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The Rougher Explicit Collection of Stories Box Set Compilation

Page 108

by Amira Bradford

  Feeling my orgasm building, I tried to be quiet about it, but the doctor couldn’t be fooled. At my first whimper, she pulled her mouth from my cock, and her finger from my asshole. But she didn’t give me a chance to stop licking her pussy, and soon I heard her screaming out my name, and got a mouthful of her hot love juice, as she came.

  Without pausing, she climbed off of my face, and went back to sucking my cock, and fingering my asshole. I’m sure you know the routine by now; her oral attentions had me to the breaking point in no time, and her finger up my ass made it that much more intense, but she always knew when to stop (much to my chagrin), a split second before I would have cum.

  While she did this, I let my hands roam all over her lush and lovely body, marveling at her beauty and her technique. She had really set my nerves on fire, and my body was one big mass of sexual anticipation. I didn’t understand it at the time, but she wasn’t being cruel by denying me my orgasm. If I’d cum the first time that I might have, this encounter would have been over long ago, and it would not have been nearly as intense!

  “Fuck me, Martin!” she whispered after my hundredth near-climax abated.

  Who am I to argue? Pushing her back on the bed, and nudging her legs apart with my knees, I rammed my cock into her slick cunt. The screams were incredible.

  “Oh! That feels so good, Martin!” she shouted as I fucked her like a jackhammer. I’m usually a very slow and tender lovemaker, but I was out of control with lust, and the good doctor didn’t seem to want me to slow down. “Fuck me faster, Martin! Harder! OH!”

  I felt her finger push into my rectum once again, and an electric shock traveled through my body, making all my tiny hairs stand on end. Biting into her nipples hard, like I know she loves, I fucked her as forcefully and as furiously as I could, and soon, she was tensing up for another climax. I was ready too, and I thought that she’d stop me. “I’m going to cum,” I warned her unnecessarily.

  “Oh! Yes!” she cried. “Me, too! Cum, Martin! Cum inside me, now! OooooOOOooooooo!”

  My shouts blended with hers, even as my semen mixed with her cream, and I collapsed on top of her after a few more jerking thrusts.

  Panting, and out of energy, she kissed me tenderly, and I held her close. We just lay there, catching our breath, and resting easily in each other’s arms.

  “Well?” she asked, “did I lie to you?”

  “No,” I answered. “That was the most incredible thing I’ve ever felt in my entire life!” And I was not exaggerating!

  “You’re not so bad yourself,” she grinned.

  We showered, and dressed, and ordered a pizza for dinner. I stayed the night, but we were both simply too exhausted for anything more than a kiss goodnight.

  That was last night, and I’m going back to her office tomorrow morning. I have the perfect excuse. I forgot to rebook a future appointment, and my company has quite a few other products that I should be telling her about.

  The End.


  Something woke me out of a deep sleep. I had been dreaming about darkened rooms made of warm writhing flesh. The damp air had held a musky scent that I thought I should have recognized but couldn't quite recall, as if it had been some genetic memory that couldn't be translated into normal thoughts. The floor had been sticky and the air was filled with moans and gasps. They didn't sound like they were made from pain though.

  The sheets had been kicked down to the foot of my bed in the night. Hot humid air filtered in through my open window and clung to my naked form. It was only May and already it felt like August. I tried to ignore my nocturnal erection which was swollen enough to be almost painful.

  I tried to roll my head to look at the clock but I couldn't move it. My whole body couldn't move. Without warning my heart accelerated as panic flooded my mind. I tried to calm my mind, to think rationally so the stress wouldn't overwhelm me and aggravate my heart condition, but my body had become a slave to the primitive lizard part of my brain that would never be controlled or reasoned with. My boner was gone.

  After a few moments my eyes began to adjust to the darkness and I became aware of a presence in my room with me. At first it caused my panic to rise even higher and I could feel the weak walls of my heart begin to flutter with fatigue. I was not alone but nothing dangerous had yet made itself apparent.

  I closed my eyes and tried to count to ten when something in my room made a leathery slithering sound like two snakes twisting together. There was another sound like languid breathing coming from the far wall at the foot of my bed. My eyes snapped open and locked onto a shadowy form directly across from me.

  All I could see of it in the dark was a formless lump of darker shadow against the wall under my bikini girl poster, but at the top and roughly middle of the shadow were two pin pricks of dim reddish orange light. The center of these cold fire orbs were tiny black circles that held a weight to them that stole my breath as I recognized them for what they were. Glowing red eyes, the eyes of a predator.

  My heart sputtered irregularly and my breath came in fast, shallow gasps. I needed my fucking meds. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the orange bottle on my nightstand, a bottle of water next to them, but my body would not respond to my urgings. The rational part of my brain screamed two words over and over into my mind: sleep paralysis. I was still dreaming, just a dream, don't panic. I recited this mantra in my mind but it was as useless as explaining quantum physics to a brain damaged cow. My panic would not subside.

  "Don't be afraid." a smoky feminine voice whispered in the dark. For some reason that voice pinned my frantic emotions like my body was pinned to the bed. I could feel a cool calm flood my body like a strong narcotic in my blood. I was still scared, but my heart and breathing were quickly returning to normal.

  The shadowy form stood up and again there was that leathery sound. The gleaming eyes rose to the bikini girl's naval which made the shadow a few inches shorter than me. With a slow and queer grace the shadow moved away from the wall and further into the room. When the shadow crossed the threshold of light pouring in through my window it stopped and I could see it for what it was. A naked woman. No not a woman, something else.

  She possessed the general form of a woman but for as much of her that looked human there was as much that was nowhere near human.

  She had the face of an angel with long straight, raven black hair that fell down to her waist. Her skin was pale enough that I could just see her veins under the skin. Strong, well toned muscle rippled under her smooth flesh when she moved. Her lips were full and black. Her predatory eyes were almond shaped and gave an exotic quality to her face. Her full firm breasts were smooth and without blemish, her erect nipples as dark as her lips. Her breasts were large but they defied gravity and hung close to her chest. Her waist was narrow to the point of appearing waspish and expanded to wide sensuous hips. Her legs were chords of toned muscle and a neatly trimmed nest of black hair nestled where her legs met her hips. I couldn't see her feet.

  After that all semblance of human normalcy ended. A pair of ivory, red tipped horns grew from her forehead and curled up and outwards over her head and pointed ears. A pair of shiny smooth black bat-like wings grew from her back and made a rasping noise when they rubbed together. These wings had made the sound I had heard earlier. The dark veins were moving, slithering around under her skin and forming arcane patterns that couldn't occur under natural laws. Her fingers ended in long, curving black claws. Lastly, swishing slowly behind her legs was a long whip like tail that ended in ridges and a phallic bulb.

  She was at once more horrifying and beautiful than anything I ever could have imagined. Her feminine grace and voluptuous curves combined with the predatory alienness distilled in her a form of desire and dread that warred within me for control. Beyond all reason or semblance of rationality, even beyond my lizard brain's cries to run, I found myself getting aroused by simply looking at her. I wanted her. I feared her.

  She looked at me with an ope
n smile on her lips revealing long sharp looking teeth. Everything about her screamed out predator to me, but I couldn't move. I had seen rabbits freeze up like that when I walked too close to them. Other animals did it too. When a predator comes looking for them they go tharn, hoping that the hunter won't see them. I had gone tharn, but the predator saw me and was fucking smiling.

  I was terrified, unable to move or cry out, alone in my room with some kind of monster. She looked at me and slowly her features changed. The smile melted away to be replaced by a confused frown.

  "Don't you recognize me Master?" she asked. Her voice sent shivers down my spine that excited me even through her confused tone. I tried to shake my head, to tell her no, but I still couldn't move. The smile returned to her face and she laughed a deep, sensuous laugh that tantalized my nerves and made my cock quiver. Her eyes caught the movement and quickly glanced at my engorged organ, then back up to my face.

  "You don't do you?" she asked again. Impotently I tried again to respond.

  She shook her head, muttered to herself and laughed softly as she paced slowly from one side of my room to the other. When she walked towards me I couldn't tear my eyes away from the rhythmic bouncing of her large, perfect breasts. When she walked away I was equally transfixed by her firm ass and thighs. Oddly the tail didn't ruin the view.

  When she moved far enough away I could just make out her feet. They were cloven hooves. Her strong legs grew to what looked like a second set of knees, bent backwards, connecting to her calves like a shaved goat walking upright. When she reached the end of her circuit her wings would rasp together as she turned.

  She stopped her pacing at the side of my bed and looked at my nightstand. She walked over to it, silent as a shadow, and picked my wallet up. She opened it and took out my driver's license.

  "Salem Blackthorn, born January 18th, 18 years ago. You're the right guy." she said to herself as she sat down on the edge of my bed. Her tail twitched over my bare legs and this close I could smell a musky scent, strong but not overpowering, coming off of her. The scent made my head spin and my blood sing. My erection felt so hard that I thought it might split open.

  "I'm in the right place but you don't recognize me." she muttered to herself. She put my I.D. back into my wallet and placed it on my nightstand, her black wings hanging over my prostrate form. She turned her head to look at me, catching me staring at her heart shaped ass inches from my hand. I felt my cheeks flush at having been caught but she didn't seem to mind.

  "Well this is a very interesting predicament I find myself in. It makes sense that you wouldn't recognize me I suppose. Still I was hoping you'd know me when you saw me. It may take some time to figure out a way to make you remember so I'll need to make some arrangements."

  I stared at her, mesmerized by her face and voice but in utter confusion as to what she was talking about. "Still," she continued, "what am I to do with you in the meantime?" She looked at me with a very unsettling hunger in her dim glowing eyes as she asked her question.

  Her smile broadened and a new gleam entered her eyes as her tail trailed low over my body, touching parts of me that were much more sensitive than my legs. "I just had a wicked idea of what to do with you." she said.

  My stomach lurched and my already taxed heart sputtered as the woman stood up and walked to the foot of my bed. She must have noticed the change in me somehow because she froze in mid stride and placed a single finger on my chest. Her finger was impossibly hot and it felt like she was searing me with her touch. My body buckled and I tried to scream but the only noise I made was a pathetic whimper.

  "Relax. It won't hurt if you relax and stop fighting me." Through the blossoming pain I tried to calm myself, to do whatever she asked as long as it would make the pain stop. Through clenched teeth I tried to talk, to beg her to stop hurting me but to no avail.

  Slowly the red haze cleared and the pain was gone, replaced by whisper delicate warmth that spread through me. My heart still beat fast but it was more rhythmic, closer to being normal. "That's better." she whispered.

  As quickly as it had started the sensation ended when she removed her finger. A tiny red bead of crimson was left behind from where her claw had gouged me. When she saw the blood her cheeks flushed a little and she bent her head down to my chest, her luxurious hair cascading around her face and over my chest like a dark curtain.

  Her nose was a hair's breadth above my warm skin and I could hear her take a deep breath just above the tiny blood drop. With a slow deliberate movement a long serpentine tongue slid out from between her black lips and licked the tiny drop. She moaned as a slight shudder passed through her body when the blood and her tongue made contact. Her saliva warmed my skin in tingling pulses.

  From inches above me she looked me directly in the eyes. Her eyes glowed through the sheet of her hair. She gave me a satiated look but it didn't last. Raw lust gleamed at me in the dark while her finger trailed down my ribcage. "Waste not. I think you enjoyed that almost as much as I did, I'll have to remember that." she said and then kissed my skin.

  Electric shocks spread through me from every point where her lips made contact. My stiff cock throbbed and pulsed as I felt her nipples sliding across my abs, leaving trails of liquid fire. With one free hand she grabbed my neck, not quite choking me but holding me firmly in place. With the other hand she raked her claws down my sensitive skin only hard enough to leave tiny red welts. My blood burned in my veins and my balls ached from the teasing touch of this woman or creature. Whatever she was I didn't care, I just didn't want her to stop.

  Ever since I hit puberty I have dreamed and fantasized about encounters like this. Most of those fantasies had caused a shortage of Kleenex in the house, which my mother had noticed but thankfully never mentioned. I was 18 and had never even seen a girl naked in real life before. I had seen videos online and God knows I have a lot of pictures stuffed between my mattresses, but never in my life had I ever felt anything like this. My God I didn't want it to stop.

  She must have sensed this or least been able to guess because she took her time. She didn't rush as she licked, kissed, and nibbled my skin, going lower and lower, careful to let no section of my body go untouched. Her teeth were long and sharp but she was careful not to bite too hard and break the skin. Still the mere thought of the pain if she did bite me excited me somehow. I have never been a big fan of pain, so why did the idea of being bitten appeal to me?

  As she moved lower down my body I could feel her breasts rub against my penis that caused all of my muscles to go tense. The woman froze for a moment and looked up at me through her hair.

  "My you are a sensitive one aren't you Master?" she asked.

  With her eyes still locked onto mine she slid up my body until my hot erection nearly slid out from between her breasts, then she slid back down engulfing me. She continued the slow deliberate motion, purring like a wild jungle cat.

  "You are so responsive Master; we are going to have so much fun together."

  The sensation was too much. Already I could feel the tell tale signs of the build up before ejaculation. My breath was coming faster and faster while every nerve ending in my body tingled. Since I usually took care of my orgasms myself I never really thought about my endurance and, while this may be wrong for any number of reasons and I was practically being raped, I didn't want to go off just yet.

  While the woman's one hand still held my throat she reached down with the other and grabbed my scrotum. Her touch was soft but firm as she gave me a tight squeeze, pushing my testicles down and back while tingling warmth spread through my groin. I was sure that the touch would have ended me right then and there but for some reason it calmed me, caused the build up to plateau and subside.

  "Not yet young Master, I'm not ready just yet." the woman said.

  After a few moments she took her hand away and placed it on my hip bone, followed by her other hand mimicking the movement. With a slow movement she slid down my body, dragging her hot nipples over my co
ck and thighs, to straddle my legs.

  "I must admit you're better hung than most of the humans I've encountered, though not the biggest I've worked with." she said while staring at my pulsing member.

  She looked me in the eyes for a moment and licked her dark lips with her long fleshy tongue. It was split at the end like a snake's tongue. The hunger in her eyes made me wonder what she was planning to do next, if I would still be whole after she was done. As if she had read my mind she winked at me, a look of wicked glee in her eyes.

  With aching slowness she lowered her face to my groin. I could feel her hot breath on my skin, causing the hairs on my body to stand on end. As delicate as a butterfly landing on a flower she placed a kiss on the very tip of my cock. The sensation shuddered through me like thunder, rolling from my toes to my scalp, and back again.

  She raised her head up and looked at me with a sly grin.

  "Do you want me to stop?" she asked. Hell no I tried to scream but I couldn't move. My fear was gone, chased away by lust and need.

  She lowered her head down again placing another kiss at the head of my shaft, this one with her lips partly open so only a fraction of me could pass her lips. With only that little bit of me in her mouth she slid out her tongue to caress the tender opening at the tip of my penis. I could just distinguish the two tips of her tongue flicking me, sometimes together and sometimes in separate directions.

  She stopped and lowered her face down further so I could feel her breath on my balls. With slow, sure strokes she licked my scrotum and testicles. She licked the seam between them and would alternate sucking my balls, first one then the other. While she did this she moved her hands down to massage the insides of my thighs and rub the tender point between my anus and scrotum with her thumbs.


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