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The Rougher Explicit Collection of Stories Box Set Compilation

Page 79

by Amira Bradford

  They start whispering to each other while I shake in nervousness on the stool. My hands grip the sides of the stool for balance. The professor comes over and moves my hands behind my back where they're supposed to be, saying "Be still, now. Hold your pose."

  My eyes dart all the way to the left so I can see the two girls. One of them smiles at me. I can't tell if they can see all of me. Deliberating about what they can see, though, is fueling that vicious cycle. I look back to my lap, trying to ignore the girls. My penis wriggles against my bare leg. Watching my sprouting erection is only making it worse, so I move my eyes back to the left.

  The blonde pops a button on her shirt and runs her fingers down her open collar. The brunette is playing with the end of her brush, touching it to her lips. Her tongue slips out and licks the brush handle. Then she puckers and slips the handle into her mouth, fellating it. I swallow nervously. She winks, noticing me give off a slight tremor.

  I had never taken a class that used nude models, but I had heard stories from some of my friends. They said that there were always a few girls who tried to get the male models riled up. That they would tease and giggle and flash while the guy was captive in front of them while he attempted to keep himself from getting too excited.

  That's all it is, they're just fooling around with me. Don't play their game and you'll be fine. But now that I know the two girls are trying to get into my head, it's only making the situation worse. They've got to be imagining more than just painting my body. Their impure motives are pushing lewd thoughts into my head.

  I look away again only to find my member inching down my leg. The friction from my skin isn't helping the situation. A feeling of warmth washes over my entire body. I had taken a triple dose of my meds before I came to the class just in case, which apparently just caught up with me. I feel half-drunk.

  I stop my little shifting motions as the medication calms me. I wonder what the girls are up to. Though I know I shouldn't look over, I do anyway. The blonde has another button undone, showing a hint of cleavage and the top of her bra. Her legs are spread apart enough to allow a peek up her skirt. The brunette is sucking her brush even harder, the handle making a bulge in her cheek.

  I've lost the battle. My dick climbs into the air until it points straight up. The blonde taps the brunette and the two giggle. A blush crosses my face. There's no doubt that they can see it now. Professor MacConnelly distracts them for a moment by checking up on their progress, but they are back to tricks before long.

  "Second pose!" calls out the professor. I seize. I'm supposed to be facing the class for the second pose. The professor says again, "Second pose, dear."

  I'm still frozen. Professor MacConnelly's hand grips my shoulder as she leans toward me from behind. "Is that," she points with her free hand to my erection, "the reason you don't want to do the second pose?"

  More giggle from the two girls. I panic. The girls can see me and the professor is pointing her finger right at my hard-on. I can't turn around – visions of the beach incident are already creeping back into my mind.

  I slap my hands over my crotch and leap off the stool. The tiles beneath my feet are sand. The students are bikini-clad girls, laughing at my nudity. My member is stiff from my exposure. I'm running to my bag to get a towel I can use to cover myself. The students are my first paramour, reaching for the buttons on my shirt. Pushing her hand away, covering myself with the towel. Both things brought me great relief, but I secretly wish that the gaggle of beach babes had run off with my towel, that I had let my kissing partner strip me.

  "Nate, no!" Nell manages to block the door right before I can grab the handle. "You're doing so well, don't give up now."

  Professor MacConelly appears next to Nell. "You know, it's common for male models to get aroused. It's nothing to worry about."

  Giggling from the girls again and whispers from the other students. Despite their reassuring comments, all I can think about is getting out of this room. I try to nudge Nell aside while I keep myself covered with my other hand.

  "Stop!" Nell says almost under her breath. Her hands fly to her blouse and undo the top few buttons. I stand transfixed as her shirt comes open.

  "Nell, what are you doing?" whispers Professor MacConnelly.

  "I told you this might happen. This will help him. Just go along with me here." As Nell shucks her blouse, she announces, "Our model is just a little shy, so anything you can do to make him feel more comfortable will be much appreciated."

  Comfort – hell, anything besides Nell – is gone from my mind. The meds are hitting me even harder now and everything but my enchanting therapist ceases to exist. She unzips the back of her skirt and lets it fall to the floor. While my eyes feast on Nell in her white cotton, my dick beats against my cupped hands. Her hands reach behind her back and the tension on her bra releases. She lets it slip from her shoulders.

  I bite my lip as my dick makes an audible slapping noise, jumping between my modesty-preserving hands and the skin of my stomach. Nell's skin has a few incipient wrinkles, creases, and spots, but they are like mirages layered on top of an unfading beauty. She bends forward, her panties sliding down her legs. I'm still attempting to process the fact that we're standing naked in front of each other when Professor MacConnelly finally speaks.

  "You don't have to do that."

  "No, it's fine. If he has to be nude, I have no problem joining him."

  "Well, all right. I can't say I object to seeing the human form or I wouldn't be teaching this class." The professor smiled. "As long as it helps Nate."

  My attention is distracted from Nell's body as one of the guys in the class calls out, "Yeah, fuck it! I model all the time, it's no big deal." He throws his shirt to the ground. "If it helps you, I got no problem strippin' down."

  His face, and his effeminate voice, seem familiar. I definitely have a class with this guy, but I can't remember his name, just that he's more than a little flamboyant. As he peels off his jeans, the two girls pipe up.

  "We'll do it too!" I swallow, watching them begin disrobing.

  "Uh, professor, do we have to, you know?" asked the only other guy in the class.

  "If you feel comfortable with it." The guy becomes shifty-eyed, no doubt peeking at the two girls who are now down to their underwear. He removes his shirt and drops his pants, but keeps his boxers on. I look over to Bijou, who seems unsettled to have found herself in a room full of people undressing.

  She hesitantly stands from her stool. I can empathize with her situation. She is stuck between this sudden group energy, telling her to play along, and her sense of modesty. Her face encapsulates the dilemma – a shade of red creeps over her skin, her teeth bite down on her lower lip, yet the corners of her mouth are turned up in a smile. Her hands move up her sides and pull her skirt down. This reveals nothing, though, as her lengthy sweater conceals the area where the skirt had been. Her fingers curl and lift the hem of the sweater until it passes above her head.

  I feel disappointed when she sits back down, making it clear that she has removed as much as she can. However, it is the first time she has shown her waif-like figure to me, even if it is still covered by her bra, panties, and translucent leggings. She looks up from her easel at me as if to ask if this was good enough for me.

  "So, will you stay, Nate?" the professor asks. I nod and trudge back to the stool. I take my seat as Nell takes hers. "Second pose now, dear."

  I scan my unclad audience. I remember the old trick – "Think of them in their underwear." This is far better, though the exposed bodies of Nell and the girls would ensure my erection persisted. I unclasp my hands and let the thing free. As I slide my fingers to my knees to get into the pose, I give myself a little pinch just to make sure.

  Nothing happens. No pointing and laughing from them, no panic attack from me. I'm just sitting on display as if it were the most natural thing. And the view from here. Nell, Bijou, the two girls, they're keeping me distracted as well.

  When the professor
moves back into the cluster of easels to give the students advice, the two girls titter. My gaze shifts from Nell and Bijou to my right. The blonde and the brunette both have stunning bodies, the likes of which are probably the target of every frat boy but the property of only the smoothest.

  The blonde is groping her own tits, making a point of flicking her nipples until they harden. The brunette has given up on her painting and is stroking her brush and making an orgasmic face. Her mouth opens wider as her strokes get faster. She mouths "Oh yeah" as she shakes the brush, causing droplets of paint to fly off the end.

  The brunette then puts her finger to her lips, cleans her brush, and touches the bristles to the blonde's chest. They trace a line down to her nipple. The blonde peers down in surprise at the brush that's now tickling her hard point. Not too much later, the brush continues its path downward over the blonde's stomach into her pubic hair. It dances through her trimmed bush and lands right on her clitoris. The blonde, eyes wide open, gives a little worried tug on the brunette's arm. The brunette leans closer and whispers in her ear. The blonde nods and allows her legs to be spread further and the brush to work harder against her clit. Her head tilts back, her skin flushing.

  The brunette is intent on giving me a show. She takes two more brushes and traces the blonde's lips with their handles. The blonde stifles a moan as the brunette penetrates her.

  The brushes move faster, causing her breathing becomes ragged. She's pushing her hips into the brushes now, her stool rattling.

  The blonde is giving a few final thrusts when I hear a loud "Ahem." The professor is standing over the guy in his boxers, giving him a dirty look. He's situated just behind the two girls. I have no doubt he knows what had been going on when he removes his hand from his only article of clothing. The brunette swiftly withdraws the brushes from the blonde while the professor whispers to the guy behind them.

  I glance down. My embarrassment had been replaced by pure arousal for the last few minutes. My dick confirms this with its now obvious twitching. It holds still for a moment and releases a bead of pre-cum that dribbles down my shaft before it resumes its twitching. Self-consciousness takes hold again. I had gotten used to being nude, even with my erection. But the thing is shameless about making itself noticed now, repeating its performance and letting another drop of fluid free. It is being honest, though – I have never felt such a need to touch myself before.

  I look toward the other side of the room. Everyone is painting studiously. The flamboyant guy has a hard-on of his own and I hope that it's not from looking at me. My eyes flee from that sight and land on Nell and Bijou, sitting beside each other. Seeing my two loves side-by-side in their states of undress only sparked further arousal. Fluid escaped from my head again. Damn, could a guy cum without touching himself?

  "Five minutes left, class," the professor announces. It takes me that long to realize that I have just had the most erotic experience of my life. "All right, we're out of time. You can take your work home with you if you want to add some finishing touches."

  I hop off the stool, still in disbelief, and walk over to where my robe is hanging. Professor MacConnelly appears beside me and slips a few bills into the pocket of the robe. "Thanks for your time."

  When she walks away, I feel a slap on my ass. It's the flamboyant guy. "Good job, man."

  As soon as I turn around, though, his presence is replaced by the two girls standing on either side of me. I feel a peck on each cheek, then a pinch on each ass cheek. "It was fun working with you." The brunette winks and the two walk off. I throw my robe on at last and leave the room, stealing one last glance in to see Nell and Bijou still adjusting their skirts.


  I pop open the locker and it brushes against my hardness. I hold it and run my thumb over the shaft. Maybe I should find the bathroom before I get dressed. I hear the door open. I cover myself as I see Nell walk through the doorway holding a canvas and purse. She's fully dressed except for her shirt, which remains unbuttoned. She always wears flats to the office, but today she's in spool-heels that put her at my height.

  "You don't need to cover yourself anymore. We've just stared at each other completely naked for the last hour." Staring into my eyes, she reaches down and moves my arms aside.

  "Yeah, sorry, just kind of a habit."

  She's looking right at my erection. "Well, you look like you enjoyed that. You should be proud. So how was it?" She squeezed my arm.

  "Oh, it was, um...." I struggle to reveal to what extent my humiliation had turned into arousal. I'm still nervous, just standing next to her like this. I finally blurt out the next thing that comes to mind. "Can we do it again?"

  I almost clap my hands to my mouth in horror. She says, "My, my, maybe there's a little exhibitionist under all that anxiety, huh?"

  I can only respond with a muffled grunt of assent. "Here, sit." She puts her arm around my shoulder and we descend onto the bench. She motions toward my crotch. "I want to know if I'm keeping you like that. Or is that for Bijou, or the two other girls?"

  It throbbed and emitted an outpouring of pre-cum. "It looks like it is for me, isn't it? Nothing to be ashamed about if it is." She paused. "God, it looks like you really need some relief – it's been like that for so long. You know, if you want to give it a little rub, that's okay. In fact, I think it would be good – even more progress, all in one day."

  "Okay." My hand closes around my hard-on. If there was anyone I'd do this for, it was Nell. And with how horny I am, my inhibitions leave my body. I begin my rhythm, sliding my hand up and down. Her head is perched on my shoulder, her eyes staring downward. "That's it, Nate. Just get comfortable."

  I stroke faster, already aroused from the events of the art class and even more so from the fact that I'm pleasuring myself while Nell holds me. I can see her generous cleavage held in by her white cotton bra. I know it won't be long.

  "Here, do you want me to help you?"

  I nearly explode at her words. Of course, how could I say no? I merely nod, though, as if I'm not too excited about the proposition. Her hand reaches toward my rod and picks my hand from it. The sleeve of her blouse is unbuttoned, allowing the cuff to brush against me. She clicks her tongue and stands to remove the shirt. "Here, stand next to me."

  As I do so, she produces a bottle of lotion from her purse. She squirts some onto her open palm and holds it against the bottom of my shaft. The coldness of the lotion mixes with the warmth of her hand to create an incredible sensation. As her hand glides over my cock, I let out little moans. I think of how well she always seems to know me in our sessions. This is no different – her hand knows what my dick likes better than I do.

  "Am I doing it right for you?"

  "Oh, god, yes." As I answer, she moves in and pecks me on the lips. She hugs me and kisses me again. I let her tongue pass into my mouth while she holds my member still against her stomach. I'm too aroused to let her stop despite the feeling of our tongues touching. My hips thrust forward, fucking the ring her hand is making and rubbing against her stomach.

  When the kiss breaks, I rest my head on her shoulder. She continues to suckle on my neck. I look down her back, my hands reaching toward her skirt. I fiddle with the zipper. Is this it? Are we going to make love right here? Does she even like me? Is this still somehow part of the therapy?

  While I anguish over the situation, my hands subconsciously pull the zipper tab down. None of it matters. Her breasts are pressed into my chest, the warmth of her body envelops me, I can't stop thrusting against the soft skin of her hand and her stomach. I'm going to cum. I push her skirt down, desperate to to grab a forbidden part of her body.

  The garment drops to the floor. I squeeze her round cheeks, clad only in her white panties. She whispers in my ear, "You can feel me down there, if you want to."

  One of my hands reaches further, down her backside between her legs. The cloth of her panties feels more torrid the farther I go. Holy shit, she's enjoying this too. That realization, however,
sets me off. I thrust against her one last time as my cock goes rigid.

  "Oh, fuck, yes!" I yell, squeezing her tight. My cock throbs against her stomach as I cling to her. Time seems suspended for those few seconds before I release. And then the torrent bursts forth. I jerk against her which pushes her back against a locker door. My hips wrench and I hear metallic bangs. Cum squirts up her stomach as well as mine. A wet sticky feeling grows with each spasm. I release a few final drops, then let out a gasp and fall back, spent.

  I look up at her. Her eyes are closed. She's standing against the locker in her underwear, her stomach covered in my juices. "Fuck, Nell. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that."

  She opens her eyes. "It's okay, Nate. It's fine, you did fine."

  "Here, let's find the bathroom." I take her hand and scan the room for the entrance to the bathroom. Once I find it, I pull her in that direction.

  She sighs. "I knew this would happen."


  "Erotic transference."

  "What's that?" I ask, pushing open the bathroom door.

  "Transference and counter-transference. You've developed feelings for me. And I've developed feelings for you. But they're very dangerous ones."


  "I don't love you, Nate." I feel crushed, even though I didn't expect that she actually had any romantic feelings for me. "Well, I do, but it's not normal love. It's like a motherly love."

  I rip a paper towel from the dispenser. I'm entirely confused at this point, so I instead concentrate on cleaning her stomach. I wipe a drop of semen off her before it soaks into her panties.

  "Thanks, Nate. What I'm saying is that I've developed a sort of parental affection toward you over the last few months. But it's not just's a, well, a sexual attraction too."

  "Whuh?" I'm taken aback and fling the towel in surprise.

  "That's why I lied to you and showed up here today. Hell, that's why I suggested this in the first place. Here." She took a paper towel and dabbed the sticky spot on my stomach. "Look at yourself in the mirror. You are a handsome young man, and you shouldn't be so ashamed of your body. You got paid to model today. And you've got me all worked up over you. That should make it obvious that you're attractive."


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