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The Rougher Explicit Collection of Stories Box Set Compilation

Page 26

by Amira Bradford

  She shook her head and dropped her hands, preparing for the long walk towards her car, and hopeful a place to find something to wear before that. She looked again at the other naked people, looking proud and happy with their nudity and she stood up straighter. Must be the weather, she thought to herself. It makes people do strange things.

  The End.

  G Savs A Seat For Mistress Kimmie

  The plane was packed - but G saved a seat anyway- hoping his Mistress was going to be on the flight. She had told him she would be flying the same day, possibly the same flight. He could only hope. It was not too hard to hide the fact that it was a seat he was saving for her- and only her - from his wife. He sat in the middle seat next to his wife who chose the aisle seat. G put his jacket and bag on the window seat. Ahhh but if Mistress Kimmie did arrive, this was going to be tough! G felt the stress before he even knew for sure.

  G kept watch, waiting for her to arrive, hoping that she would before someone asked for the seat! How could he say it was taken without alerting his wife? He didn't think there was any way possible that he could, unless he told his wife he wanted the extra room for himself. But then how would he give up the seat if she did arrive?

  G was looking down and fiddling with his seat belt when he heard a feminine voice ask if the seat was available, he looked up and began to shake his head no, and then he saw it was her! He smiled, so subtle, as his wife was watching closely. "No, no-one is sitting here, please have a seat." G said as he and his wife stood to allow her access to the window seat.

  Mistress Kimmie brushed against G's crotch as she moved in front of him. "Excuse me" she said sweetly as she swept past him. Mistress turned her body to block G's view from his wife as she used her fingers to grab and squeeze his cock very quickly. She reached her seat and sat as they too sat back down.

  Mistress Kimmie put on her seat belt and raised the armrest that was between her and G, and got herself situated, wiggling her hips against him the whole time. Once Mistress was settled she pulled a blanket out of her bag, draped it across her legs, the edge just reaching to his lap. G used every ounce of control he had so that he didn't get caught paying too much attention to her; at least not yet anyways.

  His cock was already straining against his jeans as he thought of the situation he found himself in. He knew his Mistress could be ruthless when she desired to be, but he also knew that she wouldn't intentionally jeopardize his marriage either. However, Mistress Kimmie got what she wanted always and it was his nature to see that she did too. That scared him more than anything; knowing how much control she really had over him.

  G tried to relax as the plane began to taxi. All of his attention diverted to the hostess as she began her preflight lecture on safety.

  As he was listening to the hostess, keeping a sly eye on Mistress Kimmie, and watching his wife, G felt a slight tug on his left ear as Mistress was messing with his ear. She placed an ear bud in it and he listened as he heard not music, but her voice. She had recorded herself, made him an audio recording; he loved when she did that for him. This is what G heard "Hi baby. I've missed you and I'm so glad you saved me a seat. Now it is ME time; I want to feel your fingers gently but firmly stroke my hot wet pussy; make me cum! I need my lovely bitch slut to please me. Then when I'm satisfied, I'm going to dip my head and take your balls into my mouth squeezing and sucking! My tongue circling over and over until you cum! I want you - all of you. I want to feel your fingers pleasing me! You are my panty boy cum slurping slut - now and forever."

  Now G is squirming, trying to control his erection and emotions. He glances over; sees his wife is looking at him. He tries not to appear nervous, or guilty, but he does!

  He feels Mistress as her fingers seek his zipper, he tries to turn away, but Mistress grabs on and pulls his cock! G turns away from Mistress, trying to avoid confrontation in front of his wife; but he knows he will pay for that mistake later!

  Then he hears Mistress say very softly into his ear "Unless you want me to loudly announce to everyone here what you are to me and to place your collar around your neck, don't deny me my panty boy slut! Do as I say. Unzip your pants and pull your cock out!"

  G has no choice; he does as she bids, she is his Mistress, and his wife is sitting right there, so he has no choice but to obey! G felt the pre-cum leaking out of his hardening cock as he released it from his clothes; aching for Mistress to touch him, yet terrified that she would!

  "Now" Mistress whispers in his ear, "please me, I need to feel your fingers on my hot wet pussy, stroking my lips as you caress me so gently" as she reaches under the blanket and runs her fingers around G's swollen cock, swiping up the pre cum that is oozing out. Mistress catches G's eyes as she takes her cum soaked finger and so seductively places it in her own mouth, sucking on it like a lollipop.

  G wants to touch her so bad, to obey her, he is so wet, so hard; but he feels like his wife is glaring at him.

  He looks down to make sure his crotch is covered by the blanket, and it is, but it's kind of hard to hide so he puts an open magazine over his lap. G then glances back at his wife, she has her eyes closed.

  Mistress continues running her fingers up and down his cock - causing extremely erotic sensations! He looks to his left, directly at Mistress as she again sucks on her finger seductively! Her red wet lips so inviting!

  Mistress moves in her seat, adjusting her body so that her left leg is propped up next to the window, she grabs his left hand and guides it under her blanket. His fingers automatically reach for her pussy - searching for her swollen nub!

  Mistress squirms as G touches her warm pussy, and he realizes his hand is instantly soaked - she is so hot and so wet! G's fingers search out her warmth and circle around and over her sensitive clit, causing Mistress to moan in pleasure.

  G glances up at his wife, hoping that she is not aware of his activities; ah good, her eyes are still closed. G relaxes a bit, giving Mistress his full attention now.

  G then uses his fingers to probe Mistress's hot tight hole, reaching her g-spot, causing Mistress to begin thrashing around on her seat. He is worried that her thrashing and moaning will waken his wife but G knows better than to stop his probing and stroking at this point; knows he must allow her to finish completely.

  G is always amazed and humbled that Mistress allows him to touch her and to serve her. He loves how he so easily brings her to climax! He feels honored each and every time that she allows him to touch her most intimate parts, pleasing her.

  Mistress clamps her legs down tight on G's hand and her breathing becomes heavy and rapid as her juices begin flowing. G continues his finger probing until Mistress gives him permission to stop.

  Once she has completely finished cumming and reaches a relaxed state Mistress gently puts her leg down and she reaches for her drink! As she takes a long sip of her iced tea, Mistress looks over at him and says loudly "excuse me sir but I dropped my ring" as she bends over his lap and gets down on her knees.

  G feels excitement yet dread as she appears before him on her knees; her head under the blanket.

  G feels her lips and tongue begins circling around on his cock! She is taking him in her mouth right on the plane. G jumps as he feels coolness and heat from an ice cube Mistress has in her mouth; refreshing and stimulating his already hard, leaky cock.

  G cannot stop himself as he feels himself losing control. The cool-warm sensation combined with the thrill of Mistress on her knees servicing him causes him to cum almost immediately!

  Mistress never stops sucking and swallowing his cum as she takes it all in before she quietly and calmly gets up; holding a ring in her fingers as if to say I found it!

  G cannot move - so shell shocked. This is the first time Mistress has ever serviced him like this. He feels so special.

  He looks over at his wife and is thankful her eyes are still closed. He looks adoringly at Mistress, as she too notices the closed eyes of his wife!

  Mistress ignores all around them as she drape
s herself over G, giving him a wet, sloppy tongue fucking kiss. G is delighted at the warm salty taste in her mouth as Mistress spits cum into his mouth. G sucks greedily on her tongue as he eagerly swallows it down and smiles! He knows Mistress always makes him clean up after himself, licking every last drop of cum up.

  Mistress winks at G as she removes her blanket with a smile, folding it and putting it away just in time for the descent! What a flight!

  The End.

  The Secluded Beach

  It was a perfect holiday, the sand beneath our feet, her hand in mine. Looking at her and she smiles back at me, warmth spreading throughout my body. I squeeze her hand a little tighter, just to feel it. How wonderfully real it feels. She turns towards me and we embrace, only a few birds above are present to witness our love. They will never tell of what they see here today.

  She had driven me there, to that secluded beach, as a sort of surprise. As she drove I'd joked that we were going so far from civilisation that she would be able to do anything to me and no one would ever know. she just smiled when I said it. That lovely smile.

  We got out and walked the short distance from the car, she had parked it under the shade of a large tree, to the beach. It was so quiet, with only the waves and a few distant birds making any sounds at all. So calm and peaceful that all the stress of everyday life just melted away, a distant and unpleasant memory. She walked up to me and took my hand. There were just the two of us there and nothing else mattered. With her eyes and lips drawing me in as if they were magnetic in some way I kissed her. I kissed her and melted into her arms as we embraced. We kissed for what felt like a quiet and bliss-filled eternity. Just holding on to each other. her soft lips against mine.

  It was her idea at first, but since we were alone and I feel more comfortable undressed I agreed immediately to her proposal that we remove those last trappings of civilisation that were our clothes and slip into the water dressed like Adam and Eve. There's something so natural about being naked and like many women she looked quite beautiful au naturel. I could never say no to an opportunity to see her naked, nor decline her an opportunity to see me equally undressed. She slipped into the water like Venus from the sea returning for a visit to the place where she was born. It was beautiful just to watch her. Walking into the water myself she couldn't resist taunting me a little, egging me on to go further out by keeping her distance. Her pull was as usual significantly larger than my fear about being a bad swimmer. The water was about shoulder high when she swam into my arms, her hair and skin glistening from the warm water. Her eyes glittering with something more. She held on to me as we kissed, making me hold her up in the water a bit. Feeling her limbs all around me, trapping me in a way I could never object to. All I could do was to hold her tight as I felt her body against my own, squeezing away the water between us. Kissing the only woman in the world right then. Just having her near had an intoxicating effect on me.

  We swam some more, with her taking the lead. I don't know which one of us is the most daring on land but in the water it is most certainly her. She swam up behind me, planting a love bite on my neck. Telling me that my skin tasted salty. She clang to my back, moving her hands all over my front. Feeling her bosom against my back. I turned around and held her in my arms again, she has such a lovely loving smile. I couldn't resist lifting her up by her buttocks, holding on to them tightly. After kissing her again I knew just what I wanted to do so I suggested getting out of the water. Our skin glittering as we left the water for dry land, sitting down on the beach. Relaxing I lied down next to her, hoping to entice her into mounting me. leaning towards me she let her right hand draw little patterns with the droplets of water that were left on my torso and abdomen, her fingers edging slowly downwards.

  Her fingers came upon it as if by accident and she smiled at me after she had discovered, seen and felt, the state she had put me in. She let her fingers wander up to my chest and started playing around my nipples. Circling them again and again before squeezing them, gently at first and then harder. Egging me on until I couldn't stand it anymore. Feeling like a ravenous wolf that had been starved for far too long I rolled her over on her back. Kissing her at first on the lips and down the salty skin on her neck. Kissing my way further down, I could play with, caressing and kissing, her heavenly hills for an eternity. Nibbling on her lovely nipples, rolling them against my lips. Her hands caressing my neck and back. Telling me to go on she pushed me downwards a little, quite aware of my weakness for her bosom. Kissing my way down over her stomach and then out on one of her legs. I love feeling them both wrapped around me and against my lips and fingers so that I might worship them.

  Kissing and caressing my way up and down her legs, so lovely. I was in a trance as she purred with delight. Kissing my way down her inner thighs, wandering slowly towards her fountain of life. The edges between her thighs and her groin are perfect for the tip of my tongue, a snug fit. her skin still salty from the water. As I kissed my way around her sensitive spot she grabbed my hair, more and more trying to direct my movements. As she put her legs up on my back I could no longer object and lying there I kissed her luscious lower lips with as much fire as I a few moments ago kissed her mouth. The tip of my tongue an eager explorer into her many wonderful mysteries. My hands wandering all over every part of her that I could reach. My hands never getting enough of her, always hungry for more. Licking her up the tip of my tongue circled her rosebud, brushing up against it to test her excitement. Her juices were already flowing like a torrent, leaving me with a wet chin. So firm was her rosebud that soon I was sucking gently on it, leaving her shuddering, moaning.

  She held my head, my face, tighter and tighter against her hungry lower mouth. Almost insatiable in her desires. As she started convulsing more and more my hands sought out her breasts, my fingers playing with her swollen nipples. In the back of my head I wondered what the local wildlife was assuming from her animal moans and groans. To be the cause of such pleasure is an enormous boost to ones ego. There are few if any things that even comes close to compare to it. With her grip so tight that it was like she was trying to push me inside and her thighs pressing against my cheeks she started shaking, I pushed her over the edge and into the abyss. She climaxed with her whole body, pulses that even I could feel travelling all the way up and down her body. Her shaking hands rubbing my face in the mess I had made as I struggled to keep suckling her clit. By the time she was calming down most of my face below the eyes was wet from her juices. All I could do was to lick my lips and smile.

  It took a while for her to come back to earth, she pulled my head up as if to kiss me but then instead asked me with a smile to wash off. So I went down to the water, leaving her looking like she had just run a marathon. Panting and sweating, she looked like she had been hit by a hurricane of lust. She was mind-numbingly beautiful, almost as beautiful as she was at the very instant that she came. Waded in until I was about waist deep, scooping up water in my hands and splashing my face. In the end I went a bit deeper and got rid of the sand that had stuck to my chest as I had been lying there licking hard. Going under a few times. After a while I looked back up at the beach. For a moment I panicked, she wasn't there. I looked up and down the beach but she was nowhere to be seen, my mind was starting to spin in all kinds of different scary directions. Had she left me? No, that wasn't her type of humour. Had she been taken? No, no sign of anybody else anywhere near. Then I felt something touch me under the water, I turned to look and there was that smile again.

  She kissed me and I felt a surge of relief, as well as excitement. She led me towards the shallower waters, taking my hand in hers. She led me to where it was only a couple of inches or so of water when the waves came crashing in. Kissing me and then kneeling before me she told me it was time to return the favour. Running her fingers down over my chest, all the way to my groin. Continuing down my inner thigh. She let her fingers explore all around my staff, rising up under her inspection. Playing and touching all over my most sensitive
skin. A few light kisses and she had me shivering with delight, knees trembling. She gripped me more firmly, pumping me. Feeling impatient I pleaded with her to just take me.

  She helped me lie down on the sand, my feet sticking out into the water which reached all the way up to my bottom at it's highest. Crouching next to me she held me in a firm grip, playing with me until she had me at full attention. She smiled as she crouched over me, guiding me in. At first only letting the tip taste her wetness. She was as eager as before if not more. She teased me for a while, only taking it in a little, before she seemed to grow tired off it and engulfed me so quickly that it made me gasp. When I was fully immersed she looked at me and said that she had me now. That now she owned me, I was hers. As she moved slowly up I couldn't have agreed more wholeheartedly with her. She was the perfect rider for a beast such as myself, the perfect mistress.

  She rode me as the waves came crashing in, smiling at her captive as my hands wandered between her bosom and her buttocks. Squeezing both, delighting in her flesh as it swallowed and milked my member. Smiling she leaned down, biting my neck. Holding her buttocks tightly I did what I could to increase her pace, counter thrusting as much as I could. The waves tickling and caressing my sensitive sack and inner thighs. Holding her close to me as we made love. Wanting to feel her body. Enjoying the feel of her skin against mine in the warm weather on the lovely beach. Our own lover's paradise, ours and ours alone. She pushed off against my shoulders and rose back up to sitting. Riding me with just her hips, grinding against me. Riding me like that she asked me who was my queen and conqueror, how could I name anyone but her? Calling her my lady she called me her dirty boy, taking hold of my jaw for a moment smiling down on me. There's just something about a woman with an appetite that's an enormous turn-on to me. A woman filled with desire, passion. That asks or makes me fill her needs.


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