genealogy conferences. See conferences/seminars
genealogy cruises, 77
genealogy databases. See GEDCOMs
Genealogy Dictionary, 306
Genealogy DNA mailing list, 313
genealogy events, 79
Genealogy Gems, 71, 308
Genealogy Gems podcast, 71
Genealogy Lesson Plan website, 306
Genealogy Links.Net website, 325
Genealogy Notes column, 168
Genealogy Pages website, 325
Genealogy Pro, 77
genealogy programs, 35–43
add-ons, 44–45, 44
apps, 34, 42–43, 123, 265, 349
BillionGraves, 44, 311
considerations, 35–37, 43
cost, 37
Family Tree Maker, 39–40, 265
FamilyBee, 44, 44
GEDCOM compatibility and, 36
GEDStar, 43–44
Heredis, 41–42
The Master Genealogist, 40–41, 44
RootsMagic, 37–39
support, 36
tips for, 4
upgrades, 36
Genealogy Register, 117
Genealogy Spot website, 325
genealogy supplies, 79, 228, 292, 326
Genealogy Today website, 119, 306, 176, 75–76, 176, 178, 301, 302 website, 227, 172
Genea-musings blog, 310
GeneaNet website, 301, 325, 305
genes, 146, 150
GenForum, 117, 245, 246, 302
GenGateway website, 95
genotype, 352
GenPals, 108
GenSeeker, 276
GenSmarts program, 45
GENUKI website, 231, 324
GenWeb sites, 60
GENWED website, 312
geographic dictionary/index, 10
Geographic Names Information System site, 322
Geographical Information System (GIS), 323
geography. See maps/geography
geography websites, 322–323
GEONET Names Server (GNS), 322
German ancestry. See also European entries, 227
German Parish Registers, 293
GermanRoots, 227–228
Hessian soldiers, 228, 314
immigration to U.S., 166
NARA records, 166
overview, 227–228
place names, 228
success story, 234–236
GermanRoots, 227–228
Gibson, Steve, 48
GIS (Geographical Information System), 323
GLO (Government Land Office), 169–170
GLO patents, 14, 169–170
Global Gazetteer, 322
Global Genealogy Supply site, 326
glossary, 306, 315, 347–363
Gmail (Google mail), 131, 133
GNS (GEONET Names Server), 322
Gold Star Collection, 210
GooBooGeni site, 208
Google+, 130–135
Google accounts, 130–131
Google apps, 131, 353
Google Books, 91, 207–208
Google Calendar, 131, 305
Google Chrome, 33
Google Drive, 31–32
Google Hangouts, 69, 105, 106, 134–135, 353
Google Image Search, 91
Google mail (Gmail), 131, 133
Google Map Search, 91
Google Plus, 105–106
Google searches
Boolean “operators,” 91–92
as genealogy tool, 95
Google Books, 91, 207–208
images, 91
Map Search, 91
maps/geography, 322
specialized, 91
Google Translate website, 225
Gormley, Myra Vanderpool, 54–55, 56, 58, 59
Goulnik, Dr. Yves, 200
Government Land Office. See GLO
GPC (Genealogical Publishing Company), 290–292
graduation records, 7
graves. See cemetery records
Graveyards of South Logan County blog, 307
Great Britain. See United Kingdom
Gregorian calendar, 353
A Guidebook of American Genealogy, 11
Guion-Miller Roll Index, 167
Gypsies, online resources, 249–250
hackers, 353
Halberts of Ohio, 26
The Handy Book for Genealogists, 11
Hangouts, Google, 69, 105, 106, 134–135, 353
Hangouts On Air, 134–135
haplogroups, 147
haplotype, 353
hard drives, 32
Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library, 322
hashtags, 104–105, 353. See also Twitter
Henry, Jeanne Hand, 5
Heredis program, 41–42
Heritage Books, 294
Heritage Quest, 213–215, 216
Heritage Quest Magazine, 293
Hessian soldiers, 228, 314
Hibben, Jean Wilcox, 308
Hinkle, Paul, 311
Hispanic ancestry. See also Mexican ancestry
African-Hispanic resources, 228–229
Hispanic Genealogical Society, 234
Spanish Heritage Home Page, 315
Hispanic Genealogical Society, 234
Historical Maps of the United States, 323
Historical Text Archive website, 316
historical websites, 315–317
The History Detectives TV series, 315
Hmong people, 250
H.M.S. Bounty, 317
Hoosier website, 316
host computer, 353
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), 353
hub, 353
Huguenot genealogy, 250–251
Hungarian Genealogy website, 314
Huskey, Renee, 310
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), 353
ICAPGen (International Commission for the Accreditation of Professional Genealogists), 348
iCloud, 31–32
identity theft, 50, 55
IGI (International Genealogical Index), 184–185, 353
IM (instant messaging), 353
images, 91, 174, 177, 310, 316. See also photographs
Images Online, 174
Immigrant Experience, 196
Immigrant Ships Transcribers’ Guild, 220
immigrate, defined, 222
Immigration History Center, 199
immigration records
Canadian immigrants, 233
Ellis Island. See Ellis Island Online
European immigrants, 225–231
immigrants to Canada, 233
searching for immigrants, 220
ship passengers. See ship’s passenger lists
useful websites, 316
importing data, 36
index cards, 5
Index to the Final Rolls (Dawes), 167
indexes, 60, 190, 263, 264
India Family History website, 314
Indiana State Library Genealogy Division website, 318
instant messaging (IM), 107–109, 353
Institute on Genealogy and Historical Research (IGHR), 79–80
institutes, 71, 76, 79–81, 354
institution searches, 178
intellectual property, 57, 176–177
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies, 53
International Commission for the Accreditation of Professional Genealogists (ICAPGen), 348
International Genealogical Index (IGI), 184–185, 353
international resources, 219–236. See also specifi
c countries
genealogical societies, 223
immigration. See immigration records
overview, 220
translation websites, 224–225
World Archives Project, 269
World Public Library, 321
World Vital Records website, 308
WorldCat website, 204, 205, 208
WorldConnect Project, 24, 275, 276
WorldGenWeb Project, 223–224, 245, 275
International Society of Genetic Genealogists (ISOGG), 148, 150
International Vital Records Handbook, 222
described, 354
high-speed connections, 30–31
public domain, 56–57
publishing on, 24–25
validity of data on, 13–19
Internet Archives, 321
Internet Explorer, 33
Internet Protocol (IP), 354
Internet radio, 69, 247
Internet service providers (ISPs), 24, 33, 354
intranet, 354
iOS, 354
IP (Internet Protocol), 354
IP address, 354
Irish ancestry
GENUKI website, 231, 324
Irish Genealogy portal, 324
online resources, 231, 250
Travellers, 250
Irish Travellers, 250
Isaacson, Karen, 92–93, 326
Island of Hope, Island of Tears (video), 199
ISOGG (International Society of Genetic Genealogists), 148, 150
ISPs (Internet service providers), 24, 33, 354
The Israel GenWeb Project website, 251
Italian ancestry, 228. See also European entries, 296
Japanese-American ancestry, 166
Jewish ancestry, 117, 251, 289, 303, 313
Jewish Genealogical Society of Montreal, 251
JewishGen site, 117, 251, 303
Johannes Schwalm Historical Association (JSHA), 314
Johnson, Caleb, 13
JSHA (Johannes Schwalm Historical Association), 314
Julian calendar, 354
Just Genealogy, Second Life, 128–129
K, 302
Kartenmeister gazetteer, 228
Kemp, Thomas J., 310
Kentucky genealogy blog, 307
Kentucky history, 212, 324
Kerstens, Liz Kelley, 66
Keychain, 354
Kindle, 283, 284
Kindred Trails website, 306
Lacy, Steve, 95
Lambert, Linda, 119
land grants, 14
land patent records, 169–170, 312
land plats, 81, 170, 357
Laos, Hmong people, 250
laptop computers, 30
LDS. See Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
LDS abbreviation, 355 website, 96, 301
The Legal Genealogist blog, 51, 52, 149
legal issues, 51–59
Leverich, Brian (Wolf), 92–93, 326
Lewis, Michele Simmons, 72
LibDex, 207
libraries. See also specific library names
card catalogs, 204–213
Digital Public Library of America, 320
directories, 213
European, 207, 230, 320, 321
Family History Library, 4, 215
free online books, 320–321
international, 213
Internet Archives, 321
Library of Congress, 156, 159–163, 208–212
local library for research, 30–31
microfiche, 213–215
NARA resources, 163–168
online use of, 213–217
Open Library, 321
PERSI, 213–215
Project Gutenberg, 321
Projekti L önnrot, 321
ROOTS-L, 275
state, 19, 173, 210–212
websites for, 317–321
Wi-Fi connections and, 30–31
World Public Library, 321
Library of Congress (LOC), 156, 159–163, 208–212
Library of Michigan website, 213
Library of Virginia, 211
LibWeb, 204–206
Lib-Web-Cats, 207
Lineage Keeper Blog, 308
Lineages, Inc. website, 306
Linkpendium, 92–93, 244, 326
list (Internet), 355
listserv commands, 355
listserv lists, 355
Livestream, 262, 263
LOC (Library of Congress), 156, 159–163, 208–212
local records, 173–175
Logan County Genealogy blog, 307
Louisiana Creole Heritage Center, 247 publishing houses, 295–296
lurking, 355
LusaWeb, 229
Luxembourg, online resources, 225–226
Mabry, Dan, 316
magazines, 18, 67, 293
mailing lists, 113–115. See also forums
AAGENE-L, 244, 277
considerations, 112, 116
described, 355
finding, 119
Genealogy DNA, 313
general information, 277
ROOTS-L, 278
RootsWeb, 113, 115, 277
subscribing to, 113–115
Maine Genealogy chat, 115
malware, 361
manifests, ship, 197–198
manuscript collections, 212
Map Guide to German Parish Registers, 293
map software, 46
maps/geography, 322–323
address searches, 178
atlases, 10, 46, 191, 228
geography websites, 322–323
German Parish Registers, 293
Google Map Search, 91
Kartenmeister gazetteer, 228
map software, 46
place searches, 178
RootsWeb U.S. Town/County Database, 275
Sanborn Maps, 215, 217
survey plats, 81, 170, 357
United Kingdom, 323
United States, 322
marker (DNA), 147, 355
marriage license, 8, 9
marriage records, 7, 159, 278, 311, 312
Marston Manor website, 326
Martin Genealogy Publishing (MGP), 293–294
Martin, William and Patricia, 293–294
massive open online course (MOOC), 75, 356
The Master Genealogist (TMG) program, 40–41
Mastering Genealogical Proof, 260
Mayflower passenger list, 13, 316
Mayflower Web Pages, 316 site, 13
McCauley, Linda, 307, 308
McEntree, Thomas, 308
Medal of Honor Citations website, 316 website, 215, 136
Meitzler, Leland and Patty, 292, 293
Melungeon genealogy, 238, 252–253
Mercer, Conrod, 232
message boards. See also forums
adoption resources, 305
Ancestry Message Boards, 301, 269, 277
flaming/flame wars, 352
general information, 69–70, 277, 361
RootsWeb, 277
Mestee groups, 253
metadata, 355
meta-search engines, 85, 86
Metis genealogy, 252
Mexican ancestry, 234, 314. See also Hispanic ancestry
MGP (Martin Genealogy Publishing), 293–294
Michigan libraries, 213
microblogging, 355
Microcom Networking Protocol (MNP), 355
microfiche, 213–215
microfilm, 167–168, 179
Microsoft Internet Explorer, 33
Microsoft Office, 32
Microsoft Office Online, 7
Middle East genealogy, 244–245
Midwest Genealogy Center, 6, 318
Migrations website, 316
military history/records. See also wars
Australia, 313
BYU online tutorials, 76
databases for, 160, 163, 166, 227
described, 19
Fold3, 177–178, 316
France, 227
Germany, 227, 228, 314
Great Britain, 315
Hessian soldiers, 228, 314
Italy, 228
military pensions, 160
prisoners/MIA, Soviet Union, 163
prisoners/MIA, Vietnam, 163
United States. See American military history/records
World War II, 166, 167
military pensions, 160
Mills, Elizabeth Shown, 53, 68
MMS (Multimedia Message Service), 353, 355
MNP (Microcom Networking Protocol), 355
Mobil Local History and Genealogy website, 319
Mocavo SSDI search, 176
modem, 355
moderator, 356
Modern Memoirs, Inc., 297
Mondays with MYRT, 69, 105, 106
MOOC (massive open online course), 75, 356
Moore, Anthony, 147
Mormon church. See Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Morse, Steve, 150, 176
Morse’s Ellis Island forms, 200–201
mortality schedule, 17–18
Mozilla browser, 33, 356
mtDNA, 146, 148, 149, 356
Multimedia Message Service (MMS), 353, 355, 24. See also, 44
Myrt Hangout On Air, 135
NARA (National Archives and Records Administration)
African-American Research area, 164–165, 239
databases, 166–168
immigration information, 220
libraries, 163–168
microfilm publications search, 167–168
Native American research, 165, 166, 251–252
naturalization records, 220
overview, 156, 163–165
publications, 167–168
workshops/seminars, 168
National Archives. See also NARA
African-American, 239
Australia, 232
Canada, 170, 233
international resources, 222–223
Mexico, 234
National Archives and Records Administration. See NARA
National Center for Health Statistics page, 158
National Genealogical Society. See NGS
National Genealogical Society Quarterly. See NGSQ
National Institute for Genealogical Studies, 76
National Institute on Genealogical Research, 79
Native American genealogy
Access Genealogy site, 93, 94, 252
All Things Cherokee genealogy page, 252
Allen County Public Library, 210–211
census records, 167
considerations, 238
Metis genealogy, 252
mixed tribes, 252
NARA resources, 165, 166, 251–252
tribe websites, 252
Native American Genealogy page, 252
Native Languages of America search engine, 252
Genealogy Online Page 35