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The Rougher Explicit Collection of Stories Box Set Compilation

Page 97

by Amira Bradford

  "Easy there, tiger! Just relax until I'm done. You'll have the rest of your life to play!" was the fairy's response... she was intensely focused on her task! Daniel saw her little pointed pink tongue lick her succulent red lips... her eyes remained focused on him. On his...

  "Oh god!"

  On his balls! The aching had turned into a pressure, which turned back into a tingling heat... he looked down and saw them.. his tiny grapes had swollen to walnuts in his sack...the walnuts had then thickened into fat ripe plums! His sack stretched uncomfortably tight for a moment, and then expanded to accept its new cargo!

  "Perfect!" said the fairy.

  The light vanished with a blinding flash and the sound of chimes and wind! Daniel's body fell out of the air onto his mattress... he felt the weight of his new genitalia bounce to rest between his legs. He struggled to sit up! He groped with his hands, and gasped at his discovery!

  "I... I can't believe it! How is this..."

  "Possible? Look, kid... Daniel, I'm the Good-Fuck-Fairy! Now, I wouldn't be doing my job if I let you go through life feeling sub-par about yourself! Sometimes, men just need a little convincing. In your case, though, I could tell you were really struggling with what nature gave you. Nature's cruel."

  Danny cupped his balls in the palm of his hand, feeling their weight!

  "Ho-ly shit!" he gasped.

  "Oh yes. I think you're going to be pleasurably surprised." she said solemnly.

  He explored with his fingers, feeling the tight rigid post of his cock. He felt his heart begin to pound in his chest! He touched the end of his penis with one finger, and pulled it away with a hot little string of lubrication from its tip.

  "Thank You! Holy shit!! I...I..."

  "Daniel, this is yours. Treat it well, and it will bring you great joy and lusty happiness through your life!" said the fairy. She stepped closer, glancing from him to his erect cock and back again.

  "Not bad, if I say so myself." Her lips closed and made a tight little crooked smile that Daniel did not see; she was quite pleased with work!

  Daniel was stroking its length. He grabbed it firmly with both hands, feeling its girth... he let his fingertips trace around it's taught ridge and then down and around his enormous heavy balls. They responded to his caress by pulling up tight in his sack. He felt a sense of pride and glee well up within him!

  "If I may, Daniel, I think I'd better just perform a little test. Just to make sure everything is in working order. Is that alright with you?"

  Daniel looked up at her, no longer ashamed to be exposed in front of this magical nymph! Holy shit, she was gorgeous.. she had little silvery blue lines that traced down her silky arms, and down the inseams of her smooth legs... she shifted her stance, and stepped toward him, her thighs rubbing smoothly together where they disappeared under her short SHORT skirt. He caught a glimpse up between... something beautiful and glowing was hidden there!

  "Now, I want you to close your eyes. This may take just a couple minutes. It varies from man to man." Said the fairy. She was standing directly before him, gazing down at him with glassy eyes, over the curves of her breasts.

  "UM.. OK." He was a little uncertain, but was long past resisting this creature's any and every request.

  "I want you to take a deep breath... relax. Clear your mind..."

  Daniel's mind seemed to drift somewhere directly between the gutter and a whorehouse!

  "Now, I want you to listen to words I am going to say. Really listen to them, and let them guide your thoughts. Whatever happens, I want you to keep your eyes closed, and let your mind follow its thoughts. Ok?"

  "Um, ok!" Daniel snuck one last sneak peak at the fairy, who slipped her glass wand neatly into her corset.

  "Shhhhhhhhh... Let's begin....

  Slippery... SLIPPERY..... SliP....Pery.... ssssssSSSSLIP-PERY..."

  Her voice became more and more breathy.... "ssssss-lip-perry..... shhhhhh......"

  Daniel's mind had been taken off guard for a moment by her choice of words, but his calmed mind seemed to instantly guide his vision... his mind was on the fairies legs, only they were wet with lathery soap... he was... bathing her... in her skirt... he was washing her legs... her knees... her thighs.... higher and higher... she turned and lifted her skirt, and suds rolled down the crack of her ass... his hands washed round and around, sliding there.... slippery!"

  "Naughty...naughty..... Naaaaaaaaaaaughty......."

  Her voice seemed to fade from his consciousness... his mind swept him away to the night of his graduation party... just three weeks ago. Naughty was a good word for it... the party had been at his mom's best friend Tara's house... Tara... Tara Tara...

  Tara was 39, a woman with an endless string of hard-drinking boyfriends... where Danny's mother had begun to sag and had begun to show lines in her face, Tara had merely become more buxom, her face sharper in her beauty, and attitude more bold towards love and sex and men.

  That was the night she had come out to the pool wearing a thin black bikini thong, and a pink tank-top. Wether she had merely had one too many dry martinis was unclear, but all conversations paused for a moment when she decided to go topless before myself, my three male friends, our mothers, and their dads! Mom made it clear that we were leaving, that she was going to have a firm talk with Tara.


  Naughty had been the aftermath of her little party stunt... apparently, remembered Danny, his best friend Tyler's dad had been inspired to start visiting Tara weekday nights. His divorce was pending. Likewise, Randal's father had apparently paid her a visit some days later. Danny recalled how his brother happened to be absent from his usual weekend antics not too long after that. (Steven, as he explained later, had spent the better part of two days licking Tara's vagina from top to bottom.)

  "Blow-Job..." The fairy's voice was very close to his left hear. Her hands came to rest on once more on his thighs. "Blow-job... bloooooow-jOOOOOOOOOB..." Her thumbs turned in circles higher and higher on his inseam..."

  It had been his cousin Margaret. It had been at bible camp. It had been a Thursday night. He had been avoiding her eyes all evening... She.. she had been 19, horny, and bored to death! She had told him earlier that day how she liked to play with Steve, and that it was 'his turn'! Somehow, he hadn't quite avoided going to the van with her... somehow, he hadn't quite been able to keep his dick from entering her mouth! It had been brief... it had been the most perverse and purely sexual experience of his life! She had been good. Extremely good... her words and caresses and then her smile and tempting eyes had made the whole experience utterly unavoidable... He swore he could still feel her tongue licking... licking... LICKING!

  Daniel opened his eyes for a moment... the fairy's tongue was inhumanly long and pointed... her eyes connected with his as she licked once more around the ridge of his cock...

  "I thought I made it clear, you are to keep your eyes closed!"

  "Oh... um... yes!" He covered his eyes with his hands...

  "Oh, never mind... that was the last word anyway!" she said coyly. He opened his eyes in time to see his dick disappear between her cherry red lips! The fairy's mouth smoothly took him in... all of his length. Her sick hot tongue had guided him in to the hilt, through her tight lips and into the impossibly hot slippery place within!

  She slipped back, her lips smacking a little as she sat up to speak, "Daniel, you may find that this is going to be a little more intense than you remember. A lot, actually. Oh, and your genitals, I should mention, are going to be producing quite a bit more semen than they used to. I just wanted to warn you. From now on, you probably are going to need to ejaculate every twelve to fifteen hours to avoid any discomfort. Just think of it as... routine maintenance!"

  "Oh....OH!!!!" She had taken him in again, this time with a fury! Her head began to bob up and down in his lap, her silvery hair tossing lightly about her beautiful face...up and down and up.... over and over and OVER... faster, she went, her hands gripping his thighs!
/>   "OH.. OHMYGOD!" he gasped "Holy shit!!"

  His penis gave him a taste of what life was to be like from now on: His stiffened erection grew tighter than he could bear... the sudden thrusting of his loins, which suddenly gave way to an exquisite eruption from deep within!

  "YESSSSS!!! OHHHHHH!!!!!" was all he could manage... he closed his eyes, gripping his bed sheets in his fists!

  He felt the last of a wave of seemingly never-ending pumps, and then collapsed back on his elbows, panting.. he wiped tears of joy from his eyes, and looked up. The fairy stood where she had been, but was grinning, ear to ear... cum dripped from her chin, from her wings, off of her wand... a spatter of his jizz had struck her neck, and was dripping like a little river down into her cleavage! Even her skirt was soiled by his eruption, a little sting dripping onto her right leg. She let one hand trace a line down his leg... lifting her finger, there was a little drop of his cum, sparkling in her light.

  "Very nice! Very, very nice!" She brought her finger to her lips, and sucked. She never took her eyes off of him.

  "Oh, the things I'm going to TEACH YOU!"

  She shifted her body from one leg to another... he could see the tension run up her glowing thighs... when she turned and stepped back, he saw the shapely curve of her buttocks, barely hidden beneath the silver lining..

  "But first, you must learn to love yourself!"

  "Wait! Don't go! Please.. stay with me!"

  "No. It wouldn't be right. Not tonight. I shall return twice more, though. To truly love others, you must learn to love yourself. You have much to learn. But there is time, and I will be watching!"

  Danny stood from the bed, and swayed for a moment... he was getting his bearings... he had never been wracked by such an orgasm in his life! He stepped toward her... she was perhaps three inches shorter than he. She just smiled and turned toward the window. She paused for a moment and looked back at him, raising one eyebrow.

  "Well, I suppose there's always time for you to 'love yourself' after I leave!"

  Daniel looked into her fiery green eyes and felt the lust already beginning to return! She was a goddess of lust and pleasure! She crept close, and with the push of one extended finger, Danny sat back on the bed. She leaned in... he gazed down her corset... her breasts seemed to sparkle in the light of her wings! She was covered with microscopic droplets of dew.

  Her red lips blew onto his neck. Her breath was like warm summer wind with the scent of flowers. She stood back for a moment and he gazed down at her skirt. She widened her stance, and pivoted her hips slightly; her thighs moved apart and her skirt creaked like tight vinyl. It slipped higher on her hips and he saw she was perfectly smooth and hairless all the way up! (Apparently, magical fairies never wear underwear of any kind beneath their short vinyl skirts!) All at once, she crept up onto his lap with a smooth feline motion, her knees perched on either side of his legs. She leaned in and kissed him full on the mouth, cradling his head in her smooth hands... she let her fingers ruffle through his hair. He kissed her back, passionately, and buried his head in her breasts! He kissed them passionately. He let his hands feel the feathery softness of her silver hair, and then he looked up into her green eyes. She bit her lip, and glanced down to his lap. His cock was raised like a torpedo, aimed directly up between her silky thighs... he let his hands slip down to feel her buttocks. Before he realized the simplicity of it all, she sat down on him!

  "Ohh!" He felt his body quiver slightly, the full length of his cock pushing up between her wetted lips.

  "Shhhh! This is how it should be!"

  Inside this goddess, he felt heat and tightness he had never imagined! It was as if she was so slippery that he would be expelled at any moment, but she felt as if some powerful suction deep within her drew him deeper still! She licked her lips, looked into his eyes, and began to move up and down on him, in a sure steady motion. His hands gripped her hips that rolled like the ocean tides. She rode him this way, one hand on the back of his neck, the other at his waist, and still she moved... he felt his body catch her rhythm and begin move under her.

  "You know, Daniel, you're really cute!"

  She bit her lip, and closed her eyes, picking up her pace slightly. Danny breathed deeply, and smelled her charged aroma, the freshness of fruit cut from the vine... a musk of lilac mixed with...

  Fuck! Mixed with the scent of FUCKING HOT WET CUNT! He let his body thrust harder, and she began to bounce on him. She reached back behind her neck.. his arms slid up her smooth naked armpits... her fingers tugged once at the end of a clear lace behind her neck, and her corset top slid down and off to the floor! Enormous... simply ENORMOUS perfect TITS! Had she read his mind? Had she somehow detected and fulfilled his most adolescent fantasies of perfection?! Daniel watched as her nipples grew erect before his very eyes... her round pink circles, which sparkled with dew, became little peaks. Her little peaks became raised and round, like the tips of little pencil erasers, and then stood out, as the larger ovals of her nipples rose outward into prominent cones... He let his tongue circle her left nipple, and found it hard as sapphire.

  She looked down at him smiling with glassy clear eyes. He met her mouth with a kiss once more, and felt her tongue slide into his mouth... she tasted of maple syrup and sugar! Her tongue slipped round every place in his mouth, and he sucked it in!

  Daniel felt himself loosing control under her. He gripped her back, let his hands run down her spine, felt the places where her wings attached... WINGS! They seemed to wave open and closed, fanning the air around them in time with their movements.

  "Do you like my wings?" She asked with an airy voice that hid none of her pleasure. "Would you like to take a closer look?"

  She rose off him, and crawled on her hands and knees to the far side of his bed. He followed her body with his eyes. He saw her crawl away from him, and then look back over her naked shoulder, through the glassy sheen of one fluttering wing... She arched her spine, and her buttocks swiveled irresistibly up in the air, the folds of her vagina parted and glistening with their own light!

  As he took up mount behind her, his hands found her thighs to be satin-smooth, her buttocks like polished glass, her waist narrow like that of a china doll. She immediately bucked back against him, his manhood throttling upward within her! He looked at her wings, which were both stiff and supple. They were as if leather had been turned to glass, perfused with tiny veins, as if the veins of a leaf. Transparent fluid within these veins shown with a pulsating blue light, ebbing and flowing with each push of her body against his! She beat her wings in the air three times, her face down in his pillows... he felt their cool breeze rush over his sweat-soaked body. He slid his hands up further and further, and around her sides, cupping under her hanging breasts. He felt the hard points of her nipples pressing into his hands.

  She turned her head towards him, her green eyes peering through glassy wing, her mouth partly open...


  Her silky flexible body slipped off of him, her legs crossed beneath him as she now lay on her back. She faced him, bringing her knees up near her ears, her glassy heels pointing toward the ceiling. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders. Her hands slipped down his slippery back, gripping his ass... her fingers dug into him as she pulled him down and into her!

  "OHHHH!! OH YES! YES!" he stammered, his chest squashing against her naked breasts.

  He thrust harder and deeper, holding her thighs firmly in his grip... silky and warm, smooth and sparkling with tiny dots of fresh dew! He had never...NEVER imagined having such a creature, let alone riding her with such power! He felt truly ALIVE inside of her!

  The fairy gripped his buttocks with one hand, and let the other glide in smooth circles between his shoulder blades. She liked the look of determination she saw in his face... she loved hearing the heavy sound of his breath. She loved...

  She smiled devilishly to herself: She LOVED her job! She loved the feeling of his balls SMACKING against he
r puckered asshole! Secretly, she thought to herself, THIS was the reason she'd given him such heavy testicles! She'd burdened him with two weights he'd carry between his legs for life; though he would treasure them as long as he lived, they were a burden nonetheless! So sweet and PERVERSE, she thought: A young man CRAVING to carry his burden! Delighting in the daily task of unloading them, or else facing the pain of growing pressure from within! (She imagined to herself how many men she'd given this burden! How many young men throughout the ages!) No matter how he may take pride in their weight, and no matter how they may tantalize some future girl he meets... she'd given them to him for HER OWN selfish pleasure: his heavy nuts smacking her ass!

  "Oh, yes! Oh, YESSS!!" she whispered.

  He was growing close. She could sense it in the rising tension in his voice! He was very nearly PLEADING for his RELEASE!

  The fairy smiled again. Daniel gazed into her green eyes and beheld her devilish grin. Daniel was about to discover a wicked secret held by this fairy... a secret few mortal men have ever known... a hot slippery secret he would never forget!

  As he pumped her, a slippery wet tongue suddenly slipped out of her cunt, licking its way down his throbbing shaft!

  "Oh!! Holy shit! What the fuck?!" He was powerless to do anything but fuck HARDER!

  The tongue slipped out, shimmering and wet beneath his thrusting cock, long and thick! It twisted like an octopus's tentacle, and licked about his testicles!


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