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The Rougher Explicit Collection of Stories Box Set Compilation

Page 41

by Amira Bradford

  In the well far below, the creature heard the cry of Angela's as she had her orgasm and it shuddered. It could feel the waves of pleasure emanating from above washing down over it and it was feeling sensations in its body that it had not felt in a long time. Its limbs began to shake and stir and it focused all its attention on the female above who was driving it mad. As the water drained out of the tub and into the drainage system the creature could sense her fluids within the water, and it diverted some of that water to wash over its own skin. Pure joy shot through it as it touched those faint juices. It could taste the musky odor and it absorbed her passionate juices into itself, and these juices began to give it strength. The bodily fluids were diluted by the water, but it was enough to give the creature a new sense of purpose. It wished to taste those sweet fluids directly now. How long had it been, it wondered, since such pleasures were known to it. Too long, it reminded itself. Far too long.

  Angela quickly entered the bedroom, naked, wet, and her body completely on fire. The shower orgasm was great, but she knew that she craved something even more. She needed to get fucked. NOW. She went to her closet and rooted through some boxes and pulled out a box that was a gift from an old friend as she was about to leave for the cottage. The box was labeled "Emergency Use Only" and she tore the lid off the box to reveal a 12" plastic penis. It was a gag gift, of course, but tonight Angela had only thoughts for this toy, and she snatched it from the box and plopped onto the bed with it in hand.

  Holding the giant dildo in her hands she sized it up and realized she had never taken anything quite this big before. Normally she might have been a bit concerned about this but at that moment she knew she wanted this in her, and in her deep. It was thick to go with its length, and she shuddered at the image in her mind of it buried all the way within her.

  She took the head of the toy and began to run it slowly over her engorged clit. She could not believe how wet she was and how turned on she felt. The strong plastic pushed up against her clit over and over again and the waves of pleasure that shot through her were amazing. After a few minutes of tormenting herself she decided it was time to test this bad boy out. She placed the tip just inside her to get used to it and she gasped at how good it felt. She then closed her eyes and imagined a stud on top of her that belonged to this giant dick. She slowly began to push it inside her. She could feel herself stretching and that was a bit painful, but she had never felt so full and it was truly driving her wild. She managed to push it about halfway in before she could push no more. She was breathing even harder now and her skin felt hot to the touch. She glanced over to the mirror beside the bed and saw the toy sticking out of her with her legs spread wide and that was an incredibly hot and sexy image of herself she would never forget.

  She let the toy rest deep within her for a few seconds to get used to it, and then she slowly began to pull it out. She thought at first she might have to use some of the lube that came with the toy but she was so wet that it didn't appear to matter. The giant cock slid out of her with ease, and when it was almost all the way out she pushed it back in, this time a little faster. The deeper it went the better the sensations. She was taking long, sure strokes. All the way in, then all the way back out. It was delicious torture and her mind was going a million miles a minute to keep up with her body. Soon she began to move it faster within her, picking up speed and keeping the long strokes. Now her legs were bent up in front of her and she was raising her butt off the bed to meet the thrusts of the penis into her. She was really sweating now and her hand began to work faster and faster. In her mind her arms were wrapped around a behemoth of a man, holding onto him for dear life as he pounded her pussy mercilessly and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

  "Oh god oh god oh god oh god faster...faster...faster!!" She was begging her imaginary lover to pound her harder and deeper, and she could feel another enormous orgasm building up inside her. This one was going to be absolutely huge.

  Before she came though, she wanted to switch things a bit and she quickly rolled onto her stomach and then up to her knees into the doggie position, not letting the cock slip out of her. Now her hand was working it into her from behind. It was an awkward angle for her to reach but she didn't mind one bit. She put her head down to her pillow and bit it deeply as the new angle had the cock thrusting deeper inside her, and she didn't know how much more she could take. Now her giant lover has behind her and slapping against her, driving himself further into her then she ever could have imagined. Her hand was working furiously and began to ache but she didn't notice at all. She could feel that powerful orgasm building again, and within a few minutes it hit her like a tidal wave. She was shouting into her pillow and she kept ramming herself over and over and over again. She had no idea how long the orgasm lasted but it seemed to go on for hours.

  Eventually the sunburst within her died down and she pulled her face out of the pillow. She was panting heavily and her arm was killing her and then she noticed her knees had started to hurt from the position she was in. All of that truly didn't matter to her though as she slowly pulled the plastic cock out of her and tossed it to the ground beside her bed. She then collapsed onto her back and took a few minutes to catch her breath. That was truly one of the most incredible experiences she had ever had, and it was by herself.

  Angela was completely unaware of the affect that she had on the creature below her. Every thrust of the toy, every whimper from her lips, every second of her orgasms drove it deeper and deeper into a passionate fury, and she had no idea what it was planning for her soon. Very, very soon.


  The rest of the week was a very productive one for Angela. She was getting much more used to being alone in the cottage day and night, and she was really learning things about herself that she didn't think she would ever have found out had she not come here. She got into a regular routine of waking up early, working out, getting a few chores complete then spending the afternoon relaxing, reading, or exploring the woods around the cottage. She never wandered too far, but always liked to see something new every day. The caretaker Jonas had been kind enough to leave a bunch of tools and basic cleaning supplies in the shed out back which Angela took liberal use of. This cottage has not had regular tenants in decades, and she had a lot of work to do ahead of her to get it back into shape.

  Being a model she was used to the public and was never shy about her body. Because of her hard work and great genetics she was very proud of it. As such she had no trouble with a lack of clothing when around people back home. However here at the cottage it took some time getting use to being in little to no clothing. It just felt...awkward. After her passionate sex play the other night though a new braveness awoke within her, and during her relaxation times she had become accustomed to not wearing anything at all. Luckily summer still had some days left ahead of it so she was taking advantage while she could. She would lay out back nude and collect some rays for tanning, or even perform minor cleanup jobs in the nude because it was so liberating. She eventually was brave enough to walk around the cottage and to the shed sans clothing, and it felt great. Her libido was definitely coming back stronger than ever and her being nude all the time lent to her spending less time cleaning and fixing and more time playing. Her big thrill was a quick skinny dip in the lake out back. The water was a bit too cold for her tastes, but the quick plunge was very refreshing and she ended up playing with herself right there on the small beach of the lake. Right there out in the open for the world to see, if they do desired. She was finding that she was the happiest she had ever been in quite some time.

  Angela had planned on laying out more today, but dark clouds rolled in from the east and she knew a big storm was brewing. She unwillingly packed up her blanket and tanning supplies and went into the cottage. She figured that there was still time left in the day she should get some inside work done and not let the remainder of the afternoon go to waste. There were still two days until the grocery delivery was to
arrive and she still had much to do. She got inside the house and put on a thong and work shorts and a lace bra and an old, over-sized t-shirt to work in. She found that wearing undergarments and actual clothing while cleaning, repairing, and moving stuff allowed her to focus more on the task at hand without getting unnecessary nicks and scrapes, and the clothing helped keep her mind from her own naked body. Funny how her own flesh derailed her from her work time and time again.

  After a few hours of checking off items on her "to do" list it was now very dark outside and the wind was picking up. She could practically feel the electricity in the air and knew the storm was a big one indeed. Had she listened to the radio that Jonas left for her she would have heard the weather bulletins that it was perhaps the largest storm to hit that area in years. That detail was lost to her, however, as she closed all the windows and fastened the old (and probably useless by now) shades on the windows to keep them from flying open. She had just gotten everything locked down as best she could when the rain hit and washed over the house quickly.

  At first the storm was light but constant, but she knew it was going to continue to grow. She gathered some candles and matches and her big floodlight type flashlight beside her just in case her power went out. Oddly enough this cottage did have a connection back to the main grid in town, though it certainly was not a very strong connection at that. Basic lighting and a few minor appliances was about all her cottage's grid could handle. Still, she wasn't too worried as long as she had some light and some food to chow down as she found herself extremely hungry.

  She made herself a very simple meal of some steamed veggies and seasoned chicken and a big glass of water to go with it. It was not a terribly exciting meal but then again she wasn't worried about that. It tasted good and was good for her - that is all that mattered. She sat her steaming plate down on the bench she used as a table and right as she was about to take her first bite she heard a loud "pop" like a flashbulb going off from the basement and all the lights went out.

  "Oh great, well there's bad timing for you." Angela frowned and reached for the flashlight in order to light some candles. She lit a few but the cottage apparently didn't afford much wind protection, as the candles would not stay lit. She looked around as to where the breeze could possibly be coming from, and she honestly had no idea where the source of the wind was. Outside the rain and wind were fierce against the cottage, and she could hear many places around her where the water was penetrating through the wood and dripping to the floor below. Try as she might the candles acted like someone was blowing them out. This annoyed her to no end as she knew her flashlight was not going to last that long. She reasoned that perhaps that popping sound in the basement was a fuse blowing, and perhaps she could go down and flip the switch or something and get her real power back on.

  The stairs to the basement creaked and moaned and in the storm the smell of mildew became even stronger as she crept down the stairs one by one. There really wasn't much in the basement except for a few work benches and a work table with some woodworking tools next to them. It appeared that Jonas has been using the basement as a woodshop of some kind, and that really didn't interest her at all. She did explore down there (in the daylight of course) the first few days but it was small and cramped and musty smelling so she didn't venture there too often. She did note the location of the fuse box while down there, so she knew where to look when she got down to the basement.

  After stepping off the last step she moved the flashlight around like a beacon to scan the room in front of her. The basement was basically just dug out of the earth and shorn up a bit, as the walls were very dark and had a very strong sense of earth. A few thick vines were around in the basement from plants or roots or something she didn't know about. The fuse box was on the far side of the basement past the work benches and the work table. She could still hear the storm up above and her floodlight didn't seem to chase away as much of the darkness as she would have liked down here. She moved forward into the small basement and made her way around the work benches and the worktable. What she did not notice was the movement of several vine-like appendages moving across the stairs behind her. They moved slowly and quietly across the stairs so as to not attract attention of their movement. The darkness and the sounds of the storm above helped to conceal them and by the time Angela reached the fuse box several of those strands were now fully across the stairwell, preventing any escape.

  Angela shined the light on the fuse box and inspected it. She really didn't know what to make of it, as it was a very old fuse box and nothing like the ones she had looked at in her apartment before. She was hoping that one of the many switches would be going the other way from the others, and that she could just flip it back and all would be right with the world. She moved in closer and tried flipping or twisting or turning a few things that looked like fuses, but nothing happened and she didn't really dare mess with it too much. Getting electrocuted down here with a storm above would be very bad.

  "Well that truly sucks. Flashlight old girl, looks like it's me and you until morning." Angela blew hair out of her face in disgust and went to turn around to make her way out of the basement. Trouble was, her left foot did not lift when her body told it to. It was stuck fast. Angela was puzzled by this and shined the light down and it appeared she stepped in some thick vine and somehow her foot got stuck within the vine. It was very unusual but not the end of the world. She tried to pull her foot out carefully so as to not hurt herself or to really hurt the vine. Wasn't the vines fault she stepped in it after all.

  Unfortunately the light pulling didn't work, as her foot was stuck fast. If she didn't know any better it almost looked like the vine had grown around her ankle or something.

  "Well isn't that just bizarre?" Angela commented to the darkness around her. How on earth could this have happened? She found herself becoming more than annoyed. She set the flashlight down on the workbench near her and she bent forward with her right hand to try to pull the vine back from her foot so she could get out. When she touched the vine it was actually a bit moist and was warm, and when she it touched it she could have sworn it actually quivered a bit.

  "What the hell..." Angela started but she didn't get to finish that thought. As her hand was touching the vine around her foot another vine like thing shot out of the darkness and wrapped around her right wrist. The vine grabbed hold of her and pulled her hand away from her foot forcefully. Angela quickly stood back up and the vine went with her, but was still firmly attached to her wrist. It was tight on her wrist but was not painfully tight, thank goodness.

  "What the FUCK?" Angela shouted as she pulled her arm back away from the wall and the vine like thing tightened and fought against the pull. Her mind was having a very difficult time comprehending exactly what was going on but her body knew that it wanted to be out of that basement, right now. She took a large step back with her right foot and grabbed onto the workbench with her left hand and started to pull against the things that had her stuck fast. The workbench was pretty solid and had some weight behind it and it did give her a little bit of leverage. All those months and days and years working out had to have their advantages sooner or later. She managed to move her trapped foot away from the way though the thing holding onto her was trying to pull her back. Her right arm was pulling forward and she could feel the vine like thing stretching. She figured if she could move just a few more feet it would have no choice but to let her go or be yanked from wherever it came from.

  It was a valiant effort on Angela's part but her struggles were truly in vain. After a few seconds of tug of war another vine like thing snaked its way up the workbench and snared her left wrist that was holding onto the bench and it pulled that hand free. Now both her hands were trapped and because she was leaning so heavily on that hand she lost her balance and almost fell. The things on her wrists kept her from falling though but she did have to move her right foot out to keep her balance and her foot moved right into the waiting coils of another appendage.
Her mind was filling her head with all kinds of horror movie images as she cursed and screamed and tried to pull her arms and legs free. Eventually another limb wound its way around her waist and held her firm. She was unable to move at all and she really didn't like it.

  "Well..." Angela panted and said to the thing holding her fast. She was out of breath from fighting and cursing and was trying to gather her strength for another tug. " have me, congrats on that. What now?" She didn't really expect a response, and truth be told she didn't really want one. She did get a response but it was not a verbal response. The things holding her wrists jerked her suddenly and the vine around her waist twisted her so now she was facing the worktable. The faint glow of the flashlight lit up a small portion of the room, and she could barely make out the table not but a foot in front of her. Before she could say anything else the appendages on her wrists then pulled her forward and she found she was lying across the table on her stomach, though her legs will still on the ground. More appendages were slowly creeping up her legs, making sure that they were unable to move. These strange limbs all felt warm and spongy and had a very distinct odor to them. It wasn't unpleasant, just something Angela couldn't figure out what it was. She didn't really have time to consider what that odor was as she had other issues to deal with.


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