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Accidentally Married

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by Roberts, Emma

  Emma Roberts

  Accidentally Married

  Copyright © Emma Roberts, 2018

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without permission.

  First edition

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  Her Baby Daddy ( Sneak Peak )


  “I’m never getting married!”

  That’s what I kept telling myself.

  Until I met Tiffany, so beautiful and fragile.

  I knew she’ll be mine, every inch of her.

  One night together, and things became much more intense.

  I woke up with a ring on my finger. But she was gone…

  Until she steps into my plastic surgery office for an “ego boost”.

  As the GQ worthy doctor, I know just what to do.

  I need a wife for my annual family meeting.

  And she wants her surgery.

  So she’ll be the wife. And I’ll be the husband.

  Tell the family all the right things.

  Kiss her in all the right ways.

  But I don’t want it to end.

  Our marriage was an accident, but my vows are real.

  After this, she’ll have more than just memories.

  I have a special gift in mind.




  For all intents and purposes, I should have been happy. Sitting behind the desk at the front of my classroom, I leered at the clock on my computer for a moment. Any minute now, class would be letting out, a few hours earlier than usual due to some holiday that I couldn’t be bothered to remember.

  I was certain the teachers of the school petitioned for these random holidays as a way to skimp out on work, and in most cases, I’d go along with them. However, today I wasn’t thrilled by the idea of going home and doing nothing for the rest of the day. If anything, all I could do was think about my sad existence.

  Maybe that was a little dramatic, but since my last breakup, I’d been more wrapped up in my own thoughts than I cared to admit. I wasn’t the type to get wrecked over some guy breaking up with me, but this guy had been an exception in every sense of the word. For what good that had done.

  I’d known that dating the high school principal was a stupid idea from the start, but he’d seemed so charming and sorta handsome. You had to squint and tilt your head a little, but from certain angles, he was a rather good-looking guy. He admittedly had some sort of superiority complex, but I could only guess that tied in with principal territory.

  He’d always seemed shocked and almost disappointed when I would recognize his references or quips and toss one back at him. He’d told me I was smarter than I looked on numerous occasions, which wasn’t as much of a compliment as it had felt like when we were dating.

  I had thought he was the one, though, because I’d felt something I’d not felt before. A spark, I guess you could say. A connection, an attachment that I had made a point of never developing on the guys I’d dated before. In some little fantasy world that I had concocted, I’d entirely expected to end up marrying this guy. I’m not quite sure what that said about my standards.

  Though I could say that was due mainly in part to my friend lucking out and bagging herself a handsome husband who just so happened to be one of the area’s most renowned surgeons. It wasn’t something my fellow teacher and dearest friend had ever expected, and in the past, she may have argued that she’d done nothing to deserve it.

  No matter how many times I reminded her of what an important presence she was in so many people’s lives prior to her marriage, she balefully admitted that she’d never really felt special until she met Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome Doctor.

  She never threw her marriage in my face – at least, not intentionally. Kimberly didn’t have a mean bone in her entire body. It was just hard not to feel a little inferior, especially when I went through men like underwear. That was, before my tryst with Nick.

  Calling it a relationship didn’t really seem appropriate or fair. I’d still felt inferior, sure, but I’d had a guy I was planning to settle down with. Maybe have a family with someday, even though I’d never given much thought to that.

  My family was dear to me, although the majority of them lived some states away. It was easy to get lonely in my little town when Kim was the only one I could really count on. Though I suppose Kim’s new husband was more welcoming than I might have expected. I’d almost worried that he would say I was a bad influence on his sweet, little wife, but before long, I realized he knew a bit about her wild side as well.

  Not that Kim and I had ever… experimented, as it were. She was as straight as an arrow, and I’d only ever dated men, myself. No, I’d never seen Kim even half-undressed – at least, aside from the times we’d changed clothes in the same room. The woman was too damn self-conscious to even wear a bikini.

  I knew Kim’s wicked side on a much more superficial level. It was something of a tradition between the two of us, periodically emailing each other when the school day was impossibly boring. Granted, most school days seemed boring as far as I was concerned.

  It wasn’t to say that I didn’t enjoy my job, although I never expected to have much of a way with children. I’d just gotten myself trapped in an English degree with few other options besides finishing up the remainder of my teaching certification. I’d actually been one hundred percent sure I would hate my job with the heat of a thousand suns going supernova.

  And it had been an adjustment, but ultimately, I’d found myself a bit softer than I’d have liked. It never failed that at the end of every school year, I’d shed a tear over never seeing my little class again. From my fifth grade classroom, it was off to middle school, where they would be thrown into a world that would rip away their tenuous grasp on innocence.

  I had a bit of a bone to pick with teenagers in general, honestly. My students would tease each other about passing gas or smelling funny, gentle ribbing that wasn’t intended to cut to the bone. I knew that kindness got sucked out of a kid when they moved up and out of elementary school. Either way, I valued the time I had with my students every year, even knowing they would soon be insufferable little assholes.

  When Kim and I emailed each other, though, it was never to discuss our students. She taught kindergarten, and while there wasn’t much hot gossip between fifth graders, there was even less with toddlers. Not that either of us would be that unprofessional… at least, not in that sense. The emails we exchanged were admittedly crude and not at all befitting of our workplace, but it wasn’t as if anyone would see them aside from us.

  Email was the one place I was free to let loose because I sure as hell couldn’t afford therapy on my salary. Kim was a good sport about the whole thing, and her engaging wa
y of keeping up with a conversation was part of the reason we’d gotten so close. If there was anyone I felt free to share my woes with, it was my best friend.

  Beginning to draft an email, I was getting into a really snide tangent about what a tiny prick Nicholas had. He’d never been able to get me off, tending instead to stick it and be done with the whole thing. No foreplay, no fanfare.

  Maybe I was bitter, but I felt like I had every right in the world to be. It wasn’t until after we’d broken up that I realized what I’d been sacrificing for some douchebag’s happiness. How I had been attracted to him in the first place was an enigma. The fact that I was still enamored with him after all that had happened was even more so. It wouldn’t do me any good to throw myself into an even moodier state, though, so I focused on unleashing that bitterness in my email.

  Chuckling to myself at what Kimberly would think of the message, I read over it a final time before sending it. Yeah, it was juicy. Kim wasn’t a gossipmonger by any means, but I was pretty sure she’d get a kick out of my increasingly inventive insults. Maybe joking about an imaginary disorder where his tiny penis couldn’t get hard was a bit mean-spirited, but he was lucky to get off that easy as far as I was concerned.

  Satisfied that I’d not made any egregious spelling errors, being a teacher after all, I nearly sent the message before I startled a bit and just managed to catch myself. If my students noticed me nearly jumping out of my skin, they gave no indication. I could only guess that I seemed to be a rather strange person as a whole, let alone being a teacher as well. Or maybe it was just that innocence at work – sure, I’d been subjected to a share of pranks, though the most insidious had only ever been a whoopie cushion, and I’d laughed my ass off in lieu of punishing them. In any case, I couldn’t send a raunchy message to Kim. I was stuck ruminating in my own bitterness for the time being.

  It had slipped my mind, but I’d managed to catch myself just before humiliating us both. Kimberly was on maternity leave, and I had no idea when or if she’d actually return to the school in a teaching capacity. Of course, I had her personal email address, but if we were risking our asses by sending crude messages through the school system, then I’d get my ass reamed for sending messages outside of the school’s personal server. The tech nerds let us get away with a lot, but I wasn’t going to push my luck any further.

  I was happy for Kim, though, even if I was wallowing in self-pity at that moment. She had just given birth, a second time, to a bouncing baby boy. Knowing her husband, she was being waited on hand and foot and was not even leaving the sofa unless she was so inclined. She had a toddler to take care of who was trying to get adjusted to the idea of having a younger sibling. Her being on leave was a bit of a bummer in a selfish and petty manner. For one reason, it meant she wouldn’t have access to her work emails. For another, the substitute teacher who had been granted temporary to her inbox wouldn’t appreciate the catty message on my part.

  The school had a very roundabout way of doing things, and subs were rarely granted a personal email address on the server. The superintendents insisted it was a security issue, but it seemed a breach of privacy to just let anyone see what we were discussing in our personal messages. Just the same, with that being the situation, Kim had been very clear that I would empty her inbox before the sub was granted access. It would completely defeat the purpose of cleaning out the years of lewd messages altogether if I popped off and sent one today. I’d probably lose my job, not to mention be completely humiliated. The woman subbing for Kim had to be in her sixties, after all. I could just imagine her grasping her pearls at the sheer barbarity of it all.

  Grumbling some mild curses under my breath, I saved the email to my drafts and glanced out toward my students once more. Like I said before, fifth graders were just a happy medium of being more well behaved than middle schoolers, but not so young you had to completely coddle them. My little runts were currently chatting amongst themselves, giggling and tossing paper airplanes around the classroom.

  By all rights, I should put my foot down and get them to settle down. I wasn’t awfully concerned, however, and didn’t see the need in ruining their childish fun. I hadn’t made much of a lesson plan for the day, anyway. It was going to be a holiday, so I figured I might as well have let them have a bit of fun. For most of class we’d played a trivia style game where the winning team got a piece of candy for every round they won. I’d offered the choice between candy and extra credit, and as expected, nearly every student had picked the mini chocolate bars I’d bought for the occasion. One or two who had no real reason to pick extra credit had done so for the sake of being a good kid. Honestly, I was just going to sneak them some chocolates while the group was packing up for the day.

  The trivia had been lighthearted and fun for the most part, although I’d snuck in some barely noticeable references to prior lessons – just to make sure they understood the work they’d done earlier in the year and were keeping the knowledge relatively fresh. Truth be told, most of the lessons were of negligible importance. Nothing that’d help in the real world. My priority was making sure they held onto the information long enough to pass their exams at least.

  I don’t love children quite as much as one might think, what with me being a teacher. Some may blame this on misbehaving students, but those have been few and far between. Anyway, no one on the staff adored their students more than Kim. I swear, the woman was more or less been born to be a mother. From the moment I first met her, I could see that kindness in her eyes, a love for children that was expected of a caretaker.

  She’d had plenty of opportunities to become jaded, but she always had a smile and a hug for the children she taught. I’d never known her to be much of the jaded sort in general. At least, not until her douchebag boyfriend had convinced her she was somehow broken after months of trying to have a child. He’d called her every name in the book, going as far as to tell her she was flat out defective. Turned out what’s his name was the one with a broken dick — once there was a better man in the picture, she’d had no problem conceiving. Even if she had, her now-husband was her fertility doctor at the time.

  Personally, I’ve never given a lot of thought to the idea of being a mother. Even with the idea of settling down with Nick, I had never gotten to the point that I was entirely sold on having his children. That wasn’t to say I hated the idea of raising a little one; it was simply that I’d never expected to settle down long enough to have an actual family.

  I’ve had every reason in the world to doubt my ability to hold a stable relationship. I’d been told a few boyfriends prior that I was a good fuck, and that was all. I’d told him that I wished I could say at least that much for him, blowing him off like it meant nothing. Honestly, at the time, it had. He was just another guy in a row of flings that could barely be considered dating. Honestly, he was just pissed I wouldn’t give him head or something — just like every other man child in the world.

  My opinion on men has always been a bit low, to say the least. Nick had been the one to change that — to give me the idea that I could be more than some fuck toy. Which was all well and good, a downright marvelous notion, except that he was just as scummy as every other guy in the world. Maybe I’d been stretching the truth a bit when I said he was good-looking, but he was kind. At least, I’d thought as much.

  Maybe my real problem was being too naive. I would have to have been blind not to notice the way he’d stared at other women, outright drooling, when we were supposed to be sharing a romantic dinner or outing. But I’d brushed it off like an idiot because as far as I’d known, he’d only been looking. I could understand the notion of window shopping when it came to good-looking people. Dating or otherwise, it didn’t mean he had to think I was the only beautiful woman in the world. Maybe I’d had low standards as far as that went.

  In the end, finding him in a supply closet with the art teacher shouldn’t have been terribly surprising. Thinking back with a cringe, I can still vividly hear his pig-
like grunts, muffled by her heaving breasts as he fucked her silly against the wall. He didn’t even seem to be using a condom from the looks of it. Reflecting, I could only hope Ms. Hart had been on the pill. He hadn’t noticed me at the time, although Ms. Hart had had the decency to look shocked upon seeing me, at least. I’d only scoffed and slammed the door before bolting back to my classroom nearly in tears. I’d managed to stifle my sobs before he followed me. It didn’t seem like he was terribly concerned about my feelings.

  When he bothered coming to talk to me hours later, he swore it had been a one-time thing. “Oh, Tiff. I love you. Don’t you know that? I just had a moment of weakness.” It was a pretty lie, but it was just that. I recognized when someone was manipulating the truth. I spent all day working with fifth graders, after all, and as much as I liked my class, they could lie with the best of them. Nick was an amateur in comparison. His apology had been very lacking, and I had to honestly wonder if I had ever meant anything to him.


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