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The Rougher Explicit Collection of Stories Box Set Compilation

Page 87

by Amira Bradford

  I had stripped down to my boxers when she waltzed in the room with all her utensils, all her brushes, paints and buckets. "Ready?" she asked.

  I nodded yes and asked her where she wanted me to stand. "Why don't you sit on the bench in the center of the room baby?"

  I anxiously walked over to the bench and awaited further instructions. I stood there, like a helpless child watching her set up. It seemed as though she was taking forever. "Well?" she asked.

  "Wa..Wa..What?" I said in a high-pitched voice.

  "All the men I paint are naked. Take your boxers off." She said with hungry eyes. "The best part of the painting is the penis." She said grinning from ear to ear.

  As I pulled my boxers down; she shrieked! I think I gave her the shock of her life! "eek! Ohmygod!" She covered her mouth and turned her head the other way. She was obviously embarrassed for me. I quickly covered myself with both hands, it was instinct.

  Her face went beet red, embarrassed. Obviously, I could tell that she now saw me in a different light. Without facing me, she asked "Are you cold?"

  "No, just nervous. I've never been painted before." I admitted.

  She regained her composure and said, "Nothing to be embarrassed about. Penises are funny little things. So unpredictable..... can I see it again? Can you move your hands out of the way?....."

  I was reluctant to.

  "Oh come-on. I'm not like other girls, I won't laugh at you, I promise."

  Slowly, I let my hands fall to my sides. She took a good long look. "hmmm. I think I'll call this painting 'the frightened turtle'" she let out another giggle as I covered myself once again in utter embarrassment.

  "You said you wouldn't laugh!" I pleaded with her

  "I'm s..s..sorry. Really. I don't mean to laugh. You just, just look so silly covering yourself like that. You look like a frightened turtle. Like a little boy!"

  After several minutes of her giggle-fest, she finally started to compose herself. "Okay baby. Can I get you to sit on the bench?"

  Following her instructions, (still covering myself) I sat on the cold steel bench in the center of the room. "That's good.... Umm, try to strike a pose for me."

  I had no idea what she wanted me to do, "How to you mean?" I asked.

  "Firstly, let go of Mr. Pinky Dinky.... Let go of him" A smile came across her face as I opened my hands again. "Okay and put your arms behind your back... lean on your arms."

  "Like this?" I asked as I leaned back.

  "Yep.... And arch your back."

  I felt kind of silly as I arched my back as best I could. I kept my legs closed, in an attempt to conceal my shyness.

  "That's good baby..... but, can I get you to just spread you legs a little bit?"

  I slowly opened my legs, exposing myself to her. "A bit more, open your legs up all the way."

  I stretched my legs wide open, exposing my pink 2inch stub and my plump, tight little balls to her. I felt so pathetic and helpless. Although I was flaccid, my pathetic member jutted out: pointing up at her. It must have looked like a tube of lipstick! I could tell she was trying hard not to laugh. Her face was beet red and she was grinning from ear to ear.

  "That's good. That's very good." She said as she continued to giggle to herself.

  45 minutes passed and I was getting cramps. I was so uncomfortable. Not just because my penis was almost definitely getting smaller, but because my back was killing me. I must've looked so silly. The whole time she had that large grin on her face. She was taunting me. She knew what she was doing to me: to my ego, to my manhood... and I didn't find it funny at all.

  The prospect of fucking her was gone. I was no longer a man in her eyes. I would be something that she'd taunt or tease; not to my face, but behind my back; which is worse and far more demeaning. I had gone from being the object of her affection, to a dickless pathetic sissy boy. Of course, these thoughts only made me more anxious and even smaller.

  "Finished" she finally said after what seemed like an eternity.

  I quickly reached for my boxers and put them back on. "Can I see?"

  "Sure" she said as she turned the painting around.

  I was in shock. She couldn't possibly be thinking of showing this in her gallery on Saturday night along with her other paintings. The painting was perfect, she had drawn me so precisely.... but without a penis, or at least what you could see.

  "You, you forgot something." I told her.

  "No, that was you. That's what you looked like." She said.

  "But, I have no penis!" I said on the verge of tears.

  "Its there, but you need to look closely. See?" She pointed to my crotch on the painting, "there is your little dinky, poking up, pointing to the sky and there are your little testies"

  My eyes watered up, "That's not fair! That's not me! That's not me at all!" I protested.

  "You gotta change it!" I yelled at her in desperation.

  "Sorry, I don't do that. Sorry.... I think this will be a big hit at my gallery on Saturday."

  Suddenly, I lost all control. I burst out into tears, I fell to my knees and begged. "Ohhh! Please no! God no! Please don't! Please! It will ruin my reputation! My life! Please no! God no! Don't expose me like this! Please!"

  Moments later, I was sitting in her kitchen, fully clothed drinking a cup of tea she had made me. "Are you feeling better?" she asked.

  "uh-huh" I responded, still sobbing.

  "Look, I'm sorry about the painting. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I had no idea you'd react that way. I've never seen a guy cry before." She seemed somewhat sorry for me, but obviously disgusted.

  I finished my tea and left. She assured me that my secret would be safe with her. As I left, she said, "Sorry things didn't work out between us hun, bye."

  I began to think, 'If I hadn't cried like a little sissy bitch, would she still have fucked me?' Probably..... but then again, probably not.

  Saturday came, and although I didn't bother to go to her Gallery opening, I heard that it went well. The big hit of the night was her painting titled, 'the frightened turtle', which was the painting of a faceless man with a really tiny penis. So, she clearly kept her promise: she got her painting, and I got to keep my shame a secret.... but it was a secret that would come back to haunt me later on.

  Six weeks later, I was out on a date with a woman I had met at my gym. Her name was Claudia. Claudia was a gorgeous woman in her late twenties. Tall, athletic, blonde and leggy.

  I'd been gawking at her for the past three weeks before I gathered up enough courage to ask her out; to my surprise she accepted. The evening was going well until Tina bumped into us.

  Tina was there with a couple of friends having a few drinks. She spotted me, dining with Claudia and decided to come over and say hello, she was a little drunk. She took me completely by surprise.

  "Hey Tim!" she busted out.

  I sorta lost my cool once I saw her. "Oh, hi Tina."

  "What's goin on here?" she said in a nosey tone.

  "I'm on a date, this is Claudia." I told her

  Claudia said hi and Tina went in to shake her hand, "This is a great guy! A nice, sensitive guy. Very sensitive. You're a lucky woman!" she said.

  "Oh really?" Claudia responded.

  "Is this a first date?" Tina asked.

  "Yep, yes this is. Claudia and I are on our first date." I said, in an attempt of get rid of her.

  "Well, I'd better go then. I'm cramping your style.... It was good seeing you again Tim" She said.

  Tina turned to walk away. Unfortunately, she was behind me, so I couldn't see her. "It was nice meeting you Claudia" As she said 'Claudia' she did the small dick sign with her thumb and index finger.

  In astonishment, Claudia's jaw dropped. She immediately burst out into laughter. I looked behind me, only to see that Tina was gone. "What's so funny? I asked. "Oh nothing, I just thought of something small that happened the other day...... listen, can you excuse me for a moment? I need to go and powder my nose, I'll be right back.

  Of course, she never came back. The rest of the night I could hear Tina and her friends taunting me from their table. After a half hour of embarrassment and humiliation, I decided to leave.

  Thereafter, Claudia spread the rumor that I was the man in the 'frightened little turtle painting'. The rumor quickly spread like wildfire, I soon earned the nickname 'Tiny Tim'.

  Everywhere I went I heard giggles and whispers, mostly from women.

  That's why I moved.

  The End.

  Real Selfish Lover Pat

  I was 23 when I met Pat, who was 42 at the time. We were work colleagues and got on really well. Pat had dark hair hanging lustrously loose and a super pair of legs. She wore skirts every day and my gaze often followed her legs and ass around the room at work, or in the bar.

  I'm not sure why, but we just clicked and the company was good socially. I would often be on nights out when other work colleagues went out, even the weekend. And then came the night I drunkenly approached Pat and began a conversation about her merits. At the time, she was on the verge of splitting from her husband and I'd not long ended a relationship so my compliments were well received, despite them being very explicit.

  "Pat, why don't you come back with me for a bit before you go home?" I asked her.

  "Dominic, I'm flattered but I'm married, besides I'm too old for the likes of you!" she offered back.

  "No you're not and I know things aren't great at home. You know what I'd love to do?" I continued, quite drunk.

  "What?" she asked intrigued.

  "Get on my knees, hold your thighs and lick you to an amazing orgasm" I said.

  Pat looked surprised, flattered, regretful and delighted.

  "Dominic! Listen, if I was 20 years younger I'd love to" said Pat, regretfully.

  "Come on, listen you wouldn't regret it" I pushed.

  Pat admirably declined and we went our separate ways; on Monday it didn't seem to have brought any awkwardness to our working relationship at all. Indeed, I found myself getting on better than ever with Pat. She even gave me a lift home in her jeep later that week and we joked that the inside of her jeep had condensation and it how it must be from all the hot libido's in the vehicle. Then a month later, she split up from her husband. I saw her out a few more times and then it happened. It was a Friday and I was in the pub, close to the dance floor area. Pat was having a great time with Hazel, a friend and colleague of 40 and a few other women. She was staying over at one of their houses and was up for a great time. I had consumed a few drinks myself when Pat approached me at one point when I was standing on my own.

  "How far is your flat?" she suddenly asked me.

  "5 minutes away" I said, suddenly interested in why she might be asking that.

  "Do you mind if I come back?" she asked me.

  "Mind? Of course not! You mean right now?" I asked excitedly.

  "I'm supposed to be staying at Tracey's anyway so I didn't have to rush back home anyhow and you know the situation with me and my soon to be ex. Look, wait outside and I'll say goodbye to Tracey," she told me.

  I nodded, dumped my beer and went outside, waiting across the road. Soon, Pat appeared and walked across to me, as I watched her. She was wearing a green jacket and skirt, with sheer black tights and high heels.

  "Lead the way" she said as she fell in step beside me.

  We said very little until arriving at my flat, and then entered.

  "Can I get you a drink?" I offered.

  "Glass of wine if there's one going" she said smiling.

  I returned with 2 glasses and we talked some more.

  "Well, I'm free to have fun" Pat assured me.

  "And you deserve it" I readily agreed.

  I think part of me was keen to impress this sexy woman as she was older than me and I wanted to prove I could match up to any of her past experiences. When we kissed, it led to us hurriedly moving to the bedroom. I pulled her clothes off with haste and divested of my own, swiftly following her as she reclined on the bed. I kissed her again, moving to her breasts and across her stomach before approaching her pussy. Pat tensed excitedly at the first lick, then after a few minutes, I felt her relax and really enjoy the things I was doing to her with my tongue.

  "So you like oral then?" Pat asked me conversationally.

  "Yeah but I love giving. And I love doing this to you" I responded instantly.

  Pat sighed as I began to tongue fuck her and playfully tussled my hair as I continued.

  "Would you really have done what you said you wanted to the last time?" she asked, referring to the night I'd offered to get on my knees and pleasure her.

  "Absolutely. And maybe you might let me sometime" I asked between licks.

  "I think I probably will," she surmised.

  I continued taking long licks with my tongue across her whole pussy, occasionally plunging it inside her and lapping at her juices. Pat eventually began to approach orgasm and I felt her thighs grip me as she came against my face, which she held tightly to her. Afterwards, she just lay as I licked inside her again but gradually, I found myself going down further. Pat seemed to have a surer idea of the next step than I did and tilted her pelvis ever so slightly so that her arse cheeks lifted just a touch. My tongue was now approaching her bum and she was still sighing and pressing down on my head. Whether she wanted me to lick her arse or whether she just assumed I was trying to do that I'm not sure, but before long, I was pushing valiantly to gain entry to a much tighter orifice. There was no longer any doubt that I was rimming her and Pat was utterly relaxed about this.

  "Do you like this?" I asked her at one point.

  "Of course" she said, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

  I kept this up for a long time and eventually moved back to her pussy when she became more excited. Pat grabbed my head a second time as she came again and didn't stop me afterwards as I slid up her body and entered her. By now, I was a hard as diamond and Pat was a wet as a bottle of baby oil. We fucked for as long as I could last and I withdrew as I came across her stomach and breasts. I went down on her again, licking her to another orgasm before I plunged back into her with my stiff again cock. At last, I collapsed and she did too, both of us sleeping reasonably well.

  In the morning, I woke and tiptoed out of the room, making a cup of tea. Returning, I put it on the bedside table close to Pat and silently slipped back under the covers. I found the shadowy outline of her thigh and slipping my head underneath it. Once in position, I parted dark silk and began to lick as gently as I could. After a while, Pat couldn't feign sleep any longer and lifted up the covers to regard me.

  "You like my pussy, don't you?" she asked me.

  "I adore it" I responded.

  "I've not been licked this much in a long, long time," she reflected.

  "I hope we can do all of this again" I asked her.

  "I think we'll have to. I could get used to this" she said, then dropped the duvet back, covering me again.

  "Is this cup of tea for me?" she asked.

  "Yes" came my muffled reply.

  "Keep it up and you can have a drink too" she cheekily responded, a clear reference to her pussy juices.

  While she drank her tea, I drank her juices and licked her slowly. Once I heard the mug going down on the table, I quickened my pace until Pat came noisily again. Afterwards, I slipped upwards and mounted her again, eventually turning her round so I could fuck her doggy style. We rose not long after as Pat had to get home and I offered to drive her, agreeing to meet again soon.

  We did meet the following Friday and it was almost a carbon copy of the previous week. I went down on her for many reasons but some of them were that I wanted to show her I was an attentive lover, so I strived to please her more. And I also wanted to impress her. I realised I also loved doing it to her and the following weekend, she told me the kids were at her ex husband's and the Friday was free. I went through and was delighted to find Pat wearing a skirt again, even at home. She invite
d me in and we made short work of a bottle of wine, opening a second one before long. Then suddenly, Pat leaned forward to kiss me and I responded. After a minute, she stood up, turning to rest her bum against the windowsill while I looked at her.

  "Remember the first time you ever said something sexual to me?" she checked.

  "Of course" I assured her.

  "Well?" she asked me, looking intently.

  I stood up and approached her, as she looked hungrily at me approaching. When I stood in front of her, she put her hands on my shoulders and pushed. I knelt, bunching up her skirt, which revealed she wasn't wearing tights, but a sexy pair of hold ups. I slipped her knickers off and leaned forward to take a tentative lick.

  "You look so sexy in hold ups" I managed to say.

  "I wore them with this in mind" Pat told me proudly and I responded by putting my hands on her arse cheeks while my face pressed further into her crotch.

  Pat's hands held me steady there anyway and I vowed to give her an orgasm she wouldn't forget in a hurry. I told her how unbelievably sexy she was in between licking her all over and pistoning my tongue in and out of her. In my excitement I blurted something out.

  "I'd love it if you sat on my face later" I said huskily.

  "Really? Fuck, I'd love to do that. Alright, we will as soon as I cum" she said, urging me to make her do so.

  I finally did and we immediately went to the bedroom.

  Pat had asked me a few times if there was anything I really wanted to do when we had a night in. On one occasion I'd told her it would be really kinky if I just knelt in front of the sofa and ate her pussy all evening until she finally was desperate for a good fucking and to be selfish about it all. Well, a couple of weeks later Pat told me her youngest was at his dad's and the daughter was staying at her boyfriend's place. I looked forward to a night of great sex but when I arrived Pat wasn't so friendly. She was wearing a fairly short skirt though so I was encouraged that I'd be getting down with her soon. Once in the lounge, she sat down but stopped me when I was about to do the same.

  "Kneel in front of me," she said and I did so, slowly wondering if my suggestion a few weeks before was on her mind.


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