateway to Library Catalogs page, 212
gazetteer, 46
GEDCOM-compatible programs, 4
GEDCOMs (genealogy databases)
backing up, 32
considerations, 16, 36
copyright issues, 50
described, 352
DNA Gedcom, 150
importing/exporting, 36
program compatibility and, 36
WorldConnect Project, 24, 275, 276
GEDStar program, 43–44
Gena’s Genealogy blog, 308, 74, 308
genealogical data. See data
Genealogical Data Communication. See GEDCOM
Genealogical Helper Magazine, 293
The Genealogical Institute, 307
Genealogical Prison Records, 93
Genealogical Publishing Company (GPC), 290–292
genealogical publishing houses, 281–298. See also publishing
genealogical societies, 195–196, 223
genealogical standards, 19–20, 60 site, 291–292, 326, 76
genealogists, professional, 195, 196, 348, 349, 350
beginning genealogy projects, 3–27
charts/forms, 6–7, 195, 200–201, 221, 326
conferences. See conferences/seminars
DNA. See DNA genealogy
ethics and. See ethical concerns
family legend and, 8–10
family skeletons, 50, 51
forensic, 310, 352
getting started, 195
glossaries, 306, 315, 347–363
good practices, 7–10
keeping records, 5–6
learning about. See education
pitfalls, 26
scams/hoaxes, 26
seminars. See conferences/seminars
starting places for, 324–326
supplies, 79, 228, 292, 326
terminology, 12–13, 16, 123, 140
tips for, 4
volunteering, 60
websites for. See websites
genealogy books
Books We Own, RootsWeb, 278
buying, 289–298
online, 320–321
publishing, 282–289
reference, 10–11
websites for, 326
Genealogy Community, 68
Genealogy Online Page 34